(2013/01) Jan 2013

haha, I'm a regular TB fan... so far I'm not too disappoint with the stuff online too!

guess when come closer to our delivery date, I will share with you mummies 1 online lobang for diapers, milk powder, bb bathing J&J , free delivery if above $200

hi MTBs,
am back after a nap...

gosh really can't wait to get pass the first tri! it's like feeling so terrible yet cannot share/tell friend or even ask them anythings.

guess m in a grumpy & emo mood today frm the discomfort...
<font color="0077aa">courgeous81/celia, I think we are the "too knowledgeble" mummies. Sometimes ignorance is bliss... Knowing little and reading up less will make us less jittery preggy mums. Me also like to read articles and then land up scaring myself! -____-"

celia, @ 9 weeks the baby will be quite "formed"... lolz! http://www.babycenter.com.sg/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/09weeks/

Tres, I think u need to check out the vendors one by one - they have some "ratings" system. Personally I wont wanna buy cosmetics from TB, cos if wanna reject the goods gotta pay our own shipping. Havent gone to Chinatown to check out those shops, they might carry it cheap too. If u really worried about the authenticity, get someone to buy from Singapore DFS when they come back from overseas.
I did that for my gal friend before slightly cheaper about $68+ or $70? (if i did not remember wrongly).

I don't mind asking my PIL to tompang a bottle or two for u gals but I dunno how much my ILs will be getting it at and I doubt I will know until they come back to SG.
<font color="0077aa">tres, wah u TB fan uh! haha... then u should be able to tell what is authentic or not mah... ;p anyway, do u use those TB agents in SG?</font>
congrats and welcome happymum! i've also went to see Dr Adrian at Sengkang when i want to confirm my pregnancy. he's so chop chop! ask me if i've tested with the home kit and how many times. i told him i tested twice and both is positive, so he say like that confirm pregnant lor. -_-

he say i'm still in very early stage of pregnancy (around 4 weeks) so nothing much he can do. gave me some folic acid and vits and ask us to leave. we waited for almost 2hr for our turn and was out of the room in less than 5mins with a total bill of $110! hai i wonder how come he's so popular at times.
Missy, urs is consider gd le.. 5 mins.. =(
mine less than 3 mins, 200. haiz.
May we all get gd and responsible dedicated gynae soon ! =)
The meal planner soooo healthy.. hehehe... think i will go crazy if i were to follow... LOL.
Still eating junk food, buay tahan leh...
Another debative food - TUNA. Can eat? i like the farmland brand in flakes &amp; mix with mayo &amp; onions. Yum~~
Zoel, i am also going to see another gynea. Dr Henry Cheng at Bishan. my gf that's currently preggy is also seeing him. i've seen him once for women's problem and he's really friendly and nice. not as cold as Dr Adrian. but tomorrow hubby and i will still go back to Dr Adrian for the first scan. he told us to come back 1 week later, which is tomorrow. after that we will visit Dr Cheng instead.

Cool! u stopped working! Blessed. Initial i also thinking resign.. but i was granted a transfer from QC to Logistic Office work.=p SO i cont ;)
U still go drinking? o_0
Hi all mum to be..

i m new here.. and just found out i am pregnant.. think about 6-7 weeks now le..

my gynae - dr selina chua (Mount E)
anyone seen her or heard of her?

btw will u all experience cramping? like menstrual cramp?
Zoel, i wanted to go straight to Dr Cheng but hubby excited about the scan tomorrow so ask me to go ahead and see Dr Adrian for the last time. haha caus my appt with Dr Cheng is in another week time. hahaha

Angelic soul: congrats and welcome! yes, menstrual like cramps is very common. it means the uterus is expanding to accommodate the little one inside
as long as it's cramps without any bleeding or spotting it's fine. don't worry!
missy, I'm seeing Dr cheng too!! In fact saw him yesterday!

ya, agree with Zoel, if you want to try out Dr cheng, then go to him direct, dun waste your time to see your 1st Dr, Dr Cheng, will also scan for you during the 1st visit!

Congrats Angelic soul
Dr Ong told me folic, prenatal vits, and calcium. We told him we'll get our own, just wondering if it's the same as those I used to get from NUH... It came in whole bottles but I just cannot recall the brand

Syyy, 4season
When is your next apptm?

Dr Adrian,
Just out of curiosity, is he Chinese?
<font color="aa00aa">snow; i know u mention before but i cant find it. hahaha u dun have the excel?

missy: u saw my Dr normal(adrian) is it? lol he is like that de.. chop chop fast fast. so u no need to wait too long. u go in. sit not even like 5 sec he say scan. then later ask.. i last time always go in need a notebook forget what i want to ask.. I always ask him this one can do that one can do? he say Can can can.. I say here pain there pain.. he reply is normal. so me and my hub was like -____- haha but when it get used to him he is quite good. once u can see ya bb heartbeat then u sign the package. if im not wrong should be $580. i today go see him $170 wor cheaper than u le. haha </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Fullhouse: i think he is a mix leh.but he look chinese... he some of the things duno leh.. i ask him can i go "tie da" he ask me whats that? LOL </font>
re: Dr Adrian,
i guess first time mum tends to be more anxious hence prefer a dr that show more care/concern ba. My gf also a first time mum but find him ok. depends on individual bah. if not confortable den still better to find another dr.
i have a few friends who are also comfortable with Dr Adrian's chope chope manner... but i think i'm a worried freak and need one who's not so chope chope
tres: u also seeing dr cheng! he's very nice right! but he's so popular! do u have difficulties booking next appointment with him?

fabbie: yaya he is very chop chop. my hubby say his clinic abit like manufacturing plant. hahahaha. ya! i ask him about my pain and cramps. he also say it's normal. everything also can eat. even sashimi and sushi! we so shocked! haha

fullhouse: i think dr adrian is mixed. he looks chinese to me but his name doesn't sounds chinese. haha

icyjo and jo: i am also the kan chiong type so dr adrian not suitable for me. i don't feel assured but my SIL had her 2 daughters delivered by him and she is comfortable with him. i guess it boils down to individual.
icyjo: how was the motherhood fair? i saw they had yoga shorts in the pamphlet one of the ladies posted! i also need to get shorts! it's getting too tight for me! haha what good deals did u get today? share share!
yup yup share what gd deals there's up for grabs! hopefully can feel better to make trip down to e fair.
<font color="0077aa">fabbie, you have to copy the whole table from here to excel first... Then from excel there, u edit the table, like add in a new MTB. aft that you copy the whole table and paste it here in message together with the code... the code can be found in the "Help" of this forum for adding table to the msg...

purple_rain, haha... I also say. I just eat what i feel like eating. :p I rem reading abt tuna and other fish here: http://www.babycenter.com.sg/pregnancy/nutrition/foodsafety/notsafetoeatexpert</font>
Icyjo ~ if I knw u gg to the fair today I wld hv joined u.. Stayed at hm today n nap for three hrs... Jux woke up... N seeing the long list of email notification :p

Food to avoid -> tuna is a no no.,.

Tcm also believes fruits like watermelon star fruit pineapples n mangoes are to b avoided for first trimester.. N dang GUI is a no no ... No coconut as well.. There goes my curry...

Thank gdness they nvr mention anythg abt potato...
Can u imagine all the nice nice food we can't eat Liao... Ya.. Tt includes nasi lemak rice... Arghhhh..

Nw I'm craving for mash potato again...
aiyo i ate some watermelon over past week but i limited my intake....

motherhood fair...
i saw 4 or 5 booths selling maternity wear.. ended up buy 1 dress, 2 tops, 2 long pants and 2 leggings (1 long &amp; one 3/4 length)... spent about 220.. thats ex or ok or not ah? cos i go outside shops see like even more ex so i also duno since my #1
aiyo better aviod maggie noodles the whole 9 mth bah, instant noodles wo... chemically processed... not gd not gd
Nothing was mentioned abt maggie mee.. Tink in moderations Shd b ok..

@icyjo~ I'm debating to get work pants.. I can't fit in any of my current ones n I m starting work on Monday... Hmmm... Shd I go tml lol... It's at expo? Outside shops I tink quite ex....

Lol I also ate watermelons abt two wks back.. :p

I went to the Tcm at marine parade.. He gave me one pkt of an tai medicine n ask me to go back in second trimester.... He is the one nw telling me wad to eat n wad nt to eat,, :x
<font color="aa00aa">Missy: muhahhaa when i having my no.1 i told my hub should i ask him this and that? my hub reply.. aiya.. ask for what he will say its normal. LOL dr adrian is quite kan cheong type actually.. when i was bleed 1st one i call his hp he will ask me this n that when i was at home. I quite like doctors gave his hp ba. thats why. but cannot over use it la.. hahah I think u have to get use to it.. My SIL having no.1 was actually with another gynea keep talking n talking and she change gynea to Dr A so far so good.. i guess is about assurance. if u trust ya gyena everything will be fine. =) this is my no.2 and I'm still using him. haha he is quite cute at times le. toot toot one lol u can do some research on gyneas ba? i was intro by my frd i do a research about him most of them is quite positive so ya i choose him! ^^ he is not that pan tang kind of doctor. from what i know. hehe

s_loh: steamboat of cus can eat!! i always eat that when i have no.1 and actually eat alot of it hahaha its my favourite.. for me i felt we must drink more soup lol

snowhopes: infact i try le. i copy everything in 1 bar -___- nvm lar. when im free i just copy and paste. ^^ help u abit also

Jo: infact i dun wear maternity bra wor. just wear usual bra as long is not wired de. hehe

MaggieMee: im actually craving for it. but i felt best when ya 2nd tri then eat ba. =) </font>
<font color="0077aa">FOOD to avoid: I subscribe to the Ang moh and partial Chinese concepts of what to and what not to eat. I think know the diff by what is no no and what is "better eat lesser" and what is dont eat cos not so healthy.

The link I gave earlier talks abt things we should eat less of or avoid (ie no no)- like raw or partially cooked food as they pose high risk for poisoning and some sm w bad consequence. For the better nots, I will refer to a list of things like what the Chinese believe: pineapples and cooling fruits during 1st trimester- for fear of cramps. I think one small occassional slice of water melon is ok ( I ate b4 a handful times during pregnancy).

As for the last category, we all know - junk food and processed food are not healthy. But as urbanites how to not eat them at all? Things like sausages, an occassional meal @ fast food, instant noodles. Generally IMHO, we need to eat healthy but an occassional processed food meal is not going to b super detrimental.

Remember moderation is key and eating happily (to me) makes me a happy pregnant mommy! ;)</font>
I agree on eating in moderation!! Can't avoid too much food also, if everything cannot eat then will feel very deprived... May end up having depression...

During my #1, my gynae told me that I can eat anything make sure it's clean, and he only asked me to avoid papaya cos the enzyme

Jo, u don't really need maternity bra, I bought some nursing bra and some bra from spells which is really comfortable, nursing bra because I BF my bb so it's easier... I went to OG during my #1 time then the promoter Aunty intro me what bra is comfy, I told her I'm Preggy.

I went to the BB fair at expo too, only got 2 packets of Wakodo sauce for my #1...
<font color="0077aa">josky, if u buy maternity bra u should try getting those that is for nursing too. ;) aft we give birth, we MUST wear non wired bras (ESP brastfeeding) to prevent getting blocked ducts. ;) nursing bras also have a peel down cup for easy nursing.

I still wear wired bra during my pregnancy for support. I'm quite heavy and most maternity &amp; commercial non wired bra cannot provide support.

Btw, if u are on heavy side maybe can buy those night nursing/sleep bra to support the even more heavy breast from sagging. ;)</font>
Wow...food again...I saw another of my fav... Maggie Mee.. Yummy! I ate quite a no of curry maggie mee for my no 1... Got craving so just eat.. Come to think about it, the only food that I totally didn't touch is mutton.. Other than that, I will just eat in moderation... Sharkfin, tuna, ham, sausage, instant food etc.. Agreed with hammiebao that one might end up in depression if we do follow so strictly on diet... there are 101 more things to worry about for preg... so food wise shd be the least concern...
Curry chicken can lah....

^5 FRIENDS.. I eat everything during my #1... Maggie mee... Fresh Oyster(just 3 when I visited aust)... Wine tasting... Sashimi... Sharkfin when I attend wedding dinner...

Agree with FRIENDS, there are many things to worry about during pregnancy... Don't be too concerned over food... Just eat what u crave, eat in moderation is fine..
first time mum, so i'm gg to ask someting silly... haha

issit only after give birth, then we'll know whether we hav milk for breastfeeding? I read up saying breasts shld get tender and sore or sometimes increase in size as it's preparing for breastmilk so does it means that is no tender/sore or same size, means no breastmilk?
I guess u will only know after giving birth... Anyway the first few days after giving birth still no milk just colostrum...so must feed every few hours to "order" milk.. My friend suggested to drink Papaya fish soup when nearing edd as it helps to produce milk...
Some pple said have milk or not is depends on how to latch n ur diet... For me I did TBF latching on for my #1 till he was 1yr old... The first week after we discharge... I have to feed him every two hourly... Was feeling super tired n lost then... Didn't expect it to be so frequent!! I nearly break down due to lack of sleep!!
Er... Wat tbf latching stands for?

Matrtnity bra:
I'm more on small size type but recently realised some of exsiting bra r getting tight n uncomfortable liao...
Oh din know cannot wear under wired bra. Ok thks for sharing, will take note. Btw read that may need measure bra size often during PG due to rapid growth, so for others 1st timer like myself, think dun buy too many new bra at a time else may go to waste.
Food: my first one I oso v kan Cheong. This no eat that no eat... A bit sad. But I would still maintain eating only fully cooked food only. ;)

Fabbie, u need to put "\" "table" "{" table contents paste from excel "}". Eh u minus all the space and "".

s_loh, u v cute leh. Size of boops n ss no co-relation la!
