(2012/11) Nov 2012

Shirlynn: maggie mee a lot of msg! You have to go easy on the seasoning.
Have you tried vitamin B6. It helps relieve loads off my vomitting.

Bread n Maggie also my good friend last week and now I see bread very scare.. Cannot eat well n dunno wat food to eat so frustrated..
Pinkie, no choice lei. Like QP, now I eat bread also feel like vomitting. Even mc Donald does not appeal to me. Rice taste like sand to me.

I try to use more water. Like my 1st one, I cannot stand any medication. They make me feel worse
Me too. I can't drink too much water either. Last time I used to drink warm water in the office but now I can only drink cold water and I don't even drink more than 1L a day.

QP and Shirlynn: i have the same problem too..What I like to eat a few days back i can't swallow them now. I have craving for popeye's chicken in my head but my mouth and tummy tells me otherwise. I hope 2nd trimester will come faster!
dadnmum & shirlynn: I had excessive saliva for #1, dis time round only for the first few wks den nw ok..for my #1, i wil slp and kip waking up to spit lor..and i oso use up a lot of tissue everyday!! coke helped me though..dunno y. maybe u al can try.

Shirlynn: maybe u wana try koka baked maggi mee instead? it doesn't have seasoning at all and u just add wat u wan..i eat dat instead.

Cindy, i oso did 3 scans cos facing was bb facing down den cant measure..wait and wait until vomit a couple of times in hospital den i pek chek i scolded bb in the toilet, say can cooperate or not..i wana go home..den the 3rd time can le..bb guai guai lie down..lol.
Preggy: i oso gt this weird taste in my mouth, for the first 2 wks, it helped wen i ate wu hua guo (dried figs), den the next few wks, it helped wen i ate dis honey lemon tea sweet from ntuc, den got 1 week eating a little bit of dark chocolate helped..den nw, basically whatever i eat the taste of dat thg wil stay in my mouth until i eat smthg else..quite irritating actually..nw i drink sm orange/apple juice to clear off the taste.smtimes it helps, smtimes it doesn't den i'l vomit. Any1 oso like dis?
Hi pink, don't worry, am sure u can do it. Bring a jacket. It's quite cold while waiting .. Not sure if it's also cause of the rain this morning.
jia you. And also!! Faster book appt fr the detailed scan.

Rin: really ley. Pek chek. I also scolded bb!! Hahaha
Hi ladies u're not alone. I'm also struggling hard. I Hv taste and smell aversions so many things I cannot eat too, they put me off. Then it doesn't help that I feel soooo hungry all d time! Yet dun feel like eating! The hunger is like a huge hole there sucking hard, very terrible feeling.

All the biscuits and bread I eat until nw see also wanna vomit. I also drink like 3-5 cups of liquid daily too. Really duno how to tahan longer.
Josey/Rin: I haven't been drinking a lot of plain water also.. Got this sickly bland taste in my mouth. I have been making Ribena drinks and started drinking rose syrup since last week.
So looking forward to get past this period and start enjoying my pregnancy.
Hi.. I also have this weird taste in my mouth.. I turn to drink cold drinks like chrysanthetum tea or juices to get rid of the taste..this preg i cant even take sour stuff.. See already feel like vomit now..

I am sooo soooo hungry now.. I see maggi mee also sian.. Now waiting for hb to tabao prata back..
Rin, I need to have some taste to cover those taste in my mouth

I cannot take chocolate and caffeine stuffs. Will cause me heart burn.

Piggiedearz, I never plan this pregnancy. And I also forgotten how about my first tri. My second tri and third tri was ok the last round . I keep asking my hubby how I survived last round... And I tell him, please always remind me how bad I was , if I should get pregnant again, I will kill him.

Everyone surrounding me also keep saying the same thing to me - better stop after this one, too Cham Liao.

Yanyan, now prata I can only take with sugar. My taste bub ultra sensitive this time round. I cannot stand even slight pepper in food.
Hello mummies! Happy Labour day!

Rin: oh thanks for the explanation! any ideas how to prevent engorgement? my fren got it too and told me it was very very bad too! *worried*

Sweety: hehe does ur bump show already? im only 10 weeks but i look like im 3 mths
luckily i have the habit of wearing loose clothings too!

Rin/Shirlynn: i have the weird bland taste in my mouth too! always need to eat sour plum or something to cover the taste!

Shirlynn: wow u got the oscar results on the spot? im wondering how long the result will take! im going for it in next week! i cant wait to see my little darling!!

wats the belly band for mummies?
Hello MTBs, after my last post, i been on bed rest for almost a week plus. becos i saw some little spotting on sat morning. rushed in to TMC to see my gynae before he is off for the day... he cfm the spotting is alittle browish - i.e blood alittle from the womb (i cant even differentiate was it yellow or brownish... den over the phone ask the clinic nurse... den they quickly ask me come down..end up took the an tai medicine and bed rest for almost 11 days, untill these two days den got abit more energy... heading bk to ofc work tmr...

yest gynae scan show our baby is in 11wk 2d... so i be heading for my oscar test on next mon...

be joining in the q.. cos don have appt.. heard must book in 5weeks advance... so bo bian... may i ask how much do u gers paid for the oscar and whether do u take up the first child incentive program at Tmc???
also... have u gers done hair rebonding during yr pregnancy? i trim my hair short until touch shoulder with a little perm before cny but the following the following mth found out i was preggy... gynae and nurses advice not to do chemical work for the sake of my baby but i cant stand my hair so "pom" and natural wave out ... sigh....
Twinkle24: the belly band is like a super wide tube top that is worn over ur bottoms that cannot be hooked or buttoned up anymore... Allows u to continue to wear ur existing bottoms rather than buying many maternity bottoms... Maternity clothes are so ex....
Liangmin: hope u r beta nw..i oso had spotting for ard 4-5 days wen i was 11 wks den on bed rest for 1 wk+..reali helped dat i stopped carryng my #1 and din do hsewk anymore..luckily i rebonded my hair during jan b4 preggie..i tink beta dun rebond cos gt chemical..touch shoulder nt long enough to tie?if can, try to tahan longer..

Twinkle: I dun tink there are ways to prevent it..sm ppl dun get it..but hor, i've been gently massaging my breast daily but do note that u cant massage nearer due date cos it might trigger labour..duno if it wil help or nt..but one thg that i've learnt is to drink alot alot of hot drinks before u latch/pump..hopefully u wun nid to go thru d terrible engorgement!

Yan: I was eating prata everyday 2 wks ago..it was d only thg dat I cld stomach den..ha..duno y. nw dun feel like eating le..my hb says i change tastebuds super fast..lol..dats y my fridge gt lotsa leftovers of stuf..cos i tot i can eat, den hb buy, den later i say i dun like le..

Pinkie: I tink i only drink 1 cup of water everyday lor..d rest al juice/fruits/ginger tea..plain water is just so yucky to me nw..tried to take fresh milk but noticed if i take anythg wif dairy, i sure wil puke.
i also have weird taste in my mouth .... I had a cup of hot chocolate yesterday and my fren and my hubby all say it very thick but i feel its ok ( taste bud really go haywire).. Nwadays i need sweet or sour stuff so that i dun have the bitter taste in my mouth.

I heard Vit B is good for MS . But i think i read somewhere folic also contain Vit B as well too much of vit B will coz bitterness in taste.

Can anyone advise on this .. ?
Liangmin: take care and hope u're feeling much better. As for the rebonding, best to avoid it. Doc advised doing anything with chemicals in it. I'm also avoiding using bleach to clean my toilets now to avoid inhaling the chemicals.

Rin: I noticed I can't take diary products also. The last time I had milk with cereals, I threw up really forcefully. And yakult too, i felt really sick after drinking one bottle the other day. Now I have craving for green tea ice-cream.
Darienna Foo: ohh!! icic! how much does a belly band? can i get frin spring maternity? ya maternity pants cost ard 60-80 per pair at spring maternity i think.

Rin: oh no!! *super worried* hope i don get it!

pinkie: i cant take yakult too!! i puked out after drinking twice liao...so i stopped drinking.

mummies when do ur craving for food start? hehe!
Hello All, Happy Labour Day ! A good day for us to rest. Been a few weeks since I came in, glad to read everyone's progress

Weird taste in mouth, its very often for me and I had to pop sweets, dried orange skins to get rid of the taste. Realise I get thirsty very often too.

Any idea if we can take green tea ?

I read about ginger tea, may I know what is it for?

My tummy is also showing since weeks ago, been trying to cover up by wearing loose clothes too, putting on quite alot of weight, though my appetitie is not huge.

Confinement nanny and Massage lady, I had mine booked the moment I confirmed pregnancy, book early if you're planning to engage these services.

From my experience, Post Natal Massage is comfy, as it helps to relax, but dread the wrapping. Although on the last day, she will help to push my womb, it gets a little painful..

I attended TMC parentcraft by Mrs Wong, during my 1st pregnancy, Being inexperience at that time, it definately helps me alot, so will recommand if you're 1st time parents.
<font color="0000ff">twinkle24: hmm....cant really ans your qn cos I cant differentiate which part is my fats and which part is the bump hahahaha :p

Anyway, belly band is like a tube that will help to hold your pants/skirt if they are gtg too tight. I supp the downside is that your tummy will b hot with this additional wrap. I saw mummies gtg from maternity exchange. Tink it's $49.90.

Belly belt is like those bra extension which you can use it on your existing pants/jeans (with buttons). It cost $29.90 from Spring Maternity. Wanted to get it today but my hb asked me to buy maternity wear instead. Faintz!

As for engorgement, my friend kena and was really bad
Had high fever and breast really hard like stone. I din get it the last round. Not sure if it is due to diligent pumping and latching?

As for craving ah, hee I also cant rem when I start having it. But sometimes, have no craving can be quite tong ku. Cos dunnoe what to eat leh....

Liangmin: Hope that you are all right now! My hair made me looked like a caveman too
I also got natural curl and the hair is touching the shoulder and it made everything worst. But bo pian, din dare to take the risk to do rebonding. So just gotta bear with the ugly sight!

Sasha: Hmm not sure if can take green tea or not but for me, I did take especially the Pokka green tea but I try not to take too much in a day. Tink if it is in moderation, it should be fine.

As for ginger tea, tink the mummies are taking to help overcome MS. Hee if I rem correctly what they have wrote :p</font>
Twinkle24: not sure whether spring maternity sell..I got mine from maternity exchange when I had my first. The brand is Bella band.. Was abt 2 years ago when I bot.. So dun remember the price Liao.. It comes in a few colours, but I got mine in black...
hello mummies, not in for a week and the thread is gng fast!

came back from a 3 day biz trip to penang last week, and im so glad changi airport has priority taxi q for preggies...lucky my bump shows very early,otherwise ppl think i kay siao..

gng into my 13th week, vravings worse than the 1st...i woke my hb n son up at 6am this morning to go chinatown for breakfast! but lucky i still can eat everything including fish.. the only food i aviod during pregnancy is seafood and del monte banana other ;)

attended wong boi boi pre natal class during y first prenancy too and its quite informativ..she will tell u baby plus is useless, haha! also she will teach some pelvic exercises so that it helps during the delivery...

sasha, i still drink green tea when i eat jap food..
Shirlynn: still u're very brave! Going thru 2 such difficult first trimesters. I'm guilty to say I on off tink of giving up! >.<

Hope ur symptoms start to improve soon as u approach 2nd trim! Jia you!
Hamrachlela.. Better go see ur gynae first thing tmr...red spotting is no no..

Hi all.. I think i juz felt the first kick from the little beannie.. Was watching tv &amp; suddenly felt the kick in the left side of tummy..
Hamrach: faster go see gynae Tmr morning!!!

Yanyan: wow!! Hehe. Must be exciting!!

Charmaine: welcome home! Rest well!

Liangmin: take lots of care. Go earlier in the morning, hopefully your wait will be shorter for oscars. And also
Just make appt on the spot for detailed scan.

Piggiedearz: 1 child is nt enough de. Very lonely and nobody to talk to. Hahaha!!! At least 2!!!

Just back from watching avengers with hb, #1 and #2. Wonder when will I be able to watch the next movie.. W 3 in tow. Sigh. Hahaha!! But it's a good show! The lines are funny!! Good to have a great laugh!

And on another happier note: yay!! Weds Tmr!!! Btw, can I ask if the offinlieu next mon is like a nation thing or diff comp do differently?
Good morning MTBs,

Congratulations on your lil one..

I'm a Oct 2011 mommy. I've just brought in a batch of Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil for some friends and have some extra bottles to go at $60 per bottle. I bought them from http://www.echemist.co.uk/p-clarins-tonic-body-treatment-oil. Proof of purchase can be provided upon request.

Please kindly PM me or email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Thank you for your time and have a smooth pregnancy to delivery.

Piggiedearz.. I am 14wks.. I also thought how cum so fast can feel but i cannot describe how it feels but juz reminded me how my #1 kick me &amp; exact same feel lo.. But after tat no matter how i shift my body then no more kicks..haaa.. That time is i juz finish eating durians..mayb beannie wanna eat more? Lolx
Cindy.. Ya I know but hor I really do not wish to go thru this again. Really cannot take it physically n mentally. Ppl say after u see yr kid bring so much joy, will chg mind. See hw then lor haha. For now is no. U still Hv time to catch more movies b4 birth of no 3!
half a yr's time

Priya,u can go pharmacy get lactus. It's gentle for us n kids.
Yan Yan.. Oh maybe juz nice d womb is in a position near d surface so can feel hehe. Nw weather v hot ah, go easy on d durians

Anyone knows if we can take pi pa gao? Or wad to tk if we kena sore throat? Fren's gp only gave gargle cos even lozenges is too strong
piggie: My remedy for sore throats is Eno. I usually take it when my throat feels itchy and the next day I'll be alright.

priya: I'm having probs with my bowels also. I used to move everyday before getting preggy. Now it's every 2 or even 3 days. Prune juice helps to soften the stools. Maybe you can try it.

Cindy: Avengers is really good! Love the show.
For the vesak day holiday, my company will add on 1 day to my annual leave. For my hubby, he got to clear it within the month of May. Every company treats it differently.
Morning mummies, sorry to interrupt. I'm doing a spree for Fertilemind Bellybelt Combo Kit. Selling price $29.90. Spree price $23.90. Please PM me if you're keen.
Piggiedearz: cannot take lozenges ah? strepsil can? i been taking a few last few days..

tmr will be my turn for oscar n blood test.. bringing my 3 yr old boy to see the scanning cos recently aft telling him there is a baby inside my tummy, he keep telling me dun wan a baby.. any second time mummy encounter this?
Hi qianpei, my gp's lozenges (purple one) he said is very strong, so not advisable if preggie. I'm not sure abt other types of lozenges at other clinics nor strepsils. U try calling ur gynae clinic to ask?
Hi pinkie, tks! I'll try eno next time. Prune juice I take for a few days le n fruits too but still no sign of bowels moving so I resorted to lactus to help. It's quite gd
Piggiedearz, this is unplanned pregnancy

Still retching everyday, including the yellow liquid . But ( touch wood). I do think is lesser in terms of frequency. Still hoping for the day when I can get back my appetite, no more salivation problem, vomitting... crossing my fingers and toes...
My Gynae told me strepsils is safe for consumption. Try to drink more honey. It helps too.

Went to Gynae just now. Bb is fine, given another week of mc.
Priya: hving bad constipation too.. Taking kiwi/papaya first thing in the morning before and food helps some.. Also drink lots of fluids..

Hamrachleia: hope u've gone to see ur gynae and everything is ok..
piggiedearz: thanks a lot!!.. i was thinking of what to ask for at guardian or watson? can we get lactus over there?

pinkie: where to get prune juice??? sorry, i havent found any under fresh peel, any other brands?

dadnmum: umm steamed corn is my fav..

Darienna: isnt kiwi heaty?
<font color="0000ff">yanyan: that's really fast leh! my colleague felt it only when she's in her 20th week. I can feel movement in my tummy but not sure if it's the little one hahaha :p

Cindy: I tink diff co do it differently ba. Mine will create as off-in-lieu and you can just apply whichever day you want to take

QP: My girl only wants a sister. Stress siaz....dunnoe how to tell her if it's nt. Will knw the gender in a 2 weeks+ time if bb cooperates
Probably tell him that he will get a new playmate and he will probably like this idea?</font>
Priya, try to take prunes ( sun sweet) think they also have juice form.

Sweetycute, my son wants a gal so that our family can be balanced, but he wants a boy so that can play with him. Anyway I believe no matter what, your girl will still love her younger sibling
Priya: not really sure abt that tho. I ate 2 everyday for my first from abt this time of pregnancy till I delivered. No issue on heatiness.. But to qualify, I ate lots of other fruits during the day (2 apples, 1/4 papaya plus one other fruit (whatever I happen to buy that week)).. Mabbe those offset the heatiness.. But I ate that much cos without being preggy I already got very bad constipation.. Preggy lagi worse...

Think u can try Yakult too.. Helps me too..
Priya: We get ours from ntuc and carrefour. Most supermkts should have it.
As Shirlynn said, it's sunsweet brand.. purple, maroon coloured bottle.
