(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

whiteclover, I don't plan on bringing to hospital. Will just latch on. If need be, get hubby to bring from home. Perhaps csect mummies will need pump more cos they may not be able to latch on straightaway.
babysmurf, are you feeling better today? What happened to u yesterday? Bloated, tightness of tummy?
Have you started to work?

Koirc, i agreed with reikibaby, your edd moved by 3 weeks earlier is really alot. Do u need close monitoring?
Luv, eskimo, wanna ask you....while we are breastfeeding, its there any food we should avoid? E.g prawns and nuts? In case baby allergic?

Sade, was trying whole morning to order nipple cream and the bottom cream from iherb, but whenever i choose the shipping method and also select sg, the items just dun appear in my cart. So frustrating. Btw, the shampoo body wash you got, issit the one with the orange one? Was reading the comments about it stinging the eyes if used as shampoo.... Yah the shampoo and body wash is oos now except for the refill bottle. I read that it uses foam bottle so it is like the kirei kirei hand wash...pump out is foam?
Guinness stout seems like a magic beer. haha. cos i rem Angela told me to drink guinness stout to clear my cysts before i started ivf. N now heard that to bath bb with a little of guinness stout.

N also last time, heard that if someone in the family passed away, during the 7th day which the soul will return, it's better to put 2 cans of guinness stout on the table so that the deceased soul can stay at the house for a longer period.
Sade, Angela told me to take stout to clear old lining if d2/3 scan shws thick lining. But think i wont try stout on baby. Later baby smell of beer.... Lol
Reki baby: just a few drops with the water to shower baby. Will make their baby Mei Mei one.

My mum experience with all my 3 nephews n nieces.
Reikibaby, ya its not a no tear shampoo and soap. So have to be extra careful when using it for bb, in case bb dont like it, i can also use it. hehe. Yes that's the one. Always out of stock.
I din encounter any pro when purchasing from iherb. Hmmm, let me try and let u know.
Sade: not too sure what happen. Maybe my girl girl toss n turn inside the whole day. Then just below my right breast got 1 bump coming out. My dh also can feel it.
Back from checkup. Dr said ah b small at 28th wk..... 900g
Any advice on increasing bb wt? Beef? Durian?
Oh btw, popped by the Albert hawker centre 3rd floor but cldn't find the shop that sells bb clothes..... Must b pa jiao hahaha..... Instead a lot selling dried goods n tidbits
it really depends on you. for the first few months, it's good to avoid food that can cause high allergy like peanuts and seafood but as they grow older u can be more adventurous as long as baby don't show signs of allergy, but i also know of some mummies who don't avoid such food as long as baby is ok with the bm.

it's better not to use the foam type for the initial months as u just need a few drops of the soap into water. don't apply direct.

u mean the shop opp the waterloo street temple isit? it's not at albert hawker centre. u have to walk in from opposite temple not from the hawker centre side. it's on the ground floor.
Babysmurf oh i see, hehe, sometimes, when i get uncomfortable with bb kicks, i will change my positions or walk around. n tell bb that it's hurt.
Chevy, if you are not high in glucose level then go pop in some durians. How much wt did you gain so far? You taking any tonic soup? Take more proteins...meat and eggs.

Sade, the iherb driving me nuts.... Argh....
Eskimo, got it. Thanks. Cos seems like bb do get eczema even though parents dun hv. So wondering anyting got to do w the food we take while bf.
btw oni J&J prdts not recommended. Kodomo oki hor.
Reikibaby, I guess so long as you eat a healthy, balanced diet, will be fine for BF. Of course, avoid undesirables like alcohol. Some mummies also say that after coffee, their babies become too stimulated and cranky. Personally i avoided ginger and wine in my confinement food, but it's up to individual belief and comfort level bah...
Reikiibaby, had my GD test done today so results will only be known during my last check. Of course if there's abnormality, they will call. Hopefully my fond won't ring these few days lor. Ttl wt gained so far is 3.2kg. Not actually diligently taking tonics but will have bird nest twice a wk. cordyceps pills twice to thrice a week. Guess I really need to up my protein intake.
Chevy, are you and your DH of smaller build? If so then cld be genetic. Did ur doc mention which percentile ur baby's weight is at? That's a better gauge for us to see how baby's growing.
Up your protein intake by taking more meat and eggs?
Chevy, you want try black chicken soup? You go take paosheng, dangshen chicken soup weekly. They will help with baby growth more or less and also bu qi. Bird nest think more for letting baby be fair and mei mei... Maybe you try out the tonic soup and see by next visit any increase. If dun have then u go for durian. Durian last resort bah cos of high sugar... Dun take so much.
Thanks to all sisters for your well wishes

Kikigal - so our bbs's birthday will be on same day.... :p

Luv - oh is it? Tot for singleton, the full term is 40 weeks.....
Chevy I also went for diabetic test today. Same hope the phone don't ring! I had my growth n 3D scan ytd, baby was very Notti ytd kept slping n even gave us a yawn n blew bubbles out from her mouth! Heng manage capture some pics. Btw u seem to gain very little weight! I already gain 14kg now at week 28. Maybe becoz I took quite a lot of carbo, which is not advisable. Maybe you wan to try eating potato n durian but durian dun take too much. My girl wt 1.27kg average size.
Hi Chevy,
which brand of cordyceps pills are you taking?
I ask Eu Yan Sang and they say preggy cannot take their cordycep pills. But can buy the raw ones to double boil.
Joanne, yeah, I used to think it's 40 weeks too but read later that it's actually 37 weeks. So for twins to reach 37 weeks is very good!! Great job!
reikibaby i also encountered some problem on iherb just now. Maybe u do it later at night or tmr? There is free shipping for $40 and above and ends on 31dec12.

Chevy, ya have to up your "bu" so that bb can be bigger. Be more diligent to do it or else running out of time already.
Sade, yah... Tat one with no tracking but i guess it shld be safe. Will try tml.

Whats your bb weight now? I really thinks the bu works. Cos im not gaining much weight now tat gg to 28weeks. But my baby is consider big. And im only eating 3 meals a day. Will see hws the weight gain next visit. Probably will stop my bu before cny.
i actually use the J&J top to toe wash for my girl since newborn. alternative is mustela or sebamed. for california baby, i find it too expensive to be used long term, abt $30 for a big bottle.
Hope, yes! I just eat and sleep the whole time but the sleep doesn't seem to be enough. Haha... My original EDD is 22 March but now it's 1 March leh. Baby is 1.3kg now. Normal?

Reikibaby & Sade, ya, doc didn't say leh. She just say look at original EDD cos the scan EDD is not always accurate. Then she said she doesn't need me to gain more weight as long as baby grows steadily...

Reikibaby, what's your baby's weight now?
Luv, thanx. Haha...free shipping will make me click n click more...oops

Eskimo..ok ok.. yah those branded ones not cheap in the long run.

Koirc, at 26 weeks plus, bb was 1.2kg. And they say must monitor closely liao... u take alot carbo? Unless u n dh are big babies else better dun gain anymore liao. But hor, if big and healthy and still no need csect..im ok.lolz
Hey girls, are all of you buying breast pump before delivery? I always have it on my to-buys and was going with medela freestyle until i started speaking to my friends in aus here. They say its not a necessity at all n should try latching instead of pumping. Im moving away from buying a breast pump now as i know i will take the easy way out to pump instead of latch if i know i hv a pump.
What do u think?
Joanne, yup. Going for 1 more appt tomorrow. Looking forward to 3rd Jan.

Chevy, try drinking more milk and sleep more. These helps for me. As for cordyceps pills, it's not make from wild cordyceps. The medical hall uncle told me that it's made from 虫草花 rather than the worm part.

Tutu, a pump is useful if you intend to bf for long and working. I'm going back to work aft 3 mths so definitely need a pump during working hours.
Luv, both me & dh shld belong to medium built. Slightly plump in fact
No, dr din mention percentile wt. Just that bb is @ 900g. Am not sure if it's genetic but my sis's bb was 900g at 28wks too!
Yes, I need to up my protein intake. I really thot I have been having alot...... Obviously still insufficient.
Reikibaby, Sade, ya thanks...alrdy ask my mum to prepare. The chicken soup is double boil (dun) or just boil har? Together with both pao sheng & dang sheng? Besides these 2 herbs, can add others like goji, red dates etc?

Durian is my last resort cos like u say, high in sugar
BBshower, oh u did your GD today? Maybe we met? I was wearing black T-shirt & shorts. Hahahaaa.....ur bb so cutie lor! Blowing bubbles!
At least ur bb wt is normal lah.....as I believe u r not gaining excessively. Perhaps just try to reduce carbo intake? I luv potatos!
Melody, Kikigal, was taking bei chong cao from Dr Best then I switched to Hock Hua one's. I did ask the person who sold me if pregnant can take leh.....He said no problem wo....

Melody, did EYS mention y can't take har?

Kikigal, the ones from Hock Hua is made from both bei chong cao (95%) & dong chong cao (5%). No good ah?
Koirc, don't know if the weight is ok. But my bb weighs 1.2kg at 27 weeks. Wow your EDD push forward a lot! Hee.

Chevy, drink more milk and eat more proteins I guess. You can eat durian at near delivery to boost up the weight if it's really necessary? That's what my Gf did.
Luv, kikigal- i have not decided if i want to go back to work after 4 mths n im aiming to bf for 6 mths. So do u think i could kiv breast pump n buy it only if my bb has problem latching?
Luv, kikigal- i have not decided if i want to go back to work after 4 mths n im aiming to bf for 6 mths. So do u think i could kiv breast pump n buy it only if my bb has problem latching?
Tutu I read that sometimes need to pump so as to maintain or increase the volume. Cos initially bb might not be drinking too much hence need to pump aft feeding so can increase the vol.
Chevy can double boil or boil. Depends on what kind of chicken soup u r making. Can add red dates n wolfberries if u want.

Chevy ya did my GD today finish ard 11am. Glad kkh nvr cal bk today regarding the result. You still ve 2.5mths to boost up bb size. Heard 3rd trimester bb size normally increase very fast. Take more maternity milk too. My 3d scan show that bb girl is very chubby hee... Last trimester hope she dun overweight.
