(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

missycandy, u used those cheapo HPT strip or clearblue de? haha clearblue vy chor so i refrain myself for testing but ur case u alr overdue..mine still not yet & not sure if i got a chance to test even if AF report zhun zhun.

but damn sian when test cant even see a faint faint lines oli saw the 1 line..like refuse to believed wat i seen. haha

missy : then i must to gynae & check liao? =p
donkey : i go check it out.

By the way, if u guyz r having lunch during weekdays @ Aquamarine @ marina mandarin hotel, u get 1-for-1 using citibank credit card, quite worthwhile, was there on fri with my boss, got the usual eg. sushi, sashimi, oyster, crayfish, prawn, all the main course, local delights, deserts etc. It will be less than $70 for 2 person during lunch.
piggy : i used to be like u, working from 8am to abt 12midnight or 2am before 1 met my hubby, then cut down to abt 10pm after marriage, then now abt 7.30pm after giving birth to #1. Take a breather at times or else u will be burnt out.

Charlotte : so what restuarant to recommend @ USS>
missycandy, my gynae is Dr Fong Yang, he very nice man, but queue very long and see him 5 mins for $50 liao, plus must take leave to see him de, cos i belong to his Tiong Bahru branch (no GST), if go his Paragon clinic will cost more..

Ok, will try a few more rounds then go see him..
canopyhaze, I am a miser, the restaurant there all ex to me, haha...so I dun dine there....

donkeymami, yes my AF zhun zhun report, so sad but expecting lah so.....!@$#@$#%$# haha still curse a bit....ya be making an appontment with Dr Wong on my CD12, u think can see? What u tell the nurse yr purpose of visiting when u called to make an appointment? Sometimes that silly nurse keep asking n prompting.....I told her fertility issue, she will ask me what ah????
<font color="0000ff">ET - but u said yr gynae sucks? hmmm

donkey - hehehehehehehehehehehehhe

canopy - check wad????

hmmm.. i used one clearblue.. then the rest is cheapo one... lol... sigh.. keep trying to see.. any faint line or not.. but nth lor.. chey... lol... so long liao... no have means no have lor... is ok.. as long as my AF reports and doesnt disappear for wrong reasons!!!</font>
Charlotte, i went in the evening the nurse ask me am i pregnant i said no jz to scan follicle size. wat yr cycle like? for me usually my cycle ard 30days I O ard CD17 based on my own estimation &amp; opk test. I went on CD13 evening my follicle size abt 20-21mm which dr wong given me HCG injection for egg rupture 36hrs later.
missycandy, last mth u got
face right? so it's hw long after u saw the smiley face? mayb u tested too early?
donkeymami, I am abt the same cycle as u, 30days cycle....I usually test +opk on CD15 n I est my O to be CD16, quite short for me....so u think CD12 early or just right for me?

u think yr chance high this cycle? haha....my MIL ask me last Sunday if we are trying for a #2, I say ya trying....but not successful. Say my SIL also trying for #1 but no news yet since she married 2 years ago....wan to cook tonic soup (ba zhen) for us, so funny!
<font color="0000ff"> i tested on 26th with cheap opk, it gave me dark line... then smiley face on 27th but when i removed the strip from the gadget, it didnt look like a dark line lor... but we BD-ed on 27th early morning... </font>
Charlotte, just told the nurse its for gynaecology. we JIA YOU next cycle k?? hope my AF will report very soon as sore boobs already!!

ET, my gf's sis gynae also Dr. Fong Yang at Tiong Bahru..she successfully pregnant with IUI..
Charlotte, i thk CD12 shd b quite ok tat time i went on CD13 cos no earlier appt too.

no idea leh thou the chance so called higher but not sure the luck wif me or not..if i really O 36hrs later chance is there if O earlier then jialat cos i oli BD-ed 34hrs aft injection.
Charlotte &amp; Donkey,

So funny i always ask my CH to go for checkup but he decline, then no choice i told my MIL hoping she can pursuade her son to go, luckily my MIL also planning to ask us go for checkup, end up my DH agree now. MIL recommend me her doctor Peter CHew, my cycle around 31 days and always O on CD17-18....so i should go CD13 ?
Merry, yes think CD13 ok since donkeymami also same as u.....

donkeymami, dun worry...with gynae help sure higher chance, hope u have a BFP this cycle....so did Dr Wong ask u go bk see him again if this HCG failed?

lynzi, btw can we drink LDT n chicken essence when we are having menses or after that?
huggzz...inner peace inner peace ok..talk and write easy, but diffucult in real situation i know..but try la ok.

good luck!

piggy, donkeymami,
do you girls have cramp after take HCG shots? last cycle i take clomid only. this cycle clomid with puregeon. after O, i always have cramp at uterus area..sometime left side sometime right side dont know is normal or not..but last month exact the same symtoms, then nearer AF come, boobs will sore..but the pain symtoms always come 10days b4 AF..Weird PMS!!
maybe side effect of clomid.

Lynzi, is that normal?

New cycle new hope. Go for scanning after CD12. easy says: new cycle new hope...but is really 'sian' for us liao lor..i understand that.
i think can take LDT and chic enssence during and after menses..sometimes i did that..but now i lazy to brew during 2ww..give up

Airy, i hv cramps too ya sometimes from the left &amp; sometimes right not center thou.

Yup i hv cramps nearer to AF come also not sure from the side effect of HCG injection.

problem is the cramps is not nearer AF leh..thats why i am so curious..DPO4 already cramps, exactly same last month DPO4 is cramping all the way nearer AF stop craming a while..then come AF liao..
Hi ladies..

Finally had time to report here..

I'm still trying.. hoping got good news this cycle.. menses shd report these few days but i have been experiencing super sensitive nipples and my temperature is on the high side..

Sure giving me hope.. Sigh.. hope not false hope again..
2ww really sucks...i hope i can faster fly back Sg busy2, whatever cramp whatever pain i wont notice..
today go to my daughter year end concert..and all her things i want bring back i still put on floor, i better buck up and clear it asap..keep busy and forget about thouse uncomfortable cramp
my gynae's clinic just called with my CD21 progesterone blood test. she said the level is 89, no need to continue to take clomid.

anyone went for this checks too? i'm wondering if i dont take clomid can still reach this level or not?
Eliz, my AF going to due this Thur hope i wun see it for the nxt 9mths. All the best to you as well.

Kiki, means u dun nit to take clomid for nxt cycle if u not strike?
donkeymami (donkeymami)

I also had cramps! last week.. So weird.. was thinking how come..

Is this the norm for you?

Now no more already.. really weird.
yah. the nurse told me no need. just try naturally for 3 mths and go back for review if still no news. This month with clomid, i can feel some cramps at the side also. My dr told me cannot take clomid for more than 1 year, if the the ovries will be at risk!!!

My AF due on Sat. Good luck to us!
kiki, icic think means u hv no prob ovulating i guess. at least something good to knw.

Yes! good luck to us &amp; the rest due to test this wk too. Lets HUAT!
OMG, i happen to surf and look thru some threads.
In Feb 2012 thread, got 1 mommy decided to abort the baby for personal reasons.... WAH LAU!!!!!!

And here we are trying so hard for a baby, and somebody out there is KILLING a baby... some people just don't treasure their blessings... hmmmph.....

Dear Lord, give me the baby instead!!!!!!!!
I promise i will treasure him/her very very very much!!!!!!
you got chance liao!! hig chance BFP..

yeah, we need it very much..but how about thouse want abort?? please give us lots tons of baby dust...they are so cruel!
<font color="0000ff"> i dont think we shld judge what ppl wan to do with their own lives... yes we r trying hard but she must have her own reasons for doing so... not that i condone the act itself... but im just saying we shldnt "execute" her becos thats her choice...
Happiness, &amp; seems like they are married couple why dunno why they came to a decision to abort hopefully they din do it at the end.

Airy, thanks for ur encouraging words..really hope this is the mth i longing for
<font color="aa00aa">Harlow ladies!
Im finally back to work today.
Feels so out of touch with everything.
Even my pc dont recognise me..had to keep on logging in cos my password expired..lol

can take LRD n also ginger drink.
Will help to lessen af cramps.
Chicken essence take in 2ww.

its normal to feel cramps for those who take HCG shot.
As your HCG is higher so its normal for body to react that way.
Once its flush out of the system will go back to normal.
Thats why must drink more water.</font>
Airy : Yes.... tons of baby dust to us... Tried to BD on saturday nite, but DD wokeup when we are halfway thru
... no hope liao this mth....

Missy : I am not trying to judge... but what i am saying is they are married, if dun wan baby they should have at least take some precaution... but abortion... to me is very very cruel... afterall the small lump is a a life!

Donkey : Yes they are married. So no matter what is the issue, they should have work it out and not make the baby "pay for it"....
If $$$ is an issue all the more i Think is wrong... haiz... anyway, we only can say "sayang la"... I also hope they will "forgo the thought" in the end.
For babies are such lovable beings...

Oh donkey, please give us good news soon ya! Good luck and tons of baby dust to you to bathe in it...hehehehe
yes i agree with happiness that we trying so hard for the bb n me myself went to mc before..but i also agree with missy, we cant condone their act bcos mayb they really hav their own reasons...

mayb wat we can do is to give her advise..though she might not accept wat we say but in the end, im sure she will really regret for it!!
<font color="0000ff">happiness - *hugs hugs la* lol. she did mention that she n hb discussed it n something la. maybe financially really not ready... or some other reason.. anyway, end of the day, they may regret in time to come if they really go thru it... i had an ex poly mate... had abortiong 3 times!!! -_-" but now she finally married! then due in sept ... sigh... </font>
JO : I went thru MC too... had to D&amp;C cos I could not save my bb. So I am very very upset when i read that people r giving up on their baby so easily..

MIssy : financial issue is also not acceptable to me la,haha... I have a frd who found out she was pregnant at 18. But that jerk dump her upon learning she is preg.
She is very brave, went on to have the baby all by herself. She did not have her parents approval.. but thankfully her parents forgave her and now they are taking care of the kid...

Kiddo is now 12 yrs old....
well, she did went through a series of financial issue too...w/o parents support at 18... drop out of poly and look for a P/T job and after having the baby found a full time job.

If a teenage mom w/o financial support can be so brave and owns up to her action, y can't this married couple????

Well, but I would rather not condemn them. It's their baby and as much as I feel so bad for the baby, there is nothing much i could do... I will say a prayer for them and hopefully they would be clear minded enough to decided what they should do.

haiz...abort 3 times... haiz... double haiz... should have taken precaution...
my team assistant just came up to me and ask me if i'm preggie!!! How I wish I could tell her yes. But I dont know still, so I told her no...
Kiki, wow! looks like ur BFP alr on yr way haha ur colig able to sense it alr? haha
but u r so slim wah how cum she will ask u such qs?

i agree miss candy..btw how cruel is this, we cant judge too..but i will not agree to abort,no matter how bad financial, marriage problem too..but i will agree abort due to health issues..is long term and long run..
btw, is their choice!

my aunt abort 2x...now she fully regret, cos she cant pregnant at all after abort now..missy,your classmate lucky enough, abort 3x still can get now..hopefully she did and pray for those abort 3 babies..
