(2013 TTC after loss support group)

GBOB, you don't accept pm..
can turn on your pm?

Gbob no choice. Got to work on weekdays. So I just go and queue loh. Maybe buy mac to eat and wait there. Lol

At least got chair to sit
Saw doc. The blood clot is dissolving, so cause the spotting. Funny leh, only spot on wednesdays and thrusdays. Kns!
Anyway, foetus and heartbeat is still developing well.
Thx hopeful and shirley! Jus hope this is the last of all the scares. Damn unnerving!
Jus now brought my gal to sentosa, i cld not even enjoy. Keep on thinking
GBOB, I just woke up from a long nap. Seen gynae went back to my old gynae lucky didn't have to wait v long. No appt usually need to wait 2-3 hrs. Given med and cream. Sat going for day ops if the still swelling. All time low. Now need to look for someone to look after the toddler should I go for ops on sat. Tmr gg back to work even thou I got mc, too much work piling up. Hubs text me earlier telling me his frd preg w no 2. He asked sometimes back why I never take care of myself now can't try for no 2. He is upset, so am I. Sigh.
Hi babymilo, erm, is yr DH blaming u? Take a step at a time dear. All will b well de. I also dnt know wat to do with my dad and can only take a step at a time lor... 看开点.
Baby milo, how old are u? Don't worry. At least go for op = to take care of ur health. Once u heal Liao then try again.
we support u mentally okay! Jia you. Tell ur hubby at least for #1. U see ppl like me no #1 yet and 3 mcs Liao.

All my hubby friends, almost all, have 2 kids. And same age as us. Their 2nd kid either this year born or at least 4years old Liao. Cannot compare one. Very stressful. I got to enjoy my time with hubby when we have no kids. Just that now want to have more diff.
Baby milo , take care dont think too much . All fated de. Is urs then is urs . 看开点.

Yesterday my hubby went see fortune teller, he said we have 3 kids , may have or dont have. I take it as 3 pregnancy but actual successful rate not sure.

So i got no.1 and 2mc consider 3 pregnancy already???

Then i told my hubby , like that dont need to try already ba. At least we got 1 girl already .
Shirley I also got see fortune teller one. They tell me I have 2 kids but only successful when I turn 35. Lol. I 3mc Liao so still got chance one. Don't give up.
GBOB- DH not blaming but is upset.
Hopeful- I m 35 this yr.
Shirley- thanks for comforting, pray that God will bless me health and no 2 bb.
How to get rid of nasty cough? I want to faster recover from this bad cough!!!
My swelling at private area subsided, the liquid from the pimple like thingy came out. Gynae wants me to heal naturally refused to put me in op, as she said any op will have some degree of risk. And no guarantee it not will recur. Can't believe a clean freak like me will have such problem. So now less uncomfortable down there which is a blessing. Now I just need to heal my cough and be well. Drinking alot water too!
Wah I think cough always quite tough to recover. I also don't know how. Good to know that u are feeling better. Hope u recover soon and fully then get a no. 2.

Don't give up, 35 still good age to have one more
Jia you!
Hopeful mum , you are always so positive !! I hope I can get over this soon . Going back to work next Tuesday . I hope I can handle the work and col .
Try or not try for no. 2 wait for my body fully recover then said ba .
Shirley, sometimes I feel I rather get positive. It gives me hope in life. I want at least one child. I hope I can get one. Don't worry abt work, u will be able to manage. Somehow life goes on. I know of ppl (not very close) who has stillborn. It's so sad. I can't handle that. So maybe it's a good thing our body started rejecting the baby earlier? My cousin had her child, the baby pass away 5days later due to some infection. All these women are so strong and they are still living happily with the next pregnancy then a healthy baby. They inspire me. They make me think I shouldnt give up so easily. I can nvr compare a loss, and I don't wish it happens to anyone at any stage. But I guess we just have to live happily no matter what happens

Life goes on be it sad or happy so I try lah. Lol. Not easy so I wil breakdown at times and think negatively too!

Therefore I'm here to seek support mah

Jia you ladies, I'm sure we will get what we want!
Gbob cox I'm a night owl. And my parents had a big fight with bro. Sigh today supposed to go bcc right??? Though I slp 3 hrs wake up Liao hubby cannot. He rather take leave on weekday to go with me. Sigh so wait loh.

seeing my gynae later to check.
Hopeful, u r so strong, u will succeed one day soon, n your kiddo will be so lucky, cos he/she will have such a positive mum to guide him/her in life. We will be here to give each other support, n when we finally succeed after all the heartache, our success will be even sweeter. Good luck for your gynae appt, hope everything is ok.
Hopeful, nvm la since your DH willing to take a day leave to go c BCC during weekday, I think better cos the q not that horrendously long if u go early early. Mayb can ask yr DH to do a spermies analysis test first before gg to c BCC? Then I think he only needs to go once only to c BCC n from there BCC will just give meds for him to bu (if he needs it) n he no need go c BCC every visit Liao but as for u u will need to go c once every month ba. All the best for your Gynae apt deary.
Sucks. Gynae says of I don't stop bleeding has to go for a d&c. My boss isn't around she is on leave and I'm covering her. Plus I really don't wanna go on mc anymore. Also I rather not have d&c. Argh! Bleeding please stop!
bbcripps thanks so much for the encouragement

GBOB: hubby wont go testing unless dr ask him to. lol he ego lah.lol then he says if i can get u pregnant so easily then he shd be fine. lol
Hopeful, did yr Gynae do a scan for u? If natural mc, isn't it normal to bleed for a certain period of time? Oh btw yr DH is right! Dnt think he's got any prob! Hahahaha... Silly me...
his sperm qty and speed is prob ok. but maybe nid to chk his sperm quality and whether any genetic issues which cld be causing the mcs. if he is clear, it will be easier to work on u.
cos men only nid to do dat 1 test which cost lesz than $100. women hv a lot more test to do which are very ex.
Gbob. He did scan. I scan until I Sian. Every week scan. Normally max abt 2 weeks. I still bleeding but little bit. So he says "u bleed little bit might have a lot left. So need to monitor probably good to d&c".

Juju I go on thurs and ask if hubby needs to do sperm analysis loh.

Thanks gbob and juju: u all very sweet to still pop by here. Now very quiet hor.
Gbob don't know yet. I'm trying to drag calling the dr. If go will be this fri. Hopefully all clear. Birthday go nuh , fri on leave also go d&c. This year birthday very sad. But my bleeding really slowing down. I try not to lah. Already bled so long liao, don't want to go through tr ordeal. The thing is, I ask on 7june before need d&c or not. Monitor monitor. Now then ask me go. Angry. Lol. See how lah. See if do in nuh got subsidy or not. Lol.

But if really do ill go back to my dr lah. More comfy with him.
Cannot wed my boss not back yet. Need to hold the fort. Thurs on leave. Then maybe go do on Friday. Guess no choice cox I'm still bleeding ! Argh

Wed go eat good meal with my hubby. Lol.
Hopeful , still got some spotting . Tmr going back to work hope k get it off . But sure will have ppl will ask me where I go . Haha especially those from diff team . I have to repeat my story or choose to dont said ? See how ba ..

Take care ya !!
Hopeful, I am fine, much better. Thanks for asking abt me. The haze really bad. Can you get a close person to company u for d&c, in case you needed extra pair of hands to help, just a suggestion.
I drank pineapple juice during my menses to clear it off. Not sure if this works. My body is the heaty type, nasty cough was also heaty type. Wonder how to Jog given such bad haze. I prefer to jog in park, cos is zero cost. See how it goes. Hope to try again in jul.
Shirley, no need to tell if u r not comfortable. Just keep quiet and ppl who r smart will get it. Only trick how to handle those who r kpo. Take it as it comes, don't think abt it.
babymilo, good to know u are feeling better. ya dont run now, it will worsen ur cough. also u shd rest well now if u really want to try again in jul. but u going for an op right?

yes if i go D&C i will ask mum to go with me. so she can make soup etc. lol she sat me down ask me to rest my body. dont try so fast.
Hopeful, hi hi I'm here *waves* Sorry no time to drop in, my hubby had fever for 2 days, suspected dengue, so had to jaga him n do all the housework myself. Lucky so far his blood test ok. This smelly haze is not helping matters, make my eyes n throat so itchy.

Sorry to hear abt your possible d&c... hope your scan on Fri will show that it's all cleared out n u don't have to go for the procedure. But if really u have to go, pls have somebody with you, cos u might still be groggy fr the GA. Take care babe. {{{hug}}}

My first period after my miscarriage is very weird, it never got heavy, still steady flow for abt 3 days, then spotting brown for 4 days, n just when I thought its all done, there's red spotting again for the past 2 days *scratch head* My last blood test on 14 June still shows a positive hcg of 19, so hopefully it's just my body clearing out these last bits of pregnancy tissues.
GBOB, need to congratulate you! Have a safe and healthy bb forever! Really happy for you! Can't believed that turn out to be fine. Praise The Lord!

Yesterday I went for my 2nd d&c. I was diagnosed to have partial molar so need to monitor HCG from now onwards till I don't know when but hopefully it will drop quickly to zero.
I've made up my mind to stop TTC. DH and I have concluded to stop at one. At least I have one precious girl. Can't afford to put my health at risk anymore coz I'm not young. Anyway I'm moving forward and putting my concentration in my girl.
So girls, Jia you!

Btw if u girls don't mind, I'm giving away :
- 3 x 100's folic acid from unity pharmacy .
- 2 x Preseed
all are brand new, not open.
I don't mind paying for the postage but best to one place coz it will be send from overseas.

Hopeful, best to get it done soon coz delay too long also no good. You will be fine coz your mom will be with you. That will be even better coz she can take care of you. I got to cook my own confinement food, brew tonic and still have to cook for family. Pai-mia, lol. I got no choice coz residing oversea.
Hi hi ladies.

Ya I'm set to go d&c on Friday. Made appt Liao. Got to go, my bleeding everyday only fill less than 1/4 of the pad. Sigh

Today supposed to go but I don't want to take mc.

Bbcripps - ya u also must take care before trying again. Aiyo hope ur hubby gets better soon too. This weather is terrible. Making all of us sick. Think by next week ur hcg will drop back to normal.

Minnieluv sorry to hear that. Ya ur health is more impt. Ur little one and hubby still needs u. Molar is scary. So lets just hope for the best.

My mum will cook for me. So cannot complain. She keep telling me to rest and not get pregnant immediately. Lol.
Bbcrisps, u must take care of yourself also ok. Dnt tire yourself out too much also. Thank God your DH is clear of dengue. Praise The Lord.

MinnieLuv, thanks dear. I was v v v surprised too. Well, it's a miracle n I'm thankful for that. Erm but my worries ain't over yet cos not over first Tri yet so I m praying for the best n keeping zen at the same time. Deary, it's good that u n yr DH has come to a common decision. Whatever it may b, I wish u all the best

Hopeful, ((big bear hug)) hope you can skip the d&c this Friday. If really need to do, u take a good rest after d&c n do mini confinement. Thank God your mum can take care of u dear

Ladies. Got a scare just now. I had very very heavy bleeding supposed to be lesser. So went to clinic at 540. Dr waited for me for 40mins to reach there. The specimen I gave them show no signs of placenta plus my sudden heavy bleeding. They got me in to check. Another scan but can't tell if its ectopic. But they have very strong linkage that it could be.

Tmr morning I go in for an X-ray to confirm not ectopic. Then go for d&c. Cannot wait till Friday. And if X-ray shows ectopic they will try to do a key hole to remove the "embryo" and try to reserve the tube as much as possible.

Sigh so ya hub will be around. If surgery needed hubby will not go for the overseas trip.

For those who pray please pray for me that I don't have ectopic and the rest please wish me good luck.
