(2012/10) Oct 2012

Hi raspy !! Sure will post later

Baby / Mini22: Okie, hv requested Novembaby (Selena) to add u. Pls accept her friend request when she sends u one. And then later, pls approve her invitation to u to join our FB group

Wenty: Pls provide me with ur full FB name and email address so that I can help request Novembaby (Selena) to add u
Kanelmo / Val: I had oso always wanted to get a nursing pillow but it was quite expensive few yrs ago. So I bought one yesterday and my hubby suan me saying "Aiyoh, after 3 kids, then u buy nursing pillow??" :p

Raspy: The baby fair is at Singapore Expo.

Btil: I think most stalls do accept Nets payment. Some accept credit card payments too.
Wenty: Better rest more in bed since doc advise so. Dun carry any heavy stuff and try to keep yourself relaxed. Mummy's emotions oso affect baby de.

If u really want to hire a CL, it's time to look for one and confirm one now. Cos this is the dragon year and even newspapers oso reported that most popular CLs are alrdy fully booked for the rest of the year. Better start asking friends or relatives for recommendations and start calling to interview the CLs. All the best in searching for a good one. Remember it's better to look for one whom relatives or friends hv used b4
@baby jo: sorry miss out on the earlier post. How much did the gynae charge for laughin gas? Is it much more than epidural?

@btil: only the nb diapers were at 62% off. The rest were slightly pricier. The next size up had about 21% discount off retail (I can't quite recall how much that makes it out to be in terms of money coz hubby wasn't interested to stock up) . I saw a lot of mothers buying at least 6 packs of the pull ups an stuff. So I guess it only makes sense if you have many kids at home who are still wearing diapers.

My sister alsO advised me against buying too much. Coz her kids were sensitive tO some brands. Plus, free samples are always given to mothers After they deliver. And you won't know how fast the kid grows... So may have to change to a bigger size. So it only made sense for me to buy 3 for $10. Wait out for the next fair.

Yeap. Most stores accept nets. But some above a certain amount. Should bring some cash with you. We ran out of cash and had to go draw. Only major stores accept credit cards.

@kanelmo: sniff. Just have to wait out for the next fair... I shall go bug the hubby tonight. Haha...
Wenty> u mentioned u just came back from long break overseas, it might be due to you had overwalked/tired out during your trip yesterday or few days before. Yes monitored & try rest in bed (dont walk too much/carry heavy stuff), if the spotting continues (even not bright red), try to get an tai yao from your gynae.
Wenty: oh no! Hope you're fine. Its my first time hearing this also. i tot 2nd tri will be more stable.
Please rest more and bedridden for the next few days. Did dr give u any med?
Yes like what serene said popular CL are fully booked. Thus, i didn manage to get one also.
My mum will do e cooking for me. Will have a simple confinement.
#2 abit relax and nua leh.
Hi Serenelm/ Sharonk,

I didnt manage to book any CL 2 months ago. Mum to be all snap up the CL once they knew they are preggie.

Think only left the CL from agencies.
Btil, Yah.. 4+months more to go only.. time seems to fly~ hee.. so mummies do enjoy this special moment with bb inside, once they are out, will start missing the time now.

Wendy, Did your gynae give you mc? Please try to have more rest, if possible, just stay in the bed and bedrest all the time. For confinement lady, most mummies nowsadays are quite fast, they booked once they know they are preg. Last time, usually is after 3month, more stable then people booked. Maybe cause dragon year, more competitive. If you want to get confinement lady, can try to look for one now. I heard TMC also provide confinement ladies service.

Serenelm, Thanks. Expo is so far from me. Take cab to and fro, maybe not worth the discount already, unless really buying big ticket items.
Lisa: Oh dear... Then who'll be helping wif ur confinement?

Raspy: Yah, if too far, then not worth the discount. Maybe can wait for the Taka baby fair instead. Metro 20% storewide sales are oso a good time to stock up baby stuff
Val, The laughing gas / epidural is charged by the hospital. Im not sure how much is the laughing gas, but I heard its cheaper than epidural. But frankly at that point in time, we won't think of the charges. I will be like..just get me something that can ease the pain. Hehee..

Serenelm, True. Most probably we will stock up at taka fair. During my #1 time, we bought a carton of pigeon wipes from taka fair too. But we are silly, lug the whole carton back ourselves. I later learnt that taka fair got free delivery for above certain amount. At least don't have to carry home. Heehee..
Agaga / Kanelmo: No idea when's the next Metro sale either. But I'm sure there'll be one b4 our delivery. They usually hv one every few mths. Let's keep each other updated here when we hear of one
Agaga: I recently bought a few non-wired maternity bras from Spring Maternity at Nex. Abt $30+ per pc, very comfortable. They hv a good selection at the Nex outlet. Causeway Point's range was pathetic when I went 2 days ago.
Serenelm, novembaby already add me in the group, thanks! :D

serenelm, mummywong10, sharonk, raspy, thanks for the advice! No, my gynae did not give me any MC or med. I am still in office now, although my mil and hubby asked me to take MC today, but I can't! I am backuping my partner now, after leave so long >.<
. But I'll have bed rest this weekend (altho really wants to go to taka and expo fair, wanna buy some baby stuff too!).
As for CL, yeah, will discuss with hubby too this weekend, try to look at some agency website.. so far most of my friend do not use CL service, so have to look from agency.

Mummywong10, what is an tai yao?
Wenty: hi, I hv slight spotting too..I didn't see gynae.I jus rest more, drink lesser cold drink,don't walk too much and don't carry heavy stuff..it happen in my 1st tri..for abt 2-3days.. After tat no more spotting..
Wenty> an tai yao (安胎药) is to help provides more hormones to "protect" your baby I think. my gynae prescribed me with utrogestan, but i think there are other names/brand also. u better dont walk too much in office. dont go to the fair, please rest at home, spotting is not small matter, it is to "alert" you to rest.
i will be getting help from hubby for at least 2 weeks then after that, asked neighbor's help. she is grandma, her grandson same age as my #1, in CC, asked her for help in bathing #1 and #2, cook for #1, take over in between when overwhelming, and some simple chores like washing dishes/bb clothes and mopping. like 8am to 3pm like tt. she said ok. will prob ask her help for 10-14 days... confinement food will be ordered.

how much do u think i shd give her? my sis said its more like babysitting... but since newborn is involved, give slightly higher than bbsitting rate.. like $800 for 2 weeks? whats your opinion?
serenelm, haha I find $30+ rather ex ... cos at least need to buy 6 pieces = Total $200++

hehe I'm hunting for $100, 6 piece bra.. got to wait for 20% sales ba..

got to save $ for milk powder, diapers and raining days.....
oh ya i agree when #1 came home, both MIL and PIL panicked even though hubby's sis gave birth a yr ago so they shd hav experience in handling babies.. plus MIL looked after hubby n his sis herself...

jus need to keep in mind newborns r like tt. i have a vid of my #1, abt 3m old, playing happily,, then all of a sudden grimaced and super grouchy for no apparent reason. thats what they do... and hav to be religious in making bb below 6m nap every 2h (at least my #1 worked tt way) else cannot handle the mood swings.. not much of a social life for half a yr..
Agaga: Oic... I had previously alrdy bought 2 bras prior to buying the Spring Maternity ones, so didn't hv to buy all at 1 go. Less heart pain, heehee :p
Hey Wenty,

Could yr blood be caused by piles? I just had a false alarm. Went to see doc and spent some money. But we are glad that everything is fine. Will be resting for the rest of the day.

Take care.
skinneybeenie, I find that $600 - $800 is quite reasonable for 6-7hrs, 14 days.

But I suggest you to inform her that how much you will be 'hiring' her and what to expect from her beforehand. Cos she's your neigbour, any disagreement later on won't do you good.

Sometimes we or ppl say 'ai-yah, I'm chin cai one' (it's okay, I'm easy with it) but when it comes to $, some ppl really cannot 'chin cai'
So it's good to come to a agreement first.

just my 2cts
agaga, thanks for your input. ya better to be clearer. but dun want to talk financial terms too early with her, cuz she helped me bbsit #1 a couple of times when i was sick and also gave me a lot of 2nd hand clothes for #1. prob will sound her out again in abt 1 mth's time. still hoping hubby can take the 4 weeks leave :p

jus now i was breastfeeding #1 and #2 kicked a few times. heh... and #1 thot HE was the one who was moving my tummy.

i'm so happy, hubby coming back tmr after being overseas for 5 days!!!!! YAY! n he's bringing a box of mangoes with him! :p
ChapaChic, most hospitals have such preparatory course for childbirth and taking care of babies later. I know TMC and Mt alvernia have.. but i cant comment cuz i din go since my ex coll told me its useless, will learn hands on later..
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">IC.. How abt Sat appt? Oso can't??</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Went for my detail scan today.. Results show bb growing healthy.. Took about half an hr.. As have problem taking bb's face as he keep covering the face with his hands.. Haha.. Camera shy..</font>
Elizabeth, Thanks! Seems like no extra discount from the usual price on this item.

Chapa, I attended Mt A parent craft classes with hubby during my #1 time. Forgot total how many classes, but 2 lessons are exercises that the couple can do together. To me, I think going to the class helps bring hubby to be more involved in the pregnancy cause unlike us, they don't experience any body changes/ feel bb movements &amp; attending kinda 'mentally' prepare them for bb arrival. But for #2, most likely we won't attend cause need to spend more time with #1 before #2 arrives.
Hi all, long time never join the chatting! Hope everyone is doing good!

Had went to Netherlands to meet my hubby as he went for training for 2 months after joining new company. Luckily everything was quite smooth and had a nice trip there.

We bought our zapp xtra there. Super good buy, with VAT refund and the 15% discount (this is a display set as out of stock), we got it at ard SGD220! But it got quite a few scratches as we checked in when bringing it back. Quite heart pain as it supposed to be new but now looks like used...

I had my detail scan at Mt A, it costs SGD88.80. A nice number yah!
May: gd tat bb healthy..so is gal or boy? My hubby sat also working...meaning also cannot go..
I hope my next scan can see bb gender n face..
I have signed up for the childbirth course at mt A. Unable to review now as classes yet to start. But I think is good for first timers. The price ranges from 180 to 210+ depending on weekday or weekend, with 10% if u have their ladies card.

The scan at mt A looks cheaper than TMC. I wasn't given any option. My doc just refer to TMC
Yean: Okie, I've requested Novembaby (Selena) to add u to our FB group. She'll first send u a friend request in FB. Once u accept her friend request, she'll send u an invitation to join our FB group. Pls approve her invitation when she sends u one
Val: laughing gas is charge inside the hospital package. Epidural is additional charge.

Elizabeth: enjoy your class. I attended Mrs. Wong's class for #1.

Mini22: yah! Expo was soooo crowded yesterday. The queue just to get into the Carpark was madness!!! Btw, to all mummies going down today, pls. Be extra careful of your belongings. I was there with #1. Suddenly I feel someone behind me opening my bag and I quickly swing my bag to the front. Saw my bag zip was 1/3 opened, can almost take out my wallet and phone. Lucky nothing was lost!!!!
Be careful especially they see us pregnant and with kid, more easy target.
Tks serene. I've accepted her as my fb friend.

Baby, luckily u are alert enough, else can't imagine the frustration to lost stuffs in this crowded pl, some more yr #1 is with u.
mini22 and mummywong10, thanks for the advice.. yeah, I am bederesting over the weekend and did not go to baby fair, my hb did not allow too

Anyway, this afternoon we wanted to go to church for weekly mass, when we went out the weather is so hot! and I was almost fainted with a lot of cold sweat, we cancel the plan and now resting at home again..

mummywong, I'll have appt with my gynae tmr and will check if he can prescribe my an tai yao.

Moaoyo, not really sure if I have blood piles, will check with my gynae tmr. Did u have it before? How much did u spend?

That's scary about the near-theft incident. I was there yesterday too. You'd think the thieves wouldn't target pregnant ladies like us. Ha!

I didn't buy much! Bought Ergo baby teething pads, medela bottles, 3 for $10 t-shirts and some story books for my #1. Wanted to get some mittens but couldn't find anything I like that's worth the money. There're always more sales, e.g. Taka fair in July!


anyone looking for day nanny? i have a nanny looking for day care confinement. she is very experienced. trained with the hospitals in singapore. from malaysia. normal rates. no exorbitant rip-offs. PM me asap as all the annies are taken up quickly this year.

she is also looking for live-in confinement, so let me know if you need live-in or day care only.

i am not an agent and not related to any nanny. i am not making a single cent from recommendations. just want to help out and to save people from companies like PEM ripping people off.

