(2013/02) March 2013

U know my company has quite a few of ang mo.
My boss is also ang mo and he told me that in their country, 6 months is min. he thought that is ok also. Cos by 6mths the child already knows how to flip and u need not worry. 

But my own assistant manager, he is a Chinese. He keep telling me if I go ML, he thinking of resigning. Haiyo…
Not as supportive as ang mo la. Haha..

I took 3 full mth the last round…I thought I can take on-off maternity leave after that..but I realized its even harder to clear that one month leave. I took almost 9mths to clear off that balance 1 mth.. because I still need to clear my annual leave, and when going back to work, its like never ending, quite hard to take leave.. so now I would clear all 4 mths straight , spend more time with baby and build up milk supply.. by the time go back to workforce shld be around end june-early july..just nice to clear annual leave..
celtbaby, yup.. dun worry so much. the journey is still far. hahha!! tat time i force myself to work hard cos i insist not buying any milk powder. so i am the only supply for my girl. but also lucky her demand is not so high. in any case, if need formula, there's always 24hours NTUC to get.
i that no no supply for my son ah.. haha.. he only take for 2.5mths than nothing liao le cos i sick.. all the supply drops. sian.......

and me too same, im taking straight 4mths. my ex boss ang mo also told me.. pls don be like one of the lady, take 3 mths and 1 mth took so long to finish off. pls take one whole straight.

than i told him, don worry, im taking straight. i don like trouble too.
talking about BF.... i remember feeding my son...and he gave me a "not nice" face...hahaha...after that i tried few times, but he jus dun want to latch on...hahaha.

seems like the nurses are encouraging mummies to BF.... which i think is good!

this time round, must try
mrs lee
i also don't wanna buy FM but end up when i discharge that day my aunty, confinement nanny & confinement agency force me to go and buy. drag me out make me pay and i was so angry and cry! but lucky i still manage to bf for 1 yr.

paternity leave is gonna b part of the ML? meaning 4 moths share among the 2 of us? like that even worst leh! now paternity leave only 3 days. 3 days go what. i not greddy, 1 week or 2 week i find better then nothing. now say share. wth.

sbb, sunflower
my boss asking me to take 3 months then slowly clear the 1 month. cux if like that the last 1 month need find people replace me ma so he gain.
maternity leave
u all are allowed to take 4 full months of leave? my company goes by the government stated 16 weeks, which is actually only 3.5mths

its just my guess because its being proposed in such a way..they haven release the package yet.. maybe its extra paternity leaves..can only wait till january
the paternity leave i think not out yet.
maybe they will give paternity leave for 2 weeks?
but not going to be shared with us la. ours is ours theirs is theirs.

for my hubby, he's doing his own and so, even got paternity leave or what, also no use for him. maybe can only claim some $$ ba. haha..

i guess depends on company and depends on how your doc gave u.
my doc that time go and calculate and give me full 4mths.. funny doc right? my doc give me by days and not weeks.
I agree with blueswimmercrab that close family bond and reliable help is the key. There are pple who do not wish to have or perhaps delay having kids coz afraid it may jeopardise career... but there are also many out there who are reluctant coz there is no one ard they can rely on for help.

Esp if its two working parents, who is going to look after their bb when they are back to work. Also, I'm sure its very tiring to be at work during the day and look after ur bb in the night. Most pple are average income earners, infant care is really expensive on top of all the necessary medical care, education etc...then after that childcare also need $$. They may be able to afford for one kid, but don't think they will consider having bb #2 & #3.

Many pple i know, when asked if they wanna ve a 2nd kid, they say no and mainly coz nobody to help out.
I'm taking 4mths/16weeks straight... if split im afraid will nver have a chance to clr it once im back at work.

Any mummies still feeling the MS at week 12?
agreed. last night i had a nightmare, i was sitting for the "o" level and "a" levels and going mad from studying and looking for my lost notes. and my exam was in like 10 minutes and i was late but still could not find the papers. then i declared in my dream that this is terrible and that i do not want my child to live such a life.

omg, i dun even know where that dream came from. its been damn long since those exam days.
its true la.
u know even my malay friend, she told me that she is stopping at 2. She said her mother already got problem taking care of 2 grandchildren. Let alone her 2nd one is coming at next Jan.
her mother don’t want a maid and they also don want to send the child to cc so soon.

So at the moment, infant care is out of questions for them.
I guess we really need to have very very supportive parents to help us or relatives.
Hmm…. When we planning for 2nd one, we already headache liao le. Haha..
being SAHM also got problems. you end up being maid, mother, nanny, bulter for all in the household. and no cpf, completely dependent on your husband, and when you kids hit secondary school, u may feel really lonely. imho.

well, i am choosing infant care lah. least of all evils for now. now to find a good one.
sbb, paternity leave can claim from government? my hb also doing on his own so the paternity leave makes no diff for him.
Celtbaby: For breast pump, perhaps you may want to purchase before and bring to the hospital. For #1 mine came in on 3rd night at hospital and i had to loan fromt the hospital. Its like as though it was so full that it hurt and I needed to pump immediately.

RE: Big ticket items:
You can either wait for the abby fair at expo or taka baby fair. Usually end of the year should have one. If not can purchase now and deliver later.

RE: Breast milk.
Mummies, dun worry to much. The more you worry the less you have because of the stress. Take it easy relax and it will naturally come. You just need to keep going at it. Don't worry if another mother is over-spilling with milk and you cannot match up. Everyone is different just like each child's needs are different. As mummies, we give all that we have and what we can, at most supplement with powder milk. Not having enough doesn't make you a bad mummy.

Another thing I'll like to warn mummies of is the Post Natal Hormones that sometimes cause depression. Depression can kick in because of lack of sleep and being overly stressed with taking care of a newborn and not having milk and hearing 1001 people's comments. From now, you need to prepare your mental state to know that during that 1 month, a lot of things are overly exaggerated by your hormones. You will feel lonely and sad at times and feel that hubby doesn't understand but do remember that hormones are at play to.

Blueswimmercrab: These few nights I have also been haing a lot of dream. Everynight i sleep i got dream. All sort of funny dreams that when I wake I got to tell myself that I amd in reality.
I don like SAHM leh.
As what blueswimmercrab, also got problem.
I think sahm don’t have their own financial status and I don’t really like to rely on someone for $$.
If woman are more confident of their own status hor.. I think we also got the final say in something. Sometimes relying from someone with $$ not easy. Now this xiao san also lurking around. Haha.. what if our own hubby when 40+ 50+ same like those ah pek, than cham liao.haha..

For now while working, I can fully understands as when I said this means this.
My hubby also follows what I arranged for my son. Haha.. even before marriage, all renovation and wedding preparation is also handled by me while he busy his work.
Haa.. we both same too huh on this.. hubby also working own. Haha..
I think if government make paternity lawful, than probably can claim.
Just like when they go reservist, also can claim. The company or himself have to submit claims lor..
But I don’t know the procedure. Cos my hubby got someone to do for him.

Re : Breast Pump
Yesterday I saw at Metro, has this avient and pigeon.
Tempting to purchase the pigeon one. Haha.. cos last time mine is manual. Sian. Haha..
agree with lovebyte regarding breastmilk. that time my bm didn't come in till a week later, and i supplemented with fm during that time.
Hmm, for some mummies, not necessary becoming SAHM all the way. Usually once their kid can go to childcare, they will get back to workforce.
I think it all depends how u see it, even without kids, also a maid, need to do housework at home..just that now with a kid, housechores become more to do..
Ultmately, see wat u wan, if u are low maintenance, I don’t think u need to rely on husband so much money.. if u high maintenance, need to do manicure , hair monthly, then I think SAHM is not suitable. I see some frens being happily with SAHM life until their kids reach 18mths..they still can go out once a while to meet frens for coffee. They still look great, not becoming auntie..they are happy growing with their kid , watching their new progress each day. They know when their kid starts their first flip, when they speak the first word. I think it all voice down to wat joy u looking for, other than monetary. Of cos, if financially not allow, only single income from hubby and quite tied up, then i think SAHM is not a choice cause u may end up depression too.
what Lovebyte08 quoted is so true. low supply or even unable to meet the demand doesnt mean you're a bad mummy. its just god's gift. just take it easy and try to rest as much during the confinement.

blueswimmercrab, your dream so funny yet stresful la.

lynn, i will cried too if i were you given at that situation. how come your hubby never come rescue you?! when i decide to bf, already told hub to stand by me in all decision, and he needs to me my armour in those negative comments. im glad he did all the way.
Mrs Lee
haha.. true true. cos im the low supply mummy. no choice leh. but at least a little bit better than nothig initially. but i really fu le those mummies where their endurance to express milk till their child is 3 years. that is fantastic.
Penny / Sunflower
i think i can't. haha... cos i don't think im good enough to stay at home, do hsework and take care of children. im also not so good at teaching kids. so i really pei fu those mummies where they really can taught their kids very well.. hmm...

im more to outside ppl. can't really stay home, although not so call high maintenance type. haha..
sbb, you were sick ma.. no choice.
try again this time lo. 3 years, thats alot of hard work and money that they save. hahha!!
Sbb- I also those cannot stay at home type lo. For me i am still quite lucky to have my in law and my mother help. But with no 2 coming i really dunno they can cope a not? asking me put no 2 in childcare i dun bear le. I am waiting for her to reach 3 then put childcare. If worse come to worse i will be a sahm temporary till they are bigger lo.

I do agree with some mothers saying taking money from hubby might not be easy la. like need to see their face. I feel its a basic responsibility for the husband lo if they want us to be sahm. I feel doesn't mean i take money from u i must listen and see your face. hahah.
SAHM-i guess not all are suitable to take care of kids. I've got a fren who gave up after taking care of her son for 1 yr... she's so bored that she went back to work after she found childcare for her son...

but i also got a fren who ended up taking of her daughter full-time and work part-time giving night tuition and lectures for adult classes....

breast-feeding: i also v peifu those who bf till kids grow up.. my cousin's still bf her 3rd daughter who's 18mths liao..... i dun wish for much but at least enuff to go for 1st 3 mths full bf......
hmm, i think SAHM definitely got its advantages - really see kids grow up, be there for them, and don't have to juggle work and family. just that i think SAHM should be given more respect and sympathy from others. like usual response to SAHM is usually "wah so lucky, like tai tai" when i really think its very very tough. at the expense of sounding feminist, men, especially, dun realise SAHM is also sacrificing a lot.
If I can, I wld also like to take a few yrs off work to focus on my kids. Then resume work when my kid is at least 2yrs old n can be sent to childcare. But the risk is employers may not wanna hire us after not workg for so long.

I feel that they shd see that we are actually doing the workforce a favour by opting to stop workg. They dun ve to pay our maternity leave, we wont be offloading our workload to fellow colleagues. We will not waste one vacancy n they can hire someone else for the job. Besides, what's the pt of us workg thru our pregnancy when we know at the end of the day we will be penalised for things like poor performance, absence during ml when it comes to evaluation.

That's y, if my finances permits, I wld gladly take a few years off for my kids. Unfortunately, me n hb financially not so strong
waa.. today everyone's active!

i still puked this morning though... thouogh i thot the ms shouold be over since i have hit 12 weeks.. oh well... makes me feel tat i'm still preggy...

my hub also have his own business... so the paternity leave really can claim from govt one ah? if can claim not so bad... contribute to bb things!
I think, current paternity leave is not claimable right? Just out Of goodwill company give one.
So pathetic leh. Imagine 3 days is just accompany us go delivery then 1 more day in hospital and discharge day.

I've a lot of friends that become SAHM and went back to work when the kids are 1-3 yr old. I think like that Not too bad. But the Hubby income must b sustainable la..me & Hubby only $100 difference in.salary so I cannot b SAHM. I've a maid global tc of my #1 instead

Mrs lee
I was a single mum so I got no support lord. Lucky now my Hubby very supportive and I'll make sure. History wont repeat itself
anyone cant breathe well after a meal? i had 2 plain prata without puking. But after that, i couldnt breathe..2 hours already still cant breathe well..
Ladies endure. Soon it will be over.
I also those eat liao too full feel like puking then no eat also feel like puking. But hor i did something not very healthy la. After each meal i will slip some Coke then i will feel better.
ya i gave up on MS and bloatedness. how many wks are u already?

me love coke too..feel so happy with super cold coke..
Ya lo. This pregnancy i crave for cold drink anytime of the day. Even plain water also want cold. But i try to control cos my no 1 have sensitive airway then will easily lead to cough and brochitics lo. Scare drink too much cold stuffs 2nd baby also like that then i faint. Consume in moderation.

Btw- Done with my oscar scan last friday and got the result yesterday. All are Good
Baby is 66mm gynac say consider tall.
sunflower me too sometimes i dun know what to eat also ... am 11 weeks

penny congrats on your oscar results ! i am going for mine next wednesday, wish its this week haha
Yen: All the best for ur oscar scan. Eventhough is 2nd pregnancy still enjoy so much in doing the scan. Can see baby for a longer time. See if ur gynac manage to scan the gender for u
I love Rootbeer! Once in while will drink. So notti hor!! If not will drink cold juice. Personally I dun like hot drink also but will try to drink room temp for baby's sake.
