(2012/07) Jul 2012

Ahh!!! I kena bully by my son!
Bathe at 2pm (bathe late due to my massage) and follow by his meal but he refuse to sleep. Dragged until 5pm finally I cannot tahan (in between fed him another 60ml but still don't sleep). Carried him to his ah-ma to complaint, ah-mah nagged and scolded then he LL go to sleep.
Ah-ma now busy in the kitchen and his pattern come back again - Eh-eh-eh-eh... (argh!)

I'll have to tahan until Monday when hubby is finally have his off day then I will sneak to JP again to buy an auto pump and also nipple shield for latching (nipple sore oh sore).

No chance to change my road tax disc and my car has been parking at the same lot for so many days. Gotta move the wheels before the tyres kena flat spot.

Full month - Now we are starting to have headache on which caterer to choose and rsvp the guests. House so messy how to invite ppl? Hmm... $$ fly fly
Hi, I am new to this forum.. Just gave birth to a baby gal about 6 days ago.. but I don't have enough breast milk to feed her.. my breast milk start to kick in on day 4 and each feed she needs 60ml but I can only manage to pump a total of 20ml for both breasts. She has been pretty impatient about latching and cries very loudly whenever I try to latch her.. recently, she is refusing to be latched and wants her formula milk.. Kinda depressed right now.. I am taking fenugreek to increase my milk supply too.. Any tips on latching her and increasing milk supply? thanks
laura, your son got your hubby or ur chao kuan is it? hahahhaa... btw, as the days go by, he'll be awake more often one leh. u hv to play w him, let him hv tummy time etc.

pep81, personal sharing here... the key thing is to persevere. when u pump, make sure u drained the breasts and not just go by the minutes. once drained, stay on another 5-10mins more. they will get the hint that supply is not enuff and will increase. do this abt a few times and supply shud increase.

also... do latch on more often. the lesser u latch, the more ur bb will reject as latching is hard work! when she cries, u be cool and persist. i mean.. u r the mother right? cannot succumb to her wants so early in life! hahaha... ok ok. key is when she's older, latching has more suction power than pump later on. latching increases supply definitely... i mean the right latch. if she cries, her mouth should be quite big, then u can bring her mouth to ur breasts right?
Hi Lili_gal, Thanks for your advise.. I feel so much better... I will try my best to latch her more often and pump more.. I was kinda helpless when I saw her face turning beet red and her loud screams for milk that I have to give in to her.. already at my wit's end today, and I have been crying as I am disappointed at the lack of breast milk..
pep81, dun gv up. only 6 days. 1st few days no count cos bb sleepy. i took abt 2 mths last time to stabilize #1. he was a barracuda type. "must drink or i die" kinda attitude. doesnt help when everyone ard me say how bad a mummy i was by letting him cry. thankfully hubby on my side and we persisted. it was extremely convenient later on esp when we're out or traveling. so hang in there.
Hi gals, I was sulking the whole afternoon cos I got a call fr HR..., told me the dumb pinoy hr gave me wrong info 2 wks bk.... My HL will b invalid cos it's preg related.... Since company policy states I can take ml earliest 4 wks b4 edd or Bb birthday. They will take my ml start 4 wks b4 fr Bb .... The HL b4 the 4 wks will be HL else invalid!!! I m hoping Bb stay inside longer so my hl won't b wasted.... Y they take 3 weeks then realise give wrong info? Kns! Sorry for ranting
Hi liligal
At least u still can enter post.. Me almost drain out..;p but is happy drain as long as hv healthy bbies.. For past one hr, i hv been a moo moo cow rotating bf between my boy n gal.. Tired but happily tired..;) hope i can give enough breast milk to both as now only enough for one baby..

Btw, i try the pisa pump.. Dun really like to use pump as the suction make my nipple very uncomfy n pain.. Do u hv this problem too? Rather choose direct latch.. How to resolve it?
Sigh.. So end up at night, me oways hv to do direct latch
Else very engorge.. Panda eyes now..Btw, my breast very hard n after bbies suck is still hard means still hv milk right?

Need experience mummies to guide on breastfeeding.. Thk u..
jo, did you check breastshield size? usually pumping is more comfy than latching. better to massage ur breasts a bit b4 latching or else blocked ducts which might be why ur breasts r still hard after latching for a while.
lili_gal: I'm anticipating him to stay awake longer as his grows older (by days) and have tummy time but prob is when he is staring blankly at the ceiling and refuse to sleep then I try to entertain him he'll give me the "忧忧" look follow by crying.

Can hear that he's having a lot of mucus in his tiny nose. Can polyclinic nurse help clear it?
Joanne - I am also use Pisa. I actually find it quite good. But only thing is that the breast also need to get use to the suction power. Esp if you alr have sore breasts. Dun turn it to the max power. Do at a lvl that is comfortable for u. For me, at this moment, I can only start with the min and slowly increase slightly when mooing.

Sighz. I am back at tmc. Seems like all my bb cannot escape from jaundice.
Hope bb gets well soon and can come home and more inportantly dun hv to be readmitted again.
Laura, I doubt they will help to clear leh. Can try. Why got mucus? Too cold? Maybe we shud start doin the cot mobiles like Marie n kalmen to kp our kids entertained without you you look. Haha

My girl recently keep waking up cos of her gas. She makes these uncouth grunting sounds like those made by ah peks downstairs when they wana spit. Burped like crazy also like this. Before feed oso. Now I just throw to CL when I want to sleep n asked her to help burp. Next time dunno how.

I'm back at gynae now for my one week after check up. No backup milk for bb n din bring her out. Hope she'll not fuss till I'm back. Me brave hor?
Laura, if bb has a lot of muscus in his nose, normally doc will ask u use the nasal spray. And I think need to monitor his breathIng esp while sleeping cz my colleague's bb encounter flu with block nose, lead to asthma in long term breathing prob.
Mrs C - Tats nice...enjoy ur last day of work! Cant wait for mine to come though im gonna work till im due...

3monkies - yes...fully understd wat u said, 2 yrs back i also had to buy my own cupfeed (tink it was abt $3-4)...i keep till now..gonna bring to hospital n let meimei use.

Heard Jaundice caused by diff blood type frm mommy? dunno mine also had but since so common then not so worried. BB will come home wif u soon!

Joanne - i use PISA as well coz most mommies say very durable n strong suction but i dont personally find it effective lei...the motor always sound so slow though i on full speed so i brought it down to svc centre but they said it's working perfectly well...i used it in office then n always took long time to empty but prob prob lies wif mi la. Not much supply so cannot blame on pump ;p I got another pump tis round - Avent duo which also had rave reviews..hoping my bf journey would be more successful tis time round.
Cot Mobile - anyone noes if its possible to fix those cot mobile suitable for cots onto playpen instead? my sis gave hers to mi but im using playpen...realised no holes for mi to hang on..

Laura - if bb got lotsa muscous, can bring go PD suck out for bb...or go pharmacy buy the sucker pump but i dun dare do myself coz nose so small scared hurt them unintentionally. See hw PD does it then learn frm there...

Liligal - i tink ur CL braver coz she has to pacify ur gal whilst waiting for ur return! whahaha..but u no standby FM?
I have the mucus aspirator and used it last night. It managed to suck out quite a big piece of going to harden mucus and he can finally breathe better but he still sound stuffy cos still have those very liquid mucus deep inside. I think why he got stuffy nose is because of my "smelly" body after each post-natal massage. Just had my last session and told MIL to take care of him until I can bathe tonight and we shall monitor the progress tomorrow without me smelling anymore.

I will discuss with hubby tonight about the cot mobile so that we can buy all the "now then we know" necessary things for my boy on Monday, hubby's off day. (I can finally wear my long time cannot wear jeans and go shopping loh...yippee!)
hi gals, sorry to disturb, i'm from may 2012 thread and wanting to spree manduca carrier. if anyone interested can pm me? save about $70 compared to sg regular retail price. thanks alot!
Sg_sc - for me, I am not sure what is the cause. But I dun think it is bec of the blood gp. Although I hv heard pp saying that. Cos #1 blood gp is same as hb, she was re-admitted once. For #2, although same as me, he was re-admitted twice. Now #3 also same blood gp as me. Hope only 1 time. Another cause is also could be bf. so for both, I had to reduce my bm and supplement some fm until they were slightly older.

As for cot mobile, I also hv the same problem. Wanted to attach to the playpen for Mei Mei but realize that it is not possible. So as #2 is still sleeping w me in his cot and Mei Mei playpen is next to his, I attach the mobile to his cot but face it towards the playpen.

Liligal - I agree with sg_sc. U v brave. Cos now bf bb, I always will need her w me.
Hi mummies, finally have time to logged on! My boy is 9 days old today =)

For mummies with problem breastfeeding, please dun give up so fast.

I also had problems at the start. I can latch my son on for hrs and he will still scream for more. And when I expressed, I got pathetic 20ml to 30ml.

I cannot tahan and made appointment with Sister Kang of Mt A yesterday. She showed me how to really latch baby on. I tried for 3 feeding sessions and now my son can latch on and drain milk from breast pretty well =)

I think it helped to increase my milk supply. I pumped this morning and I got 120ml =)

So don't give up!
Hi Rei Rei,
can you explain your HR policy again? I also have one week HL before my EDD...and obviously its pregnancy related. So maybe my company policy may also exclude that?
Buttercup, eg my Bb born 15 jul, then they take tat I start ml 4 weeks b4, cos that's earliest. Then ml start 18 June but my hl is fr 2nd June till 8th jul. I request my ml start fr 9th jul but nt considered lo. They only take my hl fr 2nd june to 17 june. Nw I must report when Bb born then they determine when my ml start n end
Hi 3monkies n sgsc
Actually i am not sure how to use pisa too... There r 2buttons at the right of motor.. One is to control the speed and one is called let down button.. May i know which button shd we press n when to press the let down button? Really dun understand the instruction even after reading it.. Sigh.,

Hi Lili
Tt time i bought the pump to hospital n she say the shield which i use is corect size.. But i dun like the pulling effect of the pump on my nipples.., really ouch lor.. U dun feel pain at all? I prefer latch on but will be more tiring..
Buttercup & Rei Rei - actually for my co, what I heard from
my col is that even if u take mc just b4 u deliver, they start counting your ml from the day of mc.

Jo - mine is actually the older model (I think). I got it slightly more than 2 yrs ago. For mine, I only have a knob which controls the motor intensity and a button. When u 1st on, it will pump to mimick how bb drink which is to encourage a let down. Then after I think 2 mins, it will go to the other mode. Cannot rem now what that mode is called. That button is to change to that mode immediately.

I also rem for my #1, when I had engorged breasts, I was at parent craft and they did tell me that if want to clear engorged breast, it is good to use the 1st mode.
Hello everyone,
Im back. MIA for a while cos waterbag broke and delivered my gal last week. Past week has beeen tremendousy busy.

How is everyone? More popped already?

I also prefer pumping to latching, find that it doesnt hurt as much.
SG_SC & 3monkies, hehehee.. thankfully she did not fuss until i'm back! had to wake her up for feed too! good girl! Yah... CL no choice since mummy wants to do this! and no, no FM, no water, no EBM at the moment. all direct latch. girl cannot leave mummy. heehhhehe...

bhoo, glad you made it!!!

jo, i dunno PISA but medela there's the let down too. u use that first.. until there's milk flowing u switch to normal mode. by right, let down will automatically switch to normal after 2mins i think... yah... like what 3monkies said. i din get to check breastshield at hosp last time. took me abt 2-3 wks to try and error and find out. i got a bigger sized one and it was better for me even tho the pic at medela website advises differently. like wat jomomm says, it shouldn't hurt so much for pumping.

but then again, i now only latch cos super lazy and i dun trust my mum's fridge at the moment.
Congrates Jomomm!

Btw when water bag burst, is it gonna leak out slowly or gush out??? Very scared that my waterbag will burst earlier.. I wanna give birth on 26th July, same bday as my no.1!
Joanne - like wat the other mommies said, the let down is very mild n slow n its used to stimulate milk glands b4 changing to normal pump mode aft 2 mins...normally i will jus go directly to normal mode esp in office to save time. Prob ur nipples quite sore now frm ur twins latching furiously so abit pain from pumping soon aft? give urself another week or so, then if still pain prob go consult LC?

Bhoo - wow! good job..tats alot of ss for a start now

COngrats Jomomm!

Shann - haha...i also hoping to deliver on EDD exactly..but really depends on indiv..some might jus leak a little whilst others' waterbag would burst completely n water gushes out immediately or some would have bloodly show n muscous plug coming out instead..so realli anhything can happen wen bb ready to come out one ;p
Shann, SG_SC,

Waterbag leak can be both ways. Can be like a gush of water, or can be leaking very slowly. How to know whether break - water coming out which u cant control. If waterbag break, important to get to hospitall within 12hours to have antibiotics to prevent infection. I feel more anxious to get to hosp when water gush out.

I also wanted mine to come out later. But unless elective csect, very difficult to say when. I talked to my baby so much, she stil decide to come out earlier. Come out, smack her butt. Haha...
Jomomm, yes. Water bag break is water coming out that u dun hv control. I think the general rule is to get to hospital within 12 hours. But I think it also depends in individual. For my 1st, after my water bag break, bb was out in less than 4 hours. And with every subseq birth, it got faster and faster.
Oh yes! Some people experience contractions very quicky after waterbag break. Some pple dun at all. The second kind can have a bit more time to bath etc before going hosp.
Joanne, I'm using the medela free-style and I started with the 24mm (size M) shield. That's supposed to be my size but I find it quite painful after expressing for more than 10 mins. I've changed to use the 27mm (size L) shield and it's really more comfortable. You might want to try up-ing your shield size to a bigger one.
Hi liligal

Congratulations on ur newborn. I had a baby on 2 june. Chanced upon the July thread and I send u a pm. Would like to enquire more about what u did for ur first born . My milk supply is not stablised and I am still trying to increase it . Hopefully it will increase .
Hey everyone! Just happened to see the qn abt HL n ML.. Believe this is the general policy n it should apply to most (if not all companies):

If u go on any HL/MC anytime from wk36, and u happen to deliver immediately during/after it (i.e no gap where u went back to work); ur ML 'overwrites' those HL/MC... However let's say u were on HL/MC, then it ended n u went back to work for a week before u popped. That will not be ML cos the first 8wks are to be continuous..
Bhoo, me chgd to 27mm too!!! And it worked for me. That's why their medela website I dun trust.

Wai123, I'll look out for your pm.
Hi girls
Thks for ur advise on medala PISA..;)

Anyone encounter tt the bottles cannot be sterilize using advent sterilizer?? I try sterilize and two of my bottles abit out of shape.. So my CL say use hot water sterilize will do.. I feel the bottles abit soft too...

Hi bhoo
Where u buy the other size shield? Standard size is 24mm is it? Wonder will the rest of the parts after sterilize will spoilt or not?? ;(

Hi gals who r preparing for bb full mth
Any idea for full mth voucher, beside bengawan solo and sweetest moments.. Any other gd recommendations?
Also, will u gals be doing cupcake and those chocolate bar with bb photos on it to give to relatives??
Joanne, I'm using Avent 3in1 steriliser and so far my bottles are ok.

I bought medela spare parts from megababystore. The breastshields are $20/pair. A lot cheaper than buying from Robinsons or Kiddy Palace. Delivery is very fast too. (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5972614.html?1338452884).

I think with constant sterilising, most plastic stuff like breast pump parts and bottles will sure to warp after 3 to 4 mths... that's why must keep buying and replacing them.

I was just surfing the net for baby full month cakes and gifts. Still undecided whether to go for the traditional set or cupcakes =/
Hi Lili_gal,

My milk supply has increased since the last time I posted, thanks to your advise. Now I manage to pump a little more now, sometimes enough for one feed and at times a little short..

Just a quick question though, do you switch breasts when breastfeeding? Whenever I tried to latch the baby on the other breast, she refused to take it in even though she is hungry and crying for milk.. I am still working hard to latch her on, it is difficult when she is very stubborn. She clamps her mouth shut, and struggle a lot.
Pep81, that's gd news! Try to latch more cos suction power of bb higher than pump esp when he/she grows older by the day...

In my recent hosp stay. The LC asked me to gv abt 30mins on 1 breast. My girl only takes abt 10-15mins so I din bother to switch. Also I want to ensure she gets hind milk (the fatty ones) as much as possible so din switch also.

For latching u might want to try a different hold eg football hold or angle eg more straight instead of side. It cd be the way u latch on the other side or nipple size. This one I can't help much n wd suggest getting LC to see and advise.

General key again is to ensure u tease bb w ur nipple on his/her lower lip to open mouth big big b4 u bring bb to breast. Note, bb to breast n not the other way round. Ur bb will then slowly learn to open mouth big whenever feeding is needed.
Oh thinking of a cheater bug method. When she cries, mouth big right? Bring her to breast then. Will she continue?
Jo, u shud join us on FB grp. BB tried melrose bakery n said not bad for the price. Want to see ur twins' pics too! Do they look similar even tho they r longfeng?
Ya joanne. Join us at facebook! Wei da de ma Ka - cant imagine how u juggle the two of them...

Btw I'm at 37 weeks and bb at 2.8kg. Was told bb is big and should cut down on eating..
waaaa......love to eat leh..
Hello mummies! Been super bz and stressed out since my bb arrived. Is it recommended to eat fenugreek for milk supply??

Bhoo, u are v lucky to have 20ml of milk.. I got nothing!
congrats to all who've popped, do rest well & share ur birth stories & ur daily routines at ur convenience! so much of info just reading.

anyone using avent pumps so far? keep seeing medela. hehe.

rgds to ML i tink my co. is the co. which if u have any MC or HL b4 ML considered as ML taken earlier. just like i applied my ML 23/07, but i told them i gg take early cos i cant endure at wrk. so fri when i went gynae just nice gynae ask me standby mode 'on' & gave me HL all the way till my ML! but no use. cos co. wont accept it as HL =( they will take it as ML. tmr ill still b g back to wrk as i hv to settle some stuffs n see if boss has anything else for me to finish up.

went for my w36 chkup last fri & bb is at 2.4 =) gynae didnt mention small or big, just avg. only thing that make me feel panicky is that she say bb is v v low lying! do standby & rest well ok!nw i start to panic. hahaha.. hvn bought bb clothings yet =x prob will go buy by this thurs or fri!
Hi mommies, am a july member and been a quiet reader all these while

I just delivered my 2nd baby boy last tuesday at GlenE. I was induced due to bp went up and slight cervix opening. I took normal delivery w epi, I must say its much faster this time around, after waterbag leaked it took me 3hours with induce drip that help to increase contraction... Till baby born. Had small tear but otherwise all happy endings

Im on total bf and glenE nurses are wonderful and supportive in helping me to bf which I didn't manage to with my #1

At home I was struggling w latching at first.. But I managed to hand express the colostrum into spoon and feed baby ... Really happy that I persevere coz now I can pump at least 50-60 ml per session after latch

For mommies looking for reading/breast feed related .. This is useful site  http://www.thenewbornbaby.com/ it help me during engorgement period (first few days when milk duct started to build up )
Btw.. Want to ask mommies who total bf at home. After latch do you pump out your milk to empty breast? And if yes, how do you feed them up baby ? Cup or sringe or spoon or bottle?
If bottle will u worry of nipple confusion ?

My mom is doing confinement for me, but seeing her spoon feed and sringe feed (pumped out milk) my boy at wee hour could be a heart pain... Cos I think she deserve some rest too... But I worry if use bottle and teat - baby becoming lazy to latch after a while...

Hi mummydee
Congrat to u..Dun worry.. Me too worry in first place so i go buy two small cup.. But i feel is too tedious n CL oso ensure hv no issue then she go ahead to use bottles.. My bbies still can latch on to drink milk so no need worry..

Hi lili n tanny
Sorry as me no fb acct so lazy to go create one too.;)
Hi bhoo
Thks for the link.. ;)

Hi lili
Thks for the other bakery name so u will hv ur full mth celebration soon right? Wht u plan to hv this time?

Hi gals who r doing bf
I heard fr one of my friend that cook quaker oats in morning n eat salmon can hv more milk.. U gals heard n try before else no harm to give it a try..;)

Hi ourlovestory
My gynea prescribe me lactagreek n domperidone to hv more milk.. Not sure anyone taking the same?

Joanne: I've heard of Domperidone but have not asked my gynae for a prescription yet. Am currently taking More Milk Special Blend as I have PCOS. It's working good for me but I'll love to give Domperidone a shot too. What's the dosage you're taking for Domperidone and how much is the prescription?
