(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Actually when I hav my boy, its an unplan one...im pregnant right after my ROM as Im having menses the day before my ROM day. So I was very sad and keep crying because I don expect to b pregnant..Im not prepared and I have not take the pre-wedding photoshot, havnt hold the wedding ceremony and most impt is we have not bought our own house!! We are also financially not prepared!!

however, after discussion with my family n my sis n friends advise, I accept it happily..and today he is a healthy but naughty 2yrs old boy!!!

Kiki : maybe you have the "mommy glow"...
a positive sign maybe... good luck!!!

Jo : i posted my MC here b4... erm... so to cut the story short, I was found bleeding at 9 weeks internal bleeding. Orginal scans could not determine whr the bleeding comes from. But at 11 weeks scan, the pool of blood is bigger alr...
Doc says cannot con't the pregnancy cos it is life threatening to me... because tests shown that I am bleeding even more as I grows bigger...

SO hv to make the painful decision to D&C at almost 12 weeks... thou this happen almost 4 yrs ago, but i still feel tinge of pain in my heart whenever I remember the events...

Actually, all the pre wedding shots and stuff can take after u deliver... most importantly is now u have a beautiful boy...
<font color="0000ff">i agree. jo, your boy is sooooooo cute!!! heeeeeeeeeee love his rosy cheeks! and he is always smiling!!
Happiness, I can fully understand your pain...thou i had mc in the very early stage (5weeks)&amp; i didnt get to see the hb at all, I will still feel the sadness n pain whenever i heard of ppl talking abt this topic...

so if i know of my friend of colleague who don behave (drink cold drinks,carry heavy thing) when they r pregnant i will feel very angry..bcos ppl r trying so hard to keep the bb but they don appreciate it when they have 1..
missy, cute no use ler..most impt is obedient...but he IS NOT!!! he so notti always wan to play my iphone n play his daddy's psp...he can hug the psp whole day until the batt dead!!!

this morning he saw my iphone n keep crying want to play with it!! until i leave my house to work i still can hear his crying at the lift lobby..u see lar!
Happiness, u are really strong....dun think I can take it so easy if it happens to me, sure depression....pei fu u
<font color="0000ff">jo mummy. same la. kirs also sama sama. drama queen now. tak kasih dia, cry loudly n tutup mata. dont wana open. force the tears. lol. buay tahan. secarang hari hari malam before tidur mesti kasih dia dvd player. to listen to chinese kids songs. sigh.</font>
Charlotte : I am not a strong person to begin with. I took time to grieve...
I was in complete mess for 1 week... doing nothing but cry...
but then i am lucky because i have supportive husband and friends and the nurses at the clinic who allowed me time to grieve and tell me it is "not wrong" to grieve...
So I was not compelled to pick myself up immediately, I guess that was how I recover

idali : not true... i had very bad MS and got a girl... my frd had very bad MS and got a boy.
So i think the safest bet is still the scan...
Jo : yes yes i have the same feel as u. When i see people not taking care of themselves during their preg I feel like screaming at them.
But i usually will bite my tongue... some people may not appreciate our good intentions...
idali, i'm opps of Happiness i got no ms &amp; i got a girl.

Happiness, sorry to heard ur loss..it's really painful esp alr 12wks.
another crazy day for me.. looks like i will be working past midnight again..

Lynzi, 5000mg of HCG will roughly take how long to be flushed out? i read abt 1000 mg a day so means roughly 5 days, but also read it could stay in there for 10 days.

Donkey, Airy, I also had cramps but only started over the wkend DPO7-8. so weird right? my boobs are so painful. usually only my nipples will hurt, but this time everywhere hurts!!! in my last cycle, my boobs also hurt but not as bad as this round.. wonder what's gg on?

There are a lot of topics i wanna contribute to but hor, i super busy lah.. Happiness, i know how u feel.. pat pat!
Donkeymami/happiness : Alamak I hvin bad ms la. Ya as u say scan is de best la. Can't predict anyhow. Anyway as long de baby is healthy tats enuff rite ladies! 
Idali, u are very lucky as compare to most of us ladies here....at least u are granted yr wish to have a baby, we are still struggling to have 1 so girl/boy is alright as long as healthy n can stick with us!

donkeymami, Airy - I have booked my gynae appointment next week after my AF clears, hopefully everything be fine....very scare gynae told me I got problem n cannot conceive...SH**
Charlotte : bt it wasnt easy u noe. Bt duno I jz strike aft 2yr+ man. It's my 1st baby so happy indeed ! Babydust to all of u ladies !!!
Happiness, jo's mummy, I feel the same. I get very annoyed when people take their pregnancies for granted and lightly.. There are people trying so hard to sustain pregnancy and yet, there are others who don't care a hoot ! Really imbalance !

Piggywiggy, it could be good sign!

Charlotte, see what gynae says first. Dont think of worst case scenario, scare ownself :p

Idali, I had very bad ms when having #1 (girl)... Lost abt 3kg
during the first trim... As the rest say.. Best is wait for detail scan for gender
<font color="0000ff">oh man piggy, try to rest! nvm wait for airy! hee or you can try prayinghard! both their timing cn help u.. hee hee...

jomummy - ok ok la. boleh cakap sedikit aje... hee hee hee...

sigh... waiting for af to report really sux big time... think my cycle haywire again. so sad...
<font color="aa00aa">Piggy,
1000mg is just an estimation but some ppl flush out lesser than that as their bodies tend to retain water.
It depends on how healthy your body is.

u put Kirs on school bus rite?
How much is it monthly?

Just to share, im withdrawing Faiq out of cc soon.
Will put him in 3 hours nursery instead.
Honestly, im very frustrated with the cc.
Firstly, since he been there he got really sick very often.
If just normal fever, running nose n cough i can still tolerate but with ear infection, gastric flu, viral fever..its really too much.
Furthermore, he learn nothing constructive there except for singing songs n being more vocal.
My boy knows his alphabets, can write them n read simple books. He also knows nos up to 50 n can do simple addition.
Yet all he learn in school is..what is A? Then teacher get them to colour capital A.
A stands for what? Teacher get them to colour apple.
No maths..only maths corner.
But what is the point of a learning corner if its not guided by some worksheets or tasks?
Teachers only let the kids play with the manipulatives with no teaching goals in mind.

Ok fine if they dont teach much but their attitude is uncalled for.
Few times Faiq came hm with his uniform all wet n stuffed into the ziplock bag.
When asked, they said cant find his towel.
I was puzzled as the towel was in the bag all along.
Then they supposed to go for an excursion n parents had to pay $10 so i put $10 in an envelope n placed in his communication book together with a note to the teacher.
But they said they cant find the payment n assumed i didnt let him go so they went ahead with the excursion n left my boy n a few of his frens with another teacher in N1 class.
They didnt even bother to call the parents up to check.
And 3 times, they have deducted the wrong amount for the fees thru the giro.
When asked to check, even the p took so long to get back to us with answers.
We are the ones who had to keep asking every few days on the status.
They supposed to refund us back all the balance but till date, no news of it.
Sorry for the very long rant but im just so frustrated.</font>
missy, and the rest ladies.
you're right! but when i saw her msg, i just from nap..then hav to cook dinner..too tired then...piggy says i strike Jackpot..but i know is not..cos is same last month, start dpo4, i v tired...all drugs and jab side effect...my leg cramp middle of the night!! blood circulations not good..arggh...
last time without drugs for TTC, everything is perfect, not so tired..tired only come 3-4 days AF due..now is horrible, 10days prior AF due...what the hell..
last time i still can go threadmill at least 30mins or 50mins everyday..even with clomid..clomid still not so bad for me.. but since taking Jab during IUI and this month, totally differnt..i am so tired easily, cannot go exercise, feel want to sleep after wake up!!! and after take Jab, always have lots of yellow discharge, and cramping all the way until next AF...

i just want drug free, take a break..i m looking forward it..i will take a break,drug free for 2 months at least, get back body back..i will drink yomeishu when i m at sg..

Hug2...just pull him out..
thst reason i dun want put jean at CC also for K1 this term when i m go back. i can put her on CC for my convenience do my things..but i still choose put her 3hrs normal k1...i pity her la whole day at CC...
when she is 2years old, when maid going back Philipine, i leave her whole day cc, no choice..cos her dad is not in Sg, i am working, maid going back home..such a pity girl..
although now she is 5, shd be strong enough compare 3 years ago, can fight with virus compare 3 years ago, but i prefer her 3 hours k1 study, i rather scarify my convenience...i will seek her aunt help if i need to go long appoinment..i dont want put her at childcare. her aunt got maid at home, is my previous maid! she is the 1 take care jean since jean born..so i rather put her with maid, spend some travelling time bring her there, better than put her CC..
some parents have no choice as nobody take care their kids, so must put at CC..same as my case 3 years ago..
if can, dun put her CC..go for 3hrs nursery, then 3hrs K1, k2..then he can go for enrichment class as what you plan for him..
mayb that CC admin is not good enough too..alternative way, find the good / seek the rest opinion CC nearby you..missy put her girl at Star learner at sembawang road rite? maybe can ask her abt the school.
Ba Zhen after AF clear, b4 O..the rest is any tonic soup would help..i always take tonic soup once a week..but not really like ba zhen.
<font color="0000ff">lynzi oh man! Hmmm then I think Starlearners very good compared to yr cc. Lol! Hmmm sch bus is $90 2 way a mth... Hmmm faiq is nursery right? Hmmm you can always go n view d sch before deciding... I chose it becos big n landed... Every last Friday of the mth is waterplay... Then they have a lot of things happening... Hmmm sick cnt b avoided... Kirs gets cough n runny nose off n on... Hmmm... So far I've had no issues abt money getting lost or missing... Her sch fees I put in envelope in her comm book in her bag... Then I will call them sometimes to check on stuff... But I think sometimes they also lack in communicating w me... I wanted pull her out change to 3hrs but I think I have carer issues... Sigh... So have to shelf that plan for now... I'm not sure if they teach Malay but I know have Malay teacher... Food wise I'm also not sure... Heh... Maybe you can call n ask? The supervisor n admin girl are nice la... Sometimes I call to give feedback ... Lol!!! </font>
<font color="0000ff"> to add on, nursery they do work sheets what kind I'm not sure but my frn told me abt it... Her girl is quite advanced ... She joins the nursery class for certain activities but she is kirsten's age... Then she said her girl joins my girl when nursery doing worksheets...</font>
Gd morning... zombified...

Lyzni, are u on MSN? I added you but didn't see u online.. wanna ask u some stuff.

Ur son's cc is crap! how can they do this?!! ur poor boy must be sooooo upset at being left behind. I know i would be! fire them away!

Ok time to fight fires.. sigh.. i m soooooo tired.

I've gt runny nose! i drank cold water &amp; cold milk last nite... haiz... i've been not drinkin enuff plain water bcos of de nausea.
gd morning ladies!
Went to The Line @ Shangri-La for my birthday dinner last night. The std has dropped.

Idali : do take care.

Piggy : Am curious abt your job now since u constantly gotta work late, what do u do? *KPO mode on* =p
Missy : u super KPO lei!!!!! wahhaha. Any news yet? My AF should come these few days; but i itchy backside, went to test using the cheap strip yesterday, BFN!!!!
<font color="0000ff">*BISH canopy* sama sama la u also! LOL!

eh. no news. i havent tested past few days. dont wana waste my strip. no symptoms of anything. so just leave it. sigh. i will probably wait til the wkend to test 1 more time. if really nth then when i come back from trip then make appt see gynae or tcm.. heh heh heh...

eh.. when is yr AF due? now is DPO wad ? *spanks yr buttocks* </font>
idali : Actually during 1st trim, beside pregnancy symptoms, actually nothing much will change to boobs or the rest of the body. Maybe only abit of breast tenderness...
I would advise you not to drink too much cold water or cold milk during yr pregnancy.
For your runny nose, you could take Vitamin C...

lynzi : oh dear... so much for government keep encouraging us to have more babies. And when we do have, we can't find a "proper" CC or caregiver to take care of our kiddos.

When i was still preg, i was looking for nanny but my area really very hard to find nanny.
So during the last month of my preg, i panick and went to ask abt Infant Care.

HB and myself went to visit some IFC. Our hearts broke when we see the babies just sleeping thr and nobody minding them.

Even when time to change, the teachers just change and leave them back in the crib.
Where's the interaction? Where's the passion of the teacher?

So we decided that IFC is OUT for us. Luckily we manage to persuade my neighbour to take care of my girl.
And to now, no complaints. Only complain is nany's whole family spoil her rotten.

Do you have anyone who can take care of your kiddo? Relatives nearby? Parents?
But I do hope u have lotsa success finding a good school for your boy.
missy : my last AF was 13May, but as mentioned, my AF super messed up &amp; the cycle days r 39 days based on the iphone apps. It should come 21Jun. I test &amp; test every month until i left with 1 last cheap strip. I still have 2 clearblue tho'.
I don't know how to count the DPO la.
Hey by the way, do u work nearby my office> if yes, can do lunch one of these days.
U stay in sembawang or yishun right? I go there every wk. =)
piggy, me curious too...haha....u must be earning a lot as yr working hours so damn long if not really not worth the effort n time!

lynzi, what terrible CC.....better change fast, yr boy can go very far if u can spend more time with him to discover his potential...my gal 4 yrs old still cannot read books, very lazy...ask her to write alphabets she said she tired, all she think of is play play play....

Airy, thanks for the soup info....my MIL said wan to cook ba zhen soup for me n my SIL...so wonder if can drink, just nice this Sun my AF shd clear by then.
<font color="0000ff">canopy - i wrk hg area. near or not? hee hee. u go evry week semb to do wad? visit in laws ah? wkends im quite free.. esp on sats when HB goes to work.. boo hoo... cn always hang out lemme knw... =P</font>
Charlotte : if your AF clear liao, u can also boil black chicken soup with bai feng wan... that is supposinly regulate your mense, and imoprove blood circulation plus strengthen womb.... I'm not sure if can mix with ba zhen... but i did take the bai feng wan soup when I was preparing to TTC for my girl....

Erm, experience mommies :
How old do you all let your kids start reading books, recognising ABC etc? My girl is almost 17 months. Till now whenever i take out her cloth books or flash cards, she will run away...
AND I really MEAN run away.. she will push away the books and cards then run off...
Haiz, I am clueless on how to get her started...
I see my friend's girl, 2.5 yr old can take a book and ask her mom to read to her while she also try to join in and narrate the story... hmmm....
missy : my mum stays in sembawang la. Hougang, i to Serangoon Gardens quite often as my brother-in-law stays there.

Happiness : My son just is 18M+, he like to flip pages of his storybooks. We read to him since young, he seems to understand, these days he will take the books to us &amp; wants us to read to him.
<font color="ff6000">Hello.

Donkeymani. How are you? Saw ur name.
Missycandy, not sure if you rem me. My nick use to be naivesg.

Anyway I am mummy to a beautiful, pretty happy, miracle gal who will be 9mths in 2 days. TTC since 2008, and went thru 2 early mcs. Now still latching at nite and in the morning and menses not back yet.

Started engine just these few weeks but I dunno how to know when I am ovulating or even when I would be preg. In the past, got all those signs and symptoms to estimate but now?
<font color="0000ff">happiness - hmmm early on, i let my girl watch leapfrog - letter factory... everyday let her watch... from there she learn her ABCs... the only problem initially was because they say the phonics of the alphabets not the letter itself... but somehow, along the way, she has managed to get it... cept G.. she still goes GE instead of G... plus it shows more of capital letters... so im not sure if she recognises the small letters... lol... but when it comes to reading books, its a no no... i tried to into early on and she ends up tearing or biting them.. ive thrown away a few books because badly torn n bitten... and some of them are hardcover types!!! zzz... im actually not to sure to what extent she can read... she surprises me all the time...

like i was mentioning in my FB, i got the wordworld cards... initially i show her the card it has 2 sides.. one with the letters and one with picture of the item... she can identify some... then i go thru with her.. i will ask her "what is this?" then if she can tell me she will if not then i will tell her and she will repeat... then now, when i ask her to keep cards, she will go thru the cards and say " what is this ? " followed by the item on the card... its very funny la! everytime she will say "what is this?" zzzzzzzzzzzz............

the key is to make it very interesting.. sometimes i will sing song ... and the most important is, when she gets something right, i will clap and cheer.. she gets a big EGO boost when hb and i do that... she will grin very widely... hahaha! like when she sits on toilet bowl n pees, we also cheer for her... then shes very happy so she's encouraged to do it more often... lol...

if you want to start, i think go slow... maybe go thru like 3 alphabet cards a day... go like A is for apple ... b is for ball.. c is for cat...

if she is into ipad or iphone, go look for apps that have such... one video my girl loves a lot on you tube is this one




then i will sing for her and with her sometimes...
<font color="0000ff"> canopy - oooooooooooooooooooooooooo maybe she stays near me... hehehe i stay near canberra pri sch... kekeke...

hi apple! yes i recall the nick naivesg ! hee... u ttcing for #2 ? congrats on yr lil bub
<font color="0000ff">ok i knw where... 501/503 there.. hehe... the satay there quite nice.. my mum likes to eat the satay there... hurhurhur...</font>
