(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Mofmm, sorry I meant we DIDN'T do any insurance comparison

Really enjoying motherhood so far. It's more wonderful than I imagined. Hee hee.

Lil, u might wan to check whether your baby is latching correctly or not, cos shouldn't have sore nipples if bb latches on correctly. Good to hear that u r enjoying motherhood.
Good for you that your CL is able to help you out.
Hello all, finally have some time to post something as bb naps...

Time passes very fast.. Baby is already 2 weeks old as of yesterday Sunday. I do not have much milk to offer to bb so now on fm. Bb jaundice still on monitoring ...review last Saturday is at 110... So review again this Saturday to see again.

I done my stitches removal on 29th and everything is ok. Next appointment will be in a years time. Have bought 2 thank you cards for dr tan and dr Khoo so will mail out soon ...

Bb is very active and likes to stretch out her little arms and legs and sometimes can kick me ...ouch ... Guess her mannerisms insider tum tum continues as she is an infant now..hehe...

I will be going bk to KkH private children clinic for her review this coming Thursday morning. I was assigned to Dr Frances Chia. Anyone know her?

Talking about insurance, I am thinking of endowment plan and hospitalization/medical plan for bb first. So am arranging a apptmt to see my planner soon

Weather wise, these few days super hot... After my herbal sponge bath, I perspire again... Sigh but no choice lar. Bb also perspire a lot in this kind of weather. Not to mention, my house downstairs got construction work going on and cannot open much of my windows as it is very very dusty.
Alison, I am using Klorane dry shampoo. Available at guardian pharmacy. A spray bottle cost $15 I think, but can last long. I bought two bottles.
Sade, admittedly my latching technique is still not that good. I think half the time I'm wrong. Trying to unlatch and relatch whenever it's wrong but sometimes see baby suckle so blissfully feel so bad to interrupt him. Will try to be more strict and make sure the latch is correct for long term well being!
Girl girl: how coming ur pd review so fast. My is in July at the private children suite. Mofmm: how abt yours? Can we choose pd?
Saralyn: I have blocked ducts and I used warm pads from avent and press on the breast for a while, massage and pump out . Maybe u wAnt to try .
Lil Ponyo : glad u are enjoying motherhood . Mine confinement was full of laughing and tearing . I hope I can get over this period soon and my hormones get back to normal .tomo night I will be fully on duty for my bb as CL is leaving tomo sat night I have a good cry and feel better.
Sade, I went to the gynae.

I just got the meds to stop milk flow but haven't taken it. Came back for one last pump (yes, the last is never the last). It's more difficult to give up than I thought. It's like a breakup - you feel sad and lost.
lil do try to have the correct latch cos its painful to nurse with a cracked nipple. yes for long term well being!

psp I m also klorane dry shampoo. actually I also dont like it.

koirc yes I can understand those feelings. I dont know when to stop. when I think abt it, I feel sad alrdy.
Babysmurf, coz bb was born with some face bruising. According to my doctor, usually bb is engaged face facing inside mummy tummy, but for her case is face facing outwards. So that is why lor. But her bruising has faded much, so just go back for review.

Sigh. Weather v hot till my bb girl perspiring like crazy. Poor bb....
Girl girl: Icic. Yup the weather super hot. My mum don't allowed me to sleep in air com room only with fan allowed. So poor baby sweat with me. Now I let my girl wear short sleeve romper day n nite. Just the nite time cover her with diaper cloth.

My milk flow also like u. Keep pump pump also so little. Can only supply my girl 1 feed bm the rest with fm. So tired feel like stopping Liao.
Lil Ponyo : dun give up. After u taught the bb the right way to latch, they can find ur nipple themselves and bite it themselves with little assistance ... From my experience.

I think nipple cream really helps . I applied after a pumping or latching . I have sore nipples initially after a few rounds of latching in the hosp .
Hi sade, thanks to you. I also bought great eastern insurance. But didn't know it cover emergency c sect. cos my previous 2 hospitalization were not covered. I just saw your message and quickly text my rep, glad to know it's covered
. Bill was over 11k. Hopefully, can claim some $ back.
This is the problem with me, I never read or find out what policies I've bought, so I've asked my hb to deal with BB's insurance.
Hi Sade and Znatasha, you mean the GE insurance we bought when we did IVF covers emergency c section?

Hi Lil, glad to hear you sounding so upbeat and that you are literally bursting with joy at motherhood. Enjoy
and yes, relax and let the experienced CL take care of you and baby and the cooking while you recover. This is the best time to gain back your health and to get things sorted like insurance, and to keep pumping to ensure you get a regular supply of BM. I have after 2 weeks, increased my supply to about 150ml per pump for both breasts every 4 hours - just nice for both girls who are taking about 70ml each now.

Hi GirlGirl, good to hear from you and could not agree more about the babies behaving as they did in the womb! Twin A is really a night owl! I also bought thank you cards for Ward 82 and Dr Tan - v grateful towards them when I look at my two babies.

Hi Babysmurf, strange - me same as you first PD appointment in July only but I have to go polyclinic twice a week for their jaundice levels until below 100. Tomorrow got to do liver test at the clinic - draw even more blood. Feel sorry for them getting their heels pricked.

Hi Psp, I have one bottle of new/unused dry shampoo bought from Watsons. Brand is Batiste which was recommended by CGH pharmacy when my mum had her ear op. l

Today my CL wanted me to change to cloth diapering for the twins as they had a bit of diaper rash. Drove to centrepoint Robinsons to buy lucky now having 20% off Pigeon and Avent products. Left 3 packets of Huggies NB size to be used for nights. Lucky bought 12pkts the other time but I must say that I prefer Goon's quality to Huggies.
Think the sleep deprivation is getting to me - had the worst quarrel ever with my husband last night. Sigh.
znatasha, I also dont know that it covered pregnancy complications. I din call my agent but I rec a claim form few days aft I was discharged. n I rec my claims in less than a month. v fast n prompt service.
I only paid $1k plus for bb pd n the rest was covered by insurance. abt $8k cos I only stayed 2nights in hospital. shortest c sec stay. if I knew that can claim then I will stay in even better ward n extended few more nights. hehe.
if I rem correctly, also can claim post natal checkup within 100days aft u discharged.
but its quite weird that ur case is not submitted automatically. which hospital did u gave birth in?

mofmm not that insurance. its hospitalization insurance.
Mofmm, your CL apply the diaper cream on the girls' bottom every diaper change generously? Once my boy had a bit rash and i quickly apply more and its gone after awhile. Cloth diaper washing v tiring cos nw they poo almost every meal? Luckily your CL good, dun mind the trouble. Lucky you.

Sade, wah you save alot leh. Can claim $8k. I told hub i shld go buy for nxt preg.
Hi Reikibaby, wah you already planning next pregnancy!

Yup she applies the cream from the polyclinic doctor all over but I also go in more often to check on the twins bottoms n perform diaper duties. Looks much better after we change to cloth but will go back to disposables once they are better. My CL staying with me for 3 months and is quite happy here. Guess she don't mind the extra work coz I have a maid to help wash the laundry and hang! I am thankful that the maid is good too! Reikibaby, what is the best brand is diaper U have used so far? I am liking Goon v much
Good morning ladies! I finally did my LAST pump yesterday and took the medicine. It's funny milk was dripping down after that and I feel so sad I cannot let my boy have the milk.
I still woke up at 2+ and 5+. I think the body is already attuned to it. Looking forward to a good sleep tonight. But still will wonder if I could have pressed on further. Anyway, no turning back liao.

Btw, the GE ins you ladies talking about is the one we bought for IVF?
Hi Koirc, Sade said it is not the IVF one but GE hospitalization plan for the mamas that they have. I texted my insurance adviser this morning to check for income hospitalization plan. It's a bitter sweet ending to the bfeeding but everything good or bad has to come to an end. Remember how hard you tried, how you succeeded and the reasons why you had to stop. Don't look back now esp when it can't be undone.
Dian tang, thanks for the tips. I will try that.. I have been massaging the right breasts while pumping and I can see slight improvement.. I got the avent hot cold compress too. Very lazy to use coz need to heat up first.. I already got no time to pump now in the day coz looking after the boys..

Ladies, my boys have been very cranky in the morning.. Always crying and want people to carry to sleep.. Any help for this?

Lil ponyo, so glad you are enjoying motherhood! Rest well now.. And keep up the good work in pumping your breastmilk!

Mofmm, you have every good supply.. At 2 weeks you can collect so much!

Koirc, look forward! You did your best for your past few months. Bf is never an easy task!
Lil, v happy that u are enjoying motherhood! As bb gets older, latching technique should improve. Did the LC give you any feedback or tips? I went back to see her twice after discharge, got some really good tips. Yes, take all the help u can get from your CL! Impt to recover first.

Koirc, I nearly teared when I read your post, especially when u said its like breaking up! Sometimes I think we give ourselves too much pressure to bf. my hubby keeps reminding me there is so more to caring for bb than bf, and most impt is to be a relaxed happy mummy.
Hi mummies! Congratulations on the birth of your babies! I'm abt six weeks pregnant after first FET.. Can I ask if any of you delivered in mt e, and the rough cost and experience? My ivf dr delivers at mt e, and I quite like her, so thinking of going there, but concerned may be very ex. Thanks in advance for the advice!
Mofmm, maybe you want try other diaper cream see if it works better than the one prescribed. I'm using Gaia soothing lotion for my boy, cos Gaia suits sensitive skin. I love Merries. Haha..yet to try Goon... Wanted to get at expo, but din wan to stock up so many diapers since im already getting a carton of Merries L and XL each.
My gf said Merries cutting is slight bigger than Goon, issit true?
With CL and maid, you can realli rest as much as you can. Also your princesses will be realli well taken care of.
I want another one but dh is not keen for meto go thru another FET. Unless natural, so will see ow bah. Anyway need rest for 6 months at least. But i do miss getting pregnant cos my hairloss was so much reduced and skin so good...

Hope, Koirc, are you gals experiencing lots of hair dropping?
Mofmm and Saralyn, just when I say things are rosy, baby was cranky last night. Not sure if its a growth spurt but he was waking up almost every hour wanting a feed. But at Day 6?! He was screaming too and seem to want comfort of my boobs though he is not hungry. At 4.30am CL brought baby to me so that I can sooth baby with skin on skin contact. Within moments he was quiet and asleep! Oh dear, I can't let this become a habit as I'm already guilty of not enforcing good latching from the start. Now seems tough to correct but will persevere.

Sade and diantang, after I manage to latch on properly, after a few suckle, baby will make his mouth small and hold only the nipple. Then I try to unlatch and relatch. Hopefully this will break his bad habit over time. Sometimes I'm worried he is just sucking but not getting anything milk because of wrong latch. In a way bottle is better because I can see exactly how much he is drinking.

Koiroc, I can imagine how you feel but be proud of yourself and look ahead.

Mofmm,, what you wrote about 'everything good and bad has an end' is so true. Could be my hormones, but when I read that I teared!!! Hopefully, you and DH are cool now. Like you said, it's a time of adjustment for all. Take care. For my DH, he told me that he feels redundant. The CL has taken over everything and I can breast feed. That leaves nothing for him to do. So now I try to find things he can do with baby in the evening like bottle feed, etc.

Saralyn, I don't use proper warm compress. I just use a face towel soak in warm water and sometimes I massage during my warm shower.
babysmurf, i sleep in aircon room but the vents are pointing upwards... then day time is fans circulating lor.

i feel like melting at home....help~~~~

once i dreamt of drinking coke and eating sashimi.... unsatisfied craving :p
Reiki, yah having hair loss now. Wanted to color my hair but now don't dare coz scared will make it worse.

Koirc, I salute you for going through everything on bf. Now that my supply goes hay wired I do get upset at times and DH gotta keep reminding me its ok. So I can't imagine what you went through. I guess bf or not we are all Wei da mummies! I gotta keep reminding myself! And I'm so happy that I met u gals here so that we can share and vent out frustration and woes.
Hope, this haywire supply also upsets me. So ive decided to jist latch baby in the day. Then wat i pump will be for his feed when he wakes after the long night slp cos i be too tired or dreamy to latch. Haha... Like tat i dun need stress over the amt. Then his last feed will be fm. Btw i was told tat if af reporting, supply will also reduce... i had some bloatedness few days back so wondering if af coming... haiz
Iil ponyo, your boy is asking for comfort feed only.. Same as my boys.. We thought he is on growth spur n so keep feeding him! But I made a big mistake. It becomes a habit for him n he constantly crying for milk at night time to sleep.. Now I force him to wait at least 2.5 hours for his next feed and he will just cry non stop but will fall asleep inbetween..

When you massage it during shower, your milk won't leak? Mine will that's will I don't do that. I only massage during pumping so that I won't waste any milk..
Hey ladies, I just went for my scan at kkh. Now at 9.6Weeks. Edd 2 Jan. Getting earlier. They have arranged me to go for my first trimester screening. Is it the same as Oscar? They sd it's to scan for down syndrome.
reikibaby yes I saved on my hospitalisation fees. hehe. u started to drop ur hairs? thou only aft 4months then will drop. me only started lately.

lil yes growth spurt for these 2days cos bb lost their reserve n now drinking to gain birth weight. for me I fully latched my bb for first month as it can help to inc milk supply n calm bb down. if I din rem wrongly, need 5wet diapers and 3okay size poos and bb to gain back birth weight within 1-2week then bb is getting enough.
my bb loves to suck n from the first time I nursed her, she did it correctly. maybe she is overdue hence can suck well.
btw what is ur bb weight when u delivered him?

bb n hope I kept on worrying that my supply will be low even thou its been 4months plus. its really a bittersweet relationship of bf. my friend nursed her son for 1yrs plus n told me that she don't bear to stop the bonding. cos as ur bb grows older, bb will interact with u when nursing n this made the bond even deeper. anyway its a passing phrase.
Nidellia: for KK, they call Down syndrome scan is Same as Oscar.

Lil: your boy is getting used to the new environment. Swaddle him n carry him at night. Mine 1st 2nights also like that. Let him used to the environment now getting better. Can get your DH prepare for your boy full's mth Liao.

Girl girl: me too melting at home. Another 2wkends to end my confiment. Now preparing for my girl full mth happen to fall on father day as well. Heehee this 1mths at home make me like wang lian po. Hair so messy. Yuppie time can get my massage.
Saralyn: u try the hot compress when u have blocked ducts . And massage and pump. Or latching also helps .. For my case.

Lil Ponyo: sometimes my boy also stop sucking and bit on to the nipple . I just tickle him and he continue . Or maybe can unwrap him if he is wrap as he may be too comfort and fall asleep .

Koirc : so when u eat the medicine, no more milk ?
Babysmurf, yes bb full mth on father's day as well. Soon to order cakes and buffet

My post natal massage haven't started yet as c sec need to wait at least 3 weeks. Sian.

My wish list is to go for hair spa and massage soon.

I haven't encountered hair loss or wat. But I think my boobs have shrank by a bit. Bb these few days want me to carry her as she feels hot sometimes.

Hope tomolo PD checkup can be smooth sailing.... Heehee...
Ladies do buy hospitalisation insurance plan for your bb if possible, being reason that now medical fees are high and also when bb now is fine, then better buy before anything happens, so that there is no exclusions. And also I heard from my friend that her son had high fever 2 weeks back n was hospitalized for 5days and medical fees cost almost $10K. So it's better to buy asap.
reiki baby so do u pump once a day at night when bb feed fm?
if so can feed ur bb that bm sin u latched bb during day time.
Hi mummies

Any of you tried drinking raspberry leaf tea during your last 2 months of pregnancy? It is supposed to help with contractions and milk supply... don't know if it works?
Reiki and Sade, mine really mad these days. You know I can pump only like 60 ml foremilk for this pump and next pump went back to 200ml. Strange thing is I also don't know why only foremilk and that's after 6 hours interval. I don't know if my body is used to 6 hrs interval now? How ah? Should I try to shorten the intervals to stimulate more milk? Really abit Sian especially when I know I have milk going so well previously. Not sure if its the stress and tiredness of taking care of bb alone? I hope to bf till 6 months and there's another 3 months to go. Really hope things will improve.
Hi Reikibaby, I have never tried Merries - maybe need to see where can get free samples. Not sure if it is bigger than Goon's. Everytime I go Guardian and see Gaia, I'm tempted but the price is a bit on the high side. My CL suggested using QV skin repair so I bought a small bottle to try. Mothercare suggested Sudocream but I have the Aden and Anais soothing ointment already.

Hi Lil, maybe you can ask your DH to bottle feed as well as try diapering and talking to baby. Yup, our hormones are adjusting yet again so take comfort you are not alone tearing up occasionally, even with rest and support.

Hi Alison, there are many types of arrangements. My CL told me that she had to share a bed with a mama once while the hubby slept in the hall. If the CL is in a seperate room, she should bring the baby to you to bfeed when baby needs to.

Hi Babysmurf, how to calculate baby's first month? I thought if born 20th the first month is 20th of next month?

Hi Sade, yup agree about getting insurance asap. Getting quotes from AIA and GE this week. My Pru agent not around though till 7 June. May wait.
Mofmm: u r correct. But normally we do on the earlier wkend. As our baby's full mth fall on wkdays. Unless u don't mind to do at evening time. Thus I doing on 16 July. Heehee left only 2wkends to go.

Girl girl: I also do c-sect but my massage lady said can do it after 15days. Looking forward to my massage this wed. Haha
Yeah for insurance I do agree that hospitalization and education endowment is important. My planner will come and visit me soon to discuss more on the available options.

Babysmurf, Wah so nice can do massage. Heehee just thinking of massage will make you happy....heehee....

Ya usually full month is count for 30 days but as the date falls on a weekend, so I also do on the preceding weekend Sunday lor.

Recently keeping having every loose stools and my lochia seems to be abit heavier. Anyone sharing or had the same symptoms as me? I hope not to go back to KkH 24-hour clinic
sade, yes bittersweet is a good way to describe bf! I love nursing my bb and seeing his little jaw suck away, but on the other hand I put so much pressure and stress on myself, I become so down and miserable. My mood fluctuates with each feed!

How come you worry about your flow, from the sounds of it you've been doing a great job these past 4 months? How long do you plan to bf for?

Thanks for the reminder to get insurance - I just met my insurance agent today!
Sade, i do pump but mine is just like Hope. Sometimes can only have a total of 100. My boy drinking 160ml. So now baby only hslave bottle feed twice a day. One fm one bm. Rest latch.

Hope, i totally feel you. Im just the same. Simply hate it. Sometimes i pump and i know i still hv milk but just can pump out but bb latching can empty it well. And now even i dun pump for 6h i dun feel breast hard. I tink my breast also used to 6h pump. If pump at 3h the output can be less than 100. Even at 6h i still cant yield 160ml!!! Last time still can go to 150ml 3h and 280ml 6h. Depressing.
bb haha maybe I pressured myself. I guess at least one yr. what abt u?

reikibaby oic. does ur bb always finish all his milk? my girl doesnt finish sometimes. my menses came twice n my milk flow is still abt the same. I can pump 150ml in 4hrs n if 6-7hrs abt 180ml-220ml. n my breasts still can get hard if more than 6hrs. was awoken by hard breasts last night. I reckon maybe uhas drag the iinterval for few days hence ur supply is loke that. if u start to pump at 4hrs u will notice improvements again. but bb is still the best pump cos sometimes the breast pump cant seem to empty well. haiz.

really a bittersweet relationship.

koirc u better check for lumps now sin u had stopped bf. cos seems like u had just stopped suddenly. I dont really know what is a good way to stop cos I m not stopping yet. maybe go for a breast massage to clear any lump.

Sade, bb will latch me every 2.5-3hrly. And i guess he had his fill each feed hence can tahan that interval. My boy finishes his milk. Maybe cause i usualli try to drag to exact 3h or till he very hungry. Cos fm its the last feed so i hv to ensure he finishes t to sleep the next 9h. Then also the morning feed is the 1st feed after 9h so i make sure he finishes it. Lately i cant carry him for long. He seems to grow longer and put on weight. My hub and mum commented that he doesnt look like 2mth plus baby...
Btw, pneumoccol will cause fever?
