(2012/07) Jul 2012

QIN: i heard from those at chinese medical hall pple saying that upon 8mth preggy its better not to take chicken essence liao wor.. i left with 1 bottle n my er sao ask me to take tat before i go delivery so i got energy.. (hubby is asking me to drink red bull when i gonna give birth so i got more energy) anyway u may want to check if its oki to continue drinking it=)

qing-er: how many weeks is ur bb now?? at least u alraedy on maternity leave liao..
i still need to drag myself out of d bed every morning n come to office n work.. very sian esp early in the morning when squeeze in the train(though i m always sitting down as i board at pioneer n alight at clementi) is the the alighting part that is sianx.. those pple all stand at the entrance n they dun let u out n u must squeeze thru them..the other day i just hit my stomach against the pole=(

yeah talk more to baby n ask him to be guai guai=)

qing-er: woah! ml since 21may!?! so shiok! what do you do at home? i feel so out of energy now.. until my heart like beat so fast and out of control.. not bearable. =(
Joy, why cannot drink chicken essence? It's good for health. Alot of my friend drank chicken essence until they deliver.
Hi all just got no fr gynae's. Got a new admission letter cos I added my PD in there. Bb wt wise around same ie 2.7kg. Head small small. I think he drew a smaller circle this time round. Abit sianz cos I wanted her smaller. Did a VE and wasn't painful as I remembered it to be. So turned out my cervix starting to ripen but I run hv the widest hips so 50/50 chance for vbac. Cn still try but not too long scared rupture or hv complications. So all at gain is on me only!

Hopefully bb will be out this wk.
Mummy lee, I still drive but no more long distances, just sending my girl to school 5min there 5min back. Drive to market opposite my house. I make it once a week to NTUC in the evening when my hb is back from office, he drives.

Chicken Essence is bit heaty, if really wants to drink, then drink more water.

Baby weight. I was told baby >2kg, we should be less worry.

Very hot day. I m in my air-con room n helper is cleaning up my room now. Sweat a lot when no air-con, whole shirt turns wet. How to survive till next week with this weather? The weather forecast states fair weather till next Monday. Fainted.
Qin: like what BB said.. its kinda heaty
but i still think best ask those at chinese medical hall pple?

BB: yeah weather is really really hot.. n i m thinking sld i go out to buy lunch or sld i ask my colleague to tabao for me..
even if i m in the air con room slping at nite, i will wake up with sweat at ard 3plus in the morning though my air con is at 24degree..
Joy, should ask ur colleague to buy back for u lah. Really hot! Me going to cook udon for lunch with lots of veggy n sliced threadfin. Yum yum.
Hi qinger
When u detect contraction, u go tmc straight to do ctg scan last night? As i oso hv more BH last night but choose to sleep it off.. End up dun sleep well as can feel my tummy below alot of movement ( not sure is it hipcup like wht Angel says) n can feel my virginal area like try to tear too (3 times).. Scare me off but go toilet no show so back to sleep.. Now feel better.. Wonder shd i ignore this sign or go tmc do a ctg check ? But me only 33wk plus so still very early too.. Worry.. Maybe i say wrong thing last night, as too bored at home so i tell my hb hope can give birth soon., slap myself now..;p
Usually do u feel any movement at ur bikini line area.. I feel more movement since last night till now.. Hope is ok..

Wah, the thread really goes fast!!

Hi cookie
No worry abt bb weight.. Few wks ago i check my boy past scan record.. He only weight 2 kg at 30th scan but zoom to 3kg at 34th wk scan.. Born at 3.8kg at 38th wk.. Seems like 1kg gain in 4wks time.. U relax k.. Tell urself tt at least it is growing well..;)

Btw gals, young parent fiesta is here next wkend.. For those who r interested, here is the detail..
Hi lili
Whats ur bb weight during ur last checkup 1wk ago? No gain? They say if bb wt gain slow means bb gonna deliver soon.. So envy..;)
Hi cherish
Base on ur maid schedule, like to check with u tt u expect her to mop flr everyday? Clean window every wk? How abt sat n sun on wht she does?

Hi gals with maid
Yesterday she request to buy toothpaste.. May i know shd we pay or she pay herself since this is her 2nd toothpaste n i thot tt we only buy the first set of shampoo etc for her only??

Hi rer rer
Do u know whts her reply regarding why she takes so long to reach my mum place two days ago? She says she saw a friend n chit chat for 15mins.. I am surprise tt she can find friend at our area too.. Then we found a bread which expire on tt day cost 70cent in her bag n we asks her where she got the bread, she say her friend gave to her.. I am surprise as why friend can give her a bread tt gonna expire? Not sure is the bread in there for quite some days though?? So we can only give her benefit of doubt.. We warn her tt if she is caught lying to us, we will send her back...
BB & galili,ok thanks. Will avoid eggplant, pineapple, liver; just to be safe.
My #1 time, I had hawaiian pizza, next day went hosp, so there should be some truth.

I just on aircon or fan direct. Confinement time, sure aircon, if not, how to survive?
Wah, this kind of weather until Sept some more? *faint*

I also thot chicken essence is heaty.
We can still drive right? I'm driving to work nowadays though can feel uncomfortable sometimes. Intend to drive till wk38.

that's fast! This wk left only sat n sun. Keep us updated

I'm waiting in gynae clinic now. Long queue. N weather is really terrible. I'm melting now.
Mummy lee, cox last time my boy sick, do tk cr of him at home n same time rest. Now he going cc, I eat, sleep or watch tv..

Joanne, I didn't feel the contraction before I did the ctg. Was instructed by gynae to do ctg at tmc as he is on holidays. He wants to play safe.

Mummies, I going to tmc now to do another ctg. I might pop earlier which I hope not to. Update u all again ya!! Thx for listening ears n support!!
cherish: The sonographer and my gynae also say confirm girl...me lagi worst, if turn out to be boy I need to buy clothes again cos all the clothes I bought r for girls and this is my #1

cookie: The sale was crazy....so much ppl...hubby say better don't squeeze into the crowd, so we left empty handed

But I received another newsletter from Aussino that they r havin an atrium sale at Hougang Mall. So if your sis stays somewhere near, maybe can go check it out.

lili_gal: Foie gras is my fav too!!!! but am afraid cholesterol too high. So I only had it once in the past 8 months.
You are not alone on the weight increase....the last time I went to my gynae...weight increase 0.5kg just one week apart....and I never had this kind of increase throughout pregnancy! That freaked me out

joy_javen: Out of curiosity...so everytime before you wash your baby's clothes muz clean the washing machine once? Wouldn't it be troublesome? Or r u only intending to wash baby's clothes in washing machine for the first round then after that all hand-wash? Cos I have that dilemma as well...I got my maid to remove even the softerner dispenser in the tub and clean that area before washing baby's clothes. Then again....we throw our socks into the washing machine to wash also....like not very clean hor?

mummy_lee: I still drive...but will check with gynae on my visit this Monday if it is advisable to stop driving.

Joanne: I do feel baby moving near bikini line area also..coupled with lots of hiccups from my baby, especially after food. Hope baby will stay in tummy till full term...am also going on 34 weeks this Monday only

Quick check...does any of u feel hard to catch your breath at times when u lay down flat on the bed? I do sometimes experience shortness of breath and have to get up to catch my breath.

Hum...seems like a lot of us r experiencing the same thing...FATIGUE....am feelin so so so tired these days...even with 9hrs of sleep...though interrupted by pee breaks throughout the night....haiz....lets all jia you during these last few weeks

Oh, by the way, can add me on the FB group as well? My email address [email protected]
BB: end up i went to opposite my office to tabao back.. (really hot!!!)
how nice to be at home n cook ur own food hor..
but dan again i dun cook..

qing-er: jia you jia you.. hope everything goes smoothly for u.. update us again..

Marie: haha no lah i intend to first time wash using washing machine(coz there r so many things need to be wash,blanket,towel,bb clothes,mittens,booties n so fore..) after that when bb give birth liao n if possible alternate days hand wash=)
coz my hubby work at construction site, my bro in law work at manufacturing company n my mil work as those production line.. so i think expose to more dust n bacteria bah.. so i rather wash the washing machine clean clean first=) n maybe put a drop of dettol=)

cherish: my colleague last yr when she expecting her #3.. she drove to work everyday..even till her last day before she give birth..last day was on friday n she went to give birth on saturday liao.. haha she fierce lah..
joy_javen: Oh...then it makes sense...I thought so. Maybe I'll get my maid to handwash baby's clothes too...but for the bumpers, bedsheets, mattress protector, toys, cushions and stuff still need to rely on washing machine. If not they will be difficult to dry
Marie: hehe.. i dun haf to worry much abt that.. coz bb will be slping with me on the bed=)
room too small to put baby cot..
anyway maybe u may wan to wash the washing machine once every forenight or month?
Joanne, sometimes they made frens at agency or on flight. U tell her no chitchat during wk. If ur mum waiting for her to cook something hw? Just watch n see hw first. My maid forgot to off lights one leh everytime. My boy still dun let her touch him. She damn eng nw so ard 8+ 9 she zo bo, the tv rm is my boy's playrm, he dun let her enter ytd n she wanna write letters he upset. My mum said she can sit in kitchen or living rm, tat rm nt hers, wait my boy angry
Another handsfree pumping device that's quite popular is Pumpin Pal. It's a hang kind, you may wana check it out and compare, see which u prefer.

Do take care
Hi rer rer
Ya, same.. My boy dun like her too... I always suan him say asks maid sayang him ok or not n he always say eerk... Ya, my hb tell her off say no chit chat.. Especially tt time, i asks her bring some cold ingredient to my mum place n she still chit chat till all ice melt.. Sigh... Just awhile can meet friends mah.. So coincident... Today she break my favourite photo frame n most funny thing is when i woke up fr my sleep n open my door, she is kneeing infront of my door.. Give me a shock... Not sure how long has she knee too.. Funny action!!
Marie Ang: i just added u in fb=)

rer-rer: if she slp does she off the light?
ur 8+9+ is morning or nite? haha.. she no need to iron clothes or watever ah??
where does ur maid slp??
Qing-er take care. Keep us updated.
Marie - bout hands free bustier - I ever seen a mum, cut out an old bra and use it like a hands-free. hahaha.

Its crazy hot.. the only person enjoying must be my dog, congee.. he is out sun tanning as I type.

I'm going to treat myself to a cool coconut after this. and take a cold bath.

For mummies interested in parent directed feeding - i finally finished reading The Baby Whiseperer by Tracy Hogg... She had a simple EASY routine, where mums can follow ie Eat (breastfeeding), Activity, Sleep and You time.

I created a breast feeding the rough guide - borrowing heavily from Tracy Hogg + bit of Gina Ford. If u guys are interested, Can see the document on my blog.

Experienced mummies.. pls gimme feedback if it'll work.. i'm working of theory only.. those with experience pls do share!
Marie, I was looking at the hands free bra too. But when I tried amazon.com, it doesn't ship direct. Unless it's other amazon sites? But I've seen it selling for S$50+ at Novena. Think it's Mums and Babes. You may want to check there.
I'm going to try the cutting of an old bra/tube top 1st. If fail, then ask hubby to go get the bra for me.

For bb laundry, last weekend was my 1st time tackling it and I washed the detergent dispenser area and then did an empty "Quick 30" wash. Then 1st load I only put stuff like cot bumper and matress protectors and bibs, stuff I tot bb don't get much contact with. Next load then I load clothes. After sunning it, then I store in zip lock bags cos' scare get dusty cos' god knows when they'll be used. A good thing about the hot weather is clothes dries very fast.
kalmen, i think the schedule is good to have but almost never happened for my #1. we tried so hard to schedule but there's lotsa factors e.g. your milk supply, how long he suckles, ur supply vs his demands, how comfy is his sleep, usually he poos before he wants a feed & not after, sometimes u need to spend time pumping to get supply going and your YOU time is much gone, #1 didn't even stay beyond 10mins for "activity" in the beginning. key is dun get too hung up on it or else u'll be quite disappointed. hv a frame or that cycle in mind but take it as it comes when it comes to timing.

qing-er, my gynae din do CTG for me at all. jus use the scanner and see heartbeart rate. how often u do CTG?

cherish, no lah.. i mean this coming 38th wk. gynae today say my girl's head not engaged yet.. cd be due to pelvic narrow. but cd be other factors also. aiya... really hope fast fast lor. but he kinda think that the rate i'm going might be closer to EDD and started telling me cannot go beyond. stil hope is 38th wk. :S

btw, driving now scary right? I mean what if suddenly u got contractions? i scared i brake too suddenly or dunno where to go liao... shud i go hospital or go home first. so i stopped at wk36. now only hubby drives.

jomomm, i also thinking abt confinement. now really terrible with fan and air con. next time dun hv... sigh... but yet i really hope to get my body into good health cos i hv a fren who did not do well and end up getting sick very often compared to the past. i had a good confinement after #1 and hence was healthier than the past.

jo, last wk girl was supposedly 2.6kg. this time 2.65kg. but i see his circle din draw properly lor this time round! last time he estimated my boy out at 3kg but turned out to be 3.5kg. so i'm not trusting his machine. i hope it's really going to deliver soon. if really zhun at this weight, then my girl very good cos i tell her to be max 2.8kg, head small small, go squeeze thru hole properly. but today quite disappointed that her head not engaged yet and cervix only small small opening.

btw, today i made my visit very worth it. asked alot of questions on episiotomy, umbilical cord clamping, enagement, hospital admission etc... and my doc is keynote speaker in alot of conferences so he quite passionate on certain topics and spent time elaborating on myths, asians etc. hahhahaa.. first time felt consultation is super worth it.
CTG: My gynae's practice for his patients is to do it from Week 37 onwards - to be done every week till delivery...

liligal: My CL actually allows aircon during confinement - not too cold of course, around 25C....my utilities bill went ceiling high that month!
mrs c, last time mine din say anything. so i turned it on only at night at 25C or 26C. but last time i was staying at a very very very windy place. now my mum's house is like sauna everyday.
joanne, my boy said "jiejie slp thomas rm, thomas lost...Cannot play toys". Their eng kinda bad la, sometimes I have to speak in broken eng n pt this n tat. But so far mine consider very gd ald. My hb said I nitpick at her cos I always feel intruded. Then h e in turn hor can ask me she nvr clean here ah, there ah?

Joy, at nite la 8 plus 9, we are late sleepers, so my rule is u must lights off by 11pm n wake up at 7am. If finish things earlier can go rest n do watever la, usually after our dinner she eng le. She slp in the rm where my clothes cabinets, tv, computer n wii is. Its a playrm for my boy n us. She wash my toilet n nvr off my lights after we go downstairs buy groceries till I m back. Kitchen oso lo ytd nite....She do things super fast lo, my store-rm lvl 1 she pack in less than 2 hrs......Its no longer a war-zone
Gees, I just had a nightmare. Bleeding bad n it was 6.15pm n don't know gynae is still in clinic. Tried using handphone to search his phone number but couldn't find it....

Lili gal, what did ur gynae explain about delay cord cramping? Heehee...curious me.

Ctg, my gynae only touched my tummy to feel any contractions I think. Next week end week 36 I will ask him about ctg.
rer-rer: haha so she is a efficient worker but forgetful to switch off the lights only??
maybe when she wanna write letter,she just wanna haf some personal space bah..maybe u can find a corner for her n tell her next time wanna write letters or do her things(sewing or reading) can go to her lil corner??
u tell her if she next time forget to switch off the lights u will fine her $1.. let her cultivate the habit of switching off the lights first..after she cultivate liao dan u just return her the $$ lor.. =) of coz dun tell her u will return her the money lah..haha..
as for language wise u maybe wanna ask her to buy those learn english books?

Mrs C: i dun need confinment my bill already shot from 170 to now 220.. i m thinking isit me turning on the air-con..
BB, that one nothing much. he's not convinced and saying that there's alot of studies and sayings. if so, many people would have done so. for this one, usually he'll watch and see tat abt to stop then he clamp. so quite fast but not immediate.
BB: dun scare urself yeah.. just relax..
its all becoz we r becoming more tense n maybe tend to scare ourselves..

the other day i dreamt i had a super n fast smooth delivery.. i was on the way to the hospital n my hubby went to the information counter n the next thing i know the baby head was already coming out while i was at the entrance of the hospital..n within 10 mins bb was out into this world.. i still remember my timing n told my gyne..he laughed and say see isit true will be tat timing or not..

anyway ask u mummies isit okie for us to put sachet of lavender scent under our pillow??
Hi rer
Urs is oso burmese maid? Wah, mine do things super slow neh.. Mop whole hse one hr, vaccum oso one hr.. Wash 4 window panel oso take 1hr.. Zzzzz.. Now i got nothing much for her do so is ok... Next time i may explode if she still does things so slow.. Imagine bbies cry for milk n she still slow make milk, think i will faint..

Hi lili
Urs is doc christopher chong huh?
joy, yah she got her translation book, to eng n chi de. She used to slp early la i tink like 9pm go bed n 6am wake up. She got no $ to be fined lo. I sometimes cant be bothered, just off cos hor I frustrated will shout de....My mum will go n say her. She help us alter my hb pants tdy...later evening mum will ask her to go n clean the centre of red dates etc...

joanne, yah mine oso burmese de, she is very efficient la, so close 1 eye lo. My part-time cleaner auntie come n train her de, she said she very fast do things but abit blur sometimes, like she nvr dry our towel rack after cleaning my loo. My mum on the other hand worried she do so fast dunno clean bo....I tell my mum fast u scared, slow u scared!
Laura: HUAT ah!!!!
hahaha.. u must be super excited right now.. well better get everything done n pass a todo list of things to be done up to ur hubby alright..

anyway i recall a mummy asking earlier if got difficulty slping when lying flat..
I did haf difficulty at nite when i lied flat n i haf to sit up n try to gasp for air.. like my throat there got sth blocking the air passage way n make me difficult to breathe..
queen laura, i think jul thread you are #1 again! congrats!!!! huat ah!!! *gasp* jus 3 days!!! prepare everything but most importantly, spend good time with hubby and enjoy urself! hv u done ur bushes yet? pedi? facial etc? go for a pre-natal massage too!!!

joy, i jus now slept on my reclining sofa and realized i can sleep very very well with legs opened big and wide. hahaha... back no prob at all dun hv to turn sideways and press baby or baby press me. maybe i shud consider sleeping like that at night....

jo, you know my gynae?
rer-rer: cool down cool down.. dun so angry yeah..
haha.. dan give her some times to learn bah=)
u just an xin yang tai=)

lili_gal: haha.. my colleague was telling me(she week 37 now) tat she sit on her bed n slp de lei.. not bad at lease ur sofa still can recline lei.. i think now i haf to stack my pillow high high.. but i got 2 pillows n 1 bolster.. 1 pillow for head n another for my leg already..bolster cfm need to use for hugging de.. sometimes i feel like snatching my husband pillow..haha..
