(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !


Hi mummies,

just wanted to start this thread for all those who are ttcing the next bb to join in.. hope we can all share our experiences and get that BFP...

I'm in this thread too...
Thanks bewildered!
Hope I can still catch the dragon tail!
Else will be moving to the 2014 thread le... HB dun wan a snake baby...
Jarol: yeap yeap, Jiayou!

Huh? How come dun wan snake? I think they'r okie bah... But if i missed the dragon tail hor, then think will stop for a mth to avoid snake head clashing with CNY 2013, else everythg'd b so messy and expensive!! So if din catch dragon tail, will resume ttc only in jun bah..

Mayb ya can try convince him bah, coz tis likebb's nt so ez to get such tt wanting bb'd bring bb de, so no harm trying along the way?
Hello all,
I been ttc for first child for 2 yrs and am still ttcing.

Hope we can all get the BFP soon and embark to a new phase.

Need some advise,anyone can recommend which TCM is better for male issues? Dr Tan Siew Buoy or Dr Tan Kian Sing will be better?

Thank you...
WAH!! 2013 THREAD!!!

jarol: i thk it is a blissful thing to have a kid leh. snake or dragon or wat horoscope really doesn't matter anymore. This is what i thk aft i lost my boy... I jus wanna get preggy asap, hack care the horoscope...

Hi bewildered,

I wan to be in the Jan 2013 THREAD!!! ARGGHH!!! =D

Hmm... i also considered as ttc-ing for 2nd child ba... haa..

faith: this one i cannot help cuz i dunno...
jarol: how old are u guys? I thk maybe u guys still quite young. So hubby thk still have time can try lo.. For us, at least for me. Aft my loss of my boy, i desperately wanted another one. And i'm already 28(haven pass bday spo still 27) this year liao. Hubby is 29 liao lo....

Not young le... so cannto choose le.. =)
Bbfaith: erm, cant help much on the 2 docs..

Vanilla04: hihi!!! Yar, m so excite abt this Year 2013 thread tt i almost wanna go set up the Jan 2013 thread... Ahem, in the hope tt i can join tt thread formally aft tt... Heh heh, but in the end, finds tt tis abit weird for a non-preggie me to go set up a 'hey, i'm positive' thread... Haha...

Join here, more pple, livelier, else thread seems to move slow... ;)

Jarol: maybe hor, when yausing the computer or watever, then accidentally leave this thread open for him to see, then maybe he'll then appreciate the ttc journey n a positive may nt arrive just because he wants it to... This topic, really gotta discuss with him bah.. Good Luck!!

Whichever horoscope oso okie bah, tho personally, i wont go for one tt clashes with mine or hb's horoscope... Heh heh... But if strike, then tis still a blessing aft all...
think positive..
I'm 32 and my HB is already 40! And we know that ttc is not easy as we have been trying since last yr...
But guess he is contented with just 1 should fate decide not to let him have 2 now or then...
Hi Im new here...Im coming to 30 this year...thinking of planning for #2. My #1 is 17mths old girl..so hoping for a boy
i'm 33 and hubby 40 this year!
My #1 is 27 months old girl and we are now trying for #2..

Hope to see positive results soon..
my mense was 2 days late... Dunno y i still dun dare to check the result..perhaps im afraid of disappointment again.
vanilla,bewildered: Thanks for ur reply.

jarol: maybe try to talk to ur HB..No matter is a dragon or snake bb,most imp is healthy..is there a reason that he do not want snake bb?
bewildered: I really find u very familiar but i cant rmb where i met u leh.. I noe u talk to be abt my boy before in the TTC for #1 thread in 2012. Before that u also in the thread? How old is ur 1st child le? =D

Haa.. Nvm i oso got the same feeling as u, when i lost my boy. I wanted to get preggy so much, that i wanna set up the Dec 2012 thread.. LOL... In hoping to join the thread asap.. keke.. =P

ya really.. Which horoscpoe really doesn't matter anymore le.. =D

jarol: Oh i see.. Sorry, my bad... U got ask him y dun wan snake ma? Seriously, when ur age goes up, u need to do more test when u got preggy.. Also u r exposed to more risk leh.. Not for the sake of bb but for ur health leh.. I thk this is another issue to u guys to be concern ba.. I mean that what i thk la.. Ur health more impt leh.. =(

Mrs Tan: Welcome! I also Mrs Tan leh.. keke.. =D
Jarol: oh... My hb took some convincing too.. Then hor, he realised sthg on his own... Our #1's a girl hor, if #2's a boy hor, by the time, the boy finishes NS and all hor, we'll b sooo old ler... -_- if girl girl still ok, but coz #1's a girl, so m actually hoping #2's a boy, just like mrstanwj... Heh heh...

Anw, with tt thinking of his, tt he doesnt wanna work till sooo old and kids'd still be so young, so he gave the okay to proceed... Heh heh...

Somemore, the thinking's tt if one's mentally prep or ok to have another child, best to try sooner than have the bb come when ya older, then harder to manage with decreased energy levels too.. So tt's why we pref to try now and see how, rather than just see how, coz there's a difference between actively trying and just waiting...

If ya really keen, then still the best to have a talk with ur hb first... But in the meantime, hope tt ya'll have ur dragon bb to avoid all those further discussions wit ur hb!!

Dun stress n jiayou!!

Mrstanwj: helloe!!
how come dun wanna test leh? Ya can tahan the suspense? ;p
bewildered: haha cant tahan really! but im telling myself, is alright if negative. Try again lor (though my hubby and myself are not young anymore.) haha. I will take this period of time to take more tonic to build up my immune system. To try for a bb boy, have been changing my diet all this while. haha
anyone here have tips for cases where HB troops are low in concentration and motility? HB is 34 this yr..

feel so disappointed every mth and don't know what can i still do to increase chances...
faith:how do you know your HB's condition?

Sometimes i do wonder whether whose is having problem..my hb or myself..
Mrs Tan: he did a sperm analysis test..how long have u been ttc? if more than a yr,gynae will ask him to do the test..but dunno whether is accurate coz half a yr ago,he did and is normal,recently he did and the result turns out bad..
rene_rene: welcome! ur #1 is a boy or girl? initially i still tot am i trying for #2 too early coz my #1 is only 17mths old

faith: oh just ttc for only a few mths back. could it due to his recent work stress or change of diet?
Bewildered, how are you? I think you got hope leh...
I think I am out bah... Already 13dpo... Only waiting for af come come faster come..
Missy: welcome!!! New start, new hope... Tis gonna be a gd yr!!

Prosper: actually i oso dunno if there'll be any positive later on, tho abit disheartened wit the negative on 12dpo but m still believing coz somehow, i just had a weird feel aft the 1st bd... Dunno whether m too fixated on bb making or wat... Heh heh, but i just had a feel... Hope tt my belief n the feel'll not disappoint.. ;)

As long as af's nt here yet,wont think negative thoughts bah..
Mrs Tan:I also don't know what went wrong,think he lack of exercise ba and he don't see his diet,anyhow eat...

bewildered:hope u will get ur BFP another few days..woman instinct very accurate..haha...
Bbfaith: thx!! Tis an unexplained feel but it feels kinda gd... Haha, so will just believe it!! ;)

Vanilla04: oh, actually i like to browse thru different threads, been reading ttc threads as well as the monthly preggers thread and jus reminiscine abt those preggers days...

I rem reading ur post on a sunday, it left me stumped and lost, felt so painful and all... M really really glad tt ya mge to stand up again!! Really really happy and glad...

Everythg'll just flow smoothly and all's gonna be good in the end... Let's Jiayou together!!
love ur bubbly post in the prev thread, so nice and the mood's really infectious!!

Let's all work hard n wil some luck and strong belief, all our wishes willbe granted, tis only a matter of time..

My girl's 2+yrs ler n i really miss those preggers day.. Those were the days...
Bewildered: ya... I'm also amazed by how fast ij manage to stand up.. But there r days that I'll still cry, lately I've been crying, this week I probably cried 3 times Liao.. ESP now when Castiel EDD is getting nearer n nearer. And the may thread mummies pop 1 by 1.. I felt happy for them but at the same time how I wish I am 1 of them..

Still.. I had to get myself preggy!!

I'm very positive for this cycle. Haa.. Felt tat I'll strike!!! And she's gonna be a GIRL!!!!!

Provided I muz O la.. Haa.. Then I can move to Jan 2013 thread!!! Muahahahhahahaa.. Now CD12 today, perhaps another 5 more days till I can test positive for O.. Hee.. =D

So happy!! So looking forward to this cycle to my O day!!
Hello ladies! Popping by to say HI!!!

** Waves to missy, propers, bewildered, joyful etc ***

CD20 for me, waiting for AF to report. Must work harder for the next cycle.
bewildered,vanilla04: both of you are so positive..maybe coz i been trying for 2 yrs already and disappointed every mth,make me wonder whether will i ever strike 1 day..

pple say,with positive thinking half of the battle is won! Jia You!
faith: have to leh.. If not sure wun strike de lo.. haa... I believe its all in ur mind... I believe i will strike within 3 cycles and i definately WILL!! hee.. Provided i got O... If i nv o den forever i wun strike ma.. But if i can O i definately will strike within 3 CYCLES!! hee... =D

Lets, all move to Jan 2013 THREAD!! =D
Sorry ladies, I'm very blur with all the abbreviation here. Can someone explain what is 13dpo, CD12 and AF?
* Copy and Paste from another Thread which i used to be in...*

Here's a glossary for your easy reference ;)

AF = Aunt Flo (period)
BFN = Big Fat Negative (preg test)
BFP = Big Fat Positive
CD = cycle day
DPO = days past ovulation
BBT = basal body temperature
CM = cervical mucus
EWCM = Eggwhite cervical mucus
BD = "baby dance" (sex)
HPT = Home pregnancy test
LMP = Last menstrual period
OPK = Ovulation predictor kit
2WW = two-week wait (after ovulation and before period is supposed to come)
Hello ladies,
wah, everyone shifted to 2013 thread. I'm ttc for #3 and also hoping for a boy too.

Mrs Tan,
I'm also mrs tan too. missed my menses for a week but dun intend to test yet cos totally no preggy sign except for a very bad low backache.

*wave hand*
Bblove, why u dun wanna test? I feel that test early can get anything prevented. If you are afraid of knowing ur hcg low cannot detect early, then u shd get it tested just in case. Just my opinion.
Vanilla04: haha!! Seems like ya also have v strange unexplained feel hor? Tis a v strong feel right? Sthg tt one cant put our fingers to, but it sure does feel good to believe and trust tt feel!!
hope tt ya'll graduate in 3 months or less!!

Ya cont monitoring for o n dun worry too much... My o disappear in feb and mar and i had done almost anythg tt i can do to try to get it back to be in time for Jan 13 bb, like gg to gynae for u/s to determine tt all's ok n visiting chi sinseh to at least get af back for a new start and just when m abt to give up on tt feel coz if i dun o soon, there'll definitely be no chance of a Jan 13 kiddo, who knows, the chi med actuall seems to induce o instead!! Haha, fr the timing, it looks tt the kiddo, if strike, will beearly Jan 13 bb!!! So somehow thgs jus seemtofall into place..
so tt'sy m keeping my mood up n believe... The missing o came back somehow, wh at leastgive the hpt negative/positive a chance..

So no worries, ya'll get ur o!! Go with the flow n believe, no stress!!

Bbfaith: haha, thx thx v v v much!! Really hope tt af dun come!! Haha!!

Tigress: Jiayou!! Heh heh, work harder n njoy the process! ;)

Bbjoy: hw come dun wanna test leh? Read somewhere tt luteal phase is more fixed aft o, ranging from10 to 16 days,so if counting fr o, exceed at least 16 days then got chance right? Ya really a determined person n can tahan the suspense wor!! Haha, peifu peifu...

Missy: hellow!! Dunno hw come got two thread, i went in to put ??? In the other thread then like shifted here coz more peeps!! Haha!! Loves reading the forum when have some free time at work, coz sorta can make me regain the perspective in life.. Heh heh, tt's to have more kids n work's just a part of life n nt everythg!! Haha.. Tt's what i tell myself when m so sian with work... Heh heh..

Jarol: see?! Tt's what i memtioned abt waking at odd hours n still feeling so energised!! Haha.. Went to bed at 10, coax a girl to slp in her own bed till 11, then hor, i sleep till ard 1am woken up by hb's snoring n till now, still cant get to slp, feeling so energetic.. Dunno y, definitely doesnt seem like preggie symptoms but i still believe the instinct!! Haha!!
Morning.. Seems like af going to report and my hubby, his father instinct says I am pregnant! Haha, but I really don't have any feeling except for the pain I have down .. Just the af reporting feeling.. This is my 2nd cycle..

Castiel's mummy- thanks for explaining the "codes"

Bblove- mayb u shld get tested coz high chance of getting preg! My mense was 4 days late. Prob I will get it tested this weekend.
