(2013/02) March 2013

Ladies, you can take the first 8 wks of maternity leave first then the other 8 weeks to be consumed within 1 year of the start of your maternity leave.

Dear Mummies

I have extra brand new Avent feeding bottle which friends bought it as a gift. If interested please email me at [email protected].

Avent New Born Starter - selling @ S$44.00
Included: 2 X 1mth (260ml) fedding bottle
2 x 0mth (125ml) feeding bottle
1 pacifier
1 bottle brush

Avent New Born combine set - selling @ S$61.50
Included: 2 X 1mth (260ml) fedding bottle
3 x 0mth (125ml) feeding bottle
2 X 0 to 6 mth animal pacifier
Jeremy - I not working so no ML lor...

Faith - My doc also said my placenta a bit low but not to worry. He said it's quite common at this stage and the placenta should "move up" as the pregnancy progress. Only start to worry if it's still low nearing EDD. (I'm 20 wks today, he told me this when I was 17 wks.)
Anyone wants manduca carrier? I'm organizing the 2nd spree in our Facebook group. Need 3 more orders to close.
Morning Mummies and Daddies!
How I wished today is Friday.
This week don kw always thought it’s a day ahead. Haha..

Seems that a lot of mummies is having low placenta.
I haven got a detail scan yet only when go there than doc will tell me.
Last one has a slightly low placenta but never heard of how to higher the placenta leh.

Me too want to bonding with bb with 4 mths leh.
If I take 3 mths, than that means I have to put my bb to the infant care when he is around 2.5mths liao le. Like quite ke lian.
So, if I take 4mths, and can put bb at infant care around 3.5 mths. But maybe I see how.. I probably thinking of taking unpaid leave for another mth. Haha..anyway our company revise wages is always at July and so, even I come back, maybe no revise liao le. Just take lor. Haha..
Good morning MTBs!

Haven't been here in a while. I think I have asked this question before but just wanted to check again... What's the charges like for confinement lady? Have you ladies made your booking yet? I called the confinement lady my friend recommended and she's booked already!

And anyone taking antenatal class? When is the latest we can go for the class?
Think most people should have confirmed their confinement lady. Quickly get one! Try agency...

Hmm, I still don't know if I should ask my mum to quit her job and look after my child or if I should put him at nanny's place or put him at infant care. Headache for working mothers!

I'm waiting for lunch! Hungry now... Munching bread.
CL lady has to be booked as early as possible maybe during 2nd mth of pregnancy. haha.. cos those good ones or recommended ones are usually book in advance. but u can try agency one, as they will have someone and if u don like this one, can still change. that's the guarantee of agency lor.

my bb confirmed put at infant care liao le.
now big one at full day, mother will pick him up 5pm than bath and feed him. small one, now headache, who to pick at 5pm.
I know have to booked early but I had bad experience once. Lost my bb at week 10 previously so I wanted to wait till more stable this time then confirm. Anyway, I found one recommended by my friend. Is the range now around $2,200 to $2,500?
Hi Sunflower,

I'm from April 2013 thread though possibly bb will be out in March 2013 too. Interested the carrier. Can PM me the details? Thanks

My friend just gave birth, her CL IS $2050 for 28 days. From agency one..

I just went for my detail scan yesterday, also gt low lying placenta, but my gynae say should move up later..

I should be taking ML 4 mths straight. This time gt 3 kids to look after.. Getting maid to help out my MIL only in may13.
if getting a maid, got to scout around soon liao le. cos i heard sometimes need to wait for 2 mths is it for new maid.
If u r getting Indonesian maid, after Haji will b a gd time to start, as most leave their families only after the festivals.

The carrier good compared to bjoure? Which carrier is suitable for carrying baby around 3 mths old? By when will their neck can support? Forgotten all these.
Think the equivalent for Manduca is ergo?

MIM slings for newborn, bjorn for when they can hold neck steady but not too heavy yet, and ergo/Manduca when you need good waist support when they get heavier
I see... My first we never buy. We were thinking if buy for second then later abit wasted haha... And these carrier are so expensive.
morning mummies.. its a friday!!!

anyone have experience where bb is moving near to your stomach where u find them struck there?

these few days keep having that and ask my bb to go down. haha..
ceres, bjorn can face front n back. suitable for 4months onwards when their neck is stable. my bjorn synergy can use only 14kg. manduca, ergo can only face in. can use up to 25kg.
for bb carrier, i used to have this iphyeonhae from Korea. quite good but can only use when bb about 3mths.
Its quite good as they have a lot of support at the shoulder. I used that until when my boy was 2.5 mths cos they are getting heavier

But for this 2nd one, I also bought a new one where I can carry infant to 36mths. Haha..
Why use carrier? Pram better? Can hang barang barang also. Hmm, my SIL didn't buy carrier, so I thought it's not necessary?
Carrier sometimes is easier to transport when going out alone la.
Last time when at I go out alone when bb young, I will use a carrier. If go out with laogong can take car.

Now son big liao le, only can use stroller. Can change around lor last time.
Yun, depends on personal preference ba. for me, if im handling bb alone. i bring both out, cos my house not lift landing. need to carry pram, bag, bb. so for safety i put bb on carrier, take bus den transfer to pram when im on train. if we my hub, ofcos with pram. can lesser the burden on my shoulder n back. heheh!!
Dear all

I just realised we should avoid cuttlefish, is that right?

I just ate chili cuttlefish as one of the dish yesterday, now quite worry.
If u r getting Indonesian maid, after Haji will b a gd time to start, as most leave their families only after the festivals.
Filipino, will hv more choices after new year.

Re Tao nan,
Mayb she has property within 1km of e sch for rental/sale.
Anyway, if u wanna live near branded schools in bkt timah, I hv lobang for a condo rental/ purchase. Not joking. ;)

Re carrier,
Just curious, where all of u bring bb that need to take bus/train by yourselves huh?
I had only been strolling ard neighborhood or nearby shopping mall w bb in pram, even though I drive.

Y cant eat cuttlefish? I like it n squid these days.
Vaminga: u got lobang in bkt timah? Can pm me? Near which sch?

I always eat cuttlefish and squids ... Any problems? I didn't know ..
Normally I bring bb to town area like orchard and suntec, or causeway point.
Vivocity too where I just walk around and have a look la.

If I’m alone with bb regardless of stroller or carrier, its either I take cab to the destination or cab to mrt only than mrt to destination.
My hubby always will give me some transport $$. Haha…
If with stroller, definitely with cab cos I cant handle bb and heavy stroller alone.
Ya I guess moderation is the keyword. I think I have to limit my intake cos I will crave for it on and off.

Do you all still eat sharkfin if it is being served during wedding dinner?
Zhimin: I actually had craving for sharksfin.. It's not healthy cos of supposed mercury content found in it but I have till date taken 2 servings of it ..
I heard cannot eat sotong and stingray...

No wedding banquets so far. Haha, so didn't take. Cannot also?

Can we drink ice lemon TEA and peach TEA?
