(2013/08) August 2013

Hi all, does anybody know if its okay to drink salty duck soup?? My mummy say very "cooling" must not drink too much. But my MIL cooking today and i want to eat. Is it neccassary to put old ginger in the soup?

Catherine: yah...i also received alot of feedback and not sure what is really needed....where is the mother and baby fair? Is it at expo?

once in a while, eat anything is fine. just eat moderate. Ginger is to expel wind. if you want, can put lah..

This baby fair is at expo. this one is much bigger with more vendors than those usual baby expo fairs. so probably worth going there for a look.
if not, taka baby fair should be somewhere in march.
Hi Amanda,
we are seeing the same gynae and my EDD is 25 Aug. I did OSCAR last Thursday and it is about 1.2mm as well

Hope you get well soon!
Oister: I also heard that a lot of things may not come in useful depending on the baby. Maybe instead of buying, ask around and see if any friends or relatives can pass you anything first? My cousin's wife also said she has a lot of stuffs lying around that she doesn't really use or only use for a short period of time so she will pass some to me. Cot my SIL will give me her old one too.
Hi everybody! I'm new to this thread but wow, it sure is active! Hope can contribute too :) Me first time mom-to-be as well, going into my 13th wk tomorrow. How come so many of u can feel the baby at such an early stage liaoz? So I'm not turning ding-dong thinking I thought I felt heartbeat...? lol
Oister: dont buy too much b4 baby is born. When baby is born and u realise u need, still not too late to send hubby out to buy. For me the necessary things r cot with good mattress, sterilizer, pram, milk bottles (dont buy too many for start. See if baby likes first or not), good harversack (as diaper bag.. No fanciful diaper bag for me. I find they only look good but not practical)..

Clothing dont buy too much cos pple may give u hand me downs.

Things i dont find necessary: baby monitor (unless u stay in a 2 storey house. Singapore houses arent that big that u cant hear a baby cryin), baby mobile, baby play gym, hot water flask (those that u have to keep on for
Warm water. Waste of electricity)

For breast pump, i suggest see if can get hand me down first then if used to it, then buy a double pump. Whats works for others may not work for u. My friend swore by medela pump, i use it, i cry ah!! So painful!! I bot a ameda from breastfeeding mother's suppprt group, so much more comfortable..)

If u go for those antenatal classes, they'll tell u what is necessary too.
hi jos same as u, I was wondering too, but seems like most of the mummies is feeling flattering not sure wat is tat. can someone explained how it feels?

just to update I sort of (got to know from the assistance as I do not have any appt) got my Oscar result out everything is normal!!! wat a relive.
Hihi! Happy belated V-day

Re: bb shopping list, you can get a copy from major dept stores such as isetan, taka, robinsons. Mothercare has it too. Compare the lists, check with those with kids what's essential. Stuff with differing views on its usefulness e.g. sterilizer, u might want to hold on first. For me, sterilizer was useful coz I wash bottles once a day, then everything just dump into sterilizer then I go to bed. Milk warmer was useless for me coz I was almost full latch, but my SIL can't do w/o it coz she's exclusive pump n had to warm up milk every 2hrs.

I had a good Time shopping these few days. Bought bottoms from Cotton-On, dresses from Net, leggings from Image. Most items on sale, non-maternity clothes but r suitable for my growing tummy. U might wana go check it out.

At wk13 now. I dun feel anything altho I'm 2nd time mum. Looking fwd to march's check up. Hope to know gender by then.
It feels like someone gently ticking u with a feather.. They r also called flutters bcos it feels like a butterfly is gently fluttering its wings across ur skin ..

But somes pple may mix ir up with gas..
Yeah, milk warmer was useless for me. Its still sitting in its box 3yrs on. (anyone wanna buy from me? Haha)

I find warming up with hot water faster.
Hi happy belated happy valentine's day everyone. second time mommy here, my first baby is 8 months old.. EDD 18th August 2013. Hope to make new mommy friends
I remember someone complaining having bad cough. I oso had bad cough juz before cny. Then I took some almond drinks n it cured my cough. Maybe u can give it a try.

Now 2nd tri n I can feel headache on n off. Still can't go hungry as it will trigger alot of things like nausea, headache etc. how I wish aug will quickly arrive.
Thanks chocpockie...

Finally Decided to see a doc n have taken medicine, including cough syrup (dried ivy leaf extract, suitable for infants type), biogesic (paracetamol), antibiotics, n something else for my runny nose.. This doc ex KKH n knows my gynae too so for once I feel quite "safe" to take the medicine.. Told my gynae during last visit on thurs that I was unwell n he gave the go ahead for antibiotics for my flu cos bb is now stable
now just hoping to recover soon!

Forgot to check w my gynae n the doc just now on whether it is advisable for me to take a flu vaccine cos I really hate being sick all the time!
Amanda, hope u recover no time. If urs is dry cough, no harm trying the almond powder drink. I read on Internet that it is very effective. :)

Flu vaccine I don't think we can take now.
take care all who are down with cny bug! dun worry, most medications are pretty safe, it may be better for baby if we are in a good condition.

i am doing ok, still puking but not so much on MS side, is more like easily full and poor digestion. i have strong cravings and if i dun fulfill it, i can get quite moody sometimes! but once i overindulge, everything will come out. it actually feels more shiok for the food to come out, so i told myself not to eat too expensive food otherwise very wasted!
I am also having slight ms even though its not my first pregnancy (first was fine with no morning sickness) and I am already in my 13 week. The worst thing is I kept feeling like puking but nothing comes out.

I was sick for a month with cough and flu after coming back from overseas beginning of the year but doctor refuse to give me any antibiotics that is why I took so long to recover. Doc says there is no none safe for pregnancy
Hmm.. if not well go c doc. I also took antibiotics for my strep b.. But ever since cny eve I LS, I frequently experienced stomachache n LS.. like lots of bubbles in my tummy churning the stomachache. Going to see doc later.. hope bb is fine. If stomachache or LS will affect bb one anot?
Monday blues again.. Haiz.. Such a nice weather to be at home sleeping.

Hope those mummies that are feeling unwell will get better soon.

There's the baby fair this weekend. Most probably I will make a trip there to look see look see.

And thanks alot for the info on the stuffs that first time mummies need. Most probably i will ask for donations first. Haha.
Hi Mommies,

It seems that I lost my previous post.

I'm in my 12 weeks now, this is my #2. My edd is on 30th August 2013, think a mommy here also has the same edd as me. Sorry, I just scan through the previous posts.

I'm seeing Doctor Selina Chua and am delivering in Mount E.

As for stomachache and LS, could it be stomach bloated? I used to have that with #1, had to cut down on the dairy intake.

For mommies who are always falling sick, try taking vit c. It helps to build up our immunity to a certain extend.
Diorly: I have been having frequent LS, too. Mine is due to Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - too much stomach acid so it flushes my digestive system everytime I go hungry. I get one to 3 attacks every week. But apparently put on 2kg in the last 5 weeks. So.... But this is LS caused by IBS.

LS caused by bacteria can be much more harmful. Usually something that we ate (unhygenic) or food gone bad.
chocpokie I think when pregnant we r not allowed to have any vaccine think is not safe for baby.

over the weekend just bought some clothes, got 2 sets n 2 nursing bra it cost me 300 plus!!!! heartache.
just to check is it too early to wear nursing bra? I find it very comfortable compare to the normal bra I'm wearing.
Ya went to see doc last night and its gastric flu. Cos my gastric haven't been good, had a bad acid reflux the whole of last year. So my gastric is prone to sensitive food. Think I ate alittle bit of chilli and stomachache.. cos if gastric not good n you don't watch what you eat, easily developed into gastric flu virus. I very prone to gastric flu one.. xianz
melilone: i am also wearing nursing bra already....i started when i was week 13...really more comfortable..wah....300 bucks really alot..but singapore maternity wear really expensive...most likely i will get them online

Angela tan: are you talking about a list of what mummies needs to get for newborn? If yes, can you also email me? My email [email protected]

Hope all those sick mummies are feeling better now??
Woke up at 1am with a bad migraine till vomited. 6am forced myself to wake up to prepare eldest for school. Now like a zombie. :-(
slightly better and back at work though doc did give me mc for today just in case.. but i forgot to bring my cough medicine out!! argh..

wah 300 is a lot for 2 sets and 2 nursing bras... i haven't "graduated" to nursing bras yet but am relying on bra extenders. can't do without them these days!

Angela tan, at this rate i think you post the list here or on our fb group la..easier. :p cos i also want to take a look at the list

i also LS this morning.. watery and green. yikes. green i suspect is from my bright pink colored multivits (prenavit from Sunward). n the LS was probably caused by antibiotics.

will probably pop by the babyfair this weekend if i can too. since this is a much bigger one. at least check out prices and options!
Morning mummies..

Went for my routine checkup last saturday. Couldn't find out the gender as baby was sleeping with the legs shut tight that even my gynae was laughing. Will check again next month in the detailed scan. In week 16 oredi. Having serious gassy feeling in the tummy. Weight hasn't increased since i got pregnant.
Angela Tan: thanks alot for the list. Lol. I guess u better post online so all the other mummies can take a look too.

I am also using the bra extension. My cup size is very small. So i cannot find any suitable nursing bra without looking flat! Oops!

I am having green stools too. Been thinking of why but no answers. So it could be due to the vitamins. Hmm... Now I know..

I'm not in the fb group. I'll try posting the list here. My friend actually puts in her own comments, so just for reference. Not all items are required now.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Baby Items Checklist
Checklist.xls (23.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
oisterbaby I oso look flat but no choice it's is reli super comfy.

me too will have green stool sometimes even black but my gyne says it's alright do not have to worry. so ok lar. hee.

thank you Angela the list looks good should be more or less covered right? will there be any diff with c sect n natural?
went gynae last friday at 17 weeks. baby open legs and gynae cant see anything. so he say most likely its a gal, but ask me not to buy anything till i confirmed on 20 week scan.

have anyone source for names yet? i was so excited and shortlisted one name for the baby gal. cant wait to buy her a nice dress.
catherine: huh..wk 17 already...Gynae still dont dare to confirm that baby is a girl? Have to wait till wk20? hmmm...maybe really wk 12 my gyne guess my gender might not be accurate...still have chance to be a male...ho ho ho

Not much difference, as my gf went for c-sec. The hospital bag worksheet is based on c-sec case, so for mommies going for natural, might need to do a little amendments.

I hope mine is girl too.. #1 is a boy, so a girl will be just nice, can close shop le..

Wk 20 is the detailed scan, so more accurate, esp if you are going for the 3d scan..
wlilian: gynae wun dare to commit 100% one. for my #1, gynae also check at week 16/17 &amp; he only dare to commit it's 80% boy. as usual, for #2, he only commit 80% gal even though it's quite obvious.

It's quite a joyous news after all. having 1 boy 1 gal.
can really close shop.
btw.. the checklist say nail clipper only use after baby hit 3 mths? that's abit too long bah... my baby got super long nails within 1 month and got to cut liao. but i use normal adult nail clipper.
Catherine: congrats for you able to close shop...

Hmmm...not sure leh...for me my gyne during week 12 he scan between both legs and there is nothing...so he say most likely girl...but is there any mothers here who found out that at first doc guess girl...in the end it was a boy after 16-20 weeks?

Oic.. Like you, my gynae also can't see hammer between the legs but she say week 16 to confirm. My hub already told all his family and relatives that's its a girl.. stress man. I read thru other forum that usually wk 12 can confirm already. Cos usually is girls mistaken as boy.. umbilical cord seen as hammer. So I m keeping my fingers crossed.

Most importantly is my bb to be healthy!
