(2012/07) Jul 2012

M so upset, my boss just gave me a new assignment and it requires to do 12 hrs shift, like 8am to 8pm and 8pm to 8am. Saturdays, Sundays or even public holidays if schedule hits also need to work. So disruptive to the sleeping time and life.

My boss do know that I m preg and due in jul but still make such a decision to make me work shifts. M really unhappy abt it but chances of her changing her mind is low as many pple rejected the post n it's critical n she decided to post me n 2 other colleagues there....so so upset!!

Good morning mummies!

Tanny, it's at the Holiday Inn Orchard City Centre, Crystal Ballroom Level 2. 1-5pm.


Nobody going? DH working today so I'll be alone
Kshirin : I'm gg alone too. But I all be late as I hv a lunch 1pm lunch apptm with my frn. I pm u my no. When I reach, I sms u? Prob we can catch up during the break..
Mrs C: thanks for letting me knw! =)

Hmm now I'm wondering abt my 2 pkts of Newborn diapers. Like SG_SC, it's the 24pcs type.. But the thing is my intention was only to use it for nights n say doc visits.. Cos we got cloth diapers too.. Going by what all the experienced mummies here say, bb might outgrow them by then?? (hubby n i were both big babies, I'm kinda expecting bb to b on e big side too) Am I better off using them for whole day then? Appreciate your opinions! =)
Hi kshrin n Tanny
Oh.. Is this seminar gd? If we register now, need them call us to confirm the seat or can go straight? Wonder is it too late to register..;)
Hi Joanne,

I doubt it will be full house. U should be able to get a seat if they don't let you register, No goodie bag only lor. Why don't you call up Stemcord now?

The topics look good, just hope it was as good as the previous one I went, which they taught some pre and post natal workouts to relieve bodyaches.
Happy weekend all!

Gonna check on the mattress that angelia mention at kiddy palace. Yes, sunbelle, strike when my first one is around 2 months +. So shocked. All relatives n friends was telling me since I am a SAHM now, must well chop chop deliver all look after all at one shot and faster get back to the workforce before I turn rusty.

Anyone have safety gate at home? I was thinking to buy one but no idea which is better, ikea? Mothercare etc? Coz my son hands getting more itchy. He seat in the Walker n can go over my house house pulling things. Especially the kitchen which is so dangerous. Actually my kitchen do have a glass door; but if I close it, the living room will have no ventilation so thinking to buy a safety gate. Wondering if any other safety precautions other than those table corners that I need to take note.

Yes cherish. Some TMC nurses so rude. During the tour, I heard them communicate to each other by shouting, and they sounded like PRC. Now even they conquer over here to be nurses?
Hippo : FYI, i got the Mattress at ToaPayoh Kiddy Palace ar... The price is $139... You ask the staffs , the 4corner fold up mattress.. I think they will know...

Hmmm.. Safety gate, kiddy palace also got sell.. So you can see this 2 at one go...
i'm praying that i will meet patient nurses this time round. and since this is #2, maybe i know what to expect and probably better well prepared than the previous =)
Hi sunbelle
Hv u bought ur breastpump? That time u give us a link for the breastpump selling at $500.. Can i hv the link again as i think i lost it.. Thk u..
Hey Joanne,

Seminar was OK! Good yoga demonstration andbreastfeeding tips!

BTW, I also bought Medela Freestyle for only $460. US import set, No local warranty.
Got a question to ask. My Frn is giving me a baby cot. I'm wondering if cot can be dismantled n fit into a car?

Kshirin : I also wanted to listen but v tired to go then. The yoga was good? Did they have 2 girls doing demo?

Joanne : what's diff between medals freestyle n pisa?
Tanny, Yoga demo was good but wonder how to do it!! I recorded on my phone.. hahahha. Yeah, 2 preg. ladies were doing the demo. One was almost full term!
Hi ladies,

Anyone of you know whether can our hubby go for Qing Ming at cemetery now huh? really not sure leh
Hello I'm back. Tmr all my family gone for Qing Ming n I'm home alone with #1. With the recent kidnapping incidents, really abit paranoid n scared they will hit on a preggy since I'm slightly helpless. Scary right? But still wana bring boy out but not sure where. Any suggestions?

Sunbelle why hubby can't go qing Ming?
Heard on the news the police had verify all
The kidnapping news were hoax I think only the amk is a real case n under investigation.
my hubby went for qing ming too. just that i didnt go.

police confirmed the kidnapping news were hoax? i was panaroid after hearing so many cases recently. held my boy's hands so tight when we went out lor.
Cherish, sun belle- y hb can't go Qing Ming? We would all be going for our annual QM visiti wif relatives soon, including #1..last time I Peggy also go wif my parents blessings..hmm..y cannot? I tot gd to go pay respects n receive ancestors blessings same time :p
linggie, initially thought of getting my Brest Friend pillow on top of the maternity pillow but really no space to house the additional item so at the end didn't buy :p

SG_SC, me too....I overstocked on the NB diapers too, got 10 packs of Pampers and 1 pack of Mamy Poko with 2 free sample packs of Mamy Poko NB diapers. Then bought 4 packs of G.oon and 2 packs of Mamy Poko S size diapers. Thinking of stocking up another few packs of Mamy Poko S size diapers now.

sunbelle, I got 1 set of cot bed sheet from Babysafe at Expo BB sale, gotten 1 set of free bed sheet when I purchased my baby cot, then 1 set of play pen bed sheet and 1 set of cot bed sheet from BabyOne at Kiddy Palace.
sblbee, you really buy a lot leh. were you the one who spent $3000 already? actually as long as diapers ok or suitable for baby, 1 pack if 24pcs only last 3 days. So not to worry.

linggie, confirmed hoax? I also like cherish, hold tight tight since I am alone with boy. luckily he's not the type that runs fast but still, if attack, i'll be at a losing end. i also try to go to places where there's more locals vs foreigners but now hard to find liao. even HDB is infiltrated with lotsa foreigners. at the playground alone, we were the only locals with the rest being PRC.

today just taking care of kid who decided not to nap is super siong. especially when i m a preggy. really salute SAHM. i'm constantly wiping, mopping, cleaning, washing, cooking and watching him eat. those times added together are definitely more than the strolls and reading books or play. my mum must be really frustrated taking care of my son day in and day out. no wonder she self declare break now and then.... like today for QM. Now still not back. Apparently spent time hanging around relatives and premium outlet in JB.
Lilligal, I'm the one who spent 3k already. Bought babycot, playpen, Mercedes Benz infant car seat, babyclothes from mothercare. Wa altogether so exp.. still have to start hiring a maid..yesterday bought 10 packs of newborn diapers from gmarket.. I think I spent the most here..
Hi Jul mummies!

I'm new to the thread, currently expecting no 2 around 26 Jul. No 1 is an active boy (now 28 mths) and no 2 is another boy.

Re sleeping arrangements for no 1 when no 2 is here, we have been trying to train our boy who has pretty much been sleeping with us all these while to sleep in his own room for a few mths now. But halfway thru the night we would end up sleeping with him when he stirs or he crawls into our bed n self invite himself to sleep with us haha.

For mummies expecting no 2 or more, I am really wondering how we are going to split our attention when no 2 is here? Thankfully no 1 still not showing jealousy signs for now but think maybe it's because he doesn't fully understand that a didi is coming along n will change his life too?
Hi shelle, 3K including antenatal package and visits to gynae? I spent, as of today... 4.7K~~!!! Bought babycot, playpen, stroller, clothes, diapers, cloth diapers, bouncer, etc..

Hi Cookie!!! Welcome and congrats! My EDD also around 26th Jul!!! Where will you be delivering at? I booked Mt. Alvernia =)
Hi ladies, tot heard hubby cannot go that why I m confused too. I think hubby can go too cos he is very fillial n will go pay respects every year
. Every year I will go with him but this year I wun be going.

yeah think staying at home helps in being stress free but of cos tradeoff is cannot spend too muchie money hahaha lots of my frens quit now to spend time with their children. I wonder how many couples in Singapore do that but is not easy to live on single income ESP with inflation, everything is going up
Morning mummies!
it is raining so heavily this morning that i wished i could just continue my sleep. zzz

frankly speaking, i also don't know. my mom is okay with that but my mil just told me not to go. she's more pantang type so i just followed else later will get a lot of nagging from her and hubby. actually like what u said, it's good to get blessing from ancestors

i had ice-cream yesterday! it was soo hot!!!
Good morning mummies!!

What a terrible weather for us who are still working...I am down with a really bad cold and colleagues are on course... cannot take sick leave .. boohoo!! Need to see doc soon -_-

Hope everyone is well in this erratic climate!
Kshirin, with my antenatal package & visits to gynae, shld be close to 5k already. if include babymoon to bkk.shld be 6.5k. Moreover I'm not working nw.. poor hubby gotta fork out so much money for our baby..my gynae package expensive. Ard 1200 at 16 wks. I thought I spent the.most so far, lucky I found another companion. Lol.
Mine is 800 for 16 wks onwards... Hah my fren gyna don't offer package, I wonder how much it will add up at the end of the pregnancy

My hubby also need to go Qing Ming, I m just pretending I m not well, very tiring, need to go 3 places, traffic jam, smoky and hot phew
Shelle, HI-5 on being big-spenders! Wah, babymoon... envy you. We booked tickets to Taiwan but my health hasn't been tip-top and moreover, with a trip to Mt. A A&E recently, hubby freaked out and don't wanna risk taking me abroad... so sad!!! I want to travel =( Oh, adding the wasted air-tickets fares, it's close to 6k. OMG!

My antenatal package is 700 from week 12 onwards, doesn't include medicine or supplements / ad-hoc visits to him.

hey hey, do we have a list of all the Jul mummies of - EDD, gynae, hospital, gender of baby?
Kshirin, awws so nice if u can go Taiwan for babymoon. But I guess ur hubby also worried abt ur health that's why.. can't imagine having hotspring and ma la steamboat while pregnant. That's so fun! So are u gonna deliver in mt alvernia hospital? I'm getting more & more excited as the day pass. For my gynae package, it includes detailed scan, medicine & supplements for all the visits. So far she's been very attentive and also near myhouse. Hence I don't mind paying the $1200. linggie, previously my gynae also dint have package. Each visits cost me $300.& she's very arrogant, so I changed gynae in my 16 week.. her charges are very expensive too as she delivers at mt Elizabeth.
Hi mommies! I have a Precious Crib rocker for 0-3 months to let go, in very good condition.


Colleciton place: Commonwealth
Best price: $50
Antenatal package:
Mine is ard 800plus from week 12 onwards, doesn't include medicine or supplements too.

i'm drowning with work... so busy on monday!!!! arrrgh

any mommies edd in early jul?? ;)
shelle, i'm still v impressed. hahaha

cookie, currently we are reminding #1 of meimei's gradual appearance every day. hopefully he'll get it. he starts allocating seats for mei mei already e.g. in his toy cars.

sunbelle, think ur hubby can just go for QM. yeah i thot of that too but seriously without a helper it's tough work. lotsa chores. with 2 kids worse.

so envious of you folks to go on babymoon. i m still asking my hubby to bring me to club med bintan or something since he's against flying at this pt in time. i can't sleep well at night so every day is tough. thankfully my boss allows me to work from home sometimes but today i took sick leave cos really too tired liao. cannot tahan. you girls not feeling anything at work?
lili gal,
i'm also very tired especially when i try to sleep at nite. these few days, the backache is so unbearable that i hv became panda in daytime. still hasnt find the right position to sleep. been drinking some coffee to make myself awake =.='''
Hi Shelle, yeah exactly!! I was so looking forward to it!!! Argh. Now thinking of BKK but hubby is only offering up to KL (hmmph!!!)... You know, we booked Mt. A right after our detail scan was done, very KS. Haha. We haven't even go for the hospital tour yet but it's the nearest to our house.

mummy lee, you can check Medela or Ameda. A lot of mummies use Medela Freestyle or PISA .. from my research la.

lili gal, ur boss not bad.. I have to travel from North-East to Tuas everyday to work and cannot work from home. Taking sick leave is hard too (come back sure see long faces). I feel very sleepy at work most of the time and also lower back pain. Today, I have slight pain on the right side of tummy and it is more painful when i cough.. shall I see my gynae???
Lilligal guess its my first baby and both me & hubby dote him so much till we overspent. He's really dam lucky. I told my hubby I wish I'm the baby now, lol. Really cannot imagine working when I'm pregnant. Feeling so tired everyday. Oo clubmed is very fun! Can enjoy all the activities and spend quality time with hubby there.. kshirin, if u go bkk I tink u will spend even more. Cos everyday shopping & eating.. but the clothes there really cheap & nice. Regret not spending more days there. Haha.. when is ur edd?
Shelle, sama sama. We are spending so much on her too.. Haha. Baby cot and other stuff will be delivered in mid-May so we already bought some wall decals for her! Can't wait to put them up.

I REALLY want to go BKK, I shall try convincing him again. He is the one updating the baby budget file and keep on reminding me how much we have spent so far....

My EDD is 26th Jul.
Cookie - Welcome! hahah..re #1 still oblivious to #2, i also tink so, tink wait till #2 really out oredi then they'll noe impact liao n pattern start coming out for sure one. Actually i hope my love for my kids will multiply and not be divided!

Cherish - same here! sooo hot then suddenly tis morn heavy downpour. so tempted to take MC but din..re QM, tink will stil continue to go since both sides neva say anything, but coz ur MIL say cannot, then ya jus listen to her else she'll jus use this to "attack" u for anything next time.ME too..i had a real sinful weekend of fast food. McD's on Sat, then Mao San Wang yday followed by KFC...went home mum still fried chix wongs...sigh hw not to grow fat

lili gal - ur son is such a sweetie
got potential to be a good korkor next time!

kshirin - poor thing, go back early take ur med n sleep thruout. I also experienced right side pain today while walking to work, but thankfully it went off aft 5 min. If the pain is persistent for more than half a day, then i tink better see dr check check...
Hah working kind of make time pass faster though
I finally done my detailed scan at wk 22 hah just crossed 10kg mark while baby is 500g haaaaaaa where is the weight going to!
Linggie - i am trying to ctrl my weight tis time round coz i stil have 7kg frm #1 to lose...till date i gained 8kg oredi...abit scared also judging hw my appetite has been for past few weeks..must ctrl ctrl ctrl, else must be extremely dilligent in pumping next time, which i heard helps in weight loss.

Thanks mummies!

Kshirin, hi 5! Same edd! I haven't booked any hospital yet, still deciding where.. Actually I feel bad, haven't prepared anything for no 2 yet except look thru no 1's clothes to c which can be handed down.

Liligal, your boy really smart n sweet
he knows mei mei will take up space! My boy's speech is a little slower (they say boys talk later than gals?) so I hope he can ultimately understand abit when we talk about didi

Sgsc, yes exactly, really hope our love will multiply! And our energy too! Your no 1 is boy or gal? Taking care of 1 already so tiring, hope can transition well when no 2 is out. Haha yah for now I think no 1 still oblivious abt no 2 although he can say didi when my hubby show him no 2's scan pics
