(2012/07) Jul 2012

rer-rer: My boy's nanny also say the same thing...all the whinning, stickiness, attention seeking thingy will go away once baby is out...i really hope so!

Joanne, you seem to have a lot of problems with this maid. Might be good idea to change her ASAP to give you more time to train new helper before your twins arrive. Maid is supposed to relieve you of stress and not add on to your stress....
joanne: i also think you should get a replacement soon while u can cos if you have to worry about her while you are caring for you babies, not good eh..

bhoo: sorry forgot to reply ur email. My nanny is checking with her friend again for Jan/Feb availability so i will email u her num once she gets back again

For last min shopping before the rest of us pops: http://thenewageparents.com/baby-product-warehouse-removal-sales-jun-2012/
di, no problem! Really big thanks for helping me with the sourcing of nanny =) I have reserved a place at cherie hearts so if nanny is only available at later date, I still have infantcare to fall back on =)
Congrats Qris! Good to know all is safe & sound.

Good to hear that Liligal had a successful vbac. She must be so elated bb is finally out.
How come yr maid so fast got friend here? She works in sgp before? Actually, I agree with mummies here. If u find she giving u alot of problems, maybe it ia time to change one. U won't feel safe letting her take care ur babies. And I see few maids chatting with friends or talking over phones when they pick up their care. One even flirted wif cleaner while her care was looking at them. >.<
I also thot of changing mine but hubby doesn't agree wif me. He said let's monitor n wait till I deliver then decide. But I feel if want to change, I rather change now do that e maid can learn fr CL how to take care bb. But will see how as my plan may change again. Mil been complaining here pain, there pain n we are guessing she may not want to help out. So I may hv to look for nanny in e end since infant care is out liao
Rer rer,
I also heard this too. My boy is sooo sticky wif me that I buay tahan. Eat also wants me feed, sleep also wants me, walk also wants to hold my hand only. His papa is jealous now. Everything just wants mommy n though he's sticky wif me, but past 1wk is too extreme. His ccc teacher commented that it's due to I'm going deliver soon n it's so happen my boy falls sick n she said it's like that too.
Hi bhoo n dj
Ya, we give her one more month n see whether got improvement after bbies r out.. As PEM agency require a maid to be around else no CL will want to do for twins. After confinement, if she still slow then we will change maid before i finish my maternity leave n go back to work..

Hi rer rer
My maid is married with one 3 yr old daughter.. I can see her fr upstair when she walk to my mum place n just infront my my hse is landed property.. So she walk into a landed property hse.. Ya, my maid eats anything as long as is food.. She eats very fast but work slow.. We oways buy her those guardian bread for her breakfast and she can eats 4pcs every morning.. We oso give her biscuit but she seldom eat, i dun encourage too as easily get heaty... After discuss with hb, we decide to try take video down using my camera next time when i see her goto the hse again.. With evidence, she cant deny too... Sigh.. Not easy to get a gd maid...
Hi Cherish
Ya lor.. I am so surprise too.. She is new maid n transfer maid for 5mths when i pick her up...maybe she is gd in making new friends so i am worry if asks her to pick my son back fr school, she will make more friends.. Then maybe chitchat till forget to go pick him up, then how? My hb oso say want change oso got to wait till after CL.. Maybe is diffcult to train a maid in so short time plus, we shd take our time to get a new maid than rush thru.. Btw, when u deliver, u gonna leave her alone at home, ok ma?
Joanne, yah take video of her so she can't deny! Sorry wat area u stay ah? Ur maid quite capable lo so fast got fren, is it she stay nearby that time? She sounds like ai mai ai mai type. Since CL need her ard just treat her so cleaner for CL. Ask ur CL to ask her to do watever she needs her to do. Better nt let her handle babies. Just remind her to do watever needs to b done, Nvr do ask her do. My relative remind till fed up n do herself.... The maid lagi happy lo so I tink some of the maid geng so need to do. I m emPloyer fr hell so I make sure mine do it if she forgets. But so far ok, just dunno y my boy hates my maid
Rer rer,
My maid takes bread. come to think, I didn't give her alternative choice lor. But if go out for breakfast, will buy a set for her.
Mine does certain chores very slow n today I realize she been wiping table top wo wiping e shelf underneath. I went to touch n a layer of dust. Faint. She quite bu zi Dong which I don't like. Now wif one kid like that, I don't know when #2 is out, she will say not enough time. N she seems to step over my mil when they alone. I talked to mil on this n she knows it but she said she doesn't mind. I'm really going to faint big lo! So I feedback to hubby who had talked to his mom. Conclusion I got is we may need to get nanny instead. Sian
Rer rer,
=.=' LOL. I haven't gone mad yet, just that wif big tummy now, really hv difficult looking after him. Feel very tired lor. I don't mind this if my tummy is slim one. At least I can sit up n down fr floor wo any prob. Haha

I'm not putting bb alone wif maid. Definitely not wif this one as she's very inexperienced n bu zi dong. Our plan is mil stay wif us during wkdays n she n maid look after bb during daytime. But now, mil suddenly keeps complaining health not gd, said maid doesn't listen her. So hb warns me maybe his mom doesn't want to help out n we need to look for alternative. Iworry can't find nanny in my area. Another new headache
Cherish, my boy can repeat popo baobao 10 to 20 times ok, super irritating . If he does that to me I really go mad.... He search thru his toys n found his bowling set n is playing it rite Nw! Wah ur maid doing her job only superficially......if mil dun help out n u get nanny then maid do wat? With mil she ald liddat without she shakes leg?
Congrats on popping, mummies!!!

I'm so busy at work hardly any time to go FB or check the threads here. Stupid company - Im still working full force and to train a new staff (on her work not for taking over my duties - can see she is overwhelmed!). Left office at 7pm. No handover yet despite asking my boss... Seems like got to work till the day you go on leave and someone else pick it up... Silly right? Heck care, by then not my problem. Sorry folks - I'm should be those quiet ones on FB already.. Came back eat dinner and dozed off - now awake at 4am can catch up on threads.

I'm also in my week 35 - day 3! Nothing yet - I guess I should be popping v late. My gynae still seeing me at 3 wks interval from wk 33 to wk 36. Baby not engaged yet. Also hv nt got my admission letter at TMC yet.. I think gynae thinks I won't be so soon... Getting so excited - looking forward to seeing baby soon and hearing yr popping stories!
hi everyone! i had a scare last week. on fri, i had stomachache, so uncomfy that i went to my gynae.. then finally went for ctg and doc said there was only mild contractions.. then he gave me 1 week hospitalisation leave.. and so i'm nua-ing at home.
last last sat, gynae said baby's head is down, then last fri, gynae said baby is still floating.. can move one ar?! ahha
tanny: i guess i should be popping near my edd too! i'm in my week 35 day 5.
Joanne, is your maid Filipino? mine is from Philippines and yes they can make friends and chat up easily. At first I wasn't used to it and didn't like to to chat with others but hubby told me that it's human nature, they are away from their home country so would love to have friends. however in your case, if she sneaked out to meet friend then it's not right. My maid chats with other maids in front of us, I also realize there is nothing wrong with it so I am used to it Liao.. My maid is God sent.. She is kind, loving, hardworking and we are all pampered not just my kid. She is gonna be my confinement nanny LOL! When she first came, we have differences for sure.. but I will just tell her how I feel and what she should do next time. don't keep it in your heart and be suspicious, always make things clear. Glad that I only need to say once and she will change. So now, I got nothing to complain. I am so grateful to her that we are all well taken care of. She makes sure I eat well during this pregnancy. Sometimes due to my busy schedule I will skip meal she will tell me, Aiyo! You cannot don't eat ah! I make milo and bread for you ok, bb is hungry, or u want fruits?' that's really so sweet of her. but then hor, I also scolded her before until she cried cuz got one time she overfed my no.1 till she vomitted big time, but I know she has good intention and wish my no.1 快高长大,I got very upset with that incident so now I always remind her to let go if my gal shows that she is already full, or tell her, just one last spoon
another time was when I disciplined my gal. I used ladle to beat her hand if she is knotty, my maid cried and said 'not so painful ah!' wah lau I stopped and said, what? say again? You promised you won't interfere when I discipline her right? what did your husband tell you when he is disciplining tor kids?' my maid has a soft heart, her hubby is the one who discipline the kids, and her hubb asked her to stay away. So I did the same, I know she cannot bear to hear the cry, so I said u go down for a walk collect mails or what. so now problem solved and she follows what I instruct, don't interfere and ignore my gal when she goes to her for protection. Really ignore lo but I can see my maid's face to xing ku! lol... Anyway if wanna change maid, hope u all get a good maid next time! heng suay one lo.. Pray first!
I just enter my 36 weeks today. And I was admitted to hospital yesterday to monitor my High BP, it seems like when I sit down, the BP reading is high while it is all normal when I lie down. And the blood test shows ok too. Nw can discharged soon. The only thing I dun like is the super thick needle and tube poked on the hand! Hardly move my hand at nite. And the Hokkien auntie next to my bed talk on the phone non stop till midnite..zzzzzz
good morning mummies!

rer-rer: your boy is cute! and he also can play by himself

tanny: i am also working full force till my last day... super tiring and i also no handover yet when my ML starts next week! anyway, dun be too hard on yourself and have enough rest!!

Shann: your helper is so nice... it is a blessing and also luck!
Ourlovestory, he made my mum play with him, I so tired I go rm hide! Shann, ur maid is gd lo, I n Joanne have Burmese maids. Chatting with friends is ok but to purposely go into ppl hse I wld tink crooked leh
morn mummies

its rainning.. finally.. its so hot recently.. hope it stay like this ..cooling during our confinement..

tmr is my last day of work lo.. yippy.. can rest liao..
rer rer,
if going to get nanny, will let go of the maid. #1 in ccc full day. no point keeping her at home. the most, we will be very siong during first 2 yrs as need to do chores ourselves, rush to pick up both kids. i tell myself if other ppl can do it, i sure be able to overcome it too. LOL.

u're so lucky. yes, i agree it depends on luck when getting maid.
cherish: chores can still get PT Maid to help....i am using the nanny option, #1 half day school for now...then nanny will take care of #2 when i go back to work (&amp; #1 for half day till the time we decide to switch him to full day school)...weekend definitely will be siong when both kids are at home with just me &amp; hubby!
Congrats to liligal, qing er, qris lynn, laura and those who pop, sry if i miss u out.. this thread is too much to be catch up. I will prob be the last dew to pop, since i hv another 3 or 4more weeks to go. bb is already 2642g at coing 35th week, hopefully she doesnt get too big.

mummies who delivered, get more rest in hospital, go home hv to be a milking cow which is even more tiring. Jia you. Liligal can add me to facebook oso?
the rain is so short, was reading yesterday's newspp, rain expected but hotter weather expected in July sigh!

i shld be one of the last also (i hope)! EDD is 31st July. Congrats to all who have pop =) take care and rest well!
Ya is Very short.. chey..out come the sun again.. sian..

i even tabao lunch in the morn to save myself from goin out for lunch..

reali feel the pain n aching when i walk..
Mrs C,
yes, the other alternative will be similiar like yours. we hv to decide after my confinement. see if mil and maid can cope or not.

i'm going to fall sick again.. sian.
Cherish, my intention was to send #1 to full day cc n #2 mum look after but my mum rather we get maid so she can keep both at hm n got someone do chores. Since my mum is ok then I ok. We have been using our pt cleaner auntie for 1.5 yrs le. My boy likes her too! I dun understand y he dun like our maid. He is ok with other ppl de. Tink cos this one got short hair
thanks. u just remind me of coconut!!! i cant get a real coconut now, maybe subsitute with can one first. ;)

ur boy so cute, still hv criteria leh :D
i dont think i will keep my #1 at home if mil and maid going to help me look after #2 cos #1 is very active. Now w/o #2 yet, i see both of them exhausted if #1 is at home and the 2 adults can go w/o bath the whole day. told me they were too busy, no time to bath. **faint**
thanks ladies for all the well wishes. super tired after giving birth and BF-ing. will share my birth story next time k? basically nearly everything i prayed for came true!

most imptly, VBAC or natural is really really really much better than c-sect. last time i can't be as normal as fast. energy level also not as high even tho i can walk on 2nd day w c-sect &amp; stitch was done well. this time round really much better.

the entire process (with epidural of cos) was truly enjoyable and fun. no kidding. the pushing part especially since i can move my entire body but felt no pain, no control of my abdominal &amp; pelvic muscles. hehehee...will share more next time when i'm in less of a fatigue stage.

now trying to wake dear princess up to drink. she is so so different from her bro who lives to eat. this princess is so small, dainty and very very diva-like. aiyooooo.... spent 1 hr feeding minimum each time but maybe she only drinks max around 15mins. most of time is trying to wake her up.

for those going to deliver, remember to bring maternity pads yah? the sticky ones and not loop ones cos more convenient unless u r going for c-sect where the nurses will do for u.

ok bb here, i need to do the cow job now. ttyl.
I am so bored, cannot move......searching for buffet n cakes for full mth. Hope this time mil dun have stupid requests....
Hi rer rer
My maid last time dun stay around here n i am surprise that she can make friend so fast too.. Imagine next time When she needs to pick my son fr school, she will make more friends n learn more things on how to geng... My boy oso dun like her so i oso dun know how to let my boy agree for her to pick him up.. Sigh.. Btw, do rest well on bed ya..

Hi shann
Mine is a burmese as i thot they wun be so smart like filipino but i think i am wrong.. Mine is a smart one but not smart in doing housework..

Hi cherish
Lol..my maid abit same like urs, slow n buay zi dong.. Frankly speaking, i oso dun want her to handle my bbies but i hope i can cope since having twins...one of my friend say twins has to be in separate rooms else may easily wake each other up.. But after confinement, i need take care both myself so how.. Yet i wun feel at ease to let maid take care the other bb herself.. Really headache too..

Sorry gals to flood here with my maid issue.. I just need somewhere to vent out than keep everything In myself..;( as i wonder is it normal for a maid to go to other pp hse.. Like wht rer rer say, is ok to chat awhile but not to the extreme to go to other pp hse right? What if she steal something fr my place n put in her friend place? We wun know too.. Today, i saw her walk back fr my mum place to my place n she purposely go thru the same path to passby her friend place again..not sure is it she can see me, she suddenly gostan and walk by the other direction.. Then take 10mins to come back to my place.. Shortly after she reach, the doorbell rang and i was surprise to see my mum n she says that she forget something else to pass to me.. Later i asks my mum whether she left at the same time as her, n she says maid already left 10mins then she come over.. Which means the maid must hv go meet her friend chit chat again since both of them reach my place around same time.. Arrggg.. Btw gals who hv maid, does urs always look here n there when cleaning hb car? Or when doing anything? Instead of look at where u r cleaning..
My hb n i feels tt she dun concentrate on what she is doing.. Always look everywhere while hand is moving.. Is this correct?

Hi liligal
So nice to hear fr u again..;) n so envy tt u can go thru VBAC birth.. I wish too but twins this time so i dun dare..;) btw, how heavy is bb? Take care n hope to hear ur birth story soon..
Hi rer-rer,
rest well. i've been feeling sore below.. hope it's just normal. really hope my gal can stay till wk39 then pops out.

it's okay. it's good that u vent out than keep to yourself. In the end, when did ur maid come back??
like u said, maybe u give yourself 1mth more to monitor her. since both ur mom, hubby also feel the same, at least if u want to replace her, u hv the support votes. do u tell her what u expected from her? so far, my maid helped to wash our car once and hb was with her so i didnt know if she was ok or not. i no need to ask hb as he confirmed said no issue lor.
after confinement, u will be still ard at home so dont worry so much. at least u can monitor her and correct her if she does anything wrong.
rer, you take care ok? i also started feeling some pain/ache at my pelvic area this few days.. hopefully it doesnt get worse..

Joanne, it's ok.. vent it here. better than keep it to yourself..

btw, any mummies having itchy breasts? my breast have been feeling very itchy for the past few days, and i having some dry flaky skin around my areola.. is this common?
Hi cherish
She come back around same time as my mum though she left 10min earlier than my mum.. Ya, we do tell her everything on what we expect but still.. Sigh..

Hi zhen
Thank you for understanding..;)
Joanne, I nvr notice if she got look here n there or nt while cleaning hb car leh, but eyes wise we can't ctrl la. That one a bit hard to say. Going to other ppl's hse is a no no lo! Wat if the owner nt happy? Then u will be responsible. Did u all talk to her abt going fren's hse yet? Ur mum reach ur plc n she still nt back? U all better warn her b4 it gets into an everyday affair. Erm...the fren is guy or lady? I got a fren's fren's maid hor very smart. She can make the maids in the area work for her, she is a pimp lo hor, just collect comission. Dun mean to scare u, gotta monitor urs carefully. No worries la, we are all here to share, I oso like to grumble abt my maid. Tdy my boy got no one to play with, no choice play with her n she no need to do other things le lor hor
Hi rer rer
No.. My maid left my mum place 10min earlier than my mum but she n my mum reach my place at around same time.. So for tt 10mins, she go chit chat again lor..
I not sure is it she meet a guy or galfriend since i cant see fr far.. Actually we already tell her last time not to chit chat since we pay her to come here work n not chatting..This time, my hb try to catch her using camera but think she smart n can know tt we r eyeing on her else why she suddenly look up when just left my hse.. So maybe diffcult to take down her photo now.. Do u think we shd tok to her again abt what she does these 2 days? Or continue monitor n try take photos?

Sometime We dun want to scold her too extreme as u know tt she can do anything to harm my family since i depend on her now on foods n drinks.. Sigh.. If we decide to change her, we will not tell her too n will do it secretly n just asks her to go on the same day.. As we feel tt say too much oso no use now.. Wun listen means wun listen.. She is ok in housework n not lazy but gd in geng n treat herself well lor.. My fil still can dote on her when she goes to his place as she not lazy but always try to help.. End up he gives him eat agar agar n cherry when we dun give her all these lor.. I dun mind if she perform well but the thing is she got alot of pattern now which makes me feel uneasy..
Ouch! my right side of my tummy is having intense pain suddenly.. i think that is where my placenta is.. is this normal??

i hope it is not contraction!!
finished my cow biz and dinner. now still fresh and got some energy to come look see and type. girl is really feeding better and learning how to drink.

laura, yah.. i saw him snip it with a scissors. he was very cool abt it. he scared i tear and he believed asian women shud cut.

yours? it was quite interesting to see him sewing my stitches while talking to me and bb in the heater thingy while everything was going on... ahhahha.. i truly enjoyed this VBAC experience lor. btw, your son jaundice cleared?

jo, i glanced thru the threads. really terrible leh... think u shouldn't hold on longer if u can. and dun give her an inkling of wat u plan to do or else she might do odd things now including stealing etc. or worse, put terrible stuff in ur babies' milk, clothes etc. i think it's not normal behaviour looking at wat ur maid is doing. last time my maid will report to us when she did things out of her norm.

zhen, i had itchy breasts before my girl was out. so u r not alone. i put more oil to curb it. but u better check since u got the itchy rashes before right?

ourlovestory, regular? btw, intense pain better go check esp if it wun go away after a while. i hv heard very horror stories before.
lili_gal: Yours with epi working not so bad. My epi didn't go that far so I felt his every single movement down there. (((ouch))) Can imagine? But I can still arch up a bit to check out the color of my boy's balls and give instructions to hb like a movie director. =.=" You starting to feel the pain down there? No one in TMC taught me how to clean my stitches/wound. I just have to figure it out myself.
Laura, oh... how to clean!? i also dunno leh.... first time. teach me!!! tomorrow i'll check with gynae. i thought just clean normally? no?

Sitz bath...
Use warm water in a basin, add in 2 to 3 spoons of salt.
Sit on the warm bowl with your buttock is fully soaked.
Duration of sitz bath is about 15 minutes.
Do it 2 to 3 times perday and everytime after you pass motion.

Use water to wash after passing motion.. not wipe.
