(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Sisters, when u buy clothes for yr bb, normally wat size do u all buy ? Newborn size? 3 mths ?

My DH forbid mi to buy too much cox he said we dun noe hw big our bb gg to be...

Any advice on hw to shop for bb clothes? I brought those sizes for newborn.

Thanks hazel & queenie, the stomach flu excuse is a good 1. Im not gonna take the risk, hve to protect my bb.

Btw, any pregnancy books to recommend? im thinking of getting "what to expect when you are expecting"
Bbliss, I only buy a few pcs (5pcs) for new born for the first mth wear coz bb needs to go for check up. Then is 3 mths, 6 mths and 9 mths. If is a range, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 mths. Dun let bb wear too tight, not comfty at all. Even those cheap daily wear I buy 3 mths at least. For Clothing like sleep bags, I buy 0-9 mths coz if bb is long, it will be more comfortable.
Tromso, I don't think it's the cold soft drink that caused the diarrhea. Was eating out as well. But hubby generally disallow me from drinking cold drinks. But I'm sick of drinking plain water :p

I've also been eating guavas, watermelons, honeydew, oranges, mangoes & papayas. These are all fruits mentioned by some that we should avoid. I just eat in moderation.

A food journal sounds tedious. I'm too lazy to keep track of what I eat. But it's definitely a good suggestion

I have the same problem too. Look more fat than pregnant! On top of that, find my tummy growing more hairy! Can't imagine myself wearing bikini exposing a fat n hairy tummy!

that little girl is so funny! So how did u respond?
Miracle, you can try "The Best Friends' Guide To Pregnancy" by Viki Iovine. It's available at NLB. I find the book most readable, informative n entertaining
Sunniegal - i buy Vitagen Less Sugar since it helps digestion & give some thing for me to look forward to drink every day. Also bought lemons to slice & Ribena. Just add abit my water to make it more exciting
Just to share one girl did ask Mrs Wong Boh Boi during the parentcraft class if can drink cold water, She said can, coz by the time the water goes thru our body to reach BB the water will be warmed up, but i find nowadays i dun like to drink cold water anymore.

The little girl's mum laughed and said "it's a baby, dear, not a watermelon" and she was happy enough with her mum's answer & forgot abt me.. haha..
Bbliss - ya same I bought only 5 newborn for confinement use and maybe 1-2 then the rest 3-6, 6-9 mths becuz if yr baby is long or big then newborn may wear out v fast. What I did also was relatives & friends passed me newborn to wear @ hm type so don't have to spend.

Miracle - I read what to expect too

Sunnie gal - I have hairy tummy too! Wahahahahah
I also bought Vitagen but after I lao sao, hubby tries to discourage me from drinking
I read that part abt mrs Wong's response n told hubby. But he's just not convinced loh. I'll ask Mrs Wong when I attend her class so that he can hear for himself.

hubby very bad. Say my tummy's going to be hairy like him! yikes!

Gassy water to add on to my burping? :p

Going to Sentosa this weekend For staycation to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. Hope hubby can close one eye & let me eat n drink :p can't travel anywhere else cos hubby don't wanna take risk flying.
Hi Sunniegal, I notice that I have a little more hair than usual around my bellybutton during pregnancy. Is tat what u meant too?
Hi hazel
Thot guava is gd for digestion for normal pp.. U meant after pregnant, guava function become opposite? Ohh.. Ok,must eat less then..

Hi tromso
Hows ur scan today?? Excited for u.. ;)
Anyone using pregnancy pillows?? getting increasingly difficult to sleep and was wondering whether i should get one...any thoughts.
Oh.. As my mum oways tell us that guave helps digestion if we eat full after dinner.. So she oways encourage us to eat.. Keep say it 帮助消化. Hmm..
Guava is v rich in fibre so it helps bowel movements. It has much more vitamins C than oranges. But that is provided that we drink at least 2 Litres of water every day. If u eat guvav after dinner, these is less time to digest them before sleep. Anyway, it does not matter. Like wat I said, if u enjoy it &dun feel uncomfortable after eating, just eat. The pregnancy is not so fragile until u can't eat guava n other food. Only raw / uncooked food then need to avoid.
Hi Hazel
My mum just told me is those not so ripe one then will cause indigestion.. Ripe one wont woah.. Anyway, is ok.. Thx.
Hazel, Ron : thanks! Ya mine is the yellow cl... Whatever spelling runny nose tablet. Anyway I'm nit taking it yet and will try to ride this out. My runny nose runningfor 2 days now. Tmrw 3rd day and my mc ends. Hopefully mon can recover.... My boss say Wah so serious flu, nobody like u mc 3 days.

Joanne : u taking jabs weekly still? why? Tot u r quie ok? Or unwell? Btw R u still gg for healing?
Hi mummies, I am preparing for my next round of IVF cycle. Third one in fact. This time round I have also added in acupuncture to help improve the chances. Any other advice on enhancing the chances? Will be doing egg collection and transfer in Feb. Thanks!
Hi ladies, can eat vit c a not? Anyone ask doc loh before? He says cannot eat other vit pills even fish cod oil or omega 3 fish oil when I asked him the other time. But vit c he seem to nod his head, din say no; but he also say eat his vit from tri 2 onwards.. Then my vits in my house really can't take? I wasthinking of taking vit c now that I'm tryig to recover from this bad runny nose.... Aiyoo dunno if this can run for a week a not, 3rd day now.. Anyone seeing doc loh, can ask if ok to take vit c pills?
Tanny, I took vit c in first tri but not those sold outside. Is prescribed by dr loh n they look different fr those sold outside. My colleague once told me when she was pregnant, her gynae at raffles said the vit c efference cannot take. If u hv been sick for a few days n not improving, is high time u take med already. Esp when the flu tablet is safe. Today is fri n Monday u r going to work, if u r still so stubborn, end of the day it wun do u gd. Anyway, is your choice..
Hi Tanny
Yes, can take vit C. Asks doc Loh before but in the market, there r many types of vit C so i dun dare to anyhow take.. That day when i visit Doc Loh, i asks him to prescribe me for backup too.. Maybe u want to email Doc Loh and asks whether u can go kkh pharmacy to buy?
Oh.. Thks for concern.. Me ok just tt last week got sudden bleed so doc Loh want me to inject proluton once weekly for this two wk only, he will see whether still necessary after next wk checkup..;) yes, i still go for healing and ur shifu oso got message abt my babies sex..;) now only pray hard my babies are growing healthy day by day and i dun mind any sex for my babies..;)
Happy!! TGIF and hubby coming back soon..

Morning to all sisters..
woke up this morning at 5am again feeling hungry so after much twisting and turning ard finally made up mind to go eat something..went into kitchen..my 2nd cat looked so strangely at me eating the biscuit lol cos it's not 'normal' routine to do so

i know in 1st trimester must eat smaller portions and more frequently. Wonder how small is small portions? Cos after i ate a small portion..i got hunagry 2 hrs later..normal? haha

then also is there is list of foods that causes bloatedness in 1st trimester? (or does it varies person to person?) I would like to avoid..i know egg yolk is one of them..tried and tested! haha

Yes do share abt your scan yesterday

Wah shake like earthquake!!? lol so cute!

wah so many sales so good!
Hi Chrisl, my Dr asked me to eat whenever I'm hungry, don't go hungry
because it will cause lightheaded. If you feel hungry, try to eat small amount of food till u feel enough. Don't force yourself to eat more that u can n don't let yourself hungry too
. Nowadays I always have something for my mouth to chew, it really helps to reduce dizziness.
As for bloatedness, different person is diff. U need to take note for yourself.

Hi Tromso,
How was your scan yesterday
hi mummies,

nowadays i so scared to eat. Last month just put on 2kg and gynae want me to go for glucose test. Any of you experience the same case?
Hi ladies, my scan is singleton, 6mm, all healthy and well. Was great getting all my queries answered by dr Loh, now just looking forward to another smooth and safe 2 more weeks before my next visit.

Take care sashamama on your trip and all the best to your next scan
Baby, my next visit is 5 Jan at his TMC clinic, but I'm trying to bring the date forward. How about yours?

He also mentioned that his package is $700 for 10 visits, include consultations and basic scans, looks reasonable right
Kimmy, what did u buy?

Tromso, bring forward to? 2nd is PH. Only left with 3rd & 4th. 3 wks gap. If u see him at 2 wks gap mean last wk of dec... I dun think he has appointments that week other than ivf procedures & surgery. He shld be at tmc most time then.
Oh yah, blur me, I requested either 31 Dec (sat) or 2 Jan (mon), didn't realize 2 Jan is ph. He hasn't replied, maybe I'll suggest 29, 30 Dec too then, in case he can do consultations then.

Yah hazel, I'm thinking 2 weeks gap better for now. Thanks for the ph reminder.

Kimmy, no wonder I see so many people carrying Isetan bags today...what did you get?
Hi Tromso, my next visit is on 7 Jan. I hv done my 8wks scan last Wed. So next one should be 11wks+
He only told me his charges cheaper than KKH. $700 for 10 visits really sounds reasonable. But do we need to pay one short or pay per visit?
Baby, 11 week scan soon
that's great, approaching end of first trimester, so happy for you.

The package is only available after first trimester. Hmm...I dunno if can pay in 'instalments'...yah, $700 at 1 go is very heart pain.

I just received my IVF invoice yesterday and calculated how much I spent on misc like herbs, acupuncture, immunocals, supplements, etc, since Oct, about 1k...sigh... My total IVF bill is about 8.5k, like bit more than many of you, 6k/ 7k right?
Hi hazel,

ooh yesterday was really pain ah around the pelvic and bladder area esp nite time, my 2 feet swells so i lie on bed after work and wear socks to reduce swelling. Today drag myself to work as usual walk like penguin hahahaha.

Yippee my 1 whole week leave starts next Mon. ROBINSON having sale on 20-23 !!!! saw their mailer. But don't hb will let me go shopping as got to start setting up the bb room tomorrow and more laundry.

For me, i dun buy new born clothes, my bb clothes all starts from 3 -6 mths.
Tromso, I don't dare to count at all. I just keep all the bills n never have a look again. Whatever has been spent it's spent, as long as can have bb in our arm , it's more joys than pain
Morning! Yahoo, the husband is landing in the next hour! Felt baby movements since 6am this morning. Hmm....

Hopeful - haha you know we did you good by asking you to help chope table :p

Ron - join us next time!

Re. Isetan sale - hmm I didn't buy a lot...more like we were there for long because there was such a huge crowd so moving ard was limited. Bought swaddles, munchkin milk container, pumpkin patch clothes (additional disc given), a comfy tee for me etc. Haha My next 'chiong' session will probably be taka sale next year already. So not too hardcore yet!
Does any Sis noe when will dr loh be formally starting his clinic at TMC. Gotta an appt date fr him at TMC nex mth but wanna change e timing. Hw to change ah when he is still wif kkh? Thx.

Sisters, thx for earlier advice on bb clothing size. Mi will buying fr 3-6mths onwards....those branded clothings by ralph Lauren, Burberry.... I din buy yet. Intend to wait till bb born , see e size den order online. Anyway for 1st 3 mths, bb ONI be staying at hm so wear branded oso nobody see. Haha....

Bbliss, he has started seeing Ivf patients at TMC Ivf centre by appointment basis. For his pte O&G clinic, he starts on 3 Jan. Btw, bb needs to go for check up eg jaundice during the first wk or so after discharge. So, will get to go out. Also, for our case, after 1st mth, we will bring bb out. During wk days, can't expect me to pay bb whole day alone. If so, bb will be v unfriendly to strangers. Hv u wonder why some bbs are so friendly n smiles to everyone while some stick to mommy like glue, All these start from young. I will bring bb to parks or nearly shopping areas too. Also, swimming classes at bb spa. If pass that initial period bb will get phobia from swimming. New born bb is not scared at all as she has been swimming in mummy's womb. Swimming Also builds up the immunity. Wkends, we confirm will go out too, for breakfast (since bb wakes up early), lunch & dinner. So, at least 3x on sat/sunday. Each time go out comes bk will hv to change bb's clothes n wipe bb coz need to keep her clean n comfortable. My mil also WANs to see her only grand child too as frequently as possible. So other than wkends, wk days I will bring her bk n wait for hub at her plc for dinner.

So, maybe for ur case, ur bb dun go out first 3 mths, for our case is defintely not true. If after 3 mths then bring bb out, confirmed bb scared of strangers. Also, before ML ends, we plan to go on a self drive holiday, bb will come along too.
