(2012/10) Oct 2012

morning mummies,
how's everyone's wkend?? I'm so tired now, monday blues.....
only motivation is to look forward for tom's checkup again so can see lil one...

sksf, same as u, mine is "nite-sickness". I can eat in the morning n noon but comes to nitetime, i really cant eat too....

jia you sksf! hang in there!!

hi skinnybeannie, wow, ur HB doing Confinement for u?! that's so good! so good he got so many days annual leave

anyone has waist pain? My waist/upper butt area feels sng sng nowadays.. going on 11 weeks soon..

last week someone gave seat to me on mrt. i think now i look like i was 17 weeks when i was with #1!
LilKmum, my hubby hands on with our son.. he was the one who changed the first diaper actually haha... and we're pretty much hands on with taking care of our son at nite during confinemt last time.. except when he had colic, PIL took over for few hrs at nite to let us sleep.

hopefully now more exp, we can exude the zen feeling so #2 will be a calmer bb!
<font color="red">LilKmum</font>:
<font color="blue">Same, my only motivation is to look forward to tomorrow's checkup after work to see my lil bean
Mine morning i'll felt nausea also, everytime after eating i'll felt nausea liao.. only once won't felt so bad.. So now i'm like so scared of eating, but not eating made me nausea too. so idk what to do either .. sigh!!!</font>
May: im with you! im drinking ribena, fruit juice... as long as we get enough water and not dehydrate is fine.

Sksf: u're at wk 7? peak period of ms is around wks 6- 8. But there are still some suay ones like me will continue to have ms till end of tri 1.

Pibymummy: hope you are feeling better.

Lets jia you mummies! we are at our mid-way of tri 1.
i checked with my gynae is it normal my sickness seems to just be low appetitie and feel icky n nausea without it amounting to anything.. he jus said dif people dif. as long as bb growing well in scan he is not concerned... i just eat for the sake of eating nowadays... the only food i like is the one my hubby makes!
<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So do you drink cold drinks most of the time huh.. I scare so I try my best not to drink if I can..

As for puking I can choose to let it out or try to hold them in.. Cos if I wan I can puke out as n when if I feel somethg stuck to make myself feel better.. Cos fm young I hv motion sicknes.. I can endure not to throw out till I see a bin /toilet bowl for quite awhile.. But I try to hold it in as I dun wan to get dehydrated as I know I am already not drink enough water.. </font>
<font color="red">sharonk</font>:
<font color="blue">7w6d. turning 8week tomorrow. My MS only started when i'm 7week onwards.. I'm like damn relax when i'm week6 .. only occasionaly nausea.. but it got worse &amp; serious kind when it turned week7 onwards ;( tomorrow week8 alr.. Urghh..

<font color="red">May</font>:Nope, i drink once a while only, maybe like at night when i take medication then i take it .. or morning take milk then take cold ones .. if not at office normally i'll take hot Longan red dates or ginger tea .. Try to take ginger tea or longan red dates hot one.. not bad actually , those packet one can get it from Fairprice .. heh</font>
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So nice.. Yr hubby makes food for you.. Must be yummy tts y u only like them..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I dun dare to keep drinking sweet stuffs leh.. I scare high sugar in blood.. Maybe cos last yr when I TTC I went to my previous gynae and she gave me Metformin(a kind of medication for diabetic type 2) even thou I am not diabetic and told me even if preggy I oso need to cont to eat.. So kinda scare tt I will kena diabetic in pregnancy and somethg will happen to my little one..</font>
May: i see i see. it nvr came across my mind on diabetic. have to watch my diet from now. hehe.

sksf: u brew longan red dates urself every morning?
<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I dun drink tea.. Maybe I go NTUC look for longan red dates or some other drinks.. I did try to drink the Ribena with less sweet ones.. Taste yucky to me.. End up go back to the normal pack type.. Haiz..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. Soup is nice.. I rem when I had my MS ard wk6.. I ordered the salted Veg duck soup.. I actually finished it..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Cos my frends keep telling me dun take too sweet.. must control sweet intake.. And I actually had a frend had it in her 1st one.. Lucky she got no craving.. Cos she hv to control diet n intake amt.. Dan hv to test her sugar in blood before n after meals.. She hv to see a food nutritionist too.. Abt 1-2 yrs after delivery.. Went check up high sugar in blood came back.. Gona monitor n test blood everyday again.. So now roughly she knws wat she can eat n wat she cant..</font>
May: wah salted veg duck soup sound nice.
i see. then i have to watch my diet too. been taking sweets whole day trying to curb MS.

Sian ar. no mood to work. I need a bed now. wanna sleep. .
<font color="red">Sharonk</font>:
<font color="blue">No lah, the longan red dates is those instant package kind. haha.

<font color="red">May</font>: Ya, maybe you can try to look for it @ NTUC. haha. I drink hot drinks to smoothe myself down. but as for food. i can't find one that is able to comfort me ;( Shag..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">At least you are able to find somethg tt can smooth you dwn.. I cant even think of 1 drink or food tt I crave of to smooth me dwn.. Hope it will be all over.. Cos MS been getting stronger n stronger as the days pass since wk 6.. Really hope it will not follow me over to 2nd trim.. So I can enjoy food again..</font>
Sksk &amp; lilkmum, I'm suffering more from 'night sickness' too. Although I feel nauseous throughout the day but at least I can still eat my breakfast n lunch. It's much worse from evening onwards. I'd have so much gastric juices to throw up and could hardly eat. But I'd feel so hungry n I'd have to eat for the sake of eating. Then after I'd puke again. Yucks! I can't wait for this to be over too.
May: Make your own longan tea. Just add some dried longan and red dates. Pretty tasty and less sweet than the pre-packaged ones

My nausea feels better when I drink really hot water. So I try and take small sips of that ever so often.

My nausea worsens at night too - I start feeling quite poorly from like 5 p.m. onwards and will steadily feel worse.
<font color="0000ff">Ming:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Thanks.. Will try to get some n make myself.. Need to boil them? Or just put in hot water can lao?</font>
Sksf, I also like the instant red dates longan drink, especially the 'Super' brand one from supermarket. I drink that almost everyday.
May, sometimes I also try to drink Ribena, the less sweet one but also don't like it.
My favourite meal now is McDonald's fish burger without tartar sauce, cold Sprite soft drink &amp; French fries. Very unhealthy but that's my craving when I can eat.
skinneybean: really ur HB doing ur confinement? wah he must b a great cook.

at least someone gave up seat for u. Can rest thru out the journey leh.

I hardly met such a nice person. Even i preggy with #1, i hardly get a seat. Most of them act blur and sleep!!!!
wah our oct baby have a trend! most of us experience night sickness. Haha they must have communicated over at their level. . heheee
<font color="0000ff">Strawberry:</font> <font color="aa00aa">you are not alone.. Initial stage I always eat Mos Fish or Mac Chicken burger.. Cos the Mayo makes my appetite better.. With either grape soda or sprite.. So now is like when ever my hubby ask me wat I wana eat.. When I say duno.. He will ask me Mos or Mac.. Haha.. Yum yum.. You makes me hungry.. </font>
<font color="red">strawberry128</font>:
<font color="blue">Hahaha. yeah, i drank that almost everyday too.. but can't drink too much cause will heaty leh .. i getting heaty le .. complexion heaty till start popping pimples

<font color="red">May</font>:I don't really have any food that can smoothe me down either actually.. just that hot water can helps abit .. but as for food... never -.-</font>
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya lo.. They must have gang up to bully their mummies.. Just like last Friday.. Almost all hit by the MS in office..</font>
<font color="ff1493"> I have a bad weekend. Bad headache comes on Sat evening and it went on the whole of Sunday. Can't even focus/think well. And I feeling very sleepy throughout the day. Saw most of your symptom, I was like that 2 weeks ago. Evening nausea and total no appetite for dinner. Seem likes my symptom is slightly advance.
The headache that I have was very different from my previous tension headache. The pain comes from the tip of the crown.
Keiko, my symptoms started early. In fact as early before i tested, i started to feel giddy n etcs which i had nvr exp for my #1.

Individual preg is different. Did gynae give u giddy / headache pills?
<font color="800000"> May</font> <font color="ff1493"> No, I din get any MC. Coz even on MC, I will need to clear my work when I return to work. The headache has subsided this morning. But sleepiness is with me. Yawn....
For past two wkend, the symptom will attack me strongly. Luckily, it wkend. not a working day.</font>
<font color="800000"> Sharon</font> <font color="ff1493"> No, cos it was the first time I got this headache attack. But, I will check with my gynae when i go for my checkup end this wk. Finally, I could see my bb after 3+ weeks.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My sym started with tender breast and feeling super cold most of the time.. Till now I am still feeling cold.. But not as bad as before lao.. Nausea, giddy, vomiting at times, sleepless at nite started ard wk5-6 n getting strong as days pass till now.. On n off will hv a gd day with MS attack mild or a bad day tt it is super strong..

So nice to be able to see bb with a wait for 3 wks.. I still hv 3 more wks of waiting.. So makes it total of 6wks no see my bb lao.. Duno y gynae no ask me to go back for checkup in between.. </font>
<font color="800000"> May</font> <font color="ff1493"> I oso have sore breast and feeling cold most of the time. I'm still feeling cold and its getting worse.
We are also the sleepless night gang.</font>
Coming to week 9. Here are my details
Nick: Marvliz
Age: 33
Baby: no 2
Edd: 23 oct
Hospital: GlenE
Dr: prof sc Ng

Talk abt ms. Mine is 24/7. Rec puking is 4 times in 10 mins. As I have gd in my first preg, got to control sugar and carbo intakE. Worse thing is that there is no food or drink that can make me feel better.
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yeah.. Oct and similar MS gang.. haha..</font>

<font color="0000ff">ML:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Welcome!!! Yr MS seems to be v bad.. Jia you.. Just 3 more wks for you..</font>
<font color="red">Had chicken noodles for lunch.. after that had guava. was hoping i won't feel nausea.. but felt so bloated.. i predict nausea will knock on my door soon like again
Sigh.. These few days felt soreness at breast area. somemore is my left breast only.. so weird.. first time having sore breast, did not experience it for my #1..</font>
my issue no resolution yet.

where to buy those super cute baby poster ar?
wanna decorate the MBR.
<font color="red">SnU</font>:
<font color="blue">You can go shops like mothercare/kiddy palace etc. those shops that sells baby stuffs actually did sells baby poster etc
Regarding MIL / mum helping out on confinement.
I have my own misgivings. Cos if it's my mil or mum helping out, I think i wont be able to rest easily lor. Will feel paiseh to rest for too long and wanna take over baby. But if it's paid help, then different issue bah. I had CL for my first 4. Haven't discussed with HB whether to just depend on maid and ourselves for No 5 or to go for CL again...
But one thing abt family members helping out is, can really save on the expensive CL fees.
Hey mummies!! I have finally completed my 1st trimester. Hopefully rest of the months will b smooth sailing* keeping my fingers cross* Now nursing a back sprain.

All mummies out there... Hang in there!! Jia you!!
<font color="red">SnU</font>:
<font color="blue">Mothercare? Kiddy Palace? I went to these places have leh :/ Ehh , like that i not very sure le. haha

<font color="red">Ms_Lala</font>:Grats babe! How i envy you~ Wished i'll be able to pass my 1st tri quickly too~
<font color="800000"> Lala: </font> <font color="ff1493"> Congrat!!! I'm heading to my 2nd tri end this week too

<font color="800000"> Constance: </font> <font color="ff1493"> agree on your thought about Mum/MIL helping on confinement. I was already intend to do the night shift while my mother do the morning shift. Probably, will ask my hubby to take one wk leave to help out on the first wk of confinement while i can rest for the week. And really, the cost saving is alot. But will still need to pay mum/mil who helping in the confinement as a token of apprecation.</font>
Strawberry &amp; May - same here!!! Mos and Mac are my best pals now.. Burgers and fries seem to be more appetizing. Mayonaise too. I love the chilli at mos and sweet and sour sauce at mac
<font color="ff1493"> Actually, i think, my nausea has reduced, but come with new sym like headache and backache. So, really dun feel much different when 2nd tri comes.
Lastly, I realised that I am less focus and can't think that quickly and tend to get very forgetful nowaday. Hope this would recover after giving birth.</font>
at least the branches i went to dun have lo
sad.... cos tot can decorate.
marina sq, both mothercare and kiddy are side by side

but bought other things la
<font color="0000ff">LaLa:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So envy you!!! Rest well and recover soon.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Constance:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I agreed.. If got family to help can save alot on the CL.. But any issue cant scold or complain them.. Look on the bright side.. U r 37 n this is yr no. 5!!!! Think of the age when u have yr no. 1 dan wnt be tt old lao.. You are a mummy which we look up to here..

<font color="0000ff">SnU</font> <font color="aa00aa">How did the nego went last wk? Gd:</font>

Yeah pros and cons lor..
You have any idea how much is CL now?
My last one was during cny.... Super ex.
Dunno abt the current normal rate now.

I can't take fries anymore. Very bad heartburn.

Try bookshops. Some have baby posters.
