(2013/08) August 2013

Ellen: take good care of yourself. U must have got a shock from the bleeding. Glad to hear u and baby is fine:)

Thanks all for the concern and sharing

I'm on my way to the baby fair now. One end to the other. My friend alrdy there and she say the queue and crowd is crazy. So be prepared mommies.
Last 2 days to lo hei!

Catherine: So envious u can go Taiwan! My hb refused to go coz he feels it will be a nightmare trip with our 14 mth old girl. Now I'm trying to push for somewhere nearer like Genting tho he prefers staycation in Spore...

Serene: Pls update gd buys at the fair
. I'm undecided to go tml/sun.

Ellen: Is bleeding under control? Gynae knows what caused it?
chirpy: i hope to make it to the baby fair..the last time i wanted to go..i totally forget about the dates till it was over...

Ellen: oh no...did doctor say what happen...why will like that? Luckily both you and the baby is okay...
My hb is there.. His workplace at changi, the usual brands are there. think there's promo for huggies, cos he asked me if I want to buy diapers..
Oister baby: you got to take annual leave for checkups? cant opt for evening slot? i usually go gynae checkups after work.

Usaginoko: Staycation is good.. i went for staycation recently and my boy loves it. so excited till he keep rolling & crawling around the bed.

Anyone know whether Pampers or Merries is at the fair? if yes, any promotion?
Hi all, thanks for your concern..
I'm at week 15 now, it's really scary and I was already preparing for the worst.. Really thank God now baby still good.

Gynae said such situation it's difficult to pin point the cause, as they are not able to examine the inside of the uterus.. It could be due to some blood vessel being scratched by placenta etc etc... But can only guess la.

There was a big blood clot outside the placenta due to the bleeding.. They were worried that if the blood clot dried and drop off, it will shear off the placenta... Luckily now the blood is dispersing.. So I'm still warded and under observation.
Catherine: My gynae is opened till 5pm and I finished work at 6. Saturdays are really packed and i have no interest to spend the whole day at the clinic. AL will be the best option since I can go shopping after that.

Ellen: rest well and get well soon.
Oister baby: then u really need to set aside leave for the checkup cos from 32 weeks onwards, the checkups can more frequent..i only got 34 days leave. that why i choose gynaes with evening clinics.
Ellen: sounds so scary.. glad it's starting to look good..

Oisterbaby: I go for appt on sat too, but I'll take the earliest slot available and go there very early. At least I don't need to wait that long..
Catherine only 34 days? I only have 14 days!!!
yes my boss oso say I took too many MC I felt so discriminated.

as if tat I wan to be on MC, once on MC which means tat baby or myself is in danger wat.

luckily my gyne have evening sessions n the waiting time is pretty alright. haha.

Ellen rest well!!!
Serene: most likely i'll get the dual pump...cos i heard mummies saying that if you only pump one side, the other side will leak..so dont waste and its save time...

Ellen: omg...thank God, its okay...this is worrying...week 15 is already 2nd trimester and most of us thought everything should be stable le...miscarriage chances shouldn't happen...apparently we still really need to be careful...

Angela: yah same my Gyne open on sat and i try to make my appointment on sat so my hubby and go and see baby with me...keep him involve in my pregnacy...i even force him to talk to baby..then he say..talk to my tummy really very weird...
Serene: dual pump better, save time. Hahah. Imagine each side need 15 mins, if single means u spend 30 mins expressing. If double, only 15 mins. When u r awake in the middle of the night, those 15 mins r precious!
Thanks William and babyS advice!:) I was thinking of dual pump too. Those experienced mommies all say dual better than single. But the price diff alot!

What brand of pump will u all get? So far I only heard ppl using advent, medela and mothercare brand.
Anw the fair was okay. For now we can't get anything as its too early. U only get to see what promo and package they are having at the fair.
Serene, i used ameda double pump and have a
Pigeon single manual pump.

A friend lent me her single medela, aiyoh so painful for me' i cringe in pain each time it pumped, i decided on day 7 of my confinemnt to go out andget another pump cos using the
Medela was too painful and was causing me
To bleed..

I got my pump from breastfeeding support group. Can go to their office to try and bcos they r just pro breastfeeding, they dont advocate for any brand. They had quite a few
Brandsr available there. They encourage me to use the pump on the breast instead of thigh cos more accurate feel and since i already deliver and let me Try in the privacy of the office. (of course milk cannot keep lah)
I'm not saying medela no good. Just that it didnt suit me..

Must go and try the different brands to see whats suitable
For u..
I bought avent dual pump and it is totally lousy. It spoilt when i use for only 2 days. I went to philips service centre to get a replacement and again it spoilt within few days. I was so depressed n annoyed till i go to philip centre n ask for refund. They disagree to refund but allow to exchange for items. Thereafter, i went kiddy palace buy medela freestyle and it is soooo much better.
BabyS: medela so far I didn't get any friend using single. So I doesn't know how is the review. But it's good that u found a suitable breast pump for urself:)

Qin: my friend intro me medela dual pump. But not to get freestyle as its suction not so good. Freestyle $799 at the baby fair. If I'm not wrong my friend intro me pump in style advanced.
Hi ladies, been busy wif work lately but came in once awhile to read e updates. Mi currently in week 15. How time flies.. speaking of baby movement n tummy size, i also cant feel any movement yet even though tis is my #2. i dun look pregnant, just seem like having big tummy.. even my friend mentioned my tummy dun look big as compare to hers when she was in week 15. Anyway, as long as bb is growing well, i dun mind the tummy size. Tomolo going for checkup. Hopefully can see gender

Speaking of pump, suggest 1st time mummy to buy a manual pump. More cheaper.. if milking business is good, can consider investing a good electric pump so tat can bring to office to pump after maternity leave. Last time, i used manual pump during my maternity leave n bought electric dual pump when i going bk to work.. i used ameda electric dual pump..

Hi ellen, rest well. Must continue to bedrest after discharge..
Catherine: where did u go for staycation? My girl is terrified of swimming pools so I really duno wat to do on a staycation with her. Thot of RWS but seems like ntg suitable for her age.

Re: Pumps
I used Medela Freestyle. US set $450. Served me well for 6 mths. Maybe I dun have much supply so the suction was ok for me. A frd of mine had ample supply n freestyle couldn't clear her milk, causing her to suffer frequent blocked ducts n 2x mastitis. She was ok after switched to Medela Pump in Style.
Serene, i wanted to buy pisa but no stock at that point of time so in the end i bought freestyle. Heard medela gg go faceout pisa.
my gynae gave me prenatal vits and vit D during my last visit. seems like folic acid is no longer required for the 2nd trimester.
Are any of you still taking folic acid ?
There is also another baby fair in june at expo. My #1 was also a august baby and i remember buying alot during the june fair when pregnancy more stable and i knew the gender. So dont be too kan cheong to buy too much now ok mummies..

Dont stock up on diapers now too, must see whats suitable for baby first.

Can get alot of good deals when the gss starts too.
BabyS: June there's one more baby fair? Isit a big one? Yesterday went baby fair didn't get anything. Just taking a look as its too early to get anything now. By june our bump shld be very big. Haha.

Was taking a short nap just now and I dreamt of feeling baby's head, hands and legs. And when I wake up, suddenly feel my tummy bloated up and got like heartbeat, its super fast. Was thinking whether isit baby. Feel for awhile then slowly I put my hand over and just few sec later no more of those heartbeat beating and bloated up feel.

Donno if u mummies understand what I'm describing.
Is it baby or I'm thinking of baby too much?
Hi pink_saphhire, yup, dun need to take folic acid when u reach 2nd trimester. wat we need now is prenatal vit n fish oil.
ahh so confuse....went to the mother fair expo today...

Was fighting with my husband on the cot and playpen...

then there was the breast pump also...dont know which one to get...avent and medele...now some of you say medele better some say avent better...T.T

confinement meal i already put $200 deposite...but $1400 for 28 days for lunch and dinner like very expensive...


Anybody have any feelings when went to the motherfair? Did you guys buy anything?
I haven't done anything, incl book confinement meals. I remember for #1, we bought everything at kk once I was discharged only! Somehow I dun hv the urge.. Now at most only feel like buying lingerie to suit the expanding figure..

Breast pumps
I started with single medela, and regretted fast cos its noisy and takes too much time to have to do two sides, plus somehow it didn't get me much milk. Moved on to Pisa and never regretted. I was diligent to do 2 hrly pump for the first 2 mths, so I could get 150-200ml each pump. Never had blocked ducts until I skipped pumping, but Pisa really helps to unblock faster than single pump. Wrt blocked ducts, u hv to know the techniques to relax it and express it out. Do grab hold of lactation consultants before discharging from hospital. My friend who uses freestyle had blocked ducts as the suction apparently isn't good, even weaning off over time as the motor of freestyle became weaker. My take is Pisa parts are cheaper than freestyle, and the motor is more durable. Pisa is portable and can be battery operated too but the batteries are those big ones so it's heavy. Unless I really have to move around often and will be without power supply, I won't get freestyle.

Wlilian, which confinement caterer u with? I used to order from natal essentials, but saw some feedback on forums that it's not so good now? I thought of ordering the trial meals from different caterers to try when I'm abt 8 mths..long way from now!

Ellen, please take care and do not move around much already.
Im 16 weeks today! Another boy for me! Hub nearly fainted cos week 13 check no gun he so happy wor...then amazingly in 3 weeks time a big canon come out. Hahaha!
Hi all, thanks for your concern and encouragement~ I'm back home today, really must minimise movement... Hubby has the hard time to do all the chores and attend to me. :p now thinking of how to settle our meals cos I need to rest and can't cook...

For breast pump, I'm thinking maybe I should buy after baby is born? Just in case I dun have enough milk or cannot breast feed.. Then buying a pump now is like a waste of money... Might as well after confinement then slowly go and buy..
Ellen: order tingkat for now? Dont tire urself by cooking lah..

Re confinement catering: i only saw the catering from thomson medical.. $1980 for 28 days! Thats $35 per meal! So ex!
Hi mummies just came back from fair...I bought the huggies and got the free gift little tikes for my #1..
didn't bought much stuff except for the diapers..
Agreed with babys that don't stock too much. Initially I bought those cheaper diapers for #1 but My #1 had an expensive butt
and he can only use huggies and pampers and the rest seem to cos him to have nappy rash..so now I just buy huggies first and wait for motherhood if there's pampers sale...
p: the confinement meal is from newbaby....my hubby was saying its like expensive..but i check online seems normal pricing...

diorly: woo you are giving me some hope!!! So excited to go to my next visit...so its possible that wk12 no gun, maybe now got gun...lol...you and your hubby can try again...^.^

Ellen: hmmm i think maybe i will get it in the next motherfare...my friend was telling me dont give up on breast feeding even if you have little milk...can eat supplement to get milk...for me i would really like to do breast feeding..cause it has all the advantage for BB
Hi Mummies,

I have a set of preloved Bellybuds for sale. Condition: 7/10 - works well but there's wear and tear. Used for 6 months.

Selling for SGD 50 (I'm including brand-new replacement adhesives - in the picture - that I bought separately but never used)

Cash and carry at Tampines mrt, or can arrange to meet up in town.

Interested mummies, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

Belly Buds allow you to share the music and sounds you’re listening to simultaneously with the baby in your belly, allowing you both to relax. They fit your baby bump perfectly, and can be plugged into pretty much any standard music-playing device.

BabyS: ya looking at some tingkat caterers now... But some friends commented that food is not very fresh cos they cook and deliver in day time, so still looking nia~ any recommendation?

wlilian: well I'm not saying give up easily on breast feeding, just that never breast feed before, so probably it's better to get a pump only when you know yourself better? ;) pumps are not cheap lor.. Like a few hundreds.. Some more must see your baby's taste.. I know people who have good milk supply but baby simply refused the taste of stored/pumped milk... In the end all the milk pumped became useless...
I have a fren who end up using the milk for facial..
Gd morn!
I went expo ydy n bgt a maternity shorts & some snacks for #1 only. My girl has expensive butt n uses Pampers / Mamy Poko only. Other brands either leak or rash. There's a clothes sale in another hall n hb happily bgt some shirts. My best buy is milk powder at airport's ntuc coz we parked there n took mrt down
Do go b4 2pm coz that's when the crowd starts coming in. Early birds get goodie bags too!

Ydy I told my parents if #2 is boy I try for #3. If #2 also girl i close shop coz I can't take the pressure from my FIL to pop a boy. My parents kept telling me all 3 girls also very gd, dun let gender affect my planning.....

Ellen: glad u r discharged n feeling better. For meals maybe dabao or get tingkat for time being. Most offer trial period of 2wks so by time u done with different caterer's trial, your preg more stable already. Or u can continue with the better caterer till u pop. As for household chore, can get part-time cleaner. For past 2 wks my back hurts whole day whenever I sweep n mop floor so I'm hiring a part-time cleaner starting next wk.
Wlilian, ya mine week 12 n week 13 can't find anything between legs then now week 16 suddenly shoot out! If financially allow and Buddha's blessings, I may try for #3! Hahaha
Usaginoko: yea most likely will try some tingkat for time being, guess that's the best option. Also looking for part time maid, we would like to keep the part time maid for long term actually... Hope to find a good one.

How are you coping with your FIL now? When will you know the baby's gender?

Usaginoko, u hired part time maid from agency? I'm looking for one too, dun wan to pay agency fees. Got any recommendation?

Confinement meal
My sis' confinement nanny didn't cook as good a meal as my confinement caterer. Her portions were much smaller than my caterer, soups more bland and less ingredients, and definitely less variety. So I'm getting the caterer too. Hopefully I dun get c-section else I have to consider getting nanny and can't eat confinement caterer food which I have been craving! hehe.

My caterer sent twice a day, once for lunch, and once for dinner. And it's still hot, so I had no problems with freshness,

Ellen, bed rest! No moving about unless to toilet! Take care there, I will suggest get tingkat too..
