(2013/02) March 2013

Afternoon ladies... Im feeling abit more crampy than ever today, hope its nothing...

Berry, im seeing gynae tmrw noon, 1st visit. regret not making the appt today instead... Haizz

Went to see gynae this morning manage to see the sac going back in 2week later.

Sac 1cm for week5. The size should be ok right?
Windy, take care and try to take some nourishing/bu food.

I am feeling extremely dizzy today, not sure if it's because I lie on the bed all weekend. Food wise, I can't fancy any food these days, most put me off, ESP sweet ones. Spicy, hot, savoury still can down a bit. Soya milk half sugar level is my fav now.

Celtbaby, if cramps w/o bleedin shd not be too worrying, may be baby gg thru growth spur. I did feel crampy on certain days too.

All the best for ur scan and berrydelight too!
Hi Mummies,

I got a positive over the weekend!! So excited!

5 weeks-ish and counting... according to online calculators, my EDD should be 14 March

Have anyone heard of Dr David Jen Shek Wei? Am considering him as my gynae... Any comments? TIA!
Thks beanbean, you take extra care today...rem to squat down or grab hold of something or someone if the dizzy spell hits.

Welcoming new mummies
Hi. I am a silent reader all these while. My EDD is 1 Mar 13. Have updated the spreadsheet.

>> Sunflower, i have inserted a row before you coz the doc is sorted by EDD right? Hope you dun mind. Hee.

Welcome! Huh? Y would I mind? We are all here to share. Im not the owner leh hehe. Just go ahead to insert. ;)
berrydelight, i think better don do gelish as when u need to remove need to soak with acetone. As for normal nail polish still can, cos the remover use non-acetone
oooooo okie.. haiz okie lor... me gg to soak off my existing gelish, which i have done last month without knowing i'm gonna get preggie... zzzz.. so sad.. no more mani...
hi all, i realised drinking ginger with lime juice helps me feel better. maybe those feeling queasy can try.

how big is the sac supposed to be. my was like 4 mm at 4 weeks. is that normal? sounds very small leh.

can dye hair during this period?
i think mine was 7.4mm during 5 weeks... dunno normal anot... but ya, according to those site i read, is meant to b small..

i just dyed my hair during my 5th week... faster do and dun do till..... maybe bb comes out?
Celtbaby, thanks ;) My dizziness is still ard..can't stand to stand long. Hope ur cramps is getting better.

I'm staying off hightlighting and nail polish for a moment. let my gelish grow and trim it away instead of soaking them off. But my ways may be too extreme le.

Blueswimmercrab, how do u make the ginger drink? I feel turned off by food every min. Think wana try :p
hello ladies!
i tested positive last week.
based on my own calculation, i should be 4w now.
still haven't make appt with my gynae yet..
beanbean.. u r not the only extreme ones...
i stayed away from nail polish and hair dye 6 months ago.. cos my hubby being too health conscious, made me stayed away from those.. hehe
Hi. I bought this wrist band from watson that helps to relief seasickness or motion sickness. Can be used for MS as well. I tried wearing it and i think it does help. For me, i feel queasy the whole day. The only time i don't feel much queasiness is when i am eating and sleeping. The band is not very ex. If i din remember wrongly, it's less than 20 for a pair.
hi all,

can i join??? ... hee hee.... went gynae last friday, i am just 4 weeks... sac only 1cm.. but my ms was so bad...
having fever and flu at the same time too ... this is my #3 ^ ^ but previous 2 was totally fine for me...

Hope all mummies have smooth smooth pregnancy & delivery ^ ^
more mummies joining ! Welcome

Does the band really works ? I have to puke and eat to curb my ms. Hate it man. If it works, I dun mind getting one. Can't stand it already. When Ur next scan ?
Blueswimmercrab, thanks for the info. Actually there's no firm research indicting harm from pedi and mani. Think mostly personal preference. No worries if u have done so.

Scloud, high 5!

Talking abt sweets, I heard that ricola(?) is not ideal for pregnancy coz of an artificial sweetener used.

Can't get back to sleep since 5am. I hope it's a 1time thingy.
Sunflower, it works for me. Dats why i wore it to work. Otherwise i duno how i could survive working life. The queasiness feeling was terrible initially. Now its on and off. One week is so bad till i can't eat anything, the next is like nothing. But then when i feel nothing, i start to worry whether my bb is ok. Dillemma.

My next scan is aft my 1st trimester review with kkh. After this scan with kkh, i will go to my pte gynae for subsequent review which would be done every 3 weeks for 2nd and early 3rd trimester.

After first trimester is so long. U not worried? My next scan is 10 wks already feel long wait. Ya it's really terrible until I dun wana work. Feel like taking long leave.
hey girls i start to feel nausea when coming to eating. is like very hungry but when see the food feel nausea and like gg to puke...when im only 6wk tis wk.
yah, sometimes i wake up feeling moody and tired and nauseous and i don't feel like working, but what to do. still need to drag myself to work. else will get bad review and get into your boss's bad boots... sigh!!! its a pessimistic tuesday!
very hungry must eat..thats the way to curb nausea..no appetite also must force to eat..cos it will help ur nausea..if u dont eat , ur nausea will worsen and end up vvvvvv terrible.

so jiayou ladies !!
Morning mummies .... Seems like all are not feeling well wor ...
Hang on hang on !!! Everything will be ok once our body adapt to the changing hormones though some may persist till
Birth ....

My gynae ask mi go back when I am 6 weeks to check for
Heartbeat . Keep my fingers cross ....
Sunflower, since hb detected liao, i am not too worried unless i spot/bleed or MS suddenly disappear. My pte gynae did ask me to go and see him when i am 10 weeks. Maybe i will pop by when i finishes my duphaston.

MTBs who are experiencing terrible MS, you may want to try taking small frequent mails e.g breakfast, morning teabreak, lunch, afternoon teabreak and then dinner. For me, i have light snacks like cut fruits, yogurts or biscuits in my bag. Anytime d queasiness sets in, i will munch a bit and i feel much better. Dun take heavy meals coz it may cause vomiting too.
im gg to visit my gynae tis thur to heAR HB? keep my finger cross..

my MS seems to be better liao..

Let's Jiayou together..

im the paranoid one..cos i heard cases where hb stopped at wk8..after wk8, the chances is 90% survivor..wk9 onwards is 99% survivor..so i will still want to see gynae at least wk9 onwards to ensure..

ya im also trying to eat small meal per day ,does help..

hope u can see hb
Hi mummy I also new to this thread. Just went for my 1st ultrasound last sat n saw the sac of my #2. This week I'm 6weeks. Should be due mid march if all works out well. Haven't hear bb heartbeat yet so just waiting for next visit at week 8. I'm sick too wt flu n sore throat but I think I caught it from my gal #1.
I'm going for my 1st visit later at 2.30pm..i shd be week 7 le... Nervous, worried, scared, excited all at the same time. Hee.
Dear mummies, I might be able to join this thread in 2 weeks time. In the mean time, I'll come here to kpo kpo first.
So tired and very lazy to do my work -.-"

do anyone experience gum bleeding? This morning when i brush my teeth my gum bleed make me keep tasted blood or metal metal taste "yuck" LOL!!!

Sunflower so wk 9-10 then can consider safe ah?

i meant for hb survivor..but also got cases where bb stop growing at wk 11 etc..i think maybe i drop this topic..not gd to talk about now at this stage..sorry to bring this up.

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