(2012/09) Sep 2012

Clim, u r scheduled for the pap smear before preg or after? By then, when the pap smear is done i will be in the early 2nd trimester
Mine is schdeule before pregnant. U check with ur gynae. What I know is 1st Trimster very critical so gynae also advise not to have relation. since I'm keeping the bb so he will delay the paps smear to later date. Not sure when, he nvr tell me.
Coco, I'm keen
Hi mummies to be,

like to ask you all some advice
I am in my 10th week now. but i do not have much symptoms except for very tired. Not sure if to worry or happy
Anyone of you seeing Gaynae at KK? I am going for the first trimester scanning for down syndrome on 2 Mar. For those of you at KK, do you all need to go this scan? Maybe different for me as mine is a IVF baby.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">am keen to try the bellybelt combo too. include me pls if u're ordering bulk.
i have the bella band but this looks more comfy</font>
Hi Cherrie,

Scanning for DS is also known as Oscar.
Most mtbs will scan at week 12 ( best).
Unless you opt not to scan.

Cheer up. Not necessary to have ms for all pregnancy.
ya..i going on 2 Mar for the scan (which is my week 12). KK already make me take the most expensive package which consist of blood test and explain of the results on the same day
Hi cherrie, the down syndrome test is not compulsory to do, you can choose to opt out. Do you mind to share how much is the most expensive package? I remembered paid $321 about 2 years ago, I am sure will be more expensive now due to the inflation.
Hi Sophie, my doctor advice me to go for this scan as mine is IVF baby. He say better do. I cannot exactly remember the actual price, but is 300 plus. This is the most expensive package already
i think they did not up too much for this 2 years
hi cherrie, thanks for sharing the info. This time round I think I will go for the down syndrome test too, just to get a peace of mind. I am currently in week 8+, still got a month to go, haha
Hi Sophie,

I'm also around 9 week and going for Down Syndrome's test in 4 weeks time. They didn't even ask me, whether i want to take it. They just scheduled it.

My current gynea is in KKH, but I might want to deliver in Mount Alvernia.. not sure if I need to do the DS test in mount A.

So confused with the choices of gynea and hospital here as I'm a first time mom and a PR.

If anytime have any experience delivering in KH or Mount A, please share your experience!
Hi hellen, last time the nurse did explain the ds package and asked me whether I want to take it or not. Have u went for the session when the nurse explained the process and cost involved? If you agree, then they will schedule the time for u. As i did the ds test 2 years ago, so maybe the process has changed? Or your gynae instructed the nurse to book for u?

If u want to deliver in Mt A, you will have to choose a private gynae who delivers there. For myself, so far my experience with KKH is ok, so it really depend on individual preference. The main reason I chose KK is due to I have high risk of pre-eclampsia.
Helen, I hv given birth twice at Mt A, n until now when I go back to see my paedritician there, if I bump into any of the nurses who took care of me,, they remember who I am and ask after my kids! I find that v sweet n sincere

The confinement food is yummy too n nurses r very kind n pro breastfeeding. They even call u after your discharge to make sure tt ur ok.
Spree for Belly Belt Combo Kit - RRP $29.90 discount 20% for min 5 sets purchased. Please add your name to the list :
1. babycoco
Sue, I checked with the distributor, she doesn't have Bella band. She suggested Bando. You can do a search for Bando by Fertilemind. Not sure if it's the same as Bella band.
We can arrange for meet up if you are keen to join the spree. I work around Raffles Place &amp; am often at Orchard Road on weekends.
Hi babycoco, count me in for the belly belt too. I can meet u at raffles place to collect since I work there too. Thanks!
Dear all,

I am doing my Oscar Scan on 5 March - which is my 12 weeks as well.

By then, first trim will be over. I really can't wait cos i have ms. sometimes its ok, sometimes I just throw up everything I eat. Plus, I have to work and have a little one at home.
Once, I was puking so badly and no one is at home except my boy, and I have to take care of him as well. Sigh, I really can't wait for my ms to be better.
Even at work, sometimes don't have much appetite and want to fall alseep. Anyone has problems at work? Feel nausea and all? How do you all cope at work? do you apply mc?
Perviously for my first one, I had very bad ms but I was not working so it was ok. I basically bedrest the first 4 months just watching HK dramas in bed!
Finally went for my first gynae visit.
This is really not a gd year to have baby.
Too many ppl at the clinic.
My first time waiting got almost 3hrs.

Heard bb heart beat and my first one even mimic after we finished seeing the gynae.

My edd based on LMP should be 18.
But based on scan, 27 sept. hoping for a 28 sept baby. Hahaha.
Hi ladies... I ve a preloved Babyplus set to let go at $250. Bought in Nov 2011. Comes in original packaging and excellent condition. Pm me if you are keen. Thank you.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Spree for Belly Belt Combo Kit - RRP $29.90 discount 20% for min 5 sets purchased. Please add your name to the list :
1. babycoco
2. escapism</font>
Hihi all mommies to be, glad to see everybody doing well. I'm gonna be leaving this thread. Had a mc one week after i first posted here(@5wks).

Here's wishing all a sticky pregnancy!
Hi Pinkypink and Sophie,

Thanks for the reply! The nurse in KKH havent shared with me the package yet. Do we need to indicate that we will deliver there?

Pinkypink, sounds like a very good service at Mount A. Mind sharing more about it? Did you do c-sect or normal?

Currently I'm seeing Dr Wee in KKH TPS, the consultation charges is more ex than private but the Ultra Sound charges is cheap!
Hi Hellen, I am also seeing Dr Wee in TPS, yup you are right that TPS charges could be more expensive than some private gynaes. For those private gynaes who provide packages after 2nd trimester, you could save even more! This depends on your personal preference. In overall, i would say if you are not a subsidised patient in KKH, the charges is about same as seeing private gynaes outside. Btw, how many weeks you are now?

In my previous post I meant the nurse will explain to you the down syndrome package cos there are a few packages for you to choose from.
You mean the Down Syndrome test have few packages?
They scheduled me for 2 days, for scan and blood test.

I'm 10 weeks now.Personally I'm okay with him, bec he treated me with my PCOS (polycystic ovarium Syndrome) before I got pregnant..

But he's not very informative, wont talk much if you dont ask. I waited for 1, 5 hours for his appointment and was out for about 5-7 min. Yet I have so many questions..

That's why I'm thinking of changing gynie, maybe to female. How do you find him so far?
Hi Hellen &amp; Sophie,

Are u referring to dr wee horng yen? If yes, I'm also seeing him but my first appointment was on a thurs evening so it was at Kk Ang mo kio clinic, my next appointment at end march is also there. I was wondering does dr wee offer any packages? Coz so far he has not mentioned any packages for future consultations. I chose dr wee based on good reviews i've read online, even though I have frens' mothers working in KKH but they recommended other gynaes to me.
Hellen: yes down syndrome has 3 packages if I didn't remember wrongly. My female gynae for #1has left Kkh and my friend recommended him. I find him very friendly and would answer any questions I had. He did not rush thru the consultation but he will not chit chat more if u do not have any questions. So i suggest u get ready your questions to ask him if u have any.
I am considered very high risk pregnancy due to I have Bp issue and he seemed confident and experienced to handle my case.

I did not wait long for my appointment at Tps, maybe becos I scheduled early like 9am.

Blackangel: there is no any package offered for Kkh.
Hi Sophie,

Thanx for ur info! In that case, what's the diff between seeing dr wee at private suite and at Kk amk clinic? Sorry I'm a first time mum, duno many stuff...
Hi blackangel, I do not know the charges of amk clinics. I presume same charges as Kkh clinics A or B? Tps charges is about $10-$20 more expensive than clinics A or B.

Are you a sep or oct MTB?
Hi Lyn,

I just seen my gyne last week and u r right, I also hv to continue with my jab till week 12. Really look forward to 2nd trimester and my jab is now reduced to twice weekly instead of every alternate days.
Hi black angel,
I used to see Dr Irene Chua at Ang mo kio for my number 1. The charges are the same as TPS. The service is very fast though cause not many people but the machine for you to see the bb is not as clear as the one in TPS. That was two years ago. Im now seeing Dr jasmine in TPS. I saw her last week for my first consultation and the bill was a whopping of $354.00. It was fine for me coz my company covered the expenses, but i find it a bit expensive. maybe because they gave me three mths worth of medications which i find not neccessary.
Spree for Belly Belt Combo Kit - RRP $29.90 discount 20% for min 5 sets purchased. Please add your name to the list :
1. babycoco
2. escapism
3. Lyn

hi babycoco, when are you placing an order for this and when we can get it? i have only 2 pants that i can fit now... =(
Anne Raj, you're welcome! =)

Hi Miracle, i just seen mine yesterday. he stopped all my injection and medication. now i'm given calcium, iron, fish oil. prenatal will continue and folic acid cut down to once a day. my progesterone level is abt 52 as of yesterday. he did a scan and said it's ok to stop. i just pass 10 wks. i'm doing e down syndrome scan at wk 12. =)
Hi Sophie,

My Edd is 9 Sept. How abt u? I just happen to see dr wee on thurs so the first clinic I visited was amk clinic, maybe next time I find out how tps is. I just went for the Oscar scan yesterday, took ard 1hr for the scan, tried ard 6 times coz baby keep moving/hiding, not in lying-down position so must wait n wait...

Hi nurisyardini: maybe I'll check out tps though I quite like amk clinic...but I stay in the east...not v near...
Spree for Belly Belt Combo Kit - RRP $29.90 discount 20% for min 5 sets purchased. Please add your name to the list :
1. babycoco
2. escapism
3. Lyn
4. Clim
Spree for belly belt combo - I have 2 friends that want to order so we have hit the min qty. Will order today. Will pm you details.
Hi blackangel, my edd is 30 sept. Next time if u happen to visit KKH for future scans, can check out how is tps.

So good to know that you have cleared your Oscar. I am due in 2 weeks for my oscar.

Spree for Belly Belt Combo Kit - RRP $29.90 discount 20% for min 5 sets purchased. Please add your name to the list :
1. babycoco
2. escapism
3. Lyn
4. Clim
5. cherish
