(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Fat chicken, rest well. I rested 9 mths after my last mc and succeed on the fet after tat. The confinement after d&c is impt. Avoid cold drinks n tiao your health back. I did a mini confinement for 2weeks. You can try ttc naturally after your af reported. But do make sure you are emotionally ready. Dun rush into next fresh/fet. Some will say one is more fertile after a mc. I believe it wrks mre for those who tried naturally. So dun rush. Hugsz

I have a question, how does your tummy feel? Hard? Mine is hard above the belly button but softer below the belly button. Is that normal? I remember my belly harder below the bellybutton and now its softer. Should I be worried?
Chevy, sade. I bought the Clarins oil. I think selling at 79. I bought at Isetan. Smells good. Hope it helps. Keep feeling bloated these few days. Sianz....
BabyG, ur bump shld feel firm but not hard. And at this point think the uterus is still below belly button so shldn't feel hard above belly button? But dun worry yourself too much. I realize it also differs b4 n after meals for instance.
luv: i want to take maternity photos, but haven source for any yet. also want to take baby photos within 1 or 2 months after deliver
bruno, if u want to take newborn photos, the photog usually recommends to take within 2 weeks of birth cos that's when they'll have the newborn look. And most of their props are meant for babies that size. If any later, may not fit into their props liao.
Sade, I only bought maternity bras and stretch mark cream. I picked up some hand-me-down maternity clothes from a friend yesterday. Haven't gone through them... Will go through first then I'll go maternity wear shopping this weekend!

Hubby came back from US and bought booties for bb. So small, so cute! I am very excited and anxious for my scan this Friday. My friend said can tell gender of bb already. Is it true?
Usagi, I hv been using "Ru2 Yi4" oil to deal with bloatedness, haha very effective, I fart soon after applying n always feel better after that. Not entirely sure if "Ru Yi" oil is safe but it helps. Any comments ladies?

I'm using elancyl, heard it is really gd but I do find the fragrance a little stronger. I love clarin oil. I used them when living overseas with dry climate. Which one did u get usagi?
Sade, yes. I like the Clarins oil. It has a nice fragnance. I am using it twice a day, morning and night. Dunno is my skin dry or due to slight bb bump, my skin abit red. Hence, I quickly buy to use. The salesgirl says oil is more for preventive. The cream is more for pp who got scretchmarks already and it will help to lighten.

Koirc, that's so sweet of your hubby. I think can only tell gender ard week 16 if the bb is a boy. Now still too early.

Tutu, I think ruyi oil not very good to apply for pregnant ladies as it is medicated. Correct me if I am wrong. At most i will apply medicated oil on my head, avoid tummy. That's why i went to buy Clarins oil.
Koirc that's good to have some handsdown clothing. Ya it's time to wear maternity bras. So nice of your hubby to buy bb booties now. Just meant that he's as excited as you.
Guess for boy it's easier to show n tell. I only know my bb girl gender at week 19 guess she's shy.

Usagi I worried too oily hence I got the cream. Is it oily?
Usagi, that's what I thought but my friend told me can tell already... Hmm... And ya, we don't know the gender yet so my hubby can only buy white and yellow for now. Haha... But when I see the small bootie, I think it's so cute lor. :p
Hi Sade, I find it not oily. If you want, can try out the tester at their booth.

Hi koirc, I absolutely agree. I can only seesee now. Too early to buy. Most likely my stingy or rather thrifty hubby says dun buy too much as bb very fast outgrown. Hahaha. He said let bb naked. Heehee.
Usagi oh I see. Cos I bought it at those toiletries store hence can't try it. Think some of them use both for better results.
Your hubby is so funny. Let bb naked. Hehe
Hahaha... Usagi, just wrap bb in blanket. :p I'm not planning to buy much too. Hopefully friends will give me hand-me-downs for bb clothes. Hahaha...
Just finish my oscar scan. To be able to see bb for abt 20mins is so happy! I walk in at 9am and my scan at 945am. Luckily dun hve to wait till afternoon
hi do you all do OSCAR at end of 1st trimester or "the triple test" in 2nd trimester? My gynae said some ladies choose not to do the OSCAR... I'll be doing mine this week but I can only get the result on my next visit which is 1mth later...

BTW, anyone heard of the korea jeiju island's 土马丸? I bought some last dec, wonder if pregnant ladies can take it...Apparently it's very good source of calcium...
Also, wonder if I can take the korean taekuk ginseng powder(高丽太极参) too.
I'm currently into 13th week, I don't like to drink chicken essence (bottled) can I take birdnest?
Sorry, so many questions posed...
Hi Tutu and Usagi,
I also have a lot of "wind" in my tummy. My TCM doctor recommended me to use the RuYi oil too but I kept forgetting to get it.
My friend told me to drink boiled ginger with brown sugar drink can get rid of the wind very effectively. She also said not to eat too much flour stuff like yellow noodle which will cause wind.
ReikiBaby, can you share the process of the Oscar? I'm doing my test this Friday. I am so anxious!!!
Oh sisters, I want to ask an embarrassing question... There are little bumps around my nipples and when I squeeze them, they excrete some white pasty discharge. Is it normal huh?

Luv, did you breast feed for your first one? I want to know if your boobs will go back to normal size. I heard people say boobs grow even bigger with breastfeeding!!!
reikibaby, Luckily that you dont have to wait for longer time.

znatasha, OSCAR test is not a compulsory test. Only detailed scan is. I did oscar test during week 12.
I dont know if can take those pills as mentioned by u.
Can start to drink birdnest but not too much as heard it can cause bb to have more phelgm.
I would suggest to drink pure chicken homemade essence if you dont like the bottled type. It's good for you and bb. Or if you find it troublesome to boil it, then boil cordceyps with lean meat and pao sheng. Good for you and bb too.
koirc, i find that the nipples are dirty with white dirts. Dont know if it's the same as yours.
It's inside the nipples.
koirc for me i drank the homemade type of chicken essence during first trimester. I dont find it heaty but it's really up my energy level for few days after i drank it. Once a week.
Koirc, there's no herbs in homemade chicken essence. so it's ok. Just pure chicken essence and it's only a small rice bowl after double boiled it for 4hours. V bu for the mum. N it's v tasty.
Hi Sade,

cordyceyps are so expensive! I also heard it's good for the mother and bb but will drain lots of vit M...;p
Will try to double boil some chicken essence hopefully it doesn't have the funny taste like those in bottle.
Oh do you use black chicken or normal local chicken to double boil? one whole chicken?
Can my HB drink it too?
Koirc, yup, BF my gal for 1yr plus, tho i supplemented with FM too. When the milk comes in, ur breasts will certainly grow cos of the BM and hormones. That's why shld buy nursing bras nearer to delivery so that u have a more accurate fit. After you stop BF, most ladies will prob go back to usual size (or smaller?!). Now that I'm preggie, boobs grew again, hahah...

sade, the "white dirt" is prob the dried milk that ur body produced. Some ladies will even leak BM in 3rd tri b4 delivery! Goes to show that ur body's preparing for nursing. Good sign!
Koirc, just scan and followed by bloodtest. During scan, we just lie there and the sonographer will start to scan and do some measurements. I just lie there and enjoy looking at bb. According to the sonographer, Baby was snoozing when she was scanning. Then she shook the tummy to wake bb up. Can see bb stretched. Then bb turn and back face us. It was so amazing! Then showed me the heartbeat, the position of heart, stomach. Also showed bb's crossed legs and hands at side of face. You gg to enjoy the scan.
Another easy to cook and nutritious soup for preggies:
1) Black bean soup with pork ribs, can add red dates and goqi. High in protein

2) Black chicken soup with nan zao. Once a week
hi znatasha, its v sweet and yummy totally unlike the bottle type. I dislike the bottle type. You can use either black chicken or kampong chicken and make sure that the skin is removed to reduce the oiliness of the soup.
Sure, your hubby can drink it too.

Whiteclover, why use nan zao? Been drinking with red dates only.
Znatasha, thanks for sharing "ru yi oil" is safe cos i cant live without it now ! You should get it if you are still bloated. Its very effective in expelling wind.
just leave the nipples alone for now. don't "stimulate" them too much by cleaning as can cause early contractions.

my mum cooks black bean soup once a week, didn't know it's good for pregnancy too. good good.

can buy those pre-packed herbs to cook chicken/pork rib soup from eu yan sang. just need to ask which are the once suitable for preggies and they will recommend. my mum always buy from them and the soup is quite tasty, not the usual bitter type.
Luv, is it? it's difficult to wash away, must dig it. So worried that next time my bb gonna suck dirty nipples if i din clean it properly.

Ya heard the breasts will return to normal size aft stop breastfeeding.
Sade, I also have dirt in the nipples. But I also have in those little bumps around the nipples! I have dirty nipples!

And btw, my doctor told me not to take any chinese herbs in my first tri. So I didn't dare to take anything at all! But my mum made black chicken soup for me every week. She only cooks with red date and wolfberries.
sade and koirc, why think of them as dirty?? It's normal part of pregnancy. Just dried milk mah...

sade, if u really want to, can clean as per normal when u bathe but dun purposely go and dig deep. When u've reached full term, then u can clean them more extensively lor.

koirc, it's normal to have bumps on your areola while preggie. You can surf the net for more info.
i remembered when i attended the prenatal class last time, u can use those sterilised cotton bud and try to clean away the loose pieces but don't scratch or scrap away cos might cause infection. actually, the instructor did say it's ok to leave it alone as they are not exactly dirt. it's like a protective layer like stopper like that if you get wat i mean.
znatasha, cordyceyps are expensive, i agreed. But its important to build a base for yourself and bb. HEard its good for bb lung.
luv, hehe, i thou i din clean my nipples enough and cause buildup of dirts in it.

luv and eskimobaby got it. will clean as normal.

To me it's like dried dirt dont know that its dried milk.

whiteclover, never tried nan zao before. will try it soon. I dont like honey date thou too sweet.
Luv me too. Sin first trimester. Kept on going toilet.. even told my gynae n he scan n din say anything. So guess its normal.so inconvenience when going shopping,cos been searching for toilets every now n then.
Ok, maybe cos I pay more attention to the changes in my body...

Anyway, when do we need to book confinement lady?
Dunno what's wrong today. Vomited twice already n back aching n having mild headache... Thought it's suppose to get better in 2nd trimester?!?!?! Boohoo!

Eskimobaby, hope ur ms will subside soon. I have nausea feeling till week 16/17. Not as serious as yours. Maybe u do some light stretching exercise so that can ease the backache.
