(2012/07) Jul 2012

My hubby told me to go do the oscar test... but dunno if it is necessary.

Thng, the gate actually for me will be preventing my babies to crawl into the kitchen when they start learning how to crawl... cos from my living to kitchen there is a step... scare they fall...

my hubby say listen to the gynea she say go for test then go he trust the gynae
as i ask the gynea tat day need do pap smears test as my last test is 2yrs ago she say its ok no need.
my kitchen door step is nt so high but need close kitchen door at all times as kitchen is a dangerous place for kids.
audrey, thanks for sharing. the 1st month gifts look so cute! havent thought where to hv the bb shower yet.. hmm.

thng, i also have a gate at home to keep my dogs to kitchen and dining room when we are not at home.

im thinking if i should start a scrap book to keep the bb scans that i have so far... and maybe other bb stuff along the way.. anyone did something similar? Can share? im quite lazy, so hoping to find those scrap book set for bb that will teach you how to do. then dont have to think how to decorate, but dunno if got such things..
thng, yup i have signed up for fbi. heee looks like we might have chance of bumping into each other... are u doing oscar?

audrey, i think i need to buy baby gate for my parents house.. cuz they stay in masionette.. scare later bb climb climb climb then fall down

oh ya, i heard that we shouldnt shift our bed too on top of cut things inside bedroom
winningstar: I never see my baby move coz the doctor was pretty rushed. I am just happy to see the heartbeat. But i saw the hands, and that made me sooooooooo touched. Brought a smile to my face.

The ambiance at KK was quite lively too. However I guess like the rest of the mummies, people still prefer private as they have more personalised care and attention.

I heard 13th week is the start of 2nd trimester.
Hello mummies,

As I am late to engage a nanny for my confinement already...during our discussion and exchange of information and one mummy (Sparks) refer me to i-kare confinement again. I've actually engaged their nanny in year 2009 for my first confinement and I know i-kare have a fleet of exclusive nannies (with great cooking confinement food skill and with very hygenic infant handling practices and skills) I'm hesitant becos now their usual rate is S$2.2k

But then, since I'm afraid to get non-guranteed performance nanny... i contacted May and we met up and to my surprise i-kare is having a 28 days (single infant) promotion.

Whoever are still in need for confinement nanny help. pls visit www.i-kare.com.sg I've booked yafen their exclusive nanny at only S$2k.

To enjoy this promotion, pls state referral from: Cheuk Ling

no commission! p.s.you can locate me in Aug thread
i bought those spiky mat from daiso to prevent my dog from gg into my laundry area
normally we go out we lock him inside kitchen just use his gate blocked the entrance can le
save $ on 1 bb gate
its a gd idea scrap bks but im nt the artisitc person i rem Plaza singapore got a shop selling all handicraft they teach u how to DIY scrapbks too saw this as i wanted do for wedding but lazy in the end hee...

gynae haven told me do oscar perhaps next visit as i'm in 8wk still early
ya cannot shift ur bed too...
my bed is jap style i raise platfrom & slept on mattress now i change bedsheet ask hubby try not to shift the mattress loh.
as normally we will turn here & there when changing bedsheets.
better get a bb gate for ur parents house as got stair dangerous

i find tat i dont like to eat pork lei
anyone experience
thng, beginning i dont like pork too... esp soup boiled with pork bone... but lately i prefer bbq pork belly and bak kwa... think i need those more fried stuff... hahahahaha

by the way, my bed also on raised platform.. so qiao

angelia, im not going lei!!
Thng : I don like to eat pork too. When I see those pig organ soup, make me wan to puke.

I kept all the scan and receipts in a file. Next time show baby how much investment we had for him :p

Anyone going studio for pregnancy photos? I am about to step into studio to take my convocation photo. Just graduated from master. I always wan to take with my beanie
angelia, ok set! remember to bring toys for Cherelle that day too... if not she dont know play with what... hahahaah... she very cute lei...
so ciao we got the same bed pattern
last nite hubby cook beef for my dog i cannot stand the smell on i'm gg halal eat chicken have been eating chicken rice often

i kept all those too..even my last mc those scan,receipt i still keep.
cool u can take both photoshots together
i'm thinking to take also can get better discount if more of us all went same studio haa...

i wann see Cherelle i luv bb gals
LOL!!! Audrey , you blur liao lah.... Peapea ask me to bring toys along so Cherelle can be entertain by her toys... If not she
Bored! =p

Thng : hahaha! Every bb is cute lah... But yup. Girl cuter! =X hahaha! No offence ar! =p
i cutting stuffs in the room like nobody's business leh.. just avoiding cutting on bed. Beyond the bed, how to control sia..

yes yes shopping! I can't imagine once we know the gender... all hell will break loose when it comes to shopping. lol. ur OSCAR when ah?
audrey, noooo im not going on 28th.. im reminding angelia to bring toys for Cherelle.. hahaha

thng, i hope all these food dislike will end soon... feel a bit disgusted by my food selection now...

i feel emo today lei... die liao
fluffy 27th dec... counting down to it.. cant wait! once u clear too and we know gender, heeee shopping trip ah!!!! i hinted my ah lao about malacca eating trip lei.. he so far no objections... wahahahahahahha

eh... when u gg to sign up parentcraft tell me lei... then maybe can sign up same class or what
cheer up its Friday !!!
me too planning to go malacca end of mar birthday trip hee...

gd lei can sign up parentcraft class together there's is during how many wks then sign up ?
how abt signing up for prenatal classes?? where to find informaion??

we all can go yoga together also!

Now searching baby names... haha... ordering mac at the same time.
steady la! I serious abt gng together! keke.. i quite familiar there cos i go abt twice yearly to makan.
N i'm sure the hubbies got things to talk about :D

wah ur OSCAN soon!! This weekend start can talk to baby ask baby cooperate and open leg on 27th hehe!

I'll register for Parentcraft ard 16wks, will request to take the class at AMK hub and ask for Mrs Wong Boi Boy, she's highly recommended. When u 16wks u remind me, i let u know the details we can go together

lazy leh.. my bedroom is like my house within my house.. i everything also do inside my room de.. very lazy to bring everything out..

Oh ya i wan take yoga too! But dunno any recommendations yet. Pls count me in!!
No la. definately not ah long and ah feng.

We will most likely send my babies birth details to our regular "fortune teller" to select names. I am looking for there christian/english names. I thinking of getting doubles... like Ayden Joshua Tan. Any suggestions? I am not a cathalic but just want to be a fake ang mo! haha...
ask ur hubby do the cutting lah
i dont excerise regulary one but for bb sake better excerise so if gg for any Yoga course count me in too.

ur cute lei wat fake ang mo
u gg let "you long zhi" count ur bb names ?
i only know he's famous

Jul mummies our thead is highly active lei..i peek at other mth thead nt so active
Not you long zhi but at chinatown. you want? I get the name card for u. My nephews and niece names are selected from there, so I was thinking of mine as well.
Audrey : must think twice are.. Next time scare the kid will hate to write their name cause too long liao. Ahah! That time Cherelle name, i also wanted to put "Cherelle Lebelle Yang" but my hb say if add in chinese name at the back
Will belong damn long "Cherelle Lebelle Yang Ya xuan", than he say scare Cherelle next time hate to write her name. Hahaha! =p

Thng : Cherelle's chinese name is go You Long Zi calculate de.. Hahaha!!! You long Zi super near my house! When i
Move to Lorong:40, lagi near! Hahaha
I go for lunch come back have so many things to catch up already.

Why cannot cut things on bed? I still do leh....yesterday still wrap presents on bed. Haha. Ops. Ah...better don't tell me....if not I keep thinking and worrying.

My NT scan at NUH is on my 13th week. My gynae did tell me to do that and blood test but he didn't say when to take blood. Not sure if it's together at NUH.
no la i cut stuffs like my eyebrows leh haha.. dun dare leave to him lol!~
anyway its christmas.. i everyday also like wrapping present lor.. i free at home.. he not free.. anyway whats with the belief of cutting things at home huh?

Then hor.. i got a qns wanna ask u mummies.. do u know of any location nice & suitable for baby shower, for about 120 guests? Not too exp, cos I most prob bringing in my own buffet caterer.. so i only need the event space.
Audrey> I want the fortune teller contact.

At first, I also thinking to have double names 'cos my bro has double name but I don't so from young I always want. Haha. But now, like what Angelia says, scared wait O levels very hard to write name. Haha.

But fortune teller don't count english name right? Only chinese right?
Last time ah...I already thought of my kids' names. Even before marriage....hahaha. But don't know is the pregnancy hormone's or what....I'm getting fickle as to what names to choose. Haha.
I go take from my mom then let u know. Ya only chinese.

My younger bro very funny her daughter's name is Phua Yu Xuan. He use Y X and link her christian name with Whitnee. W X Y . then his son is Zhi Ying Christian name Xavier. X Y Z.

some parents dun have christian names they just anyhow link their names as long as they like.

I dun mind double names... I like mah... haha... Actually I was thinking of another name for myself. Just got the thought that I need to get name name change thru lawyer... I gave up the idea.
angelia, cherelle lebelle very long lei!!!!

fluffy, steady! i msg u when 16th weeks... we attend same class so hubby know each other before we go malacca... wahahahahah

audrey, i think i will also will count for chinese name. but my dad know how to count. so i will get him to do it... for english name, i think either noah or leah... waiting for hubs to confirm

i think hor, im on 3 hourly feed now lei... every 3 hours must eat once...
oh ya


acc to old folks, if u cut things on bed, u might disrupt baby growth. eg if this week supposed to grow fingers then u happen to cut sth on bed, might just cut the fingers development

i must stress that THIS IS A MYTH. so it depends on how much u want to believe
i bring my dog for grooming at geylang there is near the turtle soup there
can u bring the you long zhi namecard on 28dec i take pix so next time can go to him see my bb names

act blur ok forget wat we all say

i'm lazy i go daiso buy those xmas gift bag dump my present all in no need cut paper cut ribbon save time for me.
venue : condo function room ? FOC one hee..
wah u plan very swee liao.. i din tink of that. haha!

my hubby oleadi tell me his hunch tell him is a boy.. and he oleadi tot of the name.. he everyday calling baby that name liao le lor~~~ I'll feel bad to baby if turns out to be girl.. lol.
so it's normal not to like pork! cos i also start to dislike pork now! high five !

im 8.5 wks nw, just bk oscar Mid Jan. Begin to tell frens im preggie nw..too many suspecting hehe..

btw, wat do u tell ur colleagues (for those who have long MC ) ? I only told my boss, but not sure if he will tell the rest.
thng>Huh? What you all say? Keke.

Fluffy>I also keep accidently say bb boy, using terms like his, him, etc. Mainly b'cos I always wanted a boy first, an elder bro to protect his younger siblings. Haha. But after that I also feel bad and guilty, in case it's a girl.

i notice hor, my tummy starting to be protuding out and pretty hard... does this mean my uterus is moving upwards and baby bump gg to come out?? heeee
