(2013/05) May 2013

dian tang
no leh, never ask her for her number the previous time. 2ks mentioned that they only started this extra booking fee recently...

think they nod that if the CL is good, the people wld ask for them again then can earn extra money for it...

the money purely goes to the agency, dun think the CL get any extra..
Omg they really earn a lot . My fren CL worked for agency and she also can be contact freelance . I can't get her cos my schedule doesn't fit hers
Diana_tang, iko, try to eat prunes and grapes. It will help. I think wholemeal cereals help too.

Btw, anyone signing up for pre-anetal class? Is it a must?
ikuko, thanks.
Prenatal class: i signed up and class starting in Jan 2013. Actually is up to you. cos it is my first child so i might need the info.
I probably will deliver in Mt. A but i heard the class conducted by Dr. Wong at TMC is good. So thinking of signing up for that.
Think it's about $200plus... i also think it's ex but my colleague says she is really good...so i think that's why so ex bah. :D
When i made pyt at nuh for the antenatal class, the nurse say there is a one day express class. Haha..but i did not ask abt the price
Mummies .anybody still dropping hair badly? The rate i dropping i think after give birth i sure botak
Glad u better le. My cramp usually on my calf maybe stand or walk too much

If u ok w the CL u like, gd to go back to her then to take the risk of a new one . But this round rem to get her contact coz fr what I understand thru agency agent will draw ard $500 fr CL pay ( based on 2009 what my CL told me la now don't know if still $500 to agency) tts y alot CL don't mind leaving contact . Or u ask ard anyone use her b4? Did u recommend to ayu of ur frd b4, see if they got contact?

Iko/ Dian tang:
Mine still ok leh did u all take fruits daily? I been making sure tt I take some fruit every day n of coz water so far poo ok

Mine I paid her $200 deposit only . She din give me receipt but again coz mine is 2nd round with her so just a token lor

Half boil egg:
Fabbie, I don't take tt. I'm told not to take raw or half cook food if possible.

Ikuko/ others:
Ya I'm reading y some of u sign for the prenatal class. I don't rem went for any class during my #1 then hehe

Other classes:
Any idea if there's any classes that we can attend during 3rd trim ? Haha be super free fr mid feb thinking what class can I go .
Morning ladies

According to the agency, i'm supposed to give the CL the additional S$200 directly or something like that... i'm still okay with it cos the total cost comes up to about S$2,500 (including levy) which seems reasonable... I wanted to contact the CL directly but my sil told me that the CL prefers to go through agency...

Prenatal class:
i signed up for Mrs Wong classes. Heard she's really really really good. Even my colleague who gave birth like 14 years ago is singing her praises... But unfortunately, i only managed to get the Feb slots... Colleague says that may be a little late cos she will teach you exercises as well... But that was kinda the earliest that i could book...
Prenatal class:
normally gynae will recommend us to attend the class, esp if its our ist one. it really helps one. u will lend alot of things from the class.
Morning mommies! What a cold & wet Friday morning...very good to sleep in (but I must drag myself to work..) TGIF!!

Prenatal class:
May I know what they teach you at these classes? Exercise for the mommy, how to take care of baby etc? I am totally clueless and never discuss with hb whether we shld sign up for such a class or not. Think I shld check out Mt A to see how much these classes are.
Prenatal class: ikuro, I think her cost of the her class range from 260 to 360, depend on weekday or weekend . Actually my fren told me she felt it is useless to join but I still go for it . Her reason is practice made perfect .

JC: I haven't made payment though I was in the clinic yester. I request doc to do ultrasound scan . Do u think the pictures of baby was clear? I show my parent and they can't tell what is what... Ha ha

Poo poo:
I try to eat many types of fruits everyday . Drink prune juice and Yakult too. Doc said I can alternate or skip the calcium and iron pill if still hav constipation .
Nlimm: Yes I Did.. usually oranges help alot but now.. Sobs.. nth seems to be working.. dunno izzit e multivitamins not suitable..

Iku: Maybe I'll go get prunes n eat.. u referring to those packet one right? Del Monte brand?
yes, first few lessons r exercises for mummy and subsequent lessons teach u how to handle a new born, how to bath them, etc.
dian tang : the pic i take at NUH is not very clear.

Actually hoh, when we see the monitor, the doc will say 'oh this is the hand, finger, bone. Only my hubby will go 'ya ya ya can see'. I was like 'huh, where got hand, where got finger? What bone?'
worried79, so should our hubby attend tgth for the first few lessons? wat he do during the time we do exercise?

I signed up TMC Ms.Wong group too.
JC: ha ha this is how I feel too . Maybe the scan in the fetal care will be more clear . I paid 60 plus for yester scan . Maybe I will request to scan in fetal care centre but maybe pay more

I like my first confinement lady too. And it's thru agency, then when I called the agency and said I wanted to take back that aunty, though the boss said sure sure no problem, I still feel uncomfortable cos dunno she knows who I wanted not,maybe same name so I want to talk to her over the phone, but the boss just dun let me talk to her.

Nw I booked another aunty whom my fren used and I paid a dep of $300/- to confirm the booking.
Nilmm, thanks. My cramp stopped yesterday. Actually quite worried although not pain but is menses tat kind of cramp.
Then at night baby kicking so I felt relieved.

Anyone felt baby kicking? I felt it near my bikini line there, it is kinda low, wonder is it normal?

Anyone updating gender?
my hubby went with me for all the classes. almost all have their hubbies there with them. we will need their help when we do the exercise too! so, its good if they r around

glad that u r ok now. take care. no updates from me yet, detailed scan on 2 jan, hopefully by then will know liao
dian tang : yr gynae clinic is at NUH 1 huh?
yesterday i went to the woman clinic, quite nice and cosy.

Ya! wanted to talk to my CL also but they say cannot interview also... so weird le... i went to their website and saw the CL that was recommended...

my colleague concern was that the agency may play me out and give me a lousy confinement lady at the end of the day...
Today is a puking day for me…. Keep puking this morning… Dunno wats wrong. Later still need to meet my friends for dinner. Dunno later how to manage.

Went to my detailed scan yest, everything looks fine and will be expecting a mei mei.

I know cannot eat raw food, but I still eating half boiled egg for this pregnancy… this time round I dun really bother. But din eat as much as I used to. I oso ate sashimi…

Prenatal class,
I din take up prenatal class when I had #1 bcos does not fit my hubby schedule and I dun intend to attend one this time. Everything is on the job learning for us when our #1 arrived.
@JC: I went to the toh guan one yesterday. It was very small, selling some prams, car seats and mostly Mandela pumps n accessories. No diapers nor FM on sale. Din buy much. Thinking of going expo tml
Half boiled eggs:

i try not to eat half boiled eyes but sometimes will still eat eggs which are runny... I'll mixed it together with the food and then eat together... hopefully minimising the 'sins'
is there sale at expo?

oh just to remind, those who fan tai shui this year, remember to return by this weekend.

next week is dong zhi liao
Fabbie, totally agree with u on the points u raised. Two income is really a hard fact of life in Sg and the sahms are really giving up income to care for the family. Govt shld try to help them as well. And those working part time should also be given the chance to claim for childcare benefits.

Those who are sahwms like me, pls remember that we are entitled to claim maternity 2 months and 3 days childcare leave. All these are based on ur last notice of assessment or submission of income to iras. I realise alot of mummies missed out on this.
Hello mummies,

Ytd went for my checkup, 98% boy
And when I saw the monitor think I did saw the bird also.
Scheduled for detailed scan between 14-18jan depends on which date they able to make appt.

Food4love: yes PE_ are very pushy. They will sweet talk u first then once deposit paid everything settled then their true colors will be out. They will give u 1001 excuses shld u ask anything. And do note even if u pay the extra $200, u my not get the CL u asked for. Coz the CL will only know wat job their getting or being sent to where 1day in advance. Thou they will say nicely they will try but trust me they will not arrange until u call and tell them u have delivered. Why I know so much and so well is becoz I got it during my 2nd confinement. But the lucky thing is I got the contacts for my CL so I liaise with her directly but still go through PE_.

Bbkk: glad to know that u're ok. Rest more.

Fabbie: saw the comment at sahm really blood boil. If give birth is just to send to ifc might as well dun give birth. Naturally mother's would wan to bond with their child.

Half boiled egg: I actually set quite a lot during my 1st preg, nvr really tot can eat or not leh until now u all mention.
Bbkk - I got cramps occasionally too... Then yesterday got a bit of pink discharge...
going to see gynae earlier tmr instead of waiting scheduled appt next sat.

Anyone went for the tampines sale?
thinking of going there + the baby expo.
Tts gd at least have comfort drink . Ur Gynae give u multivitamin too. Mins nvr only iron calcium n fishoil.

Tts gd,Everything is fine , maybe u strained urself tt day?
Mine I can't really feel yet maybe coz I'm only 15wks+ only feel slight shOrt pain here n there sigh

meimei have alot pretty clothes to get .

Jc/waiwai/ babymaine:
Expo have popular sale, guardian sale , it sale , baby sale , that's what I saw today. Baby sale no diaper no milk powder,total of ard errr 15 stalls only leh have sell avent milk bottle sterilizer ,3-5 baby Rompers stalls, jumperoo at $209, have prams n rockers. Fan tai shui, any idea which animal yrs for this yr , totally forgot .

For Parttime wking mum like me can I claim that 2 mths maternity leave & 3 childcare leave as mentioned?My pay is hrly basis but every yr employer did declare my income. My contract state I'm not entitle to the fulltime staff benefits . Try call mOm & ask but after pressing sooooo many selections buttons I nvr able to reach any of their officers on phone

Congrat! As long as healthy ok le I been telling myself .
By the way do we need to pay for detailed scan on top of our package ?

Expo baby sale nothing great. I went to popular sale today n shunbian go tt baby sale see see , in n out without 10 mins . Price so so only . But popular sale deal very gd hehe spent 4 hrs there without knowing .
Nlimm, I never strain myself. But nonetheless glad it is over and hope won't cramp again.
thank you for ur concern.

Esther, congrats. All boys playing together

Chiro, ya better see dr today. Most likely you are fine, bb is as strong as mummy. Update us later k.

Griny, congrats, ur first also girl?
nlimm: for mine need coz my detailed scan is done at tmc. Expo I more of like go there to get new mattresses for my boy. But seems quite mini for the baby fair.

Chiro: Ytd my sis went for the tampines she say not very good. But other mummies went mentioning romper mostly from 6mths onwards. Very limited on newborn.

Bbkk: Ya tat's wat I've been telling hubby coz he hopes for a girl very much. For me I'm ok as long as healthy can liao.

dian_tang: Robinson sale seems not bad one. Shld be worth going.
