(2012/11) Nov 2012

<font color="0000ff">Shirlynn: Hahaha your MIL so farnie :p

Well, it's true leh. Most days I have cravings so it's easy to decide what to eat. But on bad days when I am 'sick' with food, it's painful and torturing to eat!

Oreodinary: Yah usually June tix sure x de. Or u delay until July? The tix shld b cheaper by then
Sometimes they already have promo for tix in later part of this year. So probably you can keep a lookout for it!

pink: It can be ex-siblings who have studied in that sch before
Cos my hb super kan kiong and went to chk. Unless sway sway by the time the younger one is going to enroll, they gonna change the regulation. Hopefully not!

Enid: Hmmm I don't have giddy spells but definitely not as happy as compared to the time when I was having #1. Probably when having #1, just hubby and me. Now having #2, gotta take care of #1 too. Though she's very much older (6 this year), but she's at the age where she wld talk back and really make me go mad and angry. I can almost every nite feel very irritated by her

Enid: im also having giddy spells on &amp; off, cannot stand too long will have blackout, told my gynea, he said next time better to bring a packet of sweets or ribina drink with you cos most probably low sugar content...my flu is also almost 3 weeks &amp; still not yet recover..&amp; also not as happy as the #1, my MS is still bad...currently in my week 14 &amp; things doesnt seem to improve..feeling kinda depress now, cos having headache &amp; still have to work
Are u all (expecting #2 mommies) feeling very happy when u having #1?
This is my #1, but i m not feeling very happy too.. maybe bcos of the various sympt..
i always feel sian, 闷闷kind.. emo..
Pinkie: they only sell lunch.It is actually at fu lu shou complex B1 coffee shop.

Enid: I also having giddy spell esp in the morning . Sometime when I walk to the toilet I feel like I am going to black out and need to sit for a while before getting better . I always thought that becos that it had been a long time ( 8 years) after my first child, my body had a hard time to adjust and also of age too. But it seem like a lot of the mummy also feeling that too.

I am actually feeling very happy about this #2 but becos of the various symptom i am facing now , symptom is overwhelm my

I am very very picky with food now. If I have craving for any food I must eat it or not i will not have any appetite at all for others. And must be the stall that I like .Every morning I will tell my hubby what I have craving for and we will plan our route according to my craving. I am driving him crazy now. On sat,
I have craving for har guo again, so we went to east ocean and q for 1/2 hr to get a table , after ordering the foods I only eat har guo and that it.

sweetycute: So glad to know that . But is also ok cos I am old school girl. Is just that the age gap is so big that my mom give me a very funny respond . When I think of it is a bit scary , one in sec 3 and the other is going P1 .
hi mummies, since u ladies should be in 3-4 mths preg i wanna ask if any mommies experience bad MS? i cant seems to keep any food down. im now coming to 9 weeks and im kinda worried regards to that. at times even water cannot stay in within 5mins all out. do need to go kkh and test further or is it normal?
Enid, my #1 is 3 yrs old. How old is yours ?

Amanpp : Cheer up yah, will get use to these symptoms soon !! For #1, I had MS till the very last month ! Trimester 2 usually gets better. #1 &amp; #2 preganancy feels different, mainly cus #1, I could rest without much worry. For #2, even though I feel tired, will need to worry and take care of #1..so it gets more tiring

Pink : Yes actually I am happy, but the tiredness I feel this time round is overwhelming, practically didnt have energy to do anything. Wished I had my energy back

Angelic : For my #1 preganancy, I had bad MS till the very last month too, Gynae said its normal for some. Did your gynae prescribe some anti-nausea medicine ?
So fast abt P1 enrollment.. I only hoping they dun change the regulations b4 I my #1 can register which is in like 2017... Otherwise I headache.. Dunno which school to send.. I'm banking on the old gal route to get into the school...

Enid &amp; chisq: try take more fruits with vit c like kiwi &amp; orange? Shld help recover faster..

Initially my appetite wasn't so good too.. Eat a bit then full already.. Glad its getting better, but not as good as when I had #1... But still Hv a strange aversion to fish.. Remember loving fish for my #1..

Amanpp: with my #1, I was more nervous than unhappy.. Becos of what happened to my earlier 2 pregnancy (missed abortions) was really afraid it will happen again.. But after the 20th week detailed scan and more or less know pregnancy stable did I start enjoying my pregnancy.. Plus the fact that had more energy and could start looking around for baby stuff helped..

Pink: dun think too much.. My uncle's girls were 10 &amp; 12 years older than the #3... #3 start P1, the other 2 already JC &amp; uni...
enid, i think we are about the same...my boy is a feb 2011 baby...so i feel kind of guilty that i cant take much care for him right now..

sasha, i read before preggies cant take honey...

amanpp, its probably ur hormones thats causing it...i kept crying during my first trimester when i had my #1 cos doc say i low hormones, den when i dun have to be on injection, i became more relived and start to enjoy my pregnancy, especially when the baby kicks me!
Hui: if dun intend to bf for long then mabbe jus get a manual pump to stand by in case? The avent manual pump is not bad. Helps to quickly ease the discomfort.. Not ex too.. Think less than $100 at the baby fairs..

Juliana: so fast short list.. I guess my list is longer, so maybe I will start to call soon.. Dragon year, need to be KS a bit...
Charmaine.. So close.. My boy is also jan 2011... Tiring to look after him now... Gotta keep chasing after him cos he's so active.. Already want to start to run...

Nowadays, I go to bed when he does, which is abt 8plus 9... Too tired to do anything else.. Otherwise if not next morning sure go to work like zombie..
Charmaine, Thanks !! So we can't take honey, have craving for ice honey-lemon. hehe...

Angelic Me, anti-nausea medicine didn't help for my #1 too, but for #2 now, it seems to keep my MS away. Try to keep the mood up, I kept telling myself its a sign my baby is growing strong inside me. Positive thoughts ! Jia you

Now I am craving for Nana curry...lol...
Oh can't take honey? I threw up when i drink honey water!
i can't take chicken rice, sambal sweet potato leave, and instant noodles! Sure to throw up!
Hi mummies, too long nv log in already.. can't catch up with thread!

Congrats to those who know bb gender and feeling bb movements!!

I hope to be able to find out gender on my wk 16th wk checkup in 2 weeks time! How is the bb movement suppose to feel ah? I tried to stay still and concentrate on my tummy but all i feel is my own heart beat, LOL.

I've been burping and letting out gas alot these days and slight migraines are kicking in.

Tried taking fish (fried ones) and am beginning to be able to accept, no fishy taste at least. Don't think I can eat steamed ones for now.

Do you all experience sudden increase of heartbeat? I know our heartbeats are suppose to be faster than normal but sometimes even when staying still, my heartbeat suddenly will elevate so quickly. I got a shock and will breathe in and out to normalize the beat.

Hope all of you are coping well with monday blues anyhow!
wa..few days nvr log in so many posts!

Confinement food:
Most of my frens say dat natal essentials is gd..maybe u al can request for trial meals and c which is beta?

Pink: Your child wil stil get priority, but it'll be after those whose siblings are currently in sch, if i'm nt wrong..but it's stil many years down d road..duno whether MOE wil change system..I have an age gap of 9 yrs btw me and my bro..so he was sec 4 and I was P1..but the gd thg was he wld pick me up fr sch last time (though he was always grumbling..lol)

Shirlynn: I mite oso let #2 go to a cheaper cc. I just enrolled my #1 in a cc, more than 1k a mth for full day too..but she'l start off with half day first..tink if both in at the same time wil die..

Hui: Maybe u can c if any of your close frens can lend u for a while first? I actually borrowed the avent manual pump fr my SIL first but it din help and bb was drinking too little..den I went TMC, they were using the medela PIS and I reali cldnt take it anymore so bought the pump on the 4th day. It's ex but it's a realy gd pump. If u wana stop bf after sm time, u have to drag the timing u pump/latch..wil take a while though..if u nid help to sel off your monitor in WTS, u just PM me the details. I can help u post =)

Enid: I dun have giddy spells, but i realise if i lie down or sit too long, wen I stand up, it wil be black out for a short while..din have dis last time..duno y oso..just nid to be careful.

Amanpp: I'm always very gloomy during pregnancy wan..first preg cos i was having MS everyday den for dis preg, i just feel dat hb doesn't help to take care of #1 and she's so sticky..but the only gd thg is I'm currently nt working so stil more manageable than first preg..

Yan: I'l drink milo kosong or ginger tea for bf usu..
quiet day in the office....i just want to go home and sleep. trying to keep my annual leave till nearer the EDD so that can relax at home then!
darienna: u only start to enjoy on the 20th week? Dah.. i m still far from it..

charmaine: ok i m hoping the baby kick.. kick up my happiness too.. still feeling down now even i m 14th week already..

Hui: i have similar prob.. i cant take chicken, sure threw up.. this preg, i m like ma chiam converting into a vegetarian.. -.-

queen: we are abt the same.. burping alot and today slight migraines are kicking in.. that y feeling moody..

rin: ya.. i dun like the gloomy feel.. wondering when can i be better every single day.. sigh..

oreodinary: ya.. my office also v quiet today.. alot of col on leave.. to take care of their kids.. God of Zzz is always surrounding me today..
Queen kay: I've been having this bloated feeling, a lot of trapped wind. Sometimes it's painful and keeps me up at night. I'm taking hydrosil antacid (gynae says it's ok) and hubby will apply ru yi oil for me at bedtime but it's still quite bad.

oreodinary: I'm also conserving my AL, thinking I could take 5mths, +childcare leave, if I try hard enough. hee

pink: I love the nasi padang in fu lu shou basement! Their curry's very nice.
Today is my week 13 but today i felt the most nauseous since i got pregnant! Omg! Help!

Amanpp, i can take chicken,just can't take chicken rice! My mum say chicken rice is too oily!
But i have no problem for curry chicken!
pinkie...woah 5 mths! nice! hk only 10 weeks maternity. plus about 3 weeks of AL, i only get 13 weeks paid...considering take 1 mth no pay. I think 4 months is about just nice for maternity...after #1, I appreciate the me time when i was back at work after 4 months!
Oreodinary: Mine is 4mths maternity, plus 7 days childcare leave, plus AL.. so maybe have 5 mths. But that's if I can avoid taking AL unnecessarily this year.
amanpp: me too in 14th going on 15th. The migraines kicked in as n when, especially during work time, its super mood-depressing.

pinkie: I too have trapped wind almost everyday and i wonder if applying ru yi oil is ok? Normally after applying ru yi oil, i feel much better. hydrosil antacid is liquid form issit? GP prescribed a white liquid for my bloatedness but it doesnt really seem to work. Even ru yi oil performs better.

Talking about AL, i only left 9 days for this yr! used up the rest for holidays.
Queen.. My hydrosil is tablet form. I don't like drinking the liquid kind although doc told me it works better. Ru yi oil should be okay ba, we checked online.
I'm also having bad headaches. Sian....
Hey queen.. U can Try gaviscon, my gynae gave me d strong version and it's really gd for bloating, heartburn n indigestion. Ru yi oil Is ok , I use tiger balm too. U can Try
darienna, my still enjoys his crawling..so i jus leave him with that..nowadays, i leave most of the reposibilty of taking care of him to his dad..thank god he is starting to slp tho the night since abt a mth ago, so not so bad...but i admit its tiring to have a young one at home..

queenkay, i also feel my heartbeat increase sometimes..but i dun remember having that during my 1st preganncy...

amanpp, after the 20th week, u will find that time will pass faster than u know it! so hang in there!

want to conserve my leave initially..but den cos my no 1 is pre mature so duno whether this one will give us sudden surprise anot..den later cant clear my leave! so go for babymoon use it first better...=)
My girl is 16mths!

I have been sick for 3weeks with flu, cannot really zzz at night cos I will wake up choking cos of cough

Wonder why I am so weak this pregnancy - it must be age is catching up on me!
Hi pinkie yup gaviscon works well for me. Outside might not Hv d strong version but def Hv d normal version. Give it a try! Start to feel relief In abt 3-5 mins n after tt slowly feel much better
Hi Mummies, today is my 14th week, I still do not feel much better too. I keep wondering how long more to be able to enjoy this pregnancy. Everyday I feel sad, tired, hungry, no appetite, nausea, vomitting and excessive salivation... other than that, I do not feel pregnant. Keep thinking if I should go and see gynea and check if baby is ok. 2 more weeks to go before next appt.

Normally when I dun feel good or have heart burn, I will take ice cream.

For my #1, he will be 5 yrs old in two months time. Yesterday I make fun of him, say I want to sleep with him .. since pregnant, his daddy has been sleeping with him in his room. He was very happy and really wants me to sleep with him too in his room. His is super single bed. He ask him daddy to move further in so that I have more space to sleep. Afterwards his daddy sleep on the bay window to give us more space. My son suddenly wake up and covers me with his blanket..
so touched. I cover for him back, and tell him we will share.. Feel so guilty, since pregnant and start of all these morning sickness, I have been spending so little time with him.

Hope all these will be over soon and I can get back to my old activities soon.
Thanks piggie! I will try gaviscon. My hydrosil doesn't really work anymore and the trapped wind is really painful.
hi all,
haven't posted for a while cos of the bad nausea and vomiting. My #1 will be 4 this year, thought was a big age gap till I saw Shirlynn with a 5 yr old Sweetiecute with a 6 yr old. heh

I also don't feel very happy with this preg. think cos the nausea and tired is much worse. Although I'm working part time compared to full time last time. maybe it's cos I'm older!
Kye, hahaha.. I also feel that I feel worse than 1st pregnancy. I also keep wondering if I am old liao.. thats why feel so bad.

I wonder how my mother survived when she conceive me at 40 years old. I am #6 in the family. accident case..kekeke.. #5 is 13 years older than me.
Piggiedearz: Didnt know can take gaviscon, thanks for sharing!

pinkie: Let's try Gaviscon as recommended by piggiedearz! Headache wise, hope it doesnt come back again today, it hit me again yesterday before bedtime.

amanpp: I don't dare to take panadol although its safe, so i apply oil to my temples, it relieves a little. but not sure how ur colleagues may react to the smell. :p hope no headache for all of us today!!

charmaine: i have to ask my gynae next time i see her if its normal, my heartbeat was quite exaggerating. i can wake up suddenly due to my elevated heartbeat and its quite loud.

shirlynn: same here for me, 4 weeks wait is very long, i keep worrying how baby is doing inside. can't wait for my next visit in 2 weeks too!.
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt. I have the following items for sale..

1. Preloved Tiny Love Take-Along Mobile, letting go at $30. Bought during Taka baby fair at $49.90, music, soft toy animals are all in tip top condition with no stain no wear &amp; tear.

2. Full bumper cot, letting go at $28. Wash but never used, comes with fitted sheet, full cot bumper, 1 pillow &amp; 2 bolsters.

3. Preloved Baby Love nursing pillow, letting go at $18. Used less than 5 times, condition is almost like new &amp; the cover is machine washable.

4. Lucky baby milk bottles drying rack, letting go at $5. Wash but never used.

5. BNIB Pigeon Bottle &amp; Baby Food Warmer, letting go at $35. It's brand new, received as gift but already had one.

6. BNIB Dr Brown 4oz Wide Neck milk bottle x 2 pcs, letting go $10 each or take both at $18.

7. BNIB Avent 9oz Wide Neck milk bottles x 2 pcs, letting go at $15 for both.

8. BNIB Vtech Grow &amp; Ride on, letting go at $65.

Please PM or email me [email protected] for more info/pics if keen. Tks
hi mummies,

I am carrying #2 now. I guess I am in my 10th week. Doc says EDD either end Nov or early Dec.
Since I am a C-section mummy, i guess i can decide when it will be ;)

my #1 just turned 2yr old this month.

This time round, i am vomiting alot more, feeling alot more tired.
Queen Kay/shirlynn: same feeling.. Paranoid sometimes... My paranoia made worse by the fact that I hv almost no symptoms.. No MS, no heartburn.. Almost nothing save the fact that my boobs are sore sometimes...Dunno whether baby is doing alright...

Will finally see my gynae again this Friday for my OSCAR.. Hope all goes well.. My #1 gave me a scare when his neck fold measured wide at 3mm... A bit nervous yet excited to see baby again...

Amanpp: guess sometimes our circumstance and symptoms do make us sad/nervous/unhappy... But try to stay positive as its the hormones that sometimes drives our feeling out of whack... Do the things that make u happy.. Happy mummy, happy baby...
let off ur steam in the forum or whereever else u feel comfortable.. We r all here to listen, support and rant too! Hahaha...
shirlynn.. i understand what u're going thru. I'm quite similar but my nausea is better than urs, its better now compared to last week. but the rest is same as u.. no appetite, taste and smell aversions, very hungry always and feel very emotional n moody. on off will cry. hope we get better soon!!!

pinkie and queen.. yup try it.. if can find the advanced version, get it, if not get the normal one first b4 ur next visit to gynae.

darienna...u're so lucky to have no ms, no heartburn! the rest of us who are hving it are suffering like mad. so envious of u! paranoia is normal. even with my bad ms, I'm also worried abt bb, whether bb gets enough nutrition when I'm eating so little and not able to eat the nutritious stuff for him or her. but yet i cannot do much to my situation but to just endure n hope it passes soon. waiting for each visit to gynae to cfm bb is ok . so u try not to worry so much and enjoy ur pregnancy!!
Darienna, ya.. understand what you mean, at least we having symptoms, but these symptoms is making us mad.

Piggiedearz, ya, I have been so emotional after getting pregnant. Sometimes after vomitting in toilet, I will hide inside and cry out to make myself feel better.

The last visit at gynea place, they want to draw out blood for oscar and I was tearing away, nurse still tot I am scare of blood..keke.. I say I am ok, just emo..

Waiting for the day when we can be discussing about happiness about this pregnancy instead of sufferings
Heartburn, how to avoid? By eating smaller meals? But by doing so, I wake up often at night feeling hungry and keep snacking in the office.

Thank you hui, happy mothers day to all of us here!!
Thks piggiedearz &amp; pinkie.. I guess I'm one of those blessed with good genes.. The downside is that I hv to control what to eat to prevent excessive weight gain... Dun be to hard on urself... U r already trying ur best to eat as well as u can.. Praying for u mummies that MS n heartburn will go off soon so that can enjoy the pregnacy better..

Shirlynn: I'm sure will b soon! Once can feel baby move and know gender I'm sure talk of symptoms will reduce.. ;)

I see a lot of second time/third time moms here.
Just curious.
My colleague told me that those who doesn't have MS is highly likely to give birth to baby girl. From your experience issit true for ur case?
