(2012/07) Jul 2012


Don't give up. I know how you feel. When I had my #1, my supply was low, I had c sec too, and short nipple. He had problem latching and after I saw LC and solved the latching problem. Supply wasn't enough and he had to be supplemented with FM!! Imagine I finally got him to latch and then I have to bottle feed him! But I carried on latching and pumping to up supply. Also learnt how to bf lying down so I can rest.

It was tiring for a period of time but I'm glad I held on cos eventually I managed to bf my boy for a yr.

Jia You!

Thanks mummydee.

Sigh. My cl juz told mi duno y my bb seems to b refusing my expressed milk but he drink fm v well. So sad. I'll b sooooo upset if he doesnt want my milk
(((( is dat possible? Sad...
Mummydee, like what itsy say, dun give up. I personally believe in the benefits of latching. I also have the same problem as you. Felt very down esp since this is my #3 and had enjoyed the joy and benefits of latching my other 2. As such I was determined to latch my #3 which I now managed with a help of a good Lc. My let down is also slow esp when compared with a bottle which I have cos I needed to formula feed her cos of her very high jaundice. I also hve short nipple. Just like yourself.

Somemore for some reason, my dd has not been gaining weight fast enough. So I was advised to top up after latching. In order to prevent nipple confusion, we had to insert a tube into her mouth towards the end of me latching her to top up her feeds. I hope that all these extra effort will work and be able to enjoy latching her exclusively.
Ashley, what brand of FM you giving your baby? Some FM has bit of "sweetness" like Similac for eg; so if your EBM taste different /less sweet mayb reason for rejection?

I used to give Similac for my #1 but he got constipated so I switch to Nestlé ... I realized NAN taste a bit "bitter" end (or tasteless)... Makes baby take both FM and EBM easier... You might wanna check the taste is FM and compared w EBM???
Thanks itsy!

Mommies who breast feed... My friend say we should co-sleep w baby instead of let baby sleep w CL? And to feed/nurse baby every time and regardless of whether baby take forever to nurse... Is that the way to go? If baby can latch?

My CL (my mom) has been the one sleeping w baby; leaving me rest most of time... I develop mix feeling of guilty not able to nurse/latch baby well hence have to always play catch up with milk supply... At the same time I agree w my mom to rest more after birth ...
I make effort to wake up 3hourly to try n nurse baby in the first week but after realized despite baby stuck to breast for over 1hr; he will still hungry (either was sleep feeding or never latch properly hence tired or unable to drain the milk) and i feel redundant coz I was not able to keep up and yet he's not satisfied at the breast (sleep most time). I become very tired and frustrated and depress... I thought breast feeding suppose to be simple/easy

And.. eventually I gave EBM in bottle at 10th day ; felt less guilty coz me & mom could rest a bit and I "thought" I could monitor /control intake. I think that's the start of bottle preference...

Do you think I still got chance to go back to latching??? As baby now 3weeks old
Itsy : how much she charge for just massaging the breasts? 1 hr just on breasts? good? she managed to clear all ducts? send me her contacts?
Mummyone: thanks for e advice. Ya lo. We feedin him wif similac so likely it tastes bette

Anyway, no nid to b guilty. I oso let bb slp wif cl. We r supposed to rest ma. So try latchin on in e day? My bb dun latch on well so i juz feed him 10 min or so for bonding den pass over to cl for bottle feedin. Nothin wrong wif dat so no nid to guilty oki? U more patient liaoz. Still latch on for an hr. my bb 5-10 min cry like mad already so i wun continue too. No pt. he cry so much den tummy gt wind oso.
mayb we mummies must see open abit. My nipples r shorter n my cl ask mi to use somethin to pull/ kiap them out n i refuse n told her i dun believe in makin myself so miserable ;) so u shud enjoy e process oki? Feed abit via latch on is fine too ;)
Mummydee, if u want to latch, it is still possible. Bb is still young. Some Lc may say it is not possible but if u preserve, it is possible. For my #1, as I had mastitis which turned into abscess, I was not able to latch. But I managed to successfully latch her for 20 mths starting from her 2nd mth when I was feeling better. As for my current bb, when I saw my current Lc, my bb was 20 days old. When I put her to the breast, it was like I was torturing her. She would wail and wail and get so upset that she completely refuse the breast.

However, with the help of the Lc and some preservance, I managed to latch her now. The Lc that I went to is very pro bf (ie latching) and dun really believe that moms should express and give ebm just to get the comfort of knowing how much bb is drinking. If u are determined to get your bb to latch, u can try looking for them. They are from mother and child.

The current tubing that I got is from the Lc. It is actually a tubing that the hospitals use fr bb in icu that dunno how to drink milk and is used to insert in the nose. However for my usage, it is modified to put I side in the bottle and the other in bb mouth. It is quite difficult to do it yourself and I needed hb to help me with it cos I am afraid that I will spill the milk. If I need to get somemore, will need to go to kk to buy cos each tubing can only use for 2 days.

The other tubing I hv is medela supplemental feeding system. I got it from the hospital but I think I can also get it from mums and babes. This one I think is a little harder to use as the tubing is a bit more soft and it is harder to poke it into bb mouth tog w your breast.
Thanks ashley and 3monkies for words of comfort...

3monkies, i will try the LC... Is it the one at tanglin mall? Coz my friend also went there before...
Tanglin has LC? I went to TMC perviously. Are they all the same? I'm also worried my gal will refuse to latch after using the bottle for 3 weeks.


She charges $40 for 45min-1hr on the breasts. She will massage and then ask you to express the milk out (must throw away). I couldn't clear all the blockage that day cos my pump wasn't working properly. But nonetheless, breasts felt softer, not so hard. Then when I got a new pump the next day, I managed to clear the blocks totally. She's Mdm Ida, found her contact in this forum... 94249829.

PS: it's very painful.
Itsy, yes. There is a lc at tanglin. They do not only give consultation but have classes and baby wellness clinics etc. most of their cust are expats as I understand this is the sort of thing they hv in uk and Aust.

I also previously went to lc in tmc but I felt that this one in tanglin is much better. Maybe cos at the end of the consultation, I get the feeling that they is still hope and that I eventually manage to latch my dd. just my personal opinion.

Thanks for the info, I went to the website.. is it called "Mother & Child"? May I know how much is it for each session with LC?
Mommies, can I check if u jus latch on in the day as n wen bb requires, do u stil pump aft latch? Many times i pump aft latch but bb will wake up n Cry for milk again whilst pumping. So will bottle feed whatever I pump out or supplement wif FM.

But if I dun pump aft latch, breasts wun be fully empty n ss wun go up. My CL says its ok one so long as latch on dd. is tis true? So hw often do u mommies pump/latch nw?
Sg_SC, I dun care I dun pump cos I got pump phobia this time rd, wash sterilize till I scared when bb in hosp n yet boobs feel heavy still. Nw that bb is bk I latch on dd n I din pump out.
Oh yah. On pumpin n latchin on. When i juz gave birth in tmc, e nurse was sayin we shud pump after latchin on if bb didnt latch on v long cos e hind milk is e one dat helps bb to gain weight
so u can pump n feed him next round. Hope dat helps
Rer-rer, Ashley- tats y some pump aft latching, some dun. N it works fine for both cases. Coz I wasn't successful in latching my #1 then n always express out n ss not a lot, so am hoping to be milk queen tis time. (I need to lose the weight!!!)

Ok, Will try latching her for whole day on dd tis week n see if it works for mi..
Itsy, the 1st time I went, I paid ard 140. Dunno what is the breakdown though. Cos I also had to use some of the supplies as I did not bring any ebm and she had to pump me. So she used a pump set which I brought home after that. Also the tubing, although she say she can give me a couple, I am not sure if it is charged. But the 2nd time I went there for a follow up, paid 60.

If your problem is not so severe, they also have bf cafe where moms get tog to bf over tea or something like that and Lc will come ard to help. (that's what I heard).

Sg_sc, for me, if possible, I will try to pump for a short while after latching. It may not be after every latch but at least 1-2 times a days. It is a little harder for me as I am currently trying to boost the weight of my dd and so I am feeding her every 2 hrs and it takes approx 1 hr to feed her and I also need to try to spend some time with my other 2. So most of the time when I pump it is the graveyard shift. The additional pumping is good to build up your ss.

u have 3 kids! thus the nick "3monkies"? LOL
It must be so tough to have to care for 3 and feed bb every 2 hourly.

I feel 1-to-1 better. If in a group and my gal refuses to latch and fuss >.< Will disturb the others and i get v pai sey.
Ashely : my girl is already 13 days old and still drinking so little like 40ml- sometimes 50ml. She rejects if give her more! My headache is different from yrs and my freezer is full of milk until no more bottles to store and fridge running out of space. I hope bb quickly increase her drinking dosage! I wan to clear the milk!
Itsy, yup. I hv 3... The 1st 2 are always monkeying ard and so I think #3 would follow suit.

If u going to see them, should call to make appt cos they go by appt basis only.
Tanny, maybe instead of giving ur bb a larger qty every x hours tat u are going by now, u can try to give that same qty at a shorter interval? That's what I am doing with mine with the hope of her drinking more.
Can some one help me where to get the IVF done what would be the approx cost etc.,I am kind of new to Singapore and willing to get my IVF done here

Would be nice if its female doctor.
Tahseen Fathima
Hi Tahaseen, you may want to consider Dr Marianne Hendricks whose clinic is at Thomson Medical Hospital. Name of clinic is The O&amp;G Specialist on 5th floor.
Hello mummies!

So sad. My gynae say i cant start jamu massage till after 1 mth since i csect
(( but i read dat some of u already massaged rite? I need to get rid of my wind n water retention so badly
(( shud i listen to doc or massage lady?
Hi ashley, if you really wants the massage... Be sure to avoid tummy/wound area.. Mainly massage the limbs, back, hip, shoulder... make sure u get the right masseuse who knows what to do and can accommodate your condition if any... Try mdm jenny from the forum

Alternatively, take ginger to expel winds. I take Su Ho Wan pills (from medical shop 3x a day) it helps to clear wind too. The pills look like PoChai pills
Mummydee: thanks mummy!! Hee. My massage lady is mdm jenny ;) duno whether to take e risk leh. Sigh. But mdm jenny nv say cannot n wanted to start massage dis week actuali (i gave birth on 19th jul) but i postponed to next week since my review was yday n i tot better ask doc first.
mayb later i call jenny to ask.. Doc say my womb contractin well so also no nid jamu n wind n water retention will go off itself *sweat*

oh ya! I takin e su he pills too!!
Mummies, anyone interested in Similac total comfort stage 1? It is a 900g tin n I only scoop once, 60ml. I m giving it away for free, PM me if keen. Bought it for my boy who recently refused his usual milk but he didn't like it.
Hi mummies, believe you girls are done with your massage for your tummy. Any good massage lady for recommendations?i hope to get a gd one to 'push' back my uterus.
Mummies, may I is hw long u wear the tummy binder? Do u wear to cover the wound? I hv been wearing for 2 wks. If I dnt wear I feel tummy abit heavy. Even I cough/laugh/sneeze I will feel the cramp. Tummy also feel itchy but nt the wound area. Do u feel the wound area abit numb too? Help!!
Hi mommies!

My baby just popped ytd (3107)...I tried latching him on, he suckled but no milk...how ar? Is it normal? Nurse said e milk takes at least 3-4 days to b out...panicking...
I wear the binder esp when I'm walking around. Feels better else I have the same "heavy tummy" feelign as you too. Wound are a bit numb. thats cos the wound is still healing, it will go away soon. Don't worry. *This is my 2nd c sec

Just continue to latch. If your baby was born of good weight, then he will just need the teeny bit of colostrum from u in the 1st 3-4 days. By 4th day, your milk will come in.
Faithfully: i wear it 24/7! E middle of e bind shud b at ur belly button so it'll actually cover ur full wound. It will oso cover ur underwear a lil so ur underwear shud b worn below e bind ;) i kana nagged by doc so many times for wearin it too high up ;)

Mich: juz continue tryin. Nt so fast one. But do pump out ur colestrum ( duno hw to spell) if ur bb cant suckle. Dun waste it ya? I was also worried abt my milk supply as i cud at most pump 40ml in hospital. But nw after 2 weeks, if i pump every 3-4hrs, i can get 180-200ml!!!! So no worries!!
Thanks Itsy &amp; Ashley...great relief to hear! Latched on since ytd &amp; thankfully baby managed to suckle a bit of my colostrum out
at first thott might b a bit of prob cos he's slightly premmie...
180-200ml!! So good! How you do it?!? Haha ..
I pump every 2.5-3 hourly. Each time around 60-80ml total only.
My gal has lots of small "pimples" or rashes on her face this week. Dunno why like this. Wondering if it's due to the heaty confinement food that I've been eating.
Itsy: if i pump 3-4hrs i may get dat much. But if i pump 2 hr den at most 100ml total frm both sides
duno wad i did but papaya soup reali works i guess. My cl kip sayin its difficult to maintain e diet after confinement so mayb will reduce liao ;)

On Pimples, my kid too!! Doc say likely heat rash n indeed these few days weather cooler so it gt better. Juz kip her clean n dry n coolin.

Oh ya. Anyway noe hw long can expressed breastmilk b stored in fridge? The pigeon bag guidelines say 24hrs but internet say 5-8days so i wonder when shud i move older milk to freezer. Quite confused.

N my bb lately startin to not slp more than 45min. He'll juz cry, eat, burped, shit, cleaned, eat again, cry again for carryin den slp for less den 45min n e cycle starts again. Is dat norm or colic?
I got this from baby plus mag.

How long you can keep expressed milk:

Refrigerator: 3 days
Ice-box compartment: 2 weeks
Deep freezer: 6 months

Heat rash? OK, then maybe I'll monitor a bit longer before bringing her to Doc.
Hello mommies,
How is everyone? I've been struggling to keep my spirits up, and struggling to manage the 2 kids. Really hvnt been abe to check in here for some time.

For jamu massage, I think safe is ard 1 month bah. But I more kiasu, I'm giving it more than a month. Cos worried the wound inside still raw altho outside seems ok.
Anyway, I heard jamu massage can be done up to 6 months after birth. Not sure if correct, but if so, then I guess no hurry lor. Anyway, I already dropped to lesser than my pre-preg weight. So, it's just the pushing on the womb.

Does the "pimples" have a white dot (it's not pus, but a very small white "seed") in it? If have, it is called baby milia. My kids have it too. And it'll go away on its own after a while. Just ensure her face is clean. Sometimes I put soothing lotion to hasten the process, altho not necessary.
Thanks itsy!!

Jomomm: u r even lighter den ur pre preg?? Must b very stressed handlin ur kiddos? Dun stress urself too much ya? Mi need massage cos i m still 15kg above prepreg wt :p ate too much durin preg. Sigh. N targetin to go lower den prepreg wt so needa do more
hope mdm jenny is experience enuf to handle mi wif care next week! U take care ya? I m stressed over my kid too. Sigh. Cranky bb
Not stressed, haha.... More like I dun eat much this time. My #1 I ate almost like 2hourly. This time, I just dun feel like eating. Pregnancy time also same symptom. But my babies come out opposite. #1 skinny, #2 fat.

Yes, the pimples are like what u described. But I gan chiong, already brought her to see doctor this morning. Doctor says could be due to anything eg, saliva, heat, food allergy (thru my bm) and she prescribed a cream to apply. Haiz... 1 hole in my pocket now.

If only I can don't feel like eating too. LOL Problem is, I'm soooo hungry all the time, worse then when I'm preg.
Aiyah, wasted, coud have saved u some money. But Im surprised yr Dr actually prescribed a cream.

Are u still in confinement? Actually, pple say if can eat, it's a good thing. If not, it may mean there's wind in the body. So...I also dun really understand all these confinement theories la.

Now, Im looking at baby caring. Thinking if I should get a maid or not. Or if any has any recommendation for parttime baby sitters? Wondering what will work.

It's a steroid cream and Doc says cannot prolong use. >.<!
I'm going to apply for her for a few days and if there's improvement then I'll stop.

Not good thing if can eat! I wanna loose all the preg weight! Plus my previous preg weight! LOL
