(2013/04) April 2013

Zenn!!! Our edd the same hahaha so I suspect I will b a march mummie ;)
May b all edd April r the same I am wide awake! At 2 am!

Hi trinity - Boost yr health back ASAP, don't give up ya.

Hi Can- Dr Have not yet schedule the Oscar test for me. But most prob will b doing it. Let see what she say on my coming check up.

I feeling better today. Finally last nite I manage to sleep at 10.30am till now. I m wondering if is my job make me insomnia or is the Bb. I keep thinking if my performance will affect my work, will my boss b disappointed in me.. Cos actually I quit last year nov to prepare for my wedding as my job required constant flying. My boss ask me back in April and I rejoin the company since rest for so many mths. Now after working for 4 mth, I m pregnant n again can't fly.. Haiz. Worry my boss will find me 'extra' now..
Gd morning mummies,
Trinity get well soon!
My tulips u can take paracetamol if u really can't tahan. But I know most mummies won't suggest taking medication.
There is a short trip to Malaysia an my colls are askin me to go but I don't think I can take the long journey it's in nov la. sigh!
Good morning all mummies!

Trinity: glad to hear that the ops went smoothly. Take Gd care and get well soon!

Mytulips: Don't suffer the headache for too long if it didn't get better, panadol is safe for pregnant woman. I hv migranes history n few mths before i was pregnant, my gp suggested me to take panadol in case I m pregnant.
Maxlene: I m also scheduled for a work trip to India on oct n it's an important involvement. I still cannot decide whether should I talk to my boss if I can join my colleagues n collaborators via video conference instead of flying over. Sigh.
Trinity really glad to know your ops went well and timely. Now is to rest recuperate ok. Speedy recovery. Take care
Happymum, yeah my EDD suddenly shifted to 1 Apr. so normally it will be earlier or later? March or April depend on bb Choice. Haha
BB burger - India.. Haiz third world country where hygiene I'd not as good. Me alway hv to go these country like cambodia, vietnam too.. Which my hubby n MIL worry about the hygiene. Over there we drink mineral water whole day as their tap water nt safe for drinking. And drinking too much mineral water not good for BB.
Morning all! I slept at 2am+ last night. So tired. Also experiencing headaches but with ms zzz. Can't fall back aslp once I wake up.

trinity, gd to hear! How r u feeling now? 
juz went for a nap...better abit....maybe if still pain will take...
the nauseas feeling is always ard....arghhh...
i feel like a hermit...dun feel like going anywhere or do anything....
Early morning kana scold by an uncle while aligning train. Scold vulgar at me just cos he walk in n I walk out same time...

Is like my fault ma. Why People must be so nasty. I always respect n give up seat to elderly but there r rude elderly who don't care about ppl feeling.

Same here!! I have been lying on my sofa since tis morning. Dun feel like moving an inch. Waiting for my hb to dabao lunch. Keke
Happy Saturday everyone !
For those who have kiddos, how did ur kids' teachers' day go yesterday? My husband popped in my son's class and joined in the celebrations for a while. He reports that the boy is doing well in sch. Sometimes the husband does something right eh??

I think I'm having constipation though and just downed a bottle of Yakult, hope it'll help.

I also just read that online article About sibling rivalry and think that it's quite a novel approach because it is very structured and organized - by teaching proper behavior and rules and reinforcing. Having a system is good, and probably more effective than just telling kiddos to "get along" or "stop it!"
Ling, try prune juice for constipation?
My MS is getting worse. throwing up combat with huge headaches. Wonder when it'll subside altogether...
Hi Mummies-to-be,

I just joined this board. My edd is 18 April 2013 and this will be my #3.

Shirelle, I am also seeing Dr Douglas Ong. I am also suffering from nausea the entire day so I asked him for this medicine Maxalon and it has worked very well for me. It is v safe for pregnancy. Maybe you can ask him for it to at least tide you through this period. Hang in there, it will pass.
morning all! how's everyone?

chocoholic, glad to hear that we're visiting the same gynae! :D My next visit is on 23 Sep, hopefully by then I won't have to ask Dr Ong for medicine to cope with MS.
morning mtbs!

Went to see my gynae last fri. baby is 8 weeks old. saw my baby's little hands and legs and the hands were shaking from left to right! so cute..

but after that nightmare started. woke up in the mid of my sleep due to stomach pain and spotting! sian to the max! since then ive clear discharge like water... and sometimes yellowish. dont know what is it=(

has anyone tried the medicine for vomiting? the one that insert from the anus..
Daphne and Mummypooh: YA!!! very cute and heart warming! me and my hb were surprised to see.. i think my baby is growing fast? cause my morning sickness like getting worst. much more worst. dont know is it link or not.. hahhaa..
Morning All,

SdadSmumSson: Zenn Zenn & Mareikebb are seeing Dr Fong Yang, clinic at paragon or tiong bahru. I am seeing Dr Woo at tiong Bahru, couldn't give much comments as I had only seen him twice so far.

Maxlene: I don't want to go to India for the work trip, asked my other colleague for opinion and she said if I don't go it will affect my chance of involvement. Maybe she will change her advice after I break my pregnancy news to her. I don't think my hubby would let me go. Am praying hard that when the times comes, my boss can understand my reasons for not going.

ggchua: that's so sweet! BB must be waving hi to you n hubby.

Can't wait to see my doc this coming wednesday. Hope everything will go well for me!
divein: i did told my gynae bout the discharge but he said my there very okay. he even rated my there 90% healthy. lol.. crazy. but then the discharge is alot and smelly.

daphne: same here! i think i got all the worst morning sickness. headache, bodyache, breakouts, stomachache.. blah blah blah
morning mummies...

had a quiet weekend, took naps on both sat and sun which usually I don't do. Really tired!

Btw I heard from a friend that ginger is not very good for pregnant moms, is that true? I thought of drinking ginger tea to curb the MS and bloating but not sure if its advisable.
sunflower: my gynae advised me not to drink gingertea.. but i just ignored. as long as you try not to drink too much. for me, i only drink one cup a day and not with empty stomach.
mummypooh: he only told me its too strong. dont know what he's referring to. but i think ginger tea only helps to relieve temporary. i only drink during office hour and when necessary.
Hi mummies

Dr say I Hv UTI and prescribe cephalexin For me. I don't feel any discomfort except once a burning sensation in urine but after that normal. The test only come out yesterday ... I really don't feel like taking anti biotics .. Any mummies Hv experience ?
GGchua - u hv a active Bb ya.. 8 weeks old know hw to wave hand Liao.. Keke

I m going for my check up tomorrow.. Also in the 8th weeks. Hope my bb growing well.. I m worry cos I don't hv serious MS like the rest of u gals. Keep thinking if my bb is healthy or not. Can't wait for tomorrow.

BB burger - better don go especially still in 1st trim. I also kei kei nv said anything about traveling to my boss. My boss also nv say anything ( she knw I m pregnant)
Oh dear divein, pls don't hold urine to avoid UTI in future! very painful sensation it is!

ggchua, think we fall under the super unlucky group of preggies who experience monstrous morning sickness. I have it all day, headache, backache, constipation, vomiting, nauseous, fatigue. URGH... feeling so miserable in my office now
Shirelle I nvr hold ...... It just happen to know After a urine test

By the way hows ur constipation? I took lactus 1 time and KO .1 day later ....
Ggchua so good u can see your baby movement. I can't see anything coz my gynae scanning machine is super blurred. Even the printout he gave me is blurred.

Divein, I have kena UTI several times previously. Is a horrible sensation. Guessed you are mild now don't drag till is get serious. When mine got serious, I bleed when urinating.

Yeah, I felt nauseous almost whole day. But the worse is the headache.
maxlene: ya.. feel pretty amazed by it.. and very touched.. lol

shirelle: me too! i told my hb must send me to work and fetch me from work from now on.. cannot take it anymore. hopefully after this last month of this trimester, everything gonna be fine!!!!
Ggchua: I think it keep it since I have it. But heard it wil fade away de. Haha so think I will scan to my laptop first. Bb first photo thou is very blurred. Lol
Chelz (chelz_mum)

My edd changed already.

Nick Name: Sam
BB#: 3
EDD: 12.04.13
Gynae: Adrian Tan
Hospital: Mt A
Hi ladies,
I finally took unpaid leave for this month to rest, really don't feel well.. I realised I can't eat the sau tar piah, eat ald always vomit. Went to work vomit come back home also vomit, I think I also easily car sick.
Daphne, I'm seeing dr Henry too. After scanning me at 7 weeks he tell me to come back 4 1/2 weeks later for Oscar n blood test,
Just wondering is it ok not to scan in between? Did he say the same for u too?
Divein, wa... think prune juice would be suffice for you. Lactose doesn't help me and the taste is so yucky it makes me throw up. So far only the fleet enema works but can feel that it doesn't fully clear.

Macam, take care ya, it's good to have sufficient rest. Try to avoid the food that gives a bad feeling when you first taste it, cause likely to induce nausea. I have terrible motion sickness too. If I take bus, will surely puke after that. For car and MRT, I will feel nauseous but not as bad

ggchua, I hope so too. Really feel like dying. Worse are the headaches right now. Can't sleep when I'm feeling so tired. Gonna head to vivo to buy the maternity pillow later, hope it helps!
macam: me too!!!! omg! i now having phobia going to work and knocking off from work. but i'm going hong kong in ard 2 weeks time so kinda feel bad to take unpaid leave now

Shirelle: the pillow is pretty ex right? ive tried all ways. from 1 pillow to 2 pillows to no pillow.. but none seems to work. but i feel so much better and sleepy whenever i'm lying on the sofa. but then its not convenient cause i'm still staying with my in laws...
ggchua, can't remember the $$ of the pillow. My memory falters lol. Think if it's gonna help us to feel more comfortable, it'll be worth the price!

Btw, anyone know of banana or kiwi flavored toothpaste for toddlers?

Divein: I guess if doc prescribe u anti-biotics, it should be safe. I seen my GP for flu before I got pregnant and my GP knowing that I am planning for baby, prescribed me anti-biotics that are safe for pregnancy. I encountered UTI before, you have to drink lots and lots of water to flush out the bacteria. Pls drink lots of water! Get well soon!

Maxlene: Same here, I hardly feel anything and don't know whether is it I am paranoid, just feel that my tummy haven't been growing bigger. Just praying hard and hope that the scan on this wednesday turns out well. It is a planned trip to go over to India with my colleagues, just that the date is yet to fix and most likely will be october. Had made plans this morning to "fake" my application visa to India before my announcement to my boss and my colleagues. Any back out at this time is too obvious that I am pregnant, so it will be a last minute pre-plan cancel trip.
