(2013/08) August 2013

wlilian, mostly seems near 500 (with off days). so im looking for willing to accept money for compensation to offday. which might easily over 500. sigh. ex! unlike last time seems 380 - 450 can find one with NO off day. LOL.

Thks Ellen!! Gynae leaving the decision to us, after explaining the data and risks..

Ya, tink the test more than $1000 with a 1% miscarriage

Agree w melilone, i really admire those with ds child...
Hi mummies,

I'm new in this thread. Am having my #2.

dilema: I suggest u think twice b4 gg for Amnio test. There's a risk of Miscarriage.
Anyway, e cost of Oscar scan can be used to offset ur hospital bill. According to my clinic, can claim up to $450, for this kind of outpatient test..

Sorry to intrude...

I have 4 USS tickets for sale which are expiring on 02Mar13 (this sat).
Letting go at SGD65 per tkt (SGD240 if u take all 4 tkts).
Pls PM me if u're keen, thks!!
wlilian: im in wk 15+. suppose to see doctor next monday but i was feeling so sick the past one wk so i called in earlier to see doctor on my non-stop throwing up. was worried for the baby since i wasn't eating much. lucky baby heartbeat healthy :D do u want a girl or boy?

ellen: thanks!
when's your gynae appt?

dilema: i tot it would be accurate to jus count on the combination results (scan + blood) since it is consider low risk? hope everything turns out fine for u!
Catherine: We once brought #1 to the movies when she was 10mths old. My hb end up watching only 3/4 of movie coz he had to pacify her outside the theater for rest of movie. So now u mention movie with bb he sure reject!

Wlilian: yes, my FIL very traditional. He had 3 girls b4 he finally had his 2 boys. And his elder son only has 1 girl n closed shop, so all hopes on us now. My hb n I actually prefer girls

Oisterbaby: I'm not buying insurance for unborn bb coz if I'm not wrong it's converted to life insurance for bb after that? I upgraded bb's medisave, bgt H&S for her when she born.

I realize on mrt, pp rush to board/alight even if tho u r pushing a pram or carrying bb. Nobody gives way. Getting seats is impossible during peak hours. But when train not too full, I do get seats when they see me with #1. Even my hb gets seats when he's carrying her! I dun look preg enough yet so I've to thank #1 for the seat ;)
And I've problems with lifts too. Often have to wait for 2-3 missed turns b4 I can squeeze in.

Frogprincess: When I was preg at 32 Gynae explained the tests avail for DS n it was up to us to go for Oscar at wk11-13 or triple blood test in 2nd tri or not do any tests. Now at 34, he auto schedule Oscar for me. Maybe coz I did so for #1.

My girl down with stomach flu ydy. Super whinny n clingy to me. I carried her for long periods n ended up with tummy cramps. Luckily the cramps were gone few hours later. So scary! Now I worry whether will kena stomach flu from her....
Ellen : Be positive when comes to breastfeeding.. cannot think of what if no milk or low supply. I had super low supply to start with. Supply only comes in 3 months later. I did everything I could. From taking fenugreek to cooking papaya fish soup and drink. Plenty of rest and regular pumping is important too. I pumped out and empty the supply after #1 latched on. I even received remarks like "so little milk enough for baby meh .... " Just ignore and press on ! I manage to hit my target and bf for a year hehehe..

Welcome Dilema & Mab3ru !

Congrats Vinette ! Hope you are better ! The more you throw up the better it is for the baby as per my gynea .. haaa I got it hard as well and was hospitalized for dehydration.

Re : pineapple

Eat in moderation I would say for everything. Soemtimes we just need to curb the cravings.
Xav: actually I never say I will give up breastfeeding.. I 100% want to breastfeed... just saying that I think no need to buy pump so early now since we dun even know how it feels to breastfeed.. Also no milk to try different pumps now :p

Angela: I've discussed with some friends over this Oscar thing, while it's a good test, one needs to know how to handle the outcome.. So while some will want to be prepared for the circumstances, some dun feel comfortable about knowing too early...

Dilema: didn't know amnio test is so ex........

Vinette: my appointment is on 12 Mar... Supposed to see bb's gender then

Mab3ru: welcome~

Usaginoko: eat more vitamin c... Really terrible if fall sick la~
Side track a bit... Now ikea is pulling out their meatballs from their stores due to the horse meat saga.. Hope it won't affect Singapore.. Meatball is my favorite leh lol..
Ikea released a statement, the meatballs in sg arent affected but they r stopping the meatballs temporarily as a precautionary measure..
Ellen: I agree it really depends on individual. My friend din do for both her kids..

Usaginoko: try drinking the redoxon vit c drink, it works for me..
Thanks all! i have decided to go ahead with the test. Hopes all turn well.

Ya, breastfeeding is tiring but it helps to lose weight. No right or wrong to breastfeed cos confinement is already veri stress
dilema, but if breastfeed, do we have to watch our diet still? like no sashimi etc?

Sorry coz my no.1 i din breastfeed. Hopefully this time round i have "milk"
i dont think i really watch my diet after confinement. Will take sashimi, salad etc but no alcohol, too spicy food...This is more so that the milk will not have the alcohol or spice taste....

Drink more papaya soup and water like wat xav mummy says...n fish...it helps me....
Angela: yea my fren didn't do OSCAR for all her 3 kids.. oh i'm taking the redoxon chewable vit c, not the drink... just take it like eating sweets hahaha

dilema: when will you go for the test?

vane_etoile: welcome~

btw talking about diet during breastfeeding... my Japanese colleague told me that his wife drinks like few cans of beer daily and she is still breastfeeding... when i heard this my eyes opened so big that i think my eyeballs were going to drop........... then he can still smile and say that maybe that's why his son's head is very big.... LOL
Ellen: lol...your japanese colleague is funny...i was reading online..they were advicing 1-2 glass of wine...but it should be drank after you have already give baby milk or you express it couple of hours later...dont know how...really miss drinking wine...and if i were to breastfeed i would want to get and drink what i want...sigh
hello mummies! i did a super long post this am, and then the ipad safari hung on me.. :S

dilemma, i did 4 times amnio in last pregnancy to reduce amniotic fluid cos too much of it all the way from 19-26 weeks! just rest well and lie down after the procedure. cos i was a "regular" for that, it became like a day surgery for me and i get to lie down for about 1-2 hrs in the ward after the procedure before being sent home.. :p

Ellen, hope u r doing better with the bed rest. im so sad no more ikea meatballs, was craving for it throughout the first tri and went to eat it regularly.

saw the gynae but it was so fast, just less than 10 min and hundred over dollars and i am out.. she only did a dating scan using head circumference. said she cant see the gender, dunno wat she means by that. i could see the gender during 12-16 wks for previous 2, so i figure this one is a gal.. but still, so headache cos i cant buy any gender related clothes at the mothercare sale tomorrow. anyway, it was such a joy to see the little one already, so im not complaining. i brought #1 along and he commented the machine so blur in front of gynae. When he came home, he told me to buy a good machine and put at home so he can help me scan...:p i wished that could be the case! hahaha
I breastfeed for #1, it's ok to drink beer. After u feed or pump, the yeast in the beer actually helps to boost supply.. And eating mee sua also helps, apparently it helps to thicken the milk.

P: ur #1 so cute, help u scan.. He must be very excited..
Kids are so adorable.
Just went back to work today aft my long leave. So far so good. One of the regular customer say I put on weigh. Lol. He didn't know I'm pregnant neither did I tell him just now. Haha. And my colleagues are fascinated by my little bump. Keep molest me. Haha.
Feel good to be back at work, at least time pass faster.

Sorry to disturb.
I would like to recommend my CL aunty yen ying , she is a very friendly , clean ,patient n helpful lady, she can cook n she love baby. Interested can SMS me Vic 93368616. I'm helping her to post because she is my best CL .Cheers
Anyone has remedy for pregnancy related insomnia? I have been gettin interupted sleep since i was pregnant, and it takes me a long while to get back to sleep. This bad sleep results in me getting sick all the time. 
Morning mummies!

I'm in my 15 weeks nw.. & i started to lost appetite since 2days ago.. not eating breakfast, lunch & dinner.. any mummies have similar problem? btw i lost 3.3kg during my first trimester n appetite came back during 2nd trimester..
BabyS I wake up several times within a night too.
But I can get back into sleep much better and quicker after eating and drinking a glass of warm milk. Drinking warm milk helps sleep.
Good morning ladies..

BabyS: I also feel i sleep much better after a glass of warm milk every night. Though i wake up often to go toilet, i can fall back to sleep immediately..

Rachyo: Im not having a good appetite either and im in week 17. The beginning of the 2nd trimester was good but its been 2 weeks since i ate a good meal. Everytime i just eat a little so that baby gets food. I don haf the appetite to eat 6 meals a day so i just keep to the 3.. I haven gained any weight since i found out im pregnant..
Gd morning!! today is Mothercare baby fair @ harbourfront (For members).. 1-10 March will be opened to public.. Anyone marching down later?
i kip forcin myself to sleep back if i wake up..

my #1 i sleep thru out.. n he sleep thru out fr 7pm-7am after 2.5mths old..

my friend, she always wake up at 4am cos she feels hungry.. she went for a cup of warm milk.. n now the kiddo is 2yrs old still waking at 4am.. the same time as wat she did wen she is preggo..

i scare i got no sleep next time.. so i will make myself sleep thru-out..


try the cup of warm milk b4 u sleep loh.. might help better...
hi usha, me too.. gd tat u at least take 3 meals per day.. for me i cant take even 1.. my tummy is getting smaller as compared to the first weeks of 2nd trimester.. wat abt u? actually i'm surprised to find out from another fren tat she actually lost her appetite since pregnancy n had to visit her gynae every mth for a jab.. tis jab is to make baby grow..
Hi Rachyo I notice my tummy seems to be smaller too. But for me its esp so after a nights rest so I think it might be due to bloatedness after a meal and after having enough rest the bloatness goes away. my tummy seems to hav grown sideways though with a muffin top line which goes further to the sides.

Is potassium permanganate (purple liquid solution) safe to use ? I was not feeling well for many wks and so did not remove my nail polish but I start feeling a bit of pain on my toe so when I removed nail polish I realised that the part which was covered by nail polish has turned white and there is a bit of pain. wanted to use potassium permangante to clean but wonder if its safe >
P: I hate typing on iPad... Esp the stupid auto-correct makes me want to vomit blood... and yea I miss the idea meatball too... Hope it comes back soon *sniff*... and your #1 is so cute hee hee

BabyS: me too... Before pregnancy I'm the kind that once I'm asleep, I won't know if my neighbour's house catches fire one... Now wake up a few times per night and hard to get back to sleep... But I force myself to remain on bed and keep my eyes close.. Else even harder to fall asleep again...

Angela: the thing that really stunts me is she drinks a few cans of beer daily and that's a lot... Japanese are really good beer drinkers...

Rachyo: my mom said for all her 3 pregnancies, she couldn't eat until around 4 or 5 months... I have friends who MS until 7 months so can't eat properly... Hang in there...

Still bed resting... Think gonna give the mothercare sales a miss....
BabyS: just have to force your way back to sleep lor. empty your mind... or like everyone else has suggeste, drink some warm milk. relax your mind~! i usually only get insomnia if there's things bothering me or if im too stressed.

anyway for the past week i stopped having to wake up to go pee in the middle of the night! these few days i sleep frm 11:30pm all the way till 7am. shiokness.

Rachyo: my tummy also feels smaller compared to past few weeks (i'm week 13 now). maybe less bloatedness already.. even though i eat like a cow. :p

anyone started on mummy's milk? i got a tin of free sample (i think similac) i'm thinking whether to try. but not planning to drink long term. was thinking at most once a day or once in two days, but it seems like i have to finish the tin in a month after opening! i heard that its very fattening and usually multivits will suffice.
bbreeze: Is it very pain with the amnio? no wonder they say mummy is wei da..Ur son so cute

BabyS: i also hve the same problem...wake up several times a night, mainly to pee...n feel tired when working...try sleeping earlier for the makeup?
pink sapp: Ic! my fren is working in the nail salon she said its not safe to use it.. if u really need to remove, she advice to soak ur fingers in warm water first then quickly clean them away with the nail polish removal. tis will ensure the nail polish being removed away quicker...

ellen: ic! different pregnancy got different symptoms.. my first was ok.. nw 2nd pregnancy is so different.. haha.. anyway they said different symptoms means different gender is untrue.. im carrying a baby gal again.. haha

amanda: haha gd tat u hv appetite! think u will notice tummy getting bigger in another wks time :D
oh ya.. amanda.. i tried pregnancy milk in my first pregnancy.. i gained 19kg.. lol.. its fattening but v gd for baby.. i would try tat again if i dnt hv milk rejection haha..
Rachyo: even if you lost appettie still have to eat i think?...try small meals inbetween

How many kg have you guys already put on and how many weeks are you guys already?
Currently am taking NAN think its only in vanilla and only some NTUC has it (like ang mo kio). I like it and take it whenever I feel hungry in the middle of day or night and in the morning.

Am 14wks and gained abt 3kg so far

Find myself getting quite emotional lately its like sometimes my mind would wander off to past unhappy events and tears jus roll out of my eyes
and I jus hope that baby cant read my mind cos hope to have a happy baby
pink_sapphire: i know what you mean...i can't help it also but i just think of the past between me and my hubby and i just feel like giving up on my marriage...not sure why this is happening...

worst thing is that i have been having dreams that are not making things easy on me....
Rachyo: my tummy will look small when i wakeup in the morning but will bloat up even with a smallest amount of food. Like today bfast i only squeezed one slice of bread with butter and with that i am so full until now. I cannot think of what to eat for lunch.. All food seems to make me sick! But i have to find food to eat. I also have gastric history. After lunch usually my tummy will bloat up so much that i can literally feel the stomache stretching! At least that round tummy excites some of my gfs at work and they'll keep rubbing and rubbing.. so cute..

Amanda: I have started taking Anmum milk. I'll try to drink every night. But we have this old wives believe that we have to drink milk with saffron root every night before sleep. Apprantly the saffron makes the baby fair and the skin will shine.. I cannot seem to make my mum understand skin colour is all genetic to i just take it every night without fail. Anmum has a vanilla flavour that tastes really nice.. =D I hated milk before i was pregnant but now i seem to like this..
wlilian: yaloh.. i will try.. but most of the time i would just slp thru without eating.. i'm at 15wks nw.. so far i lost 3.3kg n gained 1kg during first wk of my 2nd trimester.. i lost tis 1kg again tis time.. lol.. roller coaster-ing with baby.. lol

pink sapp: yeah i can understand hw u feel.. it happens to me during the first trimester.. i was diagnosed with prenatal depression n hv seen a psychiatrist recommended by my gynae.. tis depression is super scary.. i will cry suddenly n continuously n even think of dying.. i didnt notice it until my gf told me i'm hving depression.. haha.. i only noe i kept thinking abt negative things.. (cos i was under extreme stress n insecurity due to work n boss).

but my psy told me tat she will not prescribe medications for my depression as no depression medicine in this world is gd for baby.. she told me since baby's brain is forming, it wld be gd to think positively n adopt assertive style. be happy for ur baby n not let idiots (bosses or husbands etc) make u n ur baby ended up into child/adult psy. wat she said really touched my heart.. nw i'm feeling better n at least i'm smiling daily..

usha: haha tats cute! gd to hv gfs at work cos they will make u smile.. haha seems like our tummy is like a balloon.. inflate n deflate :D
Rachyo, ya the thoughts come and the tears jus roll without warning and easily. ya will try to have only happy thoughts and if the -ve thoughts come will try to think of happy events instead
rachyo / wlilian / pinksapphire: ya initially i also kept crying and got very emotional super easily. like cos of stress from work / bosses, cos hubby procrastinate and never help me w spring cleaning, cos don't know what to do for child care arrangements etc.. and just last week i had a major argument w my hubby too. then once i cry i cannot stop, sometimes for hours.

anyways since the last major argument my hubby and i spoke and cleared the air about a lot of things so things are much better. my MIL also scolded him ask him to give me more time and attention cos pregnancy can make one very emotional and very insecure. she scared i get prenatal depression too. haha.

but anyway this week i'm happy la, had talk w boss had talk w hubby so now all no problems.. just crossing my fingers that everything will maintain throughout!
thats gd amanda! is tis ur first child? i can understand all these stress.. cos my hubby got really upset abt having a 2nd gal instead of boy n i was heart broken.. haha.. my psy told me to tell my hubby to fly kite.. cos we cant pick gender n its their sperm's fault haha.. i think our husband plays an important role in our pregnancy.. if they r not cooperative or understanding we will be super upset.. lets all stay happy n think of wat we could do for our babies! like giving them the best if we could :D
Hi Mommies,

Nice to meet all of you. I'm new to the forum, and this will be my first child.

Just turned 14 weeks now, and been through so many things and I'm in dilemma now.

1. Did Oscar and result came back bad. Gynae requested me to do amnio, without even explaining the consequences and showing her concern. I was even brief on what is OSCAR, and I can opt out, since I;m below 35

me & my hubby decided that we will not go for amnio, coz we believe that our baby is healthy and the hospital who had done the NT was inaccurate. but still, im concern and hoping my baby will be healthy but cant know until week 22 for detail scanning

2. concern about current gynae, coz feels like they are just sucking $$ & taking advantange coz we are the 1st time mummy, everything so kiasu & concern..although my gynae seems to be "famous" & her clinic always crowded...
now, me and hubby are thinking to change gynae as we have not sign our package with her..any good recommendation for gynae at the East?

3. considering where to deliver? any mummies have any comments on any private hospitals?

We are new migrants and we dont have much friends here. Im glad to make friends with all the mummies to be, and glad to join the forum. Would be glad if any mummies are staying at the east, can PM me....
Yuki, first of all, welcome!

don't worry too much. heard that there's a lot of false positives for OSCAR. when you say result bad, is it scan result bad, blood test result bad or combined result bad? i think someone mentioned in an earlier post about consulting another doctor / sonographer to get a second opinion. i dont have the contact / name now but you can try looking through our past posts, my guess is look at posts from 1-2 weeks ago?

alternatively if you want to take a leap of faith then just leave it and dont go for amnio. but i thought detailed scan can be done at 20 weeks instead of 22 weeks? i think Thomson medical schedule mine at the 19+ weeks.

i can't help about gynae in the East cos i stay in the North. haha. i'm delivering at Thomson Medical Centre. according to my boss, Thomson Medical or Mount Alvernia are both good.

Rachyo> ya this is my first baby! am anxious to find out gender too! aiyah my hubby is ok just that he can be a bit lazy to help in housework at times..(i'm lazy also lor) then im also quite gan chiong sometimes. i guess he doesnt understand the emotional rollercoaster i'm going through la, so need 3rd party to go wake up his ideas! else it will sometimes come across that i'm just being unreasonable...
hi yuki!

think u shld seek 2nd opinon.. my gynae is from raffles hospital.. she runs a clinic at compasspoint - raffles medical clinic on certain days. her name is dr. watt wing foong.. she is professional n i trust her alot cos of my pervious experience with her (on my first child).. but her package is $1,400..

i intend to deliver in mt alvernia cos the nurses there are professional too..

yuki, u can try my gynae at TMC - Level 3, ACJ clinic Jocelyn Wong. I am the gan chiong type that panic at everything one. So i will like every 2 weeks go n see her n tell her I where where where not good lah blah blah blah.. Then she always take her time to explain to me, patiently.
Then she also reprimanded me dont always be so paranoid.. lol. And I am ok, baby is fine, dont always waste money to keep coming bk n see her. lol..She angry i waste money for nothing. :D
