(2012/07) Jul 2012

Rachel, u are not alone. My bb weigh 2.1kg at week 35 and gynae wasn't concerned at all. She said i can deliver naturally and carry to full term.

morning mummies, me going to work later. sianz... still being given a lot of stuff by this new boss. i miss my ang moh boss!!!

rachel, sounds like braxton hicks contractions. shud be ok. no bloody show or anything right? jus ur tummy going into preparation. if worried, best to check w your gynae. i envy all small size babies and mummies! think abt it, less saggy tummy later on and less wt to lose!

laura, all the best!!! i still think u shud get ur hubby to take more pics!!! btw, dun be depressed. the more depressing thot is that ur boobies will remain that way after birth! not forgetting ur new saggy tummy. if u BF, there'll be saggy boobies. but one look at ur lil prince, life is worth it!

jo, your twins will be even more exciting!!! not forgetting ur maid meeting the twins. hehhehee...

rer-rer, then i really not lian xin with my son. r u having all the puking becos of ur son's virus?
rer-rer, you rest well today k..

Rachel, dont worry too much, if your gynae didnt voice any major concern, everything should be fine.. like what your gynae says, with your build, baby also cannot be too big size or you will have trouble with natural birth.. so dont worry too much.. stay happy!! our mood will also affect baby de oh...
Laura: jia you jia you!!! soon u gonna see ur bb le..

mummylee: which is ur sneak peak?? suddenly too many sneak peak uploaded.. haha..

Rachel: i guess coz u r small in size?? for me i m quite a big size person.. n till now my tummy is still not very big too.. week 32 bb weight was 2kg only.. i gonna see my bb this week n see wat is his weight at week 34=)
btw i oso put on abt 8kg.. but that is not for bb weight gain.. imagine i week 30 i was 78.8kg..week 32 i was 78.4kg..i lost weight but my bb gaineed weight..
anyway try to drink more milk n cereals maybe it will help=)
As for tight at the tummy area isit below ur belly button? it might be braxton hicks..
i oso experienced the same thing..n my gyne just tell me if i got that a few times a day its okie..
Thanks Qin and liligal. I will be more positive and think happy thoughts
hope everyone of us can have a great delivery!
anyone of u guys attempting to do natural birth without pain relief? I was at a talk at gleneagles on Saturday and it seems like all pain relief will have some form of bad side effects on mummy and baby!
anyway mummies,
i dunoe isit coz of the recent weather but yesterdae i suddenly felt my whole body got no energy at all when i was outside..
end up i told my hubby i wanna go home n slp..
think the weather is really bad now a days..so drink more liang teh yeah..
Thanks joy_javen and Zhen too! Actually I'm not small size leh. I'm just short. Ive never been skinny in my life! I'm about 1.54 and my weight before pregnancy was about 53kg. Now I'm at 61kg. Look like a little round ball now. Hahahha! Just that my gynae says I'm short and he is concerned that my pelvic bone might be too narrow.
apple: Thanks

lili_gal: I hack care already (also boh bian). Dark then dark lor...sianzzz. Next time when old liao then show to son again, "See how your mama sacrifice for you so treat your wife well!"

joy_javen: Yup! Yup! Junior never fail to remind me his existance by constently giving sudden jabs.

I think I have decided to take the single bedder since my hb will be there and day also relatives will visit. Hope junior will guai guai respond to the first Prostaglandin inserted into my vagina and everything soon soon.
lili_gal: haha.. i even dreamt i was given 1 week hospital leave lah..
maybe i run abt too much on saturday liao.. haha..
i went to yishun to meet Rykiel to collect my shorts(awsome coz tat is wat i just needed=) ) dan went to see my poly fren daughter(since i cnt go for their daughter full month shower)
rush down to sml guang ying temple to pray n dan back to my home for dinner.. maybe travelling from the west to the north dan to central was like too much for my baby=p

Rachel: haha ur weight is an ideal weight for me lei.. i wish after i give birth i will lose weight n hit the 60kg target again=p
good morning mummies!

very tired these days and i cannot bent anymore...** depressing ** I also scare that I am hurting my bb head on top...

Laura: all the best for a smooth delivery tomorrow! Jia you and keep us updated when you have some energy!

rachel: I also got last year rates! just did the pre-admission last week
which level are you requesting to stay in? don't worry if dr lee said that your bb is ok.. just eat more and enjoy it! how i wish i can eat more as i am already overweight and dr lee is telling me to control.. control... control! ;p

liligal: great job! all ready for your bb! I am not ready yet! still have clothes, bottles to wash and also preparing for the CL to come .. herbal, pails etc...
Rachel, i am planning to go natural without epi.. really hope i can endure all the way, but everyone around me is scaring me with the all super pain stories.. boo
Marie: How do i add myself into the "July mummies" group please? Sorry, i am not very familiar with FB ;p

i am so tired that i do not even want to walk out for lunch now! ha ha ha....

laura: counting down.... so excited for you!!!
ourlovestory: Still doing washing laundry. Haven't wash my blacket...OMG!

Tonight (tomorrow morning) I will know which is more painful - labour contractions or my after spine surgery 7" cut on my lower back which even hourly morphine jabs also cannot ease the pain.
i can't walk much nowadays, when i walk, i feel like i want to pee again and bb is pressing below. Today when i walked, i suddenly felt a sharp pain below too. had to stop a while before continuing.

Jia you!
Laura: All the best! Did your gynae advice you to take epi for the induction?

Last time when I was induced for #1, the PLAN was to take epi before gynae breaks waterbag. However, I dilated so fast after the insertion of the first 2 pills that I reached 9cm pretty quickly and waterbag burst by itself - so no chance for epi. Thinking back, I wondered how I survived it - painful but it was over very quickly. My #1 was a small baby, 2.6kg, 46cm head circumference - came out with 3 pushes.
Marie, Mrs C: Thanks

Gynea never mention anything on the epi cos I ever asked him since I have implant in between my spine is epi possible for me? His answer was, "It'll be very challenging."
But anyway, I didn't intend to have epi.
Laura, all the best! So excited for you =)

My legs are so swollen now, it's a challenge to walk and I so wish that I can pop baby out now. But I'm only 34 going on to 35 week... Have to ren!

Mrs C, let's hope that everyone's delivery will be as smooth and fast as your #1 =)

Marie, can add me to FB? I just sent in my request =) prob is I don't know who is who on the July mummies FB ...
ourlovestory: me too i oso tired tat i didnt want to walk out to buy lunch..end up i ask my hubby if he is ard the area n convenient to packet lunch for me or not..whahahha..

seems like most of u mummies already start to wash liao.. hopfully my bb will be good boy n dun come out so fast..
still got alot of things not done yet=X
n i didnt even pack my hospital bag..

btw Laura: my er sao advise once give birth le n if u can remember pls wear socks n long sleeves n pants to keep urself warm.. on top of tat pls remember dun drink water~~ prepare ur red date drinks k..
bhoo: added u on FB

cherish: I feel the pain too when I walk too long...and too long means 15mins! Worst still...at night when I sleep flat (which is my baby's most comfortable position), my bladder feels very full all the time and I keep waking up to go toilet!! If only I could just sleep on the toilet bowl then don't have to keep walking...urghh!!!
Thanks Marie for adding me into FB.. it is my fault that I di not know how to use it and I also dunno who is who in FB now... I need to figure out how to post profile picture when I am home ;p

joy: me too.. i just managed to dig our my marriage cert only! ;p a lot of things more to do!! i still want to change bedsheets!

lazy to go buy lunch.. but i am hungry already! must drag my pig trotter legs down...
Thanks Marie!

ourlovestory, I'm also lazy to go get lunch! For the past weeks, I've been relying my nice colleagues to tabao lunch for me. HeHehhe... they look at my swollen feet and ankles and think I very ke lian.

btw, my very very swollen ankles and feet have progressed to swollen calves and knees as well =(
rachel: i was also at the gleneagles talk too! haha.. i brought home the same thing as you: dont have if i should have natural natural delivery without pain relief.. but apparently my gynae told me epidural as if it's a step.. HOW?
Laura: last time my gynae advised me to take epi coz contraction from induced labour will come in big bang vs natural labour...but I didn't have time coz of the quick dilation...anyway, jia you...u can do it!
Liligal: totally agree with you. Envy smaller sized mummies w smaller tummies. No need to be upset about the stretch marks (like mine) that are all over despite the bottles of oil/cream used, and less weight gained! Add on to the fact u can eat whatever u want and doc doesnt tell u off! Sigh.. i havent started confinement and i already feel like my diet is restricted worse than it will be during actual confinement!

oh dear what a pity u had to change a new boss just before u deliver. couldnt they let u do that after u returned from ML! tsk!

Laura: Jiayou!
ourlovestory: hmm i think when i m free during the weekends i better start putting watever impt documents into the hospital bag liao..

the thread is really going on very fast..
anywya mummies i added some of u to a group where u can buy/sell pre-loved or brand new things.. i was added a few days ago by my fren n i think they got good buys via d fb=)
Joy_javen : I think should'nt be a problem as logic as we breast feed right? I heard breast feeding helps to lose weight fast. One of my colleague did total breast feeding and After 2 months she was back to her original size!
Ourlovestory : yeah! U got last year rates too! Actually I also think that smaller baby might be easier during labour but it's just that my mil keeps saying and nagging that my baby is very very small and that my doctor is talking rubbish about the baby too big cannot natural birth thing that makes me paranoid. I guess I must trust dr lee! He's a really nice doctor!

Mummy lee: exactly! I wasnt thinking about using epidural from the beginning but after the talk it just makes me more intent on not using but everyone is saying that it's impossible esp my mil so we must stay strong and prove to others that we can do it!!!
Marie : I have also sent you a message on fb. Can I request to be added on the group as well? Thanks a lot!
yes, totally understand what u meant. my long walk is also ard 15min. Now i need to consider twice if need to buy things from my opp blk.
I don't really wake up due to frequent pee but it's more to backache. I tend to toss alot during sleep so when move during my sleep, i will wake up.

same here too. i asked my colleagues to tapao lunch for me. too lazy and tired to walk.
Laura: no need to be mummy lah. haha..
i think i will go online n find those long sleeves/pants pyjamas..those silky type de..
i forgotten who ask me just to wear the normal leggings i wear to work de.. the top any top n wear a cardigan..
anyway go eat watever u want today!!! ice cream or watever.. haha..

rachel: haha.. hopefully i can lose 18kg during my confinement period lor.. think this is the best chance to LOSE weight..haha.. though my sis in law is against the ideal of me binding during my jamu session as she said it will shrink our intestines,blah blah blah blah..

cherish: yeah the scorching sun is not merciful at all for us to go out n buy..
i only washed some of the clothes.. sigh and havent clean/ wipe the bb wardrobe. so dusty inside. bedsheet etc all got to wash..

bhoo : if v swollen, means gg to pop soon, according to my colleagues.

hmm, mummies got any advice?
- how many packs/ pcs of disposable panties need to prepare? i bought 27 pcs, dunno ok a not leh..
- confinement wine got so many types - which type to buy huh? some say use confinement wine to bath/ wipe? which type is it anyone knows? is the same as the type we eat?
ask u all ah how much is an omron thermometer ah?? n does it comes with warranty??

rachel: yes it does help to shrink ur tummy too..
tanny: for disposable undies i got 4 packets of 24pcs/pkt standby n the hospital will oso give u 1 packet which they use for ur bb during ur stay there.means those remaining de..
r u going to use those nappy?? d washable type de?? if yes dan u dun haf to prepare too many pkts of newborn diapers.. coz according to my fren she use abt 8-10pcs/day for disposable diapers..she didnt use those cloth type de..

as for washing: there r herbs to buy from the medical hall.. but my er sao advise u try abit n see if u got rashes coz some pple r allergy to it(my gf gt rashes upon using the herbs)..hence my er sao said its best to wash with ginger..
as for our vaginal area use white rice wine which can be bought anywhere.. (we still haf to keep there clean right..)
type of wines its really dependable..r u engaging a cl??
my er sao had already brewed the ginger wine n red wine.. so she gonna cook dishes using those wine..

bhoo: my hubby oso say if leg swollen oso means gonna pop anytime soon..
Hi gals
At least u gals can walk for 15mins.. I just realise today tt my leg is already very tired when stand for only 5mins.. Omg.. How can i pull thru when am only at 34th wk? Me feel like a pig now as rest at home so just eat, rest on bed n eat again.. Cant walk too much now as leg no strength.. At night sleep oso jialat, each turn i make is not easy n keep catching for breath.. Left right side cant sleep due to bbies kicking n feel so breathless when face up.. Think my weight had increase more since eat already n lie down.. Dun dare weight myself at my next checkup.. Last checkup, total weight gain is 7kg..
Me not greedy, bbies pop by wk35, am more than happy ler.. Count down, time pass fast pls..

Tonight thinking of go audio house buy camera.. If panasonic n olympic camera, which brand will u buy?
Tanny: No. of disposable panties - depends on your personal preference - whether you want to wear it for the entire confinement month or just the first 1-2 weeks...I will prepare enough for 1 month coz dun wan to ask CL to wash my undies...
joanne: oops.. haha coz i m juggling with work n oso the forum.. hahah.. so i just roughly scan thru.. whahahhahahahahahaha..

tanny: sorry i prepared 11pkts of disposables undies(each pkt got 7pcs)..
i bought from watson 10items free 1 so i just bought 11pkts of it..
as i intend to change maybe 2-3times a day..morning n night change..if in between got overflow i will change oso..
anyway even if i didnt use it during this confinement period i can use it when i go overseas in the future oso=) haha..

swollen feet means going to give birth soon? oh dear, both my feet has been swollen for the past few weeks and seems to get worse today.. is that a sign? i am still hoping bb can stay in there until at least week 38...
