(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hi WhiteClover, Congratulations on the arrival of your baby princess! Wishing you an easy confinement period.

Hi Chevy, you could try upping your intake of chicken essence, eggs, birdnest and powder milk for pregnant mothers (basically protein) to help with your baby's growth (read this on the net!). Stay positive!

Hi Lil Ponyo, the Clarins stretch mark cream might come in useful. For baby's movements, I feel the movements without fail when I roll over gently and lie on my belly - the babies start squirming around when I do!

yes, the govt juz announced the enhanced package. Now a lot of ppl are discussing ...lolx. they upped the grant frm 50% to 75% for ART...
Paternity leave starts only in May!!! Unless ur hubby is civil servant or his company voluntarily starts early.

Baby bonus kicks in in Jan.
Girl Girl the grant is only if you do ART at public hospitals right?

Luv, yah lor.....those FTB (father to be) bb born before May wont be happy haha...totally understand. But I still welcome all the benefits more is always better!
kittykatty> for the baby bonus i tink it starts for BB born on/after 26 Aug 2012...

ya for ART only at govt hosp grant. For pte hosp still no additional grants.
KittyKatty, what a shame! You're only 3 days away from the paternity leave entitlement!

I was hoping they institute it on 1 Jan!!!
Quoted from heybaby.sg:
"The paternity leave scheme will take effect from 1 May 2013. However, employers are encouraged to provide paternity leave to all eligible employees with children born on or after 1 Jan 2013. Any leave voluntarily granted by employers during this transition period (from 1 Jan 2013 to 30 Apr 2013) will be reimbursable by the Government."
Hopefully our hubby's company will be kind enough to grant before 1 May since govt is willing to reimburse.
Whiteclover I don't know her charges but should be more than $100+ for home visit. Her office no is 63476203. Read that to call her 8plus in the morning to her office no. Her mobile no is 98399477. She is known as sis kang.
Hi ladies, guess wat? I have popped! Hahaha..... Had a emergency c-sect yesterday as bb hb was slightly irregular. Turns out placenta detached thats y growth was slow. Now bb in nicu monitoring. Its all so surreal!
Hi Chevy, Congratulations!!!! What an unexpected surprise but what matters is that baby arrived safely and you are fine too! Rest well and take the period when bb in ICU to recover fully from your c-sec so u can enjoy the time with baby later! Congrats once more!
Hope I m still waiting. Ya had seen Dr n I m overdue. Omg! Requested for few days gotta induce aft that.

Chevy congrats! Hope everything is alright on your end. Din expect u to be earlier than me.
Omg Chevy Congrats!!! That is really a surprise. Is everythg okay? How's baby weight? Did Dr Lau handle everythg well and steady? You must have a good rest okay..Once again congrats to you and your families:D
Whiteclover I saw ur hb yesterday near the car collection counter ar 4pm. U discharging today?

Hope wanna keep it a secret first. Soon. Just only few more days.
Whiteclover do have more skin to skin contact with ur bb so that can establish breastfeeding. Drink more warm water before latching or pumping n also massage before latching or pumping.
Try to latch more often thou it's not easy for u sin u undergo c section. Bb is the best pump.
Overly prepared cos she's overdue. Haha. Made me so nervous n ppl been calling me if I had popped or not. Inc my anxiety.
Do Tmc served Longan red dates tea?
Oic, thou u r discharged today.
Ladies do you know which week will our tummy drop/slant downwards? Because I have felt my tummy dropping downwards already now at week 32, isit too early? Abit worried. But I can breathe better now
bb shower and luv, thanks. hope bb is alright. Nv expected to be overdue.

Bb shower, my tummy dropped down during week 38.
Congrats, Chevy. Really happy for u. My cycle buddy. Totally unexpected that u give birth 2 mths earlier. But nvm la, as long as BB healthy, timing not so impt. I still got 84 days to go.
Sade all the best!

Bbshower, I'm at week 32 also. Not sure if my tummy has dropped down yet though I still feel abit uncomfortable at times when I sit down coz baby seems to be kicking at my rib cage. Has baby turn head down?
Ladies, I have one silly qn... Anyone of you afraid that you won't know it's a contraction when contraction comes?

Although I have attended the antenatal class, I am still unsure if I know it when I feel a contraction! Hahaha...
Koirc, it's not a silly qn! I have the same thots too Hee. But I guess we will know coz will be painful and uncomfortable? Not sure if I'm right haha...
Hahaha... Hope, thanks for making me feel I'm not alone! I am exactly 2 months away from my EDD!!!
I'm also in the same boat as u ladies. Not sure how contractions feel like. I'm due in 3wks +, almost the same time as luv.
