(2012/11) Nov 2012

Hmmm they were saying coz girls have same hormones as us. So won't cause serious MS.
For me, I thought that MS depends on the body and health of the mom herself.
Anyway just want to get some real statistics to kill the curiosity

Btw, do we still need to drink a few glasses of water before Oscar? I was always the only one drowning myself with water in the clinic durin my last two visits! Hope to end soon!
Oli: yes. Still must down. The other time I down until bladder soooooo full, totally wished the scan would be over quickly. Haha. And the ms theory is not true for my case, for both #1 n 2, I had zero ms, n I had a boy n a girl. Nw, I won't say I had ms, but I suffered from loss of appetite and occasionally want to vomit, but not the serious case like what some mommies have here.... So waiting to see of its a girl or boy!!!
Oli: ur colleague's theory so cute..

Me no MS for my #1... My #1 is a boy... Think it's got to do with genetics bah.. Like what they say abt stretch marks.. If ur mom din get them, u prob won't too... My mum din Hv MS for both her pregnancies... And I Hv an older brother... Hehe..

Twinkle24: I miss baby too! Can't wait for Friday...
for me, i didn't have much MS for #1 and i had a boy. this time round MS worst so my hubby hoping for a gal

my 3 yr old keep jumping on me when he plays......constant worry he might injure #2 so looking forward to next scan on tuesday to make sure #2 is ok.
hi gals,
i am feeling so horrible since weekend... eat also cannot, dont eat also cannot.

applying half day leave today. hope it gets aproved coz its last minute.
i really need a break.
Sasha11, for heartburn, avoid chocolate stuffs, cabbage, apples, bananas and caffeine stuffs. And if you really have heart burn, my natural remedy is ice cream
I suffer for 6 weeks before realising. And after avoiding these food, so far so good. Good luck!!

Darienna, ya..waiting for 2 weeks more to see gynea again
Hi ladies,
I having #2, #1now 3yrs old. Very tiring to be pregnant with #1 ard as he doesn't take nap in the afternoon. so I cannot rest. Due to morn sickness I stopped cooking, as preparing the food makes me nausea. juz started tingkai catering for dinner.

When r all your edd? mine 11 nov. do u think #2 might come earlier.

do take care everyone hope gd news for all our oscars results!
Shirlynn: Ice cream works for me too. I'm into green tea ice cream now. Can't take chocolate which I used to love before preg.

For constipation, I have been taking kiwi for past 2-3days and it really helps. Now I'm back to my daily routine.

beloved: My edd is on 25 nov. Very near to hubby and my birthday. This is the best birthday gift ever.

Rest well mrs teo.
Hi Beloved~, my Edd I the same as u and my boy will turn 3 this yr oct.. Look like we r the same.. Haha... My #1 arrive 10 days earlier so I think this #2 might be early too
Hi hui & QP, our edd so close. I think in another mth we can koe the gender alr.o
Pinkie, u r very fortunate u still can take in fruits. So far I can
only stomach avacado juice. During this period I crave for pigs liver n pigs blood. weird hor.

I gave away most of #1toys n clothes as we only decided for #2 this yr. how r u all feeling do ustill feel bloated?
Hi beloved, Im praying MS GO AWAY SOON! Still will get motion sickness! And bloated also!

I got craving for watermelon! Lol
now i can drink water, does not taste as bad!
My bloating still very bad. Especially at night. Really painful. Last night I tried gaviscon, didn't work for me.

I had malays long-tong today. Really bad idea.. made me nauseaus the whole day. I'm thinking it could be the coconut milk in it.
i find eating many small meals help lessen the bloated feeling.

Hui, I've been having watermelon craving the past week too! read somewhere that its good for us as it eases heartburn
I feel like eating pineapple,imagine its cold, sour n nice with the black sauce. A few times I passed by the fruits stall I wanted to buy but I restrained myself. coz old pple say pregnant cannot eat is it. maybe I will give in to temptation one of these days.
beloved: i stil feel very bloated too but MS getting beta..and wat I do nw is even if I'm hungry, I only eat half the portion, and then eat the other half maybe 1 or 2 hrs later..it helps. My #1 oso 3 this yr. I oso started tingkat lunch so dat can cut down 1 meal to ck..but i wil usu c wat's the fd for the day..if too oily, i wil just steam fish/egg or boil sm veg for #1. Luckily she nt picky wif fd but I feel bad dat she's been eating all these cos I'm usu particular wif wat she eats..but cant be helped..my gynae says can eat pineapple leh..i tink so long as u dun heaps of it shd be fine ba...

I find i very weird but I have been craving for mayo..so funny hor..so I made chicken wrap wif lettuce and mayo dis morning..and surprising, din puke..and I oso made a big tub of fruit and celery salad and just scoop a little to eat each time..

BTW, I was bathing just nw wen I noticed alot of fine tiny hair growing on my tummy leh..any1 like dis too?I dun rem i had dis for #1.

Re: MS for gender
Wat i heard is MS very bad is ger and no MS is boy. though it's true for myself and quite a no. of ppl ard me, but I tink it depends on our own body too..cos I oso had a fren who had very severe MS but is boy leh..

Mrs Teo: hope u r beta.. just rest as much as can..
Hi All,

I'm new here. This is my #1 and EDD 5 Nov.

Have been following up with this thread for some time. Noticed that many MTB had done her Oscar test. Have any one get her result?

I got my result last week and indicated high risk with a ratio of 1:220. As a first time mum, I'm worry, confuse and cant make up my mind to take up Amnio or not as it posts a risk of miscarriage. Any experience MTB here can advise?

Many thanks!
Hi JK.. Welcome to the forum..

For my no #1, my was abt the same as yours.. Depends on what u r reading, 1:220 is not really considered high as well. If ur family has history of such genetic disorders, then perhaps to ease ur concern u may want to go for the amnio.

It's really a decision u Hv to come to terms with ur self. U muz ask ur self, if after u do the amnio u get an unfavorable result, then what will ur decision be? If touch wood, the baby has Down syndrome, will u still be able to accept?

That was my reasoning then, and decided not to do the amnio, cos to me, all children are gifts from God and I will accept even if sick, down syndrome etc..

I know as a first time MTB, a lot is going thru your mind now, but I do hope my that my own thot process then helps u somewhat... Try to think positive..
Hi JK,i read from other threads , 1 mummy went for 2nd advice from a doctor at camden, and did not do the amnio i think. There was another mummy who did the amnio, but was ok, no miscarriage and got good results!

So it really is personal preference i guess!
What did your gynae say ?
By the way, my gynae mentioned ratio of 1 to 300+ is normal, so like what darienna mentioned, yours is not super high risk, i read some threads, some mummies have 1:80 results, so don't worry too much! Talk to your gynae and stay positive!
Hi i got my oscar results last week. it was shocking within a short 3yrs my risk has increased. my #1 adjusted risk was 1:13000 yrs ago. now #2 1:2000. of coz we r also worried as it works out to be a 0.5% chance, but my gynea assured me not to go for further test as results acceptable.

JK: mayb u like to seek your gynea's opinion. Trust that he or she is experience enough togive advise. Like wat darienna said think positive dun let fear grip u as baby inside our womb can feel wat we feel. We understand how u feel as we also went thru it. seek a second opinion if needed?
JK: I haven received my OSCAR results but based on wat I noe, there is a 5% risk of miscarriage if u do amino. yr risk of 1:220 works out to 4.5% to have a DS bb so actually risk of miscarriage is higher..I tink wat Darienna says has pt..ultimately, it boils down to yr decision. My sis had unfavourable results wen she was preggy 2 yrs bk and cos she was 35, she opted for Amino. results were ok. She said the test nt as scary as wat ppl say but u wil have bed rest for a few days after dat..
Queen_kay, now I am counting by the days, keep thinking when I need to see gynea.. keke.. maybe pregnant, think too much.. keke.. hope by then can know gender of baby

Pinkie, I also cannot take chocolate ice cream, will vomit

I think gavinscon is for heart burn, is it for bloating as well? Do read up on food tat cause air and try to avoid, take small meals.. hope you will be ok soon.

Beloved, now I am only taking pears and honey dews. so far so good for myself, every morning even before I wake up, I can feel the pressure and need to go toilet.

Rin, my morning sickness is bad for my #1 and I had a boy. My sisters also had bad morning sickness.. tats why I think its inherit...
For my #1 I didn't go for Oscar, my result out on tue saying 1:46000.

My MS seems to stop since tue too, hope it will nv come back..
Hi mummies who are suffering from heartburns...

i read from a baby book that if you have frequent heartburns during pregnancy, its high chance that your baby will be born with thick hair on head! :D and proven true according to the book, not a myth.
So many of you did your oscar tests already. Mine is coming up next friday. Can't wait to see bb.

Thanks Shirlynn. I read that Gaviscon helps with acid reflux, indigestion and bloating. Didn't work for me on my first try though. Hope the bloating will subside by itself, don't really like medicating, dunno if there are any side effects.

Welcome to the thread JK.
QP, how many weeks are you now? So good that your morning sickness is gone.. congrats !!

Queen_kay, I forgotten for my #1. I do not remember I have heart burn. But my son was born with lots of hair.

Pinkie, maybe you check what are the food that will cause bloating and try not to take it. Bcos of so much problem, I have so much food that I dare not take anymore. Rather be safe than suffering.

Re : Oscar, nurse call me , I think she say 1:300. I never pay any attention to the figures. Only hear she say low risk. I ask her can there be no risk? She say lab also need to protect themselves.. will never indicate no risk..keke
Hello ladies,

I'm from the dec 2012 thread. Went for check up last week and Gynae moved my EDD from 1 Dec to 23 Nov.

This is my 2nd baby and hoping to share experiences with all of you.
Pinkie: if u did the scan together with the blood test, then shld be within the week, so that can process the blood samples.. Otherwise, if taken b4 the scan, the blood test results shld prob b out by the time u do ur scan, so the full OSCAR result shld be available after the scan..

Nervous.. Doing my scan tmrw...
Congrats QP for overcoming MS! I hope by next mth all of us will start to enjoy our pregnancy, n stop feeling nausea n bloated. today when I was bringing #1 to sch I could not control n vomitted on the pavement. he said I yucky n notty as I dirty the floor. it must be the spoong cake this morn.

We must also ensure the the food we eat r fresh n try not to eat overnight food.

Hi rin, my symptoms for MS is different for #2 this time. seems more lousy this time. maybe your theory might be rite.
hi JK,

congrats on ur pregnancy first..

just like darienna,for my husband and myself, we decided that no matter what happen to the baby, we will accept them for who they are, cos to us, they are gift from god. thats y i did not even opt for OSCAR for both my pregnancy..no point taking it then if result no good, make urself worry for 9 whole months..

being a first time mum, i understand how u feel..dun worry, it will be fine!
Hi ladies
I'm a Nov mum to be

This is my #1 and my EDD is 13 Nov.
Glad to meet u all here to share experiences!
I had terrible MS past 3 months until I was hospitalized 3 times! Finally getting a bit better now so finally found the energy to post here

Now I'm just suffering from extreme bloatedness since yest.. It's so annoying
other than medication any natural remedies?
My appetite is still no good.. Miss eating all the good food
Hi All,

Thank you for the advice and encouragement. Plan to go for a 2nd opinion on coming week with Dr Anandakumar.
Pinkie .. Sorry tt the gaviscon didn help for u. Msybe u Hv to avoid spicy n oily food n tk small meals to really curb d heartburn le. Try walking ard after meal for 15-20 mins see if tt helps? It does work for me
Most of d time

Qp congrats!! I'm waiting for mine to go away fast! Really cannot tahan anymore

Shirlynn.. I also heard ms depends on d genes n applied to many of my frens but like dun apply to me. My mom didn Hv ms for me n sis but mine is terrible!! Very sian... Must vent out here smtimes lol
Thanks Darienna. I'm taking my blood test on the same day as my Oscar. Hope results turn out well for everyone.

Hi Lalaa! Hope you're coming out of your MS already. My puking has blown over.. thank God. And just like you, I'm having really bad bloating.
I'm using ru-yi oil but still hurts.
Any of you ladies planning anything for the June holidays? Hopefully we will feel better in June, a short trip to the nearby mall will also tired me out now. My plan is just to bring my #1 to the beach during the holidays to let him enjoy before his sibling comes out. With the bloating and nausea I cannot imagine traveling even on a short trip, I as will not enjoy it.

I realize that the weather also plays a part in our MS, if its warm and humid I felt worse.
Hi piggie: I noticed that the bloating gets especially bad when I'm in bed at night. I might try it again.. who knows it will work better the second time round. ;)
Nothing planned in June.. Jus prob take my boy out during weekends as usual... A trip to the zoo (my company family day) is planned, but other than that nothing else...

My bank account needs to recover from my malacca trip in Feb, Bangkok trip in march, and my recent shanghai trip in April... Wahahahaha... :p

Hi ladies, Haven't been able to come in the last few days as #1 is down with lung infection. I'm so tired....

JK - I did my detailed scan with Dr Anandakumar 2 years back, he is a very nice and funny doctor. Was cracking jokes and giving hubby and I parenting tips. He will put you at ease. Don't worry too much just be positive.
