(2014/01) January 2014

Haro haro!!! TGIF mummies!!!! Me here to tempt again! As usual, I woke up too early n got nothing better to do so...... Here goes:- image.jpg Chicken Carrot Peanut Soup, Stir Fry French beans tow Gua with hei bee n chilli, fried potato patties & fermented Beancurd pork chop! :p


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Please pardon my sibey bo Liao food postings dearies... Cos I jin bored at home... Bed rest la so nothing better to do.... 若有得罪之处请多多原谅hor... :D:p
wow...nice yummy food again..ur bb got kou fu wor :) Btw u cook daily lunch and dinner? Then u eat alone for lunch and dinner with hubby? U staying with ur hubby only? U know how to bake coz i like baking but not so good with it...
wow...nice yummy food again..ur bb got kou fu wor :) Btw u cook daily lunch and dinner? Then u eat alone for lunch and dinner with hubby? U staying with ur hubby only? U know how to bake coz i like baking but not so good with it...

I usually cook on weekdays only. Cook lunch n dinner two in one. Lolx. N eat with hubby. Staying with hubby and maid. Maid was employed to look after my dad but now he's in hospital lor. Bake I dnt know cos hor my house no oven. So wasted. I shd have bought and installed an oven last time...
I usually cook on weekdays only. Cook lunch n dinner two in one. Lolx. N eat with hubby. Staying with hubby and maid. Maid was employed to look after my dad but now he's in hospital lor. Bake I dnt know cos hor my house no oven. So wasted. I shd have bought and installed an oven last time...
Can always get a portable oven to bake! :)
hi mummies.. i am from may 13 mummy.. just to share something over here. hoping that it can benefit you all. congrats on your bfp bundle of joy!!! i suppose many would like to bf your precious ones. ;) just to share my story abt bfing and how i gt my supply literally boost up. I gave birth on apr 28 2013. my baby girl doesnt like to latch and she is quite an impatience person. so not being able to supply her with initial colostrum /milk, i gt really very gan chiong and upset, fearing that my supply wont be able to meet her daily needs. On third day after i discharge from hospital, my combined milk was only 20 ml. that was really pathetic.. so one of my forum mummy intro me super chlorophyll powder, this is to be mixed with any beverages and taste tasteless.. slowly my supply did increase. i am still drinking the super chlorophyll till now and still wielding 300 - 400ml per pump. I am really happy that i am able to buffet milk my girl. So mummies, if you are keen on the chlorophyll, you can wa me at 90258843. Its really a good supplement with many benefits at affordable price. :)
Hi mommies and mommies-to-be,
Is anyone looking for confinement nanny? Extremely reliable & trustworthy. She took very great care of me and my little baby, my first CN was the popular Siew Ling Jie, which I thought was a very good already.. Now my current nanny is even better! :) I am a fussy mommy and yet she can satisfy most of my expectation. I can tell she is very passionate in taking care of babies. She will talk/sing/ to them even tho she can go and rest.. Impressed she can take care of me, baby, cook, clean, feed at the same time. We all "blossomed" from her delicious cooking. Either my super fussy elder boy also gained significant weight! My hubby also keep praising her cooking. She is so good that I engaged her for 2 months :) So helping her to find her next job :) PM me if interested! ;)
Chilly sunday mommies.. MIA for almost a week.. lazy to log in.. haha..

My baby is kicking harder n harder.. nw I put my palm on my tummy will be able to feel e kick!!
Chilly sunday mommies.. MIA for almost a week.. lazy to log in.. haha..

My baby is kicking harder n harder.. nw I put my palm on my tummy will be able to feel e kick!!

Haro jt, mine can hardly feel leh. Just occasionally once in a blue moon got pop sensation nia. Haha
Dear mummies,

I am selling away my breast pump as stated below:

Preloved Medela Freestyle set (SG set) used for 6mths.
Condition 9/10, still under warranty

Complete Set in box includes:
1) Preloved parts (PersonalFit 24 mm breastshields with connectors, Valves/Membranes/Tubing)
2) Preloved Lithium ion battery & adaptor charger
3) BN Medela Cooler bag & ICe pack
4) BN Medela BPA breastmilk bottles with lids x4
5) BN Black microfiber tote bag
6) BN Hands-free kit

Additional item to be given: Simple wishes hands free breast pump bra

PM me if you are interested.
Or email me at [email protected]
I cnt even squeeze in my toaster leh. Hahaha

urs kitchen must be as small as mine...my kitchen also cannot accomodate any more kitchen appliances leh :(

Morning everyone :) blessed Monday!!
Ya it will be a blessed monday for my mother who now under operation. Mummies who read this kindly pray for my mum and tks so much!

mooncakes are very yummy..but i have already gained 7kg!! sobsss o_O
I also gained about 7 kg now hope will not gain more than 12kg for this pregnancy as my lst pregnancy gained only about 9kg.
urs kitchen must be as small as mine...my kitchen also cannot accomodate any more kitchen appliances leh :(

Ya it will be a blessed monday for my mother who now under operation. Mummies who read this kindly pray for my mum and tks so much!

I also gained about 7 kg now hope will not gain more than 12kg for this pregnancy as my lst pregnancy gained only about 9kg.

wah 9kg is very little leh! i also hope not to go over 12kg but at this rate...i'll most probably gain more than 12kg
hello mommies! just had my 21 weeks scan today and got to see the profile of my bb :)

i've gained 4kgs so far and my midwife warned me to watch my weight gain cause she says i will gain much more in my 3rd trimester. :( SO SAD!
but i am coming back to SG next week, so i will still satisfy all my cravings!
Hi Girls

Anyone using Clarins Tonic Oil for stretch mark prevention? I bought 2 bottles I love the smell but my mom doesnt like the smell (staying with her no choice so i have to let go). Original price at Clarins is $78.00. Letting go at $65.00 self collection.
Hi pyng, ya lor my kitchen too v small leh... Can't squeeze in anymore things Liao... Boohoo.... N yes dear will def pray for your mummy's op today!!
GBOB: u noe this is so not GOOD to post when i am so hungry waiting for lunch time to come!!!??? hahahhaa.... Yummmmy!!!!!!!!

just wait patiently.. the day to feel the kick to be more prominent will come.. i waited 4 5weeks more compared to #1..

yst went JB and during the jam, the kick was so obvious and strong.. must be protesting!!! haha
wah 9kg is very little leh! i also hope not to go over 12kg but at this rate...i'll most probably gain more than 12kg

ya coz lst pregnancy i control abit and dun dare to eat unhealthy food...so gain only 9kg plus i walk alot. This pregnancy abit nuar and my appeitie slighlty increased and eat almost everythings plus unhealthy food. So will try to control & cut down unhealthy stuff bit by bit....so hope will not exceed 12kgs. Scare wait bb big also not good.

Hi pyng, ya lor my kitchen too v small leh... Can't squeeze in anymore things Liao... Boohoo.... N yes dear will def pray for your mummy's op today!!

Tks so much and i appreciate ur prayer!
Jt, MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Paisei paisei... I tot mayb can "inspire" u gals some idea on what to eat? Wakaka

Pyng, actually got three dishes la, the other one is just sunny side up egg nia so no post. Only me dh n maid eat nia no need cook so many dishes la (I lazy)... Haha... Anyway inside the soup got many "Liao"... Got tomato la carrot la chicken meat la sotong la prawns la tofu la... Lolx
icic...btw curious ur dh not working or u mean dinner only? Dinner u will cook again or same dishes for lunch and dinner?

Btw can check with mummies, we must give ang bao to CL when they lst arrived and after they finished their service of 28 days right?
icic...btw curious ur dh not working or u mean dinner only? Dinner u will cook again or same dishes for lunch and dinner?

Btw can check with mummies, we must give ang bao to CL when they lst arrived and after they finished their service of 28 days right?

Lolx... My Dh office is walking distance to home so he comes back for lunch. Dinner will b same dishes la cos I lazy... Just cook once n eat for two meals lor. Hehe
Lolx... My Dh office is walking distance to home so he comes back for lunch. Dinner will b same dishes la cos I lazy... Just cook once n eat for two meals lor. Hehe

icic...can save lunch money! Huh sames dishes for 2 meals...i cannot leh unless the dishes are my fav...u got maid can ask her cook rite? hmm what is ur speciality dish?

So do you put in the 咸菜, 豆腐, carrots, tomatoes and meat to boil? any other seasoning?

for soup, i usually put chicken meat & bones and salt for seasoning...not sure GBBB izit the same. I prefer soup with strong flavour season using ingredients like meat, bones, veggies, spices & herbs to sweeten it. I very scare food served with MSG:mad:
hello mommies! just had my 21 weeks scan today and got to see the profile of my bb :)

i've gained 4kgs so far and my midwife warned me to watch my weight gain cause she says i will gain much more in my 3rd trimester. :( SO SAD!
but i am coming back to SG next week, so i will still satisfy all my cravings!
faye 4kg gain seems very reasonable for 21 weeks to be honest! i gained about the same amount at my 21 weeks, gynae has not made any comment. i'm currently nearing 24 weeks and have put on about 5.5kg out of my total "allowance" of 12.
Here's the recipe:-


I no speciality lah... I anyhow c recipe n cook de. My maid cnt cook v well but she can help me cut n prepare the ingredients lor... My DH dnt like her Chinese cooking leh... So I cook lor...

so nice that you will cook for yourself and hubby daily! haha never mind you cook, get your helper to wash up! :p my most hated part of cooking is the washing up and cleaning kitchen.
so nice that you will cook for yourself and hubby daily! haha never mind you cook, get your helper to wash up! :p my most hated part of cooking is the washing up and cleaning kitchen.

Haha no la I actually no cook everyday la... Weekdays will try to cook ah bo packet food back can b v seong on the pocket... N ya me same. Hate washing n cleaning, so helper just help me to cut prepare ingredients n wash up after I cook
icic...btw curious ur dh not working or u mean dinner only? Dinner u will cook again or same dishes for lunch and dinner?

Btw can check with mummies, we must give ang bao to CL when they lst arrived and after they finished their service of 28 days right?

pyng u engaging CL?? how much they charge?? just curious abt the market rate for nearing CNY.. but i know that have to give ang bao to CL on the 1st day and last day of their service..
pyng u engaging CL?? how much they charge?? just curious abt the market rate for nearing CNY.. but i know that have to give ang bao to CL on the 1st day and last day of their service..

2300 but my CL wanted to go back and spend cny...so she will leave on 28 Jan (will pay less if she work less than 28 days). For those cny mkt rate above $3k! However i not sure of the mkt rate for angbao...anyone can advise?
2300 but my CL wanted to go back and spend cny...so she will leave on 28 Jan (will pay less if she work less than 28 days). For those cny mkt rate above $3k! However i not sure of the mkt rate for angbao...anyone can advise?

think the one for starting can be a nominal amount for luck, dependent on budget. i'm thinking to give between $28 - $58? is that ok? ending one will depend on how happy you are with the CL's performance during your confinement ba. sort of like a bonus for her haha.
2300 but my CL wanted to go back and spend cny...so she will leave on 28 Jan (will pay less if she work less than 28 days). For those cny mkt rate above $3k! However i not sure of the mkt rate for angbao...anyone can advise?

Oh.. i tot u are one of them who engage to go thru CNY season also.. hee.. i heard some double the usual price.. i think the ang bao is up to u.. since u are already paying them the full rate.. maybe $58 shld be fine bah..

jt_junior, independent CL's rates typically go from about 2+k for never hit CNY, to 3.5 or more for hitting the CNY period i think. are you thinking of hiring one? alternatively there are agencies like PEM. think their rates may be more standardised, and if hit CNY should be about 3.5k. you could consider contacting them for quotes as well.
