(2012/07) Jul 2012

Rachel- glad to hear alls fine..realli sounded like contraction pains. Try to rest more n dun walk too much.

Laura- tink 60-70ml is quite a good start..it'll slowly keep increasing. Jus keep latching n pumping. I wasn't diligent for #1, so am determined to be a milking cow tis time round. Let's jiayou!

Shann- I also hate the nite feeds, so am gonna jus wake to pump then zzzz...wun latch bb coz I tink sleep is v impt too..else not enuf rest will affect milk supply..

u're right. hospitals are not providing free bottled milk but if i remembered correctly, not all hospitals. What i know is TMC, Mt A not providing. can't remember the rest. if need bottled milk, will hv to pay. though i feel this is to encourage mothers to bf, but i personally feel the stressed to produce milk!
60-70ml is a good start. i only had ard 40ml for both breasts initially. pathetic supply. hahah

ya, i also hate the midnite pump. think will try to pump before sleep then wait till early morning else really not enough sleep at all.
SG, at least you still wann wake up to pump! kudos!
Cherish, same here.. Lol! That will be ideal right..

But I am sure bb will wake up middle of the night, for no.1 was always 3am-330am. Then I will have to pass her to helper, since I am awake, might as well pump.. but that is if I feel engorged. If not just sleep!!! Yes totally agree that sleep is very important. Felt miserable whenever have to force myself to wake up to pump. I rem my daily supply didn't drop after I stopped my 3am pump. Just that morning first pump can pump a lot.

Dont be stressed over ss... If have just give, if not enough, just give FM. I was told by KKH lactation consultant no bottle feeding and no FM, just latch n latch n latch. But first few days really no milk leh! And when I went home I also so 执着, no FM. Can imagine how hungry was my no.1? That's why night time kept waking up for milk. In the end I felt that both me and bb suffered. I was exhausted and didn't enjoy bf at all, i did not have enough sleep! And bb was still hungry. So I learnt my lesson, for the first few days before milk kicks in, just give FM at night, day time with BM if that's possible, if not enough, substitute with FM. I was taught as tho FM was poisonous to bb.. Aiyo! We shouldn't let bb go hungry instead.. they always say if you feed FM, then bb might reject BM. That's
Not true. They also say, if you do bottle feeding, bb will reject nipples, that is also not true for my no.1.

Since I am planning to work full force after one month confinement, in fact I am still going to teach those students who are going for exam in sept (I teach piano) during confinement. I will start with bottle feeding right from hospital, I have packed her milk bottle in my luggage lol!! then I will latch in the day time for the first week so as to establish the milk supply, and once the milk is here, I just pump exclusively.
There was one period, I was so tired to wake up to pump, I ended up pumping only 3 times a day. Then, each time the breasts is always very full. Another time, when I was so sleepy, didnt watch the bottles carefully until all overflow. Hahaha... I hope this time can also be the same. I'm thinking perhaps the "trick" is in really emptying the breasts rather than frequency bah? What do you all think?

I so totally agree with you. First few days, milk dun kick in, latch also no use rite? Make until nipple sore for what? Dun have is dun have mah? Like sqeezing blood from stone. Ended up my #1 was dehydrated, didnt drink enough. I also plan to FM if the milk doesnt kick in quickly enough this time. Then, in the meantime, pump to stimulate supply.
Maybe some moms didnt work on stimulating supply and end up become fully dependent on FM, hence bf rate dropped, that's why the hospitals decided not to supply FM for free. But I feel it's not correct lor. Like u said, dun hv, then let them go hungry meh? They shd at least supply for first 2-3 days, knowing jolly well milk will only kick in then. Guess will juz hv to pay for it dis time...:/
Hi mummies, I hv delivered my 2nd prince yesterday at 8.32pm. Gynae asked me to reach tmc by 5.30pm after check up. Regular contractions was killing me, 3cm dilated. Everything happened so fast..until I couldn't believe I hv delivered. Bb at wk36 n 5 days, weight 2.3kg.

Update u all again!! I didn't sleep the wholenight le..aih
Jomomm, ya lo this time I wanna work smart not work hard Liao.. It's torturing when bb suck for 1.5 hrs and still wake up 30 mins later. can die... Didnt sleep for 2 days 2 nights in hospital due to hectic feeding schedule and entertaining visitors. I also asked my friends don't come and visit except 2 close friends. other than that, I ask parents n in laws to come ONLY in the morning, the rest of the time I just feed and sleep.

Also, morning after a good night sleep, won't look so cui lor... This time wanna be presentable a bit, must put at least foundation n bit of lipstick before everyone comes lol!!
Qing-er, congrats! Ur boy is tiny same as my boy, very heart pain keep wanting to feed him milk but he chooses to sleep. The 3rd day baby will ask for more milk so rest well for the first 2days.
Congrats! So nice to hear all these good news

Yes yes yes. No make up also nvm lah. Our joy & happiness is much better than any make up, keke! In fact, I no makeup no jewellery since #1. They like to pull at such things leh. Zhen mah fan...
Qing-er: Congrats!!! Your 2nd prince is born 2 years after my #1, he was born 25/6/2010 8:36pm and we just celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday. Rest well!.
Dear Mummies, here's an update: I popped already.

Was induced at 3.25pm at gynae's clinic on 25th June 2012. Was told that I need to reach TMC latest by 5.30pm. Me and hubby decided to go straight to TMC from his clinic. Reached at about 4pm and accompanied hubby to do the paperwork for admissions. Nurse thought I was there for csect as I looked so calm. I told her no contractions yet so I was feeling ok. 

At about 4.30pm, I was accompanied to the delivery suite. Was asked to change to the hospital gown and pass the nurse my urine sample. I did change into the gown but I happily sat at the toilet without collecting my urine. Luckily the nurse said it was fine. 

As I was lying on the bed, the nurse started asking a series of routine questions. All these while, my hubby was waiting outside as per the nurse's instructions. My blood pressure reading was taken and horror of horrors, it was at 195 (the upper numbers, forgot the lower numbers). The nurse continued talking to me, asking me questions, etc. I think it was her attempt to make me relax. But I was getting more anxious as my contractions were coming at 2 min apart. Although it was pretty mild, it was enough to send my blood pressure rocketing high. It was strange as when I left my gynae's clinic, my blood pressure was ok. 

Anyway, at around 5pm, my hubby came in and said that he spoke to my gynae. Apparently the nurses at TMC have already called him to update him on my blood pressure readings. He gave us two choices - either to csect immediately or wait for a few hours for my blood pressure to go down. Of course I cried as I had hope for a natural labour for #2, similar as #1. But hubby and me finally decided to go for csect. 

Then a flurry of activities happened at all the same time. Urine catheter inserted, drip inserted, head cap put on, forms signed. Then I was wheeled into the OT. I opted for epidural so that hubby can be with me. 

Hubby was asked to wait outside while the epidural was administered. The anaesthetist  gave me the laughing gas (which I love, btw) and started giving me LA before the real epidural. My BP was at its peak at 203. Then we waited for about ten minutes for my gynae to come in. Blood pressure dropped to normal range, gynae called hubby in and felt some tugging and pressure at my tummy. Gynae called hubby and pointed out that umbilical cord was around baby's neck. Luckily all was ok. Phew!

At 6.13pm, baby was born. He measured at 3.39kg, 51cm.
Qing-er: Congrats!! Have a gd rest!

Qris: congrats too!! Thanks for sharing your birth story and glad that everything went well for you and your bb! Your bb is quite heavy
was it painful to have the drip abd urine catheter inserted before the epidural?
Congrats Qing-er, Qris and lili_gal!!! The past few days have been so exciting with so many of you popping! Upload pictures of your cute little ones on facebook!

Qris, doesn't matter whether baby is born thru' c-sect or not natural. What's important is that you got a healthy baby =) Rest well!

Laura, looks like you are coping very well for a new mummy!

I think I might just be one of the last to pop. I'm only in my 35th week. Still have to drag myself to work every morning.
congrats to u too! Ya, like what bhoo said, it doesnt matter whether u delivered bb via natural or c-sec. as long as bb is healthy and u're fine, this is the most impt. :D

i'm feeling so excited now. one by one popping out.
Qris, are you on our July mummies facebook grp? Share your pictures with us =)

ourlovestory, my EDD is 28 July!!! My gynae claims that my baby's position is very low down in my uterus so there is a chance that I might deliver 1 or 2 weeks earlier than EDD. Dunno how accurate he is...
BB: Wah...very detailed description of the thing provided at Mt. E...very helpful to know at least what to bring and what not to.

How about TMC?
Mummies that have just delivered at TMC can share what was provided?
bhoo: i think it will be your turn soon! everyone is popping early now ... making me so nervous! i will be popping next week so counting down now only ;p
Qing_er, Qris, Congratsss..

with so many of you popping / popped, i am super looking forward to meet the lil one in person...but i tink mine still far away.. no signs yet!! zzzz
Eh vernie! Shann here from 2010 July mummies thread! We went Royce kids gym together last time. I am at week 35 day 6
waiting for my turn for check up hur hur..
Hey Shann! Yes, we are in the same thread again. Haha! I am Week 36, Day 1...just 2-3 days ahead of you...my check up is tomorrow...can't wait...
When is your EDD vernie? Mine is 25th July! boy or gal this time? I am having another gal hehehe.. Mei mei!

Bb is 2.54kg now, gained 500+ grams since 2 weeks ago yippee! I am just going to eat durian 'occasionally', sian already!!! maybe change to avocado juice hehe.. ok I shall go Alexandra village to buy now. The avocado juice is the best there!
BB> U make me look forward to giving birth liao. Haha. Mt E sounds pretty good.

Congrats to all new (and re-new) mommies.
Have a speedy recovery!
Congrats Qing-er, Qris and lili_gal

seems like around 10 mummies have popped...

bhoo - i'm also just week 35 today...next checkup at week 36, seems so long...
Sunbelle, BB, Qing er, Qris, Liligal, big congrats to you ladies! Job well done
hope u ladies r recovering well n enjoying the time with your precious prince/princesses

Looks like alot of Jul mummies r popping early!
Qris, high BP cannot go for natural? Why ah? Agree with the rest, the most impt thing is that your baby is out safe n sound! Enjoy bonding with him

Btw mummies, will a regular ultrasound scan be able to detect that the umbilical chord is around baby's neck? Thanks!
wow .. so many poppers oreadi.
i am looking forward to pop... today bb is super active and moving so much, i dont even dare to walk out for lunch - so paranoid that i might burst waterbag !!

Cookie - i tink high BP is not safe for natural in case bb doesnt get enough oxygen during the process. gyna will prefer to get the baby out asap.
cookie, during my regular scan, my gynae will always point out to me where the umbilical cord is. Can see quite clearly.
Congrat to Qinger, Qris and Liligal!! So gd that Liligal can successfully go thru natural birth..;) wonder what is her baby weight? Think she is resting now..

Hi Rerrer, Cherish
Guess what, i just found out my maid go into her friend house n chit chat again for 10mins before left the house n run to my mum place.. We just warn her last timett she is here to work n not chit chat.. N now she do it again.. Wonder shd we keep quiet this time n not 打草惊蛇, or shd we question her tonight again? Imagine now we didnt asks her pick my son back fr school yet already got friend.. If she go pick my son fr school where alot of other maids oso there, think she will make more friends... Sigh.. Any suggestion what shd i do this time? Sorry for side track again..

But indeed, am feeling so excited to see many mummies popping these few days.. Waiting anxiously for tt day to come to carry my prince n princess soon..

Hi gals, I am super tired, battle with my #1...He super whiney n sticky to my mum, out of sight only make noise, I m going crazy! My parents kept saying its cos of the baby, it will be ok once I give birth.....Got so pantang meh?

Joanne, how u all know she go friend hse?Seems like she is ignoring what u all tell her.Are u all intending to change her? She is married/single? If she is creating more trouble than help then change her, if its all these lil tricks that she play but still got help, then close an eye till after give birth then say? My boy still dun like my maid leh. I m ok with it but my mum nag n say y liddat......My maid doesnt like to eat bread, always waste the loaf of bread de cos she eats only 1 slice n within 5 days expire le n we dun eat bread too....Does ur maid eat bread? We have the sugar cream crackers at hm so sk her eat. She can eat 8 pcs for bfast k! She can open the plastic wrapper n leave the rest there,nvr put in container or tie up...my mum almost faint, wait becomes soft n ants come how? Tink she sometimes go no common sense
