(2013/01) Jan 2013

Precious and Chevy, how did you keep the supply up since did not latch? I had bad supply issue and done almost everything (fenugreek, domperidone, hot compress, massage, nursing tea) except baby don't latch....
I do understand ur frustrations. I just kept pumping every 3 hrs..... Massage prior pump helps. Have u consulted LC? Maybe they cld help? Try drinking warm drink half hr b4. Hope ur supply increase soon
Chevy, tks for recommendation.. Shall take a look.

Angeliqueous, I also pump 3 hrly initially even at nite. Just hv to keep positive mind n dun be too stress up with supply. I give FM when outside n nite time to save the time of warming the milk.. But nw I'm pumping 4-5 hrly n sometimes even drag to 8-9 hrs then pump especially on weekends.. Tik mine is 'season' already coz though I wait til 8 hr then pump, I still can pump 300ml which is equivalent to 2 pump session.. But I know this cant be too long n supply will definitely drop.. So if I drag so long then pump, the next day I will try to pump diligently to keep up my supply.. But dunno wat will happen after going back to work... Hope I can still pump 4-5 hrly...
Think as the months go by, we mummies are getting more tired, so it is increasing diff to keep up w the pumping schedule... Jiayou mummies!

Recently my boy is taking his last feed at night earlier and then waking up at 4.30am for milk, super tiring to sleep only for a short while, and to try to wake up at 6am to pump, so keep dragging till 8am instead, which is too long (and not ideal) but no choice just could not wake up! gosh, hope can move the time of his feeds a bit later so I can hv some rest at a stretch...
I'm pumping exclusively too! The first 3 months are very most for establishing supply, so pumping 2-3 hourly is crucial. After that can start to drop pumps, which I'm trying to do now.. I pump every 4 hours or more, and no longer fill so miserably engorged as I stretch the time.

To motivate yourself, don't get too stressed by the amt you produce per pump. Rather, look at how much you can produce a day. I track my pumps everyday to check if my supply is consistent, if it is dropping I will increase frequency.

I find this link useful:

And if you want to increase supply, there is an effective way, called power pumping (pump 10mins, rest 10mins, and do this for an hour). Do power pumping at nights when you have time, for 2-3 days and you'll see your supply go up
but do remember to take care of your nipples cos it may cause too much abrasion, so apply nipple cream!

Jia you mummies!
I'm impressed with mummies tt can pump every 3hr and looking after bb yourself. Afraid bb will wake up while I'm pumping. W/o my mil's help to look aft bb, I wnt be able to pump in peace. Like nw I'm waiting for her to come over to take over frm me so tt I cld resume my pump schedule. I cannot juggling handle bb and pump tgt
I stop my bf already, need to look after bb, do hse work and take care of elder son with no helper. Really no time to pump
Ctrus, I'm taking care of baby myself and pumping.. I admit its not easy, but there are good and bad days! Just have to plan the time and know your baby's pattern. I pump 1 hr after baby's feed..so after feeding her i play with her until she's drowsy, then put her down in a rocker near me when shes napping and I start pumping.

Pumping only takes 20-30mins. I render it's ok for baby to fuss and cry whilst I'm pumping.. And now it's to the point she cries less, and sometimes cries herself to sleep. But that's not every time lah... When her cries sound like tear roof, I stop and attend to her, then continue. I get more milk in the end haha...

During the day I try to do housework too, a bit at a time.. I cook simple lunch too. Just put the fish and ginger in and steam,and boil veg. Cook a large pot of nutritious soup over the weekend and freeze!

When my mum comes, it's less privacy, I need to bring my pump into the room... So I liked it that I can pump freely when I'm alone with baby
Me too taking care of baby myself with a 5yo girl. Lucky my gal goes full day school if nt I will b like a mad woman attending to both needs plus pumping. Must admit its not easy n I find that nowadays I flare at my gal very easily when I can't get my things done.. Wish I have more patience with her.. Usually I pump after feeding baby as his mood will be the happiest after milk.. But sometimes when he cry while I'm pumping ,I will just try to distract him.. only stop my pumping if he refuse to stop..
My mil sometime will bring bb to "inspect" milk factory. So I'm used to being naked in front of her. My bb doesnt hv a fix sleeping pattern. And his feed can be very long e.g. 1hr
Any baby wants to be carried when sleeping, if put dw on bed, will cry?? My boy did tat last nite from 7pm onwards.. He just refused to sleep on his cot even though he is v v tired. My last resort was to put him on my chest n sleep with me.. He only came back to his normal self ard 2am when he cry for milk.. Super tiring ..
Hi, my gal loves to b carried too. Its so tiring when we carried for a while and put her bk to cradle or playpen, she will wake up again and cries to b carried again. Then we have to start all over again coaxing her to slp. Sometimes we try to
Ignore her cries but getting too loud that we have to carry her. Dun even noe why she loves to b carried as we dun hv the habit of carrying her. Usually let her rest on rocker after feed, burp a while and bk to slp. Guess bb's habits kp changing and we are learning together wit bb everyday.

I m gg to start work soon and mil will tc of bb. During these 4 mths of SAHM, its nt easy to juggle alone. Fortunately, my mil helps to relieve me for 1-2hrs so i can bath and pump, or do chores. Smtimes when bb is cooperative, i can do many stuffs at one go. But smtimes bb nds attn, then i couldnt do my stuffs. Can b frustrating when we couldnt get things done. Trying to ask myself to kan de kai. Priority is still our baby.
My bb likes to b carried too. Same like courageous, my bb will wake up when we put him down then gotta start over to coax him to slp. Nw carrying him is v xiong esp he weigh 6kg at 3mo. Even when feeding, sometime he doesnt allow us to sit. My hse got no rocker/bouncer.We're literally his rocker. We put him on mattress on the living room floor during daytime.
hi mummies,

i also wake up 2-3 times in the middle of the night to pump... i usually pump aft i feed baby...

so, my sleep also gets interrupted... i console and motivate myself by telling myself that this is only a passing phase.. my boy will soon learn to slp thru out the night and by then, probably have also stopped bf liao...

then will not be that tired anymore.. =)
Yes I will feel engorged, hard as rocks n uncomfortable. But no choice, got to bring girl to school n run errands on weekend .. After pumping I will feel relieve n if I can't clear the milk, I will use hot compressed, take a rest n pump again.
My boy's new pattern.. Cry to sleep, want to pat.. Then sleep on my chest.. Nw I put him on his tummy to sleep. N surprisingly he din fuss n wake up after putting him dw.. U all can try. Hehe
pfshi hi, I m jan mum too. so ur bb on total bm? do u give bb any water to drink? n also when do u wan to start solid for ur bb? my bb is on tbm and I plan to bf till at least 1yr old.
pfshi abt ur boy drinking amt, I read before that its normal for bb to drink more at one feeding n less sometimes just like us adults. we dont eat actually the same amt of food every time as our appetite changes daily. so its still ok if bb dont finish 130ml every time. my bb is also like that. some times 90ml some times 140ml. my bb is 11weeks old. u doing exclusive pumping?
When i pump, I will let my boy lie down on sofa beside me. If he fusses, then I will sing to him, pat him, move his hands etc to entertain him so that it does not disrupt my pumping schedule. Sometimes if he is hungry, i will feed him while pumping too! These work for me, maybe u can try?

Precious, Courageous81,
When my boy is cranky and wants to be carried no matter what, it is really amazing how he is able to detect immediately when I sit down (while carrying him still) and will cry! He may seem to be sleeping yet once I place his backside on the bed he will cry! So I have resorted to cradling him in my arms for 4hrs during the night, sitting up in bed just so both of us can sleep! Thank goodness this does not happen often...
I don't give my boy water at all, after all bm is already 80-90% water and easily digestible. Their tummies are very small, just the size of their fist so better not to fill them up w water as it does not contain nutrients. Intend to start to give solids and intro water only from 6 mths onwards. My boy also on tbm, am pumping exclusively, and will prob continue till 8-9 mths (unlikely till 1 year - that seems like a long time
bdmummy hi hi. I had the same thou as u but ppl ar me like my mum, in law told me to give bb some water. my friend told me that bb might dislike water if I intro in later stages. hmmm, she was also on tbm for her first child. n for her second child, she gave bb water aft three months. so I m still considering.

btw how many times is your bb drinking per day?
Hi Precious

Yes, you still able to give BM to bb even when sick..but you have to make sure you tell the doc that you are breast feeding and they will give you mild medi.

I gave my daughter bm when i have cough & flu and drinking cough sryup (that is suitable for bf-ing). as bb drink yr bm, the medi is pass thru u to bb to fight any virus that you pass to her.
precious yes can give bm. just refrain from kissing your bb n wash your hands more often before touching or carrying bb n dont sneeze in front of ur bb. n if u see a doc must tell doc that u r bf n ask for bf safe medicine.
Bdmummy: When my bb fusses, he wants to be carried no matter what. So we've to stop whatever thing we're doing. Or perhap we're over-protective? Even when drinking milk, sometime we do it standing. He can sense tt we sit down and protest by crying. Same for carrying him standing.

My bb jz had his 3mo jab of 5-in-1, pneumococal and rotavirus. Today is his 3rd day and probably medicine is taking effect, he cried persistently. See him cry make me heartache too
My boy is 3mth old, 6.1kg and drinking 110-120ml every 2.5-3 hrs, about 7 or 8 times a day.

Babies will be cranky after vaccines so that may be why he is crying more often recently. And I think the 1st dose of 5 in1 jab usually milder, no fever, but subsequent doses are more potent (my elder boy getsfever for 2nd and 3rd doses). Hope it is a passing phase and your little one gets over the crying soon!

yes i am on exclusive bf.. i do not give bb water at the moment for the fact that their tummy still small... i surfed around and noted that newborn bb/bb at 1st few months to refrain giving water.. if really really need to, then to give in syringes wise, a few drops will do... =)

regarding feeding... i still give my boy the same amt at each feed except for night feeds... since bm can be placed outside for 1 hr, so i try to feed him within that 1 hr timeframe eg. start feed at 8am, drink till 60ml then dun want, then i will play with him for a while and then try to feed him again... it usually works. =)
My boy was 5.9kg at 8 weeks. Now at 10 weeks, 6.2kg. But like having growth spurt now, want to drink every 1-2hrs. I tbf, tried to intro 1 feed of fm a day but am failing. Unless he super hungry if not he won't take more than 100ml of fm. His last feed will be ard 9-10pm, latch on. Next feed will be ard 6-7am.
hi all mummies..

Do you all let your bb slp in air con room?

i wanna ask how do you all cope with bb removing mittens at night and she is placed in the air con room.

Bb wore long sleeves and pants. currently at night i will still put mittens n booties on her.

Thank you.
Now my bb last feed around 11 pm then he will wake at 3 am for night feed and tahan till 6-7 am then drink, at 3 month check he is 7.6 kg think by now hit 8 kg liao. My both wrist pain ar and v hard to carry him to drink milk and bathe. All his jump suits are at least 12 mth and above type if not too small
Jerlyn.. I remove mittens since full month n let my boy sleep in air con room coz my elder gal can't sleep without air con n she sweat alot. I would usually on the air con from 8pm til 12am... Now my boy also sweat alot n he sleeps better in air con room. I would also let him sleep in air con room during his afternoon nap as the weather now is super warm n hot in his short sleeves n I would wrap him using the white cloth or sometimes let him sleep just in diaper.. Hehe
My 2 boys sleep in aircon room w us every night. Kor kor scared warm so he is directly under aircon w long sleeves n pants but no blanket. Didi still small so he is far from the aircon - since we set aircon at 26 deg, Didi will only be dressed in short sleeve top, w long pants n socks. It is more impt to keep their lower bodies esp feet warm so they will not get colds n flu easily.

Your boy is big!
maybe u can try to let him drink milk lying down w a slightly higher pillow? I do for my boy n I think he actually prefers drinking lying down. Esp if he is sleepy then can doze off immediately.
thanks Precious and bdmummy..

As the room have limited space..my bb is directly under the aircon (blowing upwards) but i dress her with long sleeve and pants..

Does your bb like to kick the blanket away? my bb doesnt like to be covered at her lower body.
Aspialle: my bb is 3mo but weigh 6kg only (25% percentile). This morning he woke up at 3+am for milk then refuse to slp until 6am. I'm very tired.

My bb will nap aft feed too else he'll b pekchek by crying. But his feeds and quantity are very irregular.

Looking very handsome! =]
do take care of your hands need them to give lots of hugs and cuddles to your handsome boy! Can consider wearing wrist thumb guard when resting.. not sure wat it is call but it restricts your thumb movement to let your thumb n wrist have time to rest. Take care!!
