(2013/02) March 2013

Nursing Bra, I bought mine from giant when I have number 1 because they are cheap. :p But if u have budget. Marks and Spencer ones look really comfy.

Alyssa: I got backache with my no.1 until I tried yoga. It was more painful in the beginning cos was strengthening my back, then It got better eventually. Now I try to carry my no.1 less and very sweet of her who understands that mama have baby already, cannot carry her so much.

Oscar test: may I know how long does Oscar test take? It depends on your baby's position is it? It's my first time taking it cos I took triple test for my no.1.

Mummies with 1st babies please keep all your tests results well. Cos our first Gynae has retired, seeing a different one for no.2. Nurse say if we can produce our previous blood test results, they will do a partial blood test for us which will be cheaper.
Hi mousebb,
All e best for ur oscar! When e result b out?

Hi Alyssa,
Wow, not easy to take care of infant & young toddler single handedly. I had to send #2 to a 3hr playgroup to give me some relief n time for housework when we decided not to hv a maid anymore when he was 19 mo.
Been having headaches these few days due to sinus n perhaps hormones changes. Take panadol also no use!
Watertap, Lucasmummy,

Thanks. Based on last experience, the results would come out on the same day.
Hi diamantz,
Blood test not by appt?

Uk shopping
Go to Hamleys, the biggest toy shop.
Also can get some nice sweaters/ windbreaker in uk at this time.
i yesterday go and see the triump bra.
60-70+. good but not much sponge. i think i require sponge for good shape cos im a A- breast. haha..
than my hubby reminded me, i tot u got wireless bra last time. i was like ok, ya got but too big... now temporary cant wear. have to wait until maybe 2-3 mths time.

now im still wearing my cup A wired bra. not filled up yet. but satisfiying that its growing more than last time. haha..
Morning Mummies,
Went for my Oscars on Friday followed by a movie date with hubby and lunch. So good to just have a day off like that once in a while because when you have #1, out of the window flies your date nights and movie nights. So mummies who are currently having #1 in the tummy, enjoy it as much as you can. =)

Hospital called this morning to tell me result of Oscars. Low Risk so its a good sign. =) Managed to see the baby awake and waving away at the screen. So cute I tell you. Now i look forward to meeting baby even more. =)
Am currently surfing US shopping sites and I'm so tempted to buy many many things. SOOOOOO cheap compared to SG. baby clothes and maternity wear... GOSH
Thanks for the tip! Blood test by appt but have to wait for 8 mummy/ baby. so glad that the fluid sac iis no longer there.
the next milestone will be the 5 mth scan and can rest more easily after that.

Lovwbyte- buy!!!
When we were at UK for holiday, we shopped at mothercare and primark for children clothes. We got a winter jacket for our son only at 11pounds for primark.

And bought like 2 sets pyjamas for 5pounds. I saw exactly same set at kiddy palace, selling $13+ for one set only. We love primark. Hubby was happiest. Because he always thinks children grow up too fast, no need to spend too much money on clothings..
jst came back from lunch and its cold. haha.. i forgot my jacket this morning...

u plan plan and when u have the gender than buy lor. haha.. for 2nd one, i don't need to buy so much. cos 1st one already buy liao le. haha..
Re : Breast Pump
want to ask abt breast pp although got ppl give opinion liao le. haha..
difference between medela mini electric plus and freestyle? any where is cheap? i thinking of buying from amazon but not now la. haha..
Hi sbb,
My boobs woes r exactly opposite of urs! V v difficult to get my size in S'pore too, so I had been wearing those that I bought during my final biz trip to US since erm...2005!
Been looking ard for wireless nursing bras in even bigger size, but can't find any yet, even though I m prepared to pay thru my nose. Sigh..

Difficult to buy these online, as it's better to try 1st.

Hi Lovebyte,
If u look at those china websites, also v tempting! Heehehee...

Hi diamantz,
As mentioned by lucusmummy, Primark is a great place for stocking up basic underwears too.
Hi sbb,
Just rem i saw some wireless, beige coloured training bras at Kiddy Palace Junction 8. Quite cheap somemore. Not sure will b suitable?

I used to be a B cup but after giving birth to 2 kids, somehow my boobs have shrunk to A cup. My hubby likes to tease me as he said how come my boobs can reduce in size when they supposed to get bigger esp after two kids....
I don't like those with sponge as I feel it very warm esp recently due to hormones changes, those wired bras also give me rashes
As of now, tube bras are my best frens liao. Wanted to go for bras shopping but no energy....
Vamiga: With china websites I can only look but cannot buy cos of my built. shoulders too wide and boobs too big hahaha cannot fit china sizing. tried once before but too small fit and the material was a littl rough.
Seems like alot of u bf .. But I heard nt easy. Only a few days after labour then can feed n need to massage then very pain.. This my 1st so alot of doubt..
Hi Alyssa,
Main concern might b lack of rest when handling both kids together. My boys r v rowdy even playing together, so I tried to spilt them into separate sessions. More peace & quiet fir me. Divide n conquer. Hee..

Face same problem abt buying clothes online, so only dare buy for kids.
But if I really can't find nursing bras of my size in local shops, then I might hv to try my luck online. Sigh..

Hi Lavonne,

I didnt breastfeed my boys as long as some mummies here, only 6 mths exclusively each & had many problems initially too. In fact, I pumped exclusively for #1 bcos his perpetual blocked nose made it v diff 4 him to latch long.
But there is a will, there is a way. As long as u put ur mind to it n ignore all the discouragement u will hear.

Bb only needs abt 10 ml of milk per feed 1st few days, sonot much milk needed. Feed too much, later vomit, even worse.
Hospitals like mt A, encourage mummy put bb to breasts almost immediately after birth. As mine was bith c-section, gynae only allowed breastfeeding from day2, e nurses will spoonfeed bb formula upon request so that no teat/ nipple confusion later.
U might want to read more on breastfeeding websites to mentally prepare yourself.
Definitely there will b self-doubt, esp at vulnerable moments. At my 3rd day hospital w #2, I panicked when seeing hiw hungrily he sucked, compared to #1. So I SOS my ex-colleague who was going to visit us after lunch to buy a tin of formula for me to bring home the next day.
She obliged me but being an experienced mom of 3, she told me to keep e receipt in case it was never used.
W a tin at home, it was v tempting to open it.
But in e end, I managed w/o it n returned the tin towards end of confinement period.
My take is that to find out e facts n decide w ur spouse if u want to breastfeed, as his suport is v crucial.
U will b able to get alot of support from like-mind moms in forums like here, but beware of a handful of over-zealous moms who might make u feel like a failure if u need to supplement.
Best wishes!
Hi mummies..Im a ftm and bb's Edd will be 15march... Do you all experience very very bad headache that will cause dizziness & very bad migraine?? How to ease the discomfort? Can we still take panadol?
Yesterday when for checkup due to having some bleeding.
Luckily everything ok.

The baby super active, keep waving to the screen
Morning mummies, I'm down at home again just few days after visiting my gynea n told him my MS got better. Yesterday puked so much dat I kept running to toilet whole morning when I was in office. Then went home in d afternoon, still puking everything and can't even drink water.

I noticed dat bb dun like meat. More prone to throw out if I had meat for a meal. Fish is ok but not fish oil. I started taking fish oil on Sunday which made me felt nausea n dat was when i started puking again. Maybe need to tell gynea to change the fish oil to smaller capsule type.

Really hope to get over with MS soon as I ardy 14 wks.

Just to share with you, I only breastfed my #1 for 4.5mths and stopped when I returned to work. For #2, I pumped exclusively for her for 15mths as I have stopped working then. I only supplemented her with fm for the first week when milk supply was not stable. I started pumping on the 3rd day when I was still at the hospital every 3hrs. The whole process was very tiring but worth it. Don't worry too much. You will be able to handle it when the time comes.

Me too. I cannot drink even plain water. The taste of water would make me wanted to puke. This has been since when I discovered I was pregnant at 4 wks+ till now at 13wks liao. Still no improvement. Hopefully this feeling will go away soon. My little one only likes home-cooked food by daddy. Each time after I have outside food, I will start to have heartburn even though it could just be a few spoonfuls of the food.
I'm doing my Oscar scan today but bb not cooperative leh.. Now still need to hang around to wait for another scan.. Hopefully next scan can scan already.. :p
Bfg requires alot of determinations. It all depends how much u prefer Ur bb to be fed on. Some Pple prefer exclusively for at least 6 mths, one year etc. While the others are ok to rely partially on fm or totally fm. I'm the sort who prefers exclusively for at least 9-12mths, so I have stress level to maintain the quantity, especially the first mth is a nitemare. So u really need alot support from family and make sure no one pour cold water. This can lead to depression, so must be careful when u really wana bf. I heard of mil pouring cold water by saying bm cause bb to fall sick easily and bm is not full for the bb, etc etc. So u must be determined. But don't compare with other peers how much milk they have etc, as long as u have , even partially bfg is more than enough. It's very tiring journey but Most impt is don't stress Urself and make bfg a happy journey.
One BIG motivation for BFing is that it can help to shrink the tummy and womb!

I agree with what the mummies have said. Breast feeding is not easy. At times you may feel like you are not giving enough to your baby or inadequate compared to other mummies who seem to have endless flow of milk till their freezers overspill. What matters most is you have a strong willed mind to tell yourself that you will give all that you have and you set a target for yourself that you think is achievable by you. There will always be alot of unnecessary comments here and there from people but you must know what to listen to and what to ignore and disregard. A mother's instinct are best for their child most of the time. In doubt then rely on your husband for advice as he should be your confidante and be able to help support you through the confinement period.

New mummies also must be aware that Hubby's like yourself are new parents. Don't neglect them and also ensure that you support them as much as they support you. Both of you will face cries and loss of sleep together. So dun flare up at each other so easily. Be mroe patient and understanding.
I think so. All on fb. Haha.

Can I ask if there is a routine blood count in the first trimester? I can't remember if it is necessary. But I haven't got an OB appointment yet :p and wonder if I can drag till I am back in sg for a week in late oct. so far, I saw my OB in sg for a scan on W9 and just did my NT Scan with a specialist in dubai. A bit Bo chup to make additional OB appointment here. Hmmm... Maybe cos second preg, not so gan cheong to see baby all the time.

But I kinda can guess my blood count result - fail 4 out of 6 red blood cell tests, Iron deficient, blah. :p
Btw, no other overseas Sg mummies here? All Sg time zone one uh? It's so quiet in the forum when I log in at night cos all you mums n babes in sg are sleeping already.

Rarely have cravings but a white chocolate cheese cake or a strawberry tart now will be nice. Ha!
Good morning!

Just received a call from the clinic last night that my oscar result is good. Finally feel so much relieved. Am looking forward for my detailed scan on 29 Oct.
Yay!! Good news for you mousebb.

Morning Mummies,
I'm so hungry!!! I just had a chee chong fun but like not enough le. Btw mummies who take your multi-vits in the morning. IF ur multivits contains iron then you cannot take milk 3 hours before and after. Calcium will absorb the iron and pass it out of your body. Therefore I take my multivits in the morning and milk at night.
Argh! I have been taking multi vit after milk for the past few wks.
At 13th wk, gynae stopped prescribing folic acid n multi vit but started me on dhaxtra for bb brain,calcium n Neogobion. A mth supply costs me $90!
Any1 on similar supplements?
Hi all, I'm a first time mummy with Dr Tham Kok fun at Gleneagles. Edd 10 Mar 2013. Looking forward to learn & share pregnancy journey with all mummies here.

Pls add me to the fb group if there is one. ;)
Just did my OSCAR at TMC. The ultrasound lady, Ms Wong Siew Chern is so nice... when i went in the morning at 830am, baby is at upright position instead of lying flat. She patiently explained to me why, and what to do to make baby turn before coming back again. And during the scond scan, (luckily baby behaved well and is in perfect position) she detailedly explained what measurements she's taking... and scanned the entire profile of the baby to show me... head, brain, hands, legs....
Glad she made my day pleasant...

Have a nice lunch and day ahead, mummies!!

On Monday when I did my oscar, the lady who took the measurement for me is also very nice. She even let us hear the bb's heartbeat

Hi mummies,
few days never in here liao le.
loss weight 1kg like that for taking care of my sick son. luckily he is feeling better now.

But came for my mother in law and niece turns. both same, sick for vomitting and diaherra.

i guess a lot of mummies is in FB. but i still prefer to be here. ha.. FB at my hp is slow sometimes.
