(2012/07) Jul 2012

mommies! i tot preggy mommies wif protruding belly buttons very sexy lei...n usually i tink it's only for bb boys then will protrude? haha..dun put plaster over it la, later pull out pain also...jus leave it n flaunt wat u have! ;p

lili gal = i only suffered side effects of vomitting n uncontrollable shivering aft epidural which is a common side effect but itch? dunno lei..did the gynae say anything or issit dosage used too high?

We also planning to go for short n nearby vacation, prolly drive up to desaru wif #1 only...mommies who have been to Desaru - any advise where to stay n wat to do?
Kshirin : I attend at Como Shambhala. The one on stage was my instructor.. $298 for 10 lessons. They also go by 5 lessons get 1 free.

Massuer come to yr home? I like those who bring their bed.. I ever got of buying my own bed else v difficult for my head uncomfortable if those home based masseur come to my place.. How much is Ivy? I asked about one - prenatal cost $50an hr.

I got backache when sleeping.. Dunno how to sleep now.. Must put a pillow below when sleeping a not?
Had another bout of tummy pain-until-can’t-move on Sunday. KK doc did a cotton bud test, determined that it’s not premature labour & sent me home with panadol. Pain lasted for more than 24 hours, lucky now stop liao.. still dunno the cause..

So sad cannot go seminars get goodie bags

Haven’t bought baby stuff too except for a steriliser. Maybe buy in June.

Baby cot.. friend recommend ikea for the price, saying baby will outgrow very fast.

Expenses.. don’t dare to add up the bills from the too frequent visits to gynae & no package.. hospital stay & 13wk & 20wk scan already $4.5k.. now must take jabs + medicine about more than $150/wk until 36wk.. yikes.. so expensive..

Hope glucose test is not a standard test? Scared of more blood tests!

Epidural.. friend said that by the time she asked for epidural, the labour was already so pain that the epidural was a relief. I’m scared of needles too, no matter how tiny!

Mum say to give full month cakes during the one-month celebration because that’s what my cousin did, guess it depend on individual family practice.

Insurance.. the payout seems very little compared to the cost?

I lie on side most of the time now.

Mummies going on babymoon, enjoy
Tracy, I started buying bb stuff in Feb this year, gotta the neutral ones first and when I confirmed the bb gender, I started buying the pink stuff. As for the cot, I've gotten my Vermont 4-in-1 cot from the taka bb fair....it's q a gd deal
oh no. u must take care okay..

no leh. i'm having gal this round and my belly button has already protruded long time ago. And u're adorable, it looks sexy? you're the first one that i know said this. haha

lili gal,
i cant remember abt the itchness but i popped painkillers the very day so dont know if it helped to reduce on that?

glucose test
i did not take this test too. think it is optional and it depends on your gynae.

mommies, where can i get disposable panties? thanks thanks
Hi cherish
Can get the panties fr watson... Btw, did u do half awake c sect last time? Can feel the cut pain? Does hb can go in to accompany us? If we do half awake, do we still need to jab epidural? As abit confuse for c sect, do we still need epidural?? I try epidural when give birth to my elder boy last time, my neck below around chest area very itchy when wakeup too...;(
Kawaii_baby, take care, most impt thing is u n baby healthy, expenses can't be helped n can earn back the money so dun be too sad on the amt spent.

Thanks linggie for the explanation on the insurance, dunno if I shd buy or not, for no 1 I haven't bought any yet, shall ask hubby abt this

Baby cot: for those considering ikea one, I used Ikea cot for no 1 and think its ok, functional. The one I have can adjust 3 levels according to baby's age/progress. Will be just reusing the cot for no 2.
Glucose test: I went for 1 round of testing already, heng the result is acceptable. For no 1 I was almost referred to specialist to control GD (gestational diabetes)

Anti tetanus jab: did anyone's gynae recommend this jab? My gynae ask me to take on my next visit, and another dose 1 mth later. Inject thru mummy and baby will benefit. I didn't take this for no 1 and feel like refusing for no 2, anyone took or going to take this jab? Any thoughts? Thanks
Hi joanne,
Thanks for e info. I did half awake c-sec. What I understand is epidural is given for half awake unless is going thru full GA; no epidural given. Mommies, pls correct me if I'm wrong.
I didn't feel e cut pain but could feel e pressure pressing on me when they took e baby out. For my case, hubby was asked to wait outside till baby was abt to come out, then he came in. he only stayed wif me for ard maybe 10-15min then went out. The stitches up took longer time but I was so drowsy by then.
cherish: hey, my belly button is also protruding and i'm having a gal this time round...actually it protruded during my 1st pregnancy (boy) and after that it remained lose...my boy is so amused with my belly button - he likes to pull my shirt up to touch it (before pregnancy and now)!
Morning! It's raining again. How I wish I can still zzz..

I never heard of this jab before. Maybe later will google it.

Mrs C,
Hello! Ya, I,m e same as u. Belly button protrude during 1st pregnancy wif boy n it didn't return back. I see my boy touching his own recently, trying to make it protrude. *faint* now if he ever touches mine, he will suddenly hit my tummy n said beat meimei. **faint faint**
morning! wet morning again...

tetanus, i took it when i was 18, i heard 1 jab can provide very long-lasting immunity.
my gynae has not suggest to take yet.
cherish: how old is your boy now? mine is 21 mths...thankfully my boy does not know the word "beat" yet...so everytime he pulls my shirt up, he will sayang meimei with his hand and touch the belly button at the same time...

cookie: i took anti tetanus jab back in school days? gynae did not say to take it now lei...inject through tummy sounds scary...

And yes, rainy morning again! How i wish i could sleep in but gotta drag myself to work!
Mrs C,
your boy is so sweet, knows to sayang meiemi with his hand. i asked my boy to sayng meimei and he will just says beat meimei and ran away. my boy is 22 mths old but i find he's still in his own world, like dont know what is happening ard him. haha
Morn all, so sleepy now. the rain makes mi feel dizzy n flu-ey...one more day. Thankfully it's a short week. Tinking of bringing jiejie to zoo this fri..hope dun rain.

Kawaii baby - pls rest well..bb stuff can always get later..stil got time to recce n buy before July.

Cookie - anti-tetanus jab?? my gynae also neva say for #1 and now lei...issit a new procedure being introduced to all mommies now or did ur gynae explain y it's beneficial at tis stage?

Cherish - u can get the disposable undies from Guardians too..tink its $2.95 for pack of 5...

belly button protruding - i have neva seen hw it realli looks like inside but frm the surface of clothes, it looks cool to me..hehehe
Good morning mummies!!!

I also had to drag myself outta bed.. to WORK! urgh. Finally fever and runny nose gone for good.

My friend booked her for prenatal massage tmr. Will update on her feedback! She charges $38 for 60mins but you have to go to her place in SengKang. if you stay in SK, then $48 for home service. I cannot find someone who comes by the house so far. Seems like so many ppl posting fake recommendations!! I found someone who comes to the house for only $40 but she's too busy to even confirm time and date, ask me to wait till a day before the weekend to confirm. Wah, too stuck-up for me. What if fly me aeroplane later? I will try to find a few more and see how. Budget conscious now! Overspent badly!!!
Good morning mummies!

Re anti tetanus jab, I went to google it, really have to apologize, I may have misunderstood my gynae, from what I've read it sounds like it's more for the mom rather than baby. And no, don't think this is a new standard cos I didn't take it for no 1 and no one else's gynae seems to have recommended it. So I'll most probably be declining to take this jab
Hey mummies, may I know for the full month cakes, if we are inviting relatives and friends to our house for the full month party, do we still have to give them the cakes?
Diamondfericia, it is all depended on you. No rules. My #1, I delivered cakes to friends n relatives I don't invite. Then I arranged another batch of cakes to my house for the full month party friends n relatives. Can't manage more than 60 pax at the party. It was very tiring. Some more I m very particular on the cake, Ang gu kuey, n sticky rice, I ended up getting cakes from one factory, Ang gu kuey from another n rice another n assemble them on my own. Guess this #2 if no time, I will just order all from one shop.
Hey gals....not sure if any of u r using the Clarins toning oil for stretchmark prevention.
Just to share, Ocean (abv Chinatown hawker centre opp OG) sells it at 35% discount.
Original price over Clarins counter is $82, I got it at $53.30.
New packaging, so definately not overdue stocks.
thanks Marie! i m using clarin, 1 bottle can last me 3 mths, i find it easily absorbed and fragnant!

kawaiibaby, do take gd care and rest well! yes i agreed the payout is little but give me the reassurance that baby is covered for congenital diseases hah insurance is all about WHAT-IF...praying for good health for all of our babies!
i cant remember what brand im using, but mine is oil lai de. abt $28.90 a bottle bot frm kkh pharmacy inside.

aft lunch nw i feel like sleeping. tmr last wrk day of the week & its long weekends for me! monday taking childcare leave as sch closure. so its like super long weekends. YEAH!

nw idling at wrk. dk wad to start on first. nvr ending wrk to do one. yawnsssss...
really dk hw to overcome the Z monster esp wrk is piling up. but the brain cannot wrk. i stare at the screen i can feel my eyes vision getting blur n drifting off... =x
mrs c, same! my son loves everybody's belly button especially his own and mine cos mine is protruding terribly. my son also quite gentle with mei mei and my belly button. hahahaha

joanne, good good. i was beginning to wonder if my itchiness is due to something else but that time doc said could be the epidural.

Cookie, i was on emergency c-sect so i already had epidural on me. hence it was half awake but very drowsy. hubby was w me through out. my gynae tricked me, he said he was going pinch me to test and then ask if i felt anything but according to my hubby, before i cd respond, the line was cut, skin were already pulled. i was still askin gynae to tell me when he's starting. by that time bb already according to my hubby. also... when i got drowsy, i kept talking and talking and talking.. odd.

oh, i didn't have any jab at all from gynae.

SGSC, you don't have protruding bellies at all?

marie, so cheap!!!! i just got my 2 bottles from DFS at $70! argh... shud hv waited.

linggie, 1 bottle only last me 1.5 mths. u only use on ur tummy and about the size of 50ct coin each time? how u last so long ah?

kawaii, take care and rest well. it's a good break. catch up all your readings, plan for things that you always wanted to do but no time etc.
yeah.. me too! everyday so sleepy.... keep drinking coffee & milo or get some sugary stuff to keep my blood sugar running.

i have very bad eye bags to begin with and now it's much much worse. brain also not functioning as well.
my belly itches at a certain spot u know n i keep scratching until now got one light brown spot. =( how how how? it itches n itches.. i rub oil liao. but it seems like rash to me? but sometimes no rash also itchy. ROAR.. my back also.. itchy. back got rashes.

i seldom drink kopi now leh. 2wks ago i drank 1 cup yakun, i drank 1.5L water still got kopi smell in urine i felt so bad. i only drink teh everyday but keep kena scolding. now feel like slpin. trying hard to stay awake.

window shopping at taobao everyday for bb stuffs. i hvn bought anything at all. really is nth at all. lol.. tt time v early wanted to buy hub forbid say mil say cant. so i din buy. so now tahan so long liao. might as well wait abit longer. its 28wks (7mths) thn can buy har?

anyone same like me? haven got anything yet?
Rykiel: For itchy belly, my gynae recommended Sarna Lotion. Can buy from Guardian...my belly also itch occasionally - this is due to our skin stretching...try not to scratch...
i use physiogel lotion occasionally when my belly itches as i hv sensitive skin. like what mrs c said, try not to scratch. i still hv the scratch marks left behind from my 1st pregnancy =(

mommies, cannot tahan liao. zzzzz. eyes cant hardly open and concentrate on my screen.
u all use simi can use so small portion? i using oil type, than ill pump like 4times to spread over my whole belly!!!
Rykiel: I cannot remember the price liao...bought it during #1 pregnancy in 2010...still got leftover to use this pregnancy...i don't remember it being expensive...it gives a cool feeling after applying, it is lotion type...apply only when itchy...when no itch, just apply the normal scretchmark cream/oil or moisturizer...

thankew Mrs C! 2nite or tmr got go guardian i go hunting! hehehe. i nw the eyes staring at the monitor but mind keep drifting away._.""
linggie: mine can only last abt 1-1.5 mths also...cos I apply on my boobs, waist and thigh area as well....since all these areas are also expanding
im using Gaia for stretchmark cream. Like the smell too...actually stil got some samples from Palmers n Mustela to use...dunno after borth stil can use these stretchmark cream anot...
Hi Mommies,

I have some brand new BUMWEAR prefolds for sale.

5 Premium white prefolds
5 Newborn unbleached prefolds
2 Snappies


Willing to sell them in a bundle @ $35 (including postage).

And a preloved post natal binder selling for $25 (used less than 5 times, 85% condition) It is a free size 3-piece velcro binder.

If you are interested in any of the items above, please pm or email me at [email protected]
Hi Mummies... I'm from the August thread. This baby is my #3, and i don't intend to know the gender till deliver
I see some of you are interested in the mum's and baby's insurance, as like the mummies on the aug's thread.

I'm from AXA, so I'm gonna touch on AXA's Mum's Advantage.

in summary:

Mum's advantage comes in 2 products. MumCare (Plus) and INSPIRED FlexiProtector / FlexiSaver

MumCare/MumCare Plus is a 3-year / 6-year single premium term plan that offers coverage for an expectant mother against death and pregnancy complications. it also provides hospital care benefit should the expectant mother gets admitted to hospital due to child birth complications. the coverage also extends to the child for congenital illnesses benefit and hospital care benefit for the child.

INSPIRE is a whole life, regular premium investment-linked plan which allows the flexibility to choose your own insurance cover and premium amount to meet your personal needs.

Under Mum’s Advantage/Mum’s Advantage Plus, the Mother can opt to transfer INSPIRE flexi2 to the life of the child at any time after the child is born*, i.e. life assured becomes the child instead of the mother but the ownership of the INSPIRE flexi2 remains with the mother provided the INSPIRE flexi2 has not lapsed or been terminated at the time of notification to axa life of the transfer.

The coverage:



Death benefit for mother expire 30days after delivery.
Pregnancy complications benefit expire upon birth of child.
Hospital care benefit for mother expires 30 days from birth of child.

*Gynaecology report is waived for eligiblae nationalities
* available to ladies whose pregnancies are conceived through artificial inseminations

Cost for an average 30yo mummy to be:
For Mum'Care: it's a lump sum of $315
For MumCare Plus, it's $595

For the whole life plan, minimum is $1200/year or $100/month.

Right after baby is born, there's also a very important plan to consider:
For Hospital plans, I recommend AVIVA. They have the best coverage (and I can sell them too). I have AVIVA way before i became an insurance agent and they are the greatest.
And also, if both parents are covered under aviva, the kids are covered for free (on plan 2) up to 20years old!! (up to 4 kids).
Therefore, Aviva is a very popular choice for parents with kids. imagine u have 3 kids! how much can u save!!

Aviva hospitalisation plan (MyShield) is payable via Medisave.

This is a link from MOH on available hospital plans. Please do not go and buy those that you need to pay by cash. It's no necessary.


Coverage for aviva is listed on it's application form here:

Minimum entry age is 15 days old or the date of discharge from hospital after birth, whichever is later.

Pls feel to chk with me for details.
Mummies using clarins huile tonic, does anyone shower after applying? If u read the leaflet inside, it says if poss, follow with a cool shower after applying. I opposite, always apply after showering haha.. Sadly have stretch marks from no 1, this time just hope no additional stretch marks
hi cookie,

i'm also using clarins tonic oil, and i use it after shower too! (though i've read from the leaflet that apply before shower..) it's funny why we should apply then shower.

Anyway, i asked the lady over the clarins counter before i bought and she told me to use it after shower, which makes sense to me!
Morning mommies!

Tmr is holiday.. Ho ho!!
May I ask where to get sacred tea? And when should I get? Near to edd? Anyone tried the tea before n does it really helps to boost e supply? Thanks thanks
Mummylee, good to know I'm not the only one using after shower! Maybe subconsciously i want to leave it on longer for it to take effect? Hehee

Cherish, I haven't tried sacred tea, but a tip to boost supply is to constantly latch or pump. More demand will generate more supply! Depending on your baby it might be painful at first but key thing is don't give up! And remember it takes a few days after birth before supply really kicks in, just let bb latch on from birth
cookie: I apply the oil after shower too...doesn't make sense to me to wash off the oil after applying it...though the leaflet says so..hee hee
So far so good...no stretch marks. Cross my fingers and pray hard that it will remain this way

Good afternoon mummies...

I'm pretty down though long weekend coming, cos hubby will be out of town till next sat =( No one to massage me liao. Hope leg cramps wun come back!!

In the seminar I attended last week, the LC also recommended Fenugreek if nothing else works. She said constant latch on/pumping is the best way. Best pump is baby. Heehee....
