(2012/07) Jul 2012

Itsy, im not sure but i think steroid may be quite harsh for baby skin... Although doc prescribe to you

Try calendula cream from California baby?

My boy also have those pimple on his faces, PD says it's normal and due to hormone mismatch between mom and son; as well as hygiene ( wipe w wet cotton balls after feed) ... I use calendula, the pimple has reduced and lighten up after few usage

Ashley, I thought colic is non stop crying for many hours at same time of the day???

My boy cry when pee (we use cloth diaper); hot , hungry, etc.. Almost Everything... But so far sleep fairly well
Have u try to swaddle him to sleep? Or use YaoLan if you have? Perhaps a pacifier ( to remove after baby falls asleep)...
Itsy... U wan to take fenugreek to increase supply?

My boy drink a lot... 80-90 ml per feed... I barely catch up. He is on supplement at night sometimes, coz I run out of EBM... and he refuse to latch
Steroid cream leh! Sounds like a strong drug to me. Llike MummyDee mentioned. Calendula might work as well cos Im using Gaia stuff.
My #1 had LOTS of baby millia, but it cleared up on its own. Of course, I wiped daily with water. Too much medicine for kids not good. Then again, different strokes for different folks.
Im sure yr baby will hv good skin soon, very sure
Mummydee: ya. Colic is cry for many hrs.. My boy cry alot but duno if it is.. I'm gettin a lil pekcek over his cries durin feeds.. He can drink halfway den cry like mad!!! Duno y!!! Tinkin of bringin him to pd for my sanity...

Itsy: mayb try nt to apply e cream unless e rashes get worst? Steroid sounds like for v serious cases
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Hi gals, long time no here as taking care twins really no joke... So busy everyday after CL left.. Hope they grow up soon..
Btw, when do u start introduce pacifier? How do we sterilize pacifier? Me cant cope if both cry together so think of need pacifier n yaolan help now...
Ashley; does baby cry while feed coz he prob had wind , feel hot weather, pee/poo or just seek attention
Sometimes babies are smart and they might prefer someone but us; like my #2 boy for now prefer my mom (my CL) than me... Mainly coz she care for him more (feed/shower/sleep)... But once they grow older ; they'll realize who the parents la...

Perhaps try singing / moving/shake body as u feed? Try to find anything that keep baby comfort

Hope that helps
Joanne; I intro pacifier to #1 when he was 1month or so; he finally let go after 2+ years

My #2 also intro at 3 rd week; but so far he is not "addicted" coz he knows the pacifier won't give him milk... He will take ; dozed off and spit out...I guess each baby take it differently...

I just throw in Avent and sterilize as per normal. Perhaps once or twice per day...

We first intro when trying to get them to sleep (not as tool to drag on meal time)

I din intro pacificier cos I din wanna go thru hassle of weaning him from it. I also heard it's not good for teeth development. But ya lah, u have two, so....

Have u tried whitenoise? Hope u find something tt works.
Oh! Can mommies with a toddler and baby share your rooming arrangements? Im hvg difficulties with that cos my #1 keeps on waking to fuss over #2. Yet he cant sleep without me, and I gotta feed baby. How?
Joanne: we hv to stuff e pacifier into him frm 14days old cos he realli too noisy. But he v clever. Noe it doesnt bring milk so dun like oso. I also juz steralise it as per norm one time or 2 a day

Mummy dee: ya. We're tryin all we cud. Sigh. I dun mind him cry la. but cryin halfway thru feedin is worryin

Jomomm: thanks! But wads whitenoise?
Whitenoise is like washing machine sound, hairdryer, etc It works for some kids. Some parents even have to fetch their baby and go in rounds before their baby can calm down.
Thks so much ashley, jommom n mummydee
Do u sterilize the plastic cover together with pacifier? As worry it cant take the sterilizer heat n hv chemical effect.. Thk u..;)
mummydee, jomomm and AshleyChen,
I applied the steroid cream on her face 3 times and most 'pimples' cleared. Must be very strong. I stopped using. Gonna try Calendula cream.

During my #1 time, I took fenugreek for long time, like no help
My gal is also taking 90ml per feed now, very tough to keep up with her appetite. I have to supplement with FM at night too.
I don't sterilize the plastic cover and also the teat holder (the part that attach the teat to the bottle). Just me lah, I feel that it's only the teat and bottle that needs to be sterilised.
Mine is also 2 wks old, just discharged fr mount A from juandice. The nurses also feed 90ml of EBM to my baby every 2-3 hrs.

Also depend on EBM or FM? Ebm is easily digested.
Itsy, I bought sacred tea from SMH bp.. It helps to increase slightly (from total both breast 80 ml per pump to 100-120 / 150 ml on midnight duty )
Jomomm.. U could turn on tv or radio with no channel (just blank screen type) that's white noise too

Or just Sshhhhhsssshhh nonstop near baby ear...White noise is what baby hear when in womb

Refer this http://www.happiestbaby.com/ the method I used for #1 & 2 to keep them calm and quiet... Like a shock therapy
Thank u mummydee n jomomm! Will try wasever i can to quiet down my bb. He cried for an hr+ yday n we dint noe was he wants. So sad. N i tink my cl abit cannot take it liao

Joanne: i juz steralise everythin. But i realised dat my cl v long nv steralise e pacifier liao. Haha. So i suppose dun steralise dat often is ok too
Hi mummies, may I know how painful is natural birth with epidural? How long do you have to push before the baby is out? How painful isit?
Dear mummies, sorry to disturb. Have a question on CL to ask. For those of you who are hiring malaysian CL directly (i.e. not via agencies), do we need to apply work permit for the CL?
hello mummies, i long time no login.. i dun think i can catch up with all the postings

itsy: happy 1 month to your bb!

QQbaby1: It takes about 30 mins for csect and the rest of the time is for the stitching. I shivered very badly due to the side effect of the epidural. you are unable to feel anything so you dun have to push bb out. my gynae will put his hand right inside to get my bb out, thats for my case because i have a breech bb.. so have to go right to the bb's head in my tummy in order to deliver my bb. You still no give birth yet? Your bb is an august bb!
Hi Ourlovestory thanks for yr reply but I'm asking about natural birth not csect.. I'm a dec mummy jus wana know more abt natural birth.
Itsy- is the cream called emoliat or something like tat? Very small tube. My pd prescribed it for my no. 1 who had very bad neck rash for weeks n normal rash creams, even calendula din work for her. Aft jus one appln, It cleared.. But use sparingly coz it's steroid n bb skin very thin n soft.

Joanne, my CL introduced pacifier to my bb wen she arrived. Tat is jus 3 days old..
din like it at first coz stil so small but seemed to help espmwen they need comfort latching or crying, n the pacifier helps to reduce air swallowed wen they cry..also it's easier to wean bb off pacifier than their fingers next time.
Hi QQ; both my babies were delivered natural w epi. Once you are 10cm dilated (baby crowning) its quite fast to come out; probably 4-6 pushes depend. If still not out; Gynae normally will intro forcep or vacuum.. Coz baby may be distressed (monitored thru CTG) and stuck too long in the birth canal (cord tangled or other reasons)

There are minimal pain of contraction as your lower body are numb. Midwife / nurse will guide you on when to push (based on CTG reading) if you felt nothing; or if you feel slight contraction you'll feel the baby is pushing out by themselves so just follow the wave

PS: it's epidural so it's nearly painless; coz the dosage are adjustable. I personally think the epi procedure is more painful than the birth

Hi Mummies,

Have you heard of "No Rinse Waterless Shampoo"? First time hear it so want to ask if anyone has any comments on it to be used during confinement since we can't wash our hair?

I do sterilize everything including cover.. Wat I mean is I will detach whatever can be detached n throw all parts into sterilizer. Note tat teat n cover shld be facing down for below steam to reach the contact parts.
hi mummies...

i'm a july mum myself and have been lurking around the forum quite a bit. decided to post as i'm currently struggling a little and hoping that some mummies can share some of your success stories with me.

my bb is born 16th Jul. i didnt have a cl from the start as it was what i wanted. however, soon things started to go downhill. bb was admitted for jaundice, therefore, struggle with breastfeeding n sending milk down those days while painful with episiotomy wounds. after which baby blues hit me really bad n i totally couldnt function. my hubby's gm passed away in the week my blues hit and he couldnt be around. i neglected to take care of myself as my baby is very needy and came down with a uti. i am currently pumping n dumping my breastmilk (very depressing really) while on uti medz to get that fixed. we also managed to hire a cl who will be with us for 3 weeks.

my cl has already threatened to leave as my baby is a high need baby. i dont know why but she is impossible to put down to sleep n she can go many hours without proper rest. needless to say i am worried about it but i read that it happens and that we just have to ride it out. this riding it out part is driving me nuts as i really wonder when she will sleep properly. and i fear the day my cl leaves coz i dont think i am able to endure carrying my baby for so many hours with my mind still so fogged up with baby blues.

am i the only struggling with my newborn? did things get better for you after your cl left? im so worried i'll break down after my cl leaves coz im gonna be the sole caregiver to my baby. i used to be very confident about handling babies as i took care of my sis's LOs before but suddenly my confidence is just smashed. it doesnt help that a professional cl says she's not seen babies like mine before which is really upsetting. please tell me things will get better........
Hi jonquil; I hope you feel better as you see your baby grow each day...

I can't help much but urge you to think positive snd reduce stress as much possible. baby could pick up mommy's state of mind; if you are depress she will sense and be one as well...

For uti; try taking cranberries juice.. It helps to improve the acidity of your urine... And drink loads of water and go toilet freq (don't hold your pee)... Hope you will be able to drop the medicine soon and latch your baby or provide EBM; at least that gives you sense of responsibility and motivation to go on

HTH.. Take care
Qqbaby.. The epi procedure takes 30-4ims depends. I felt it was painful when the epi medicine injected through the veins/spine as you could "feel" the liquid moving/ entering your body... Prob last for 10mins... After that it's all numb until birth

There are some side effect though likd chills , nausea or giddy even fainting spells... But up to individual I guess
Jonquil31> The cl probably just want to justify her threat regarding leaving. Unless she make it sound like yr bb is tough to look after, it'll mean she cannot handle bb.
I'm a new mum myself and I find it really tough too and also dreading cl's departure tdy. I'll also be my bb's main care giver. Doesn't help that we lack sleep n rest. Plays havoc w our emotions.
Hang in there and u r definitely not alone in struggling.
Hi jon
Understand is not easy to care for new born and we just hv to tolerate for few mths.. I hv twins and one is very cranky too as keep want to carry but i am still holding on as when see their cute innocent face, all is worth it..;) hv asks hb to install electric yaolan so tt u can hv it to help swing them to sleep instead of keepcarrying.. After sleep, just bring them up to ur bb cot.. Dun worry, things will get better as time passby.. If i can do it.. U can too.. Jiayou.. N u r not alone.. I am busy whole day with bbies,pumping etc with no tv, no entertainment and shopping.. Keep tell myself only for this few months to sacrifice.. Try enjoy this moment to see them grow up fast for this first year..;)
Thks SG sC
I see.. I didnt hv the teat facing downas it means touch the surface of sterilizer wall.. Wonder is it dirty to touch it? Hee.. Thks for ur reminder though..

Btw gals
My sil recommend her maid who help to find me a filipino maid thru contact.. Wonder is it possible tt i do the documentation thru MOM myself or is it i really need to go thru an agency? Any idea gals?

Thk u n really cant wait to fire my current burmese maid.. Really cant stand her seeing around now..;(
thanks for the encouragement... i really appreciate it.

mummydee > i was self medicating with cranberry hoping the uti will go away so dat i wont need antibiotics but i guess that didnt work. it's hard not to hold my pee in the midst of taking care of baby but i'll try. and i know what you mean by baby sensing mummy's moods. im so darn glad im not her caregiver now coz i wouldnt know what kinda emo damage i'm inflicting on her with my constant crying n nervous breakdowns...

citizen > thanks. i hope we both make it without the cl. it's a scary road ahead...

joanne > everyone keeps telling me it'll be better after a while. patience is not my strong suit but i'll try to look forward to that. currently just living day by day n praying i'll survive and not totally meltdown. im hesitant to introduce "tools" like yao lan n pacifier as i dread the day i need to wean them off. n space constraints too. n i know what u mean by pumping without tv. i feel most oppressive when im pumping honestly. esp since im pumping to dump... it's very depressing.
I'm at 4th week after c-sec, wound no longer painful and I'm already starting on light crunches. Really depends on individual and how you feel and how the wound is healing.

Soon we will all be busy with their full month celebration.

SG_SC (excited_mtb)
The cream PD prescribed is called Fucicort. PD did warn me not to use it for prolong period on bb.
Jonquil, hope you are feeling better that you got some listening ears here

For pacifier and yaolan - while I agree it takes a while to wean them off; but baby at these age need to rest more so they will grow better (deep sleep or REM sleep is when body repair itself and grow/rejuvenate) ... Try one "tools" at a time; you never know if your baby would like it or not. My #1 was a pacifier till 2yo but my this #2 only use it to doze off.., so diff baby may have different reaction to such tools..

Anyway if baby sleep more you will prob feel more relax and positive; sometimes we adult tend to complicate things.. And get added stress ourselves; take one thing at a time

Refer this http://www.happiestbaby.com/ to keep baby calm and stop crying... Works on both my kids

Take care and stay positive
hi mummydee...

thanks for the encouraging words. yes u r right. i keep complicating things and adding stress to myself. it's just hard to take things easy. my mind is in a constant haze i cant quite control my thoughts sometimes but i'm trying.

i will def consider tools if desperate, prob after cl leaves coz dat's when i will need to struggle on my own. thanks for your inputs though. =)
Jonquil: my bb is also a high need baby who throws tantrums at nite for hrs
i m also quite worried dat i cant handle him next time. I'm already on e verge of bringing him to see doc to see why he's been cryin so much
he even cries halfway thru feedin
but i noe being upset n depressed doesnt help anythin so we must jiayou!!! Cant b deprEssed ok? Ur kid will b a fun one soon!!! 1 mth bbs are nt fun but look forward to e future!
Ashley, maybe ur baby has colic, I tot my #1 is a high need baby too, turn out he has colic. PD gave him ridwind n he recovers 2-3 days later. He cries at nite for 1 hr or more continuously

Rer-rer: ya. I tink he has colic too... But i dint noe colic gt med!!! Shall tell hubby!! He tinks he is juz being cranky so dun wana see doc
