(2012/11) Nov 2012

Hey Beloved.. I'm going to Japan end of this month. Exhausted from work and could really use a break. By then, I will be well into my second trimester so crossing my fingers that I will be enjoying the pregnancy/trip by then.

QP.. we're heading for Tokyo. We checked with docs, they say it's safe, they didn't rcv any news that it's unsafe. Hubby also called MFA and MOH, all say that it's ok.
Hi Pinkie - I think it is good to go away for awhile

Hi mummies - I am going for my OSCAR tomorrow! Do you know how long does it take?

Hello mummies!

I jus did my Oscar test and blood tests! Results will be out in a week. Very nervous...praying that it will be fine
doc say as long as can see bb's nose bridge during the scan, it's quite safe cos for DS, 60% don have it...

Oli-olive: yes u r right! Sorry misread ur post :p

Darienna: how's the test? I saw that my baby has grown soo much in 5 wks! So happy and emo!
Oh ya, wanna check with mummies here. I went Korea in jan and both some ginseng supplements - in powder n liquid form. Are these safe for my consumption?
Thanks for checking for me YJZL.

My hubby did a lot of checks and I feel pretty secure about going. Now I'm so looking forward to it.. looking forward to being away from work.
Hi, I'm a Nov mummy also and this is my 1st bb....

I hope to get good recommandation of trustable nanny that can take care of my baby day and night during the weekdays for me in Woodlands.

-chinese speaking and/or English speaking
-reliable, responsible, non-calculative & patient
-clean house
-non-smokers in the family
-pets free
-look after my bb only

Any good ones that can recommand me? Please leave down contact nos of the nanny so that I can personally call and have a discussion with her.

Thanks so much for help!
Twinkle24: haiz.. Gotta to repeat the test next week. Baby didn't cooperate today... Tried to scan 4 times, full bladder, empty bladder both also cannot... plus one more time vagina scan... Baby refused to lie down, in upright position, so gynae cannot measure the neck fold or chk on the nasal bone properly...

But on the scan, saw baby mouth moving.. Gynae say that's baby taking in the amniotic fluid.. So cute.. I ask my gynae if can see whether boy or gal... He took a look and says can see something, but not quite confirmed... Haiz.. Most likely boy... Oh wells.. There is still a chance gynae see wrongly... Hehehe... Hoping hard.. :p

Abt the ginseng, mabbe u want to chk with ur gynae? But think shld be ok I think...

Wendy: really depends on whether baby cooperates or not. If in a good position, the scan will usually only take abt 5-10min.. Otherwise, like mine, over 1hr plus, but still can't scan anything... But remember to make sure bladder is full as this will help to push down the uterus and hopefully get baby in a good position to scan..

Pinkie: good to go for a babymoon in 2nd trimester.. More energy too..
Josey, hope your #1 is feeing better.
Pinkie enjoy your trip! have a romantic time. with hubby before bb comes along. rem to avoid sashimi or anything raw.
Darienna your bb so cute! That day when I did my oscar the lady said cannot see the gender, only after 16weeks. so cannot prepare bb's stuff yet.
Btw, in our 20weeks there is another scan we have to do. its compulsory rite? I cannot rem.
Darienna: my scanning took quite some time too! Yes i saw my bb's mouth moving n he/she is sooo active!!! Keep moving ard!! Oh i asked my gynae abt the gender she say cannot tell yet, muz b 16 wks... Hehe! Hmm my gynae is quite scentific one, ask long as not proven to be not gd den she will remain neutral stand n tell me to take everything moderately...
pinkie, enjoy ur trip..im also going there end june, bringing my #1 along...

beloved, 20 weeks is the detailed scan which is complusory...it will definately cfm ur bb gender also see your baby's development whether the toes and fingers r there and if the bb got cleft lip..

anyone got good pre natal massage to recommend...after the first pregnancy really old liao..
Pinkie, I tried the ru-yi oil last nite n it really worked wonders! The bloating pain disappeared n i could sleep properly after a long time!
Yest MS attacked again & I was feeling very down..
Today feel better.. Hope it remains this way!

I did my Oscar scan last week at Raffles Hospital & the gynae on the spot told me the results (I had taken my blood test previous visit). Luckily low risk.. Baby was sleeping & gynae press my tummy until baby woke up with a jerk m started moving the hands.. It was so cute! It's things like this that help to motivate me when I'm down with MS!
Went to see my gynae last wed,said that my oscar results was good.but my bp is on the high side for the past few visits.so he asked me to see him on monday again.might be preeclampsia.hais..feel so helpless.
Happy Mothers Day! I am so happy that I can feel that I am regaining my energy back as I enter into my 2nd trimester! Now thinking of going for a holiday before my #2 comes.. Iany good suggestions, I will really love to go Japan but I have no guts to do it cos I hear too many stories.. If something really happen to my little one because I want to have fun, I will really neve4 forgive myself! It is a better to be safe than sorry mentality! no offence to pinkie! God will bless u and ur family!

Anyone has good suggestions of a good locations to go with a 16mth old toddler?
Darienna, my gynae is Dr Tony Tan. Same as yours?
I really feel very comfy & reassured with him..

Enid, yes better to be safe than sorry.
I also heard stories from my colleagues.. 1 of her frens went Tokyo for holiday n when they wanted to conceive they were advised by their doc to wait 8 years cos of radiation traces in her body. So better don't take chances.. Yes no offense to Pinkie!! Maybe the situation is better now..

Happy Mothers Day to all ladies here!
Lalaa: Mine is also Dr Tony Tan! Such a coincidence.. Comfy with him too cos he takes time to listen to u and answers all ur questions... Very reassuring.. I was with him for my #1 too.. =). Who knows I might bump into u one of these days.. Haha..

Jus out of curiosity, since raffles is not really the first choice for most mummies, how come u will choose raffles for ur #1? Mine cos there was some complications with one of my earlier pregnancies, then got referred in by coy doctors (raffles medical).. Otherwise, I might not Hv chosen raffles as well...

Enid: Yay to more energy! can try Australia.. Kid friendly... tho flight might b a little long.. Otherwise, Taiwan also not too bad.. I guess at this age, so long as there's somewhere for them to run out their energy works for me.. May want to consider traveling with extended familyi if u bring Inez.. Extra pairs of hands help.. Shanghai I went with my parents, SIL n MIL.. So not so tiring..

Meantime, Happy Mothers Day to all mummies n mummies to be!
Darienna - oh same gynae!

Oh Raffles is my comPany affiliated too.. Before I got pregnant I went there & randomly selected a gynae for some infection & PAP smear since I could claim from my company.
Both me & hubby felt comfy with this gynae, so when I got preggie couple of mths later, decided to go back to him
n he said its more convenient for him to conduct deliveries at Raffles itself.
Just curious, y isn't Raffles a popular choice? Is it cost of the higher cost or other reasons?
<font color="0000ff">Hi all, just back from a few days of flu
Blocked nose really made me sleepless at nite! Just when I was on the road to recovery, my #1 is down with fever
What a Mother's Day gift for me. Guessed I dont need to sleep tonite already....

Hope she will recover soon cos we will be going to Maldives at the end of this month. Really looking fwd to the relaxing time that I am going to have! And hee....just bought a swimsuit to go along with it :p</font>
Sweetycute - take care of urself n ur girl, the weather was very bad recently. my boy also down with fever since yesterday.

Enjoy ur beautiful Maldives trip this month!!
Lalaa: think partly cost. Per visit b4 package can get quite ex.. Every bill minimum also at least $100plus.. Think maybe also the popular gynaes are associated with other hospitals, so that's y very few at raffles... But good also lah.. Means less crowded, better attention from the nurses after delivery.. Fewer babies in nursery, So more attention on each.. Think when I delivered #1, only abt 10-12 babies in the nursery..
Darienna, yea that was my thought too!
I was admitted there for my severe MS &amp; dehydration once n I really liked their service &amp; nurses friendliness.. Plus the food was yummy! haha
But cos of high cost, my other 2 MS hospitalizations was at KKH &amp; I hated the long waiting times &amp; not so good service.

I wonder if we'll go into labour ard the same time &amp; meet each other when giving birth.. Hehe. When's your EDD?
My EDD is 21 Nov.. So might not, unless I pop early.. My #1 was late, so not really expecting to deliver early for this one either.. Hehe..
I heard from my collegues also. She have a friend who was around 4 mths pregnant. Went to Japan for holidays, come back, doc say baby affected. Have to abort.So if can, just to be safe, better to avoid Japan for the time being for preggies and those plannings...
<font color="0000ff">QP: Thanks! Yah fever din subside after a day and a nite, so my mom brought her to see doc today. She got 2 days of MC. But can see that this morning, she looked better

Yah long awaited trip! Cant wait to see the beautiful huts and sea!</font>
Thanks girls.. we'll stil be going ahead with the trip. Somehow all the negative things we hear about are from friends of friends, but never a direct source. And MFA told my hubby that all these news are baseless and unverified, much like the flux kidnapping cases recently. And yes, Enid, God will keep us safe.

Sweety: Maldives would be really fun.. great for relaxation. My gf just came back and the photos are awesome.

Lalaa: I'm using ruyi oil every night. My bloating doesn't disappear completely like yours, but it does offer some relief. Hope your MS will get better soon.
Hi Darienna - thanks.

I did mine last weekend and baby was not in a good position. Told to walk for 20 mins. Tried again and it still was not ideal haha. But managed to get a reading eventually

I wanted to go on holiday too but my mum thinks otherwise.. oh well, enjoy your trip, pinkie!
Wendy: lucky u... managed to get a reading.. Will be gg back tmrw again to try to scan.. Praying bb cooperates tmrw for the scan...

Pinkie &amp; sweetycute: enjoy ur break!

I am a silent reader. I'm pregnant 3rd child due on 8 nov. My first boy is going to 7years old, 2nd a girl now 1years old.
Hi all, I'm new to this thread. I'm currently at the end of week 12 but my ms feels like it's getting worse instead of better. Really bummed cos I was looking forward to this week, thinking I'll feel much better.

Pinky, I went to Japan, including Tokyo during my 7th to 8th week. Checked with a few doctors and my gynae before going. They have not heard of any travel advisory against going due to radiation risk. My gynae just reminded me not to take raw food. So far, my baby feels healthy.

If you're worried, just remember not to take the sashimi since it's after all straight from the sea. Overworrying would not be healthy either.
<font color="0000ff">Pinkie: Yah! I am so looking fwd to it. But it's shiok to go Japan too! One of my fav country and I simply love their tako balls. Just taste so different from the ones made in Spore!

Darienna: Tks!!

Am also looking to my gynae visit this Fri. So anxious to see if bb is doing well or not! This will be my 16th week
Hi to all new mommies!

Sweetycute: woo! Hope u can tell the gender by then!! Will be so exciting! I Still have another 4 more weeks to go... By then will also be about 16-17 weeks. U are 4 wks ahead!! How envious!!
morning mummies, experienced my first leg cramp for this pregnancy last night...but like abit early le...

pinkie, im so going to 'sup' the baby clothings and towels in japan when im gng next month..they are jus so comfy...my first one loves it!

any mummies getting more absent minded?? i was so blur that i left my car key inside my car for two days without realising it!
Welcome to the thread Junaine &amp; laruu.

Thanks Laruru. I've never liked raw food, and I don't take sashimi so it'll be ok for me in this aspect. Will have to give the hot springs a miss too. :/

Sweety: 16 week already. You're also 4 weeks ahead of me. haha

oreodinary: tell us about your experience when you're done.

charmaine: Yes! I've been forgetting things too. Very bad.
Oooh how nice! Where do you get the baby stuff in Japan from. We're preparing to go there and whack too.
just came back from scan. bb is now 7 cm at 13 weeks. everything within normal range. have to wait for blood test results on thursday.

doc was saying that anything more than 1:300 is low risk for down syndrome so was wondering why someone previously posted results as 1:2000 as high risk? or did i get mixed up?
Baby cooperated today! Gynae did a couple of scans, and got a good reading.. All normal.. So quite relieved..
and it looks like I'm having another boy.. Gynae say 80%... Nx visit at 17 wks shld b able to cfrm Liao.. Oh wellz... Looks like no chance to go crazy shopping... Bleh..

Today bb so cute on scan.. Moved his hand to scratch his face.. Hee..
Congrats Darienna, your baby finally cooperated. At least you know the gender liao.. I am seeing gynea next week. Hope can know the gender too
although I have a feeling is a gal.

Btw, who is doing the table? So many new people coming in but never see the table
Darienna - that's fantastic! And you get to know the gender of baby

No luck of me to know the gender yet from my visit. Do look forward to the 20th week..
Darienna, great that your scan went well today!

I'm curious to know gender of my baby too, but hubby doesn't wanna find out until baby is born! Don't think I can bear the suspense.. Dunno how to tahan!

Looks like Lotsa Nov mummies! The year &amp; month seems very 'hot' for babies

welcome new mummies
Gynae wasn't specifically scanning for gender.. I kaypoh go and ask.. So he say he try to see.. And see something he did.. Hahaha...

Shirlynn: mummy's gut feel usually quite accurate one.. I already had gut feel will be boy, but hoping the gut feel is wrong. cos I want gal.. Haha...
