(2012/07) Jul 2012

laura, try latching more vs pumping. if u pump, even when it's dry i.e. like no more, kp ur pump going for few more mins e.g. 5 mins. u will still hv trickles of milk. after 2-3 times ur increase will come.

hey, for all esp new mummies, u might want to consider this book "What to Expect - the first year" it's good and very detailed. it's like the baby expecting book but has lots more details on breastfeeding, burping & feeding etc. i just referred to it and realized it answered a lot of questions u might have. take a peek.

Laura, u can get fm gnc, or u can also buy fm sg motherhood forum search for little thinkies,
she sells alot in forum, she has got pumps , milk bags , a lot and I oso bought fm her before.
Mummies, actually latching is the best, if bb can latch min pumping ,else a lot of things to wash n sterilise that's my personal feel. My " number 1couldnt latch properly so no choice gotta pump.
Laura, u can get fenugreek fr pharmacy, saw at guardian n unity, can compare with gnc. I got fr gnc last time cos my fren had 30-40% bday dist.
Lilgal, hope he gets well soon. My mum is ok with me bathing but only in the day n with herbs. She said very smelly with mense leh if dun bathe.....if c-sec then she said no
twittymon: Thanks

lili_gal: I know if I keep pumping even though it seemed dry there're still a teeny weeny bit of milk coming out but it's really frustrating cos I'm using a manual pump. Tired oh! I managed to keep waking up my boy to continue latching for 1 hour straight and am I tired or what? *phew* But at least he is happily snoring now. Let's hope that meal can last him until 4am. I gotta catch some quick winks now!
Ferngreek gnc how much vs the one sold by thinkies? Should I buy a bottle now first?

Binder u all use what type? Those futuro from watsons or special ones by Malay massage lady?
Tanny- i bought mine fr kiddy palace. $42 lidat. Fralin brand. Washable. Those malay lady think is cloth i think
Frens have used this before n review was good. In fact i was asked to bind after delivery for fast effect, pack into my hospital bag aso! But unsure if i will really use after delivery
I read WBB's books which came free with the FBI membership...also very detailed with alot pictures.

I bought my binder from Mustafa- they sell hospital grade binders such as Dale (cheaper than Guardian)
qris, uh oh..i better start wearing... actually dun wear feel stomach like cold cold... need to sew to reduce size according to the massage lady.

laura, 1hr? well done to mummy and boy!!! why dun u get electric pump now that u r on a roll? so far i hvnt touched mine yet.. will do so in 3rd mth.
my girl if can drink 10mins straight i super happy already. she is considered a "rester" in the baby books. drink 5mins, rest 10mins for burping & pooping or farting then drink again for 10mins then unlatch. amazingly she can sleep 2hrs after that then wake again so from start to start is 3hrs gap, just nice. but i scared she not enuff leh...

rer-rer, yah... cannot imagine dun bathe or wash hair. but in jun thread quite a lot of people do that leh...

do u all wear long pants all the time in confinement?
laura, tannny,

u can do price comparison, but i think little thinkies sells cheaper than retail, besides that they oso hv thinks like desitin cream, milk bags etc, so if u order all togather in one postage i think its cheaper than retail. check it out..
hi mummies, am new to this forum..
wanna check with u all whether u book ur single bed with TMC in advance? i tried calling the tmc admission line for few days but cant call thru.
Laura : use auto pump if u can. so far I din hear good things abt manual pump except for a colleague who is full of milk - she uses manual pump with ease and can even pump to throw.. cos too much to store n drink.
Laura, you really very li hai. Manual pump is very tiring as you need strength but the suction is quite good. I got one but after a few pumps my fingers got so tired! I agree with the mummies, if you intend to bf longer term, auto pump really make life so much easier!

Shann, you are such a positive thinking person! thumbs up!

lili-gal, i think i am the most bu ting hua...i wear shorts during my day 3 but other days i wear 3 quarters. Now the weather can be quite cold due to the rain so i more ting hua and never on aircon.
btw, can add me to the FB group? i wanna see all of the babies pictures! =))))
rer rer, totally agree...with the lochia and stitches..hygiene is very important leh..else encourage bacteria growth and risk infection...
den we sterilise this, sterlise that for baby things but we are one huge walking bacteria holiday paradise if really dun bath for one week...
i got oily scalp...i cannot imagine myself not washing hair for the whole one month! gasp!
I think I gotta invest in auto pump cos my boy digest and sleeps better after drinking bm.

This little guy really know how to steal lao aunties heart. Just now my hubby's aunties came and my boy can smile at them in his sleep. 他奶奶的。I serve him everyday like a king but no such response from him. :-/
laura, you are queen indeed!! hahhaa.. dun worry, think abt it.. u still hv years and months to train him to be mummy's boy. now jus beginning.

buttercup, u'd hv to find the Jul mummies group, click Join and write to me or Marie on ur real FB name.
Lili_gal: True true.. When don't wear, stomach feel soft n cold. But I think binding really makes a difference. With #1, I was not conscientious in binding. My tummy look so big even after ML ends. Now after only a week, I only look like 2 mths preggie. Quite good by my standards. Hehe!
Qris, after a week of binding and you only look like 2 mths preggie? i am so going to buy a binder tonight & bring it with me to the hospital.. lol
Zhen: Yup, hehe! I also packed it into my hospital bag. I got the Belly Bandit (bamboo version). Using 2 as my torso is quite long.
So excited for those mummies to be waiting for their little ones to pop! I sort of miss the little one in my tummy feeling and the excitement waiting for their arrival.
Jiayou Jiayou!
Joanne: Yup. The bamboo version is better than the original one. Especially if you having csect. I used it after the nurses removed my cast. If natural delivery, can wear immediately on the next day.
Just wanted to share my bf experience with my #1 for all those who are discouraged or thinking of giving up. Being a new mummy then, I didn't know anything abt bf and had mastitis which ended up with abscess which had to be extracted. It was quite bad and the supply in that side of the breast decrease significantly. Due to the severity, I was advised not to bf with the infected side but to continue to pump. I was lucky to have met a pro bf breast specialist who encouraged me to continue to bf. which I did even though initially my daughter did not want to latch. I only managed to latch her when she was in her 2nd month after a visit to the pd who said that it was still possible to try as the way she sucks is similar to those who have latched. I went on to continue to bf her till she was abt 20 mths. So for all those who are thinking of stopping due to the initially set back, pls dun be discourage and preserve.
thanks for the inspiring sharing! indeed very encouraging and i m glad everything works out well for you and big welcome for your baby!
Morn mommies!

So bz trying to handover but coz today n tml on leave, so faster come in here say hello n CONGRATs to those who have jus delivered! Things will no longer be the same...hahahaha..but hope everyone's enjoying the new journey!

Toking abt stay in hospital (esp TMC):

- Anyone brought breastpump to hospital?
- is it chargeable of we ask them sterilise for us?
Sg_sc - when I has #1 6 years back, they didn't offer me steam steriliser but cold water. So had to pay for the container and the cold water steriliser tablets. But I think 2 yrs ago, shortly after I had #2, I had to stay in hospital again as my #1 was hospitalized. I was still bfing and still on maternity. So needed to pump for #2. I requested for a steriliser and there was this kind nurse who managed to source for 1 for me. For that occasion, did not have to pay. Was just grateful for the nurse to help me. But then on another occasion when I was there again, they were not willing to loan me a steriliser but was willing to offer to help me steriliser my stuff in the nursery. So I guess it all depends.
SG_SC: I delivered at TMC. I didn't bring my breast pump as I used the days there to latch my baby instead. I did bring the breastshields though so that the LC can advise if they were the correct fit or not. I did ask if they have breast pumps for rent during the stay and the nurse told me yes, and that it's chargeable. Didn't ask about sterilization though.
3monkies - sounds like double stds, some told mi is chargeable, some told me free and in ur case, the nurse so nice source for u somemore...

Qris - yes i rented their pump the last round n they actually charged mi in my bill as a purchase! luckily i check item by item..

ya coz HB say might as well jus bring everything in case need. Very most neva use can leave in car...im also gonna bring the breastshields to check for accurate fit n the nipple protectors coz i had sore nipples on the 3rd day n LC told my hb go down buy else i dun tink i can wear any shirt back...so painful..
Was jus browsing thru FB and realised realli so many mommies popped le! and we r jus into the 1st week of July?? hahaha

Suddenly the weather so cool these few days, keep raining heavily..wanna go out for lunch also sianz...but im not complaining la..cool better than the hot humid weather n sticky pits i gotta bear!
SG_SC: Haha..yes, quite a number of mummies popped end of June...now the real July mummies are also popping one by one... ;)
Mrs C - yes hope end of June mommies will continue to stay in this July thread! Tink thread will become quieter as time passes coz we'll be pre-occupied wif our lil ones...

Wat abt u? wen's ur edd?
SG_SC: My EDD is 23 Jul...but will go for induction next week (Week 38) as advised by gynae...tomorrow gonna be my last day at work...Week 37, 3 days today... ;)
Sg_sc -yes. I think better bring your own. Cos base on my recent stay, they seem to charge for everything. Eg in the past, b4 my bb was discharge, I was able to get free samples of formula (just in case). But this time round, they dun. Also as my bb had to stay an additional day due to jaundice, I requested for them to cup feed my bb. In the past, they did not charge. But this time round, it was chargeable for the cup.
hehehe... very hard to post here after delivery. cos one hand holding baby and one hand on phone. hahaha... rest of time will be sleeping! it's hard to manage only few hrs of sleep then to be disturbed for 1hr then to go bk to sleep and cycle repeats! really no life and not forgetting sore nipples.

all the best to mummies who haven't popped. go pak tor with hubby more, spend time with #1 or indulge in rest and other enjoyment as much as u can yah?

yeah the weather is extremely good right? glad our weather forecast officials have never been accurate! hahahhaa...
Ladies, actually tbf is the best way to shrink the tummy. With no 1 I didnt even use any binder or go for massage but within the first month my tummy shrank back liao.. Try it! Furthermore BM is best for baby! Jia you mummies! Don't give up, it might be difficult or painful at first but after awhile it gets alot better
i m also end July, gyna said look like it will be on the dot or overdue, we shall see!
all the best for those who are going to pop soon! may it be a smooth and uneventful delivery =)
cookie, how do i "like" a few times ur prev post here? hahaaa... totally agree. i left only 4 more kg. ok if my mum is back today w a smaller sized binder, i think i'll get bk my figure b4 end of confinement.

Hi mummies sorry to intrude. I got a BN dry shampoo made in usa for sale. Its an extra that I bought during my confinement. Here r the details.

Hi mummies, I got the above up for sale. UP: $15. Will throw in another bottles of leftover. Pls kindly PM me your best price or I m open to exchange for Petpet Sz S diapers, glass bottle caps or any other items u have in mind, we can discuss. Self collect at Yew Tee.

Letting go cheap, any reasonable offer or exchange, I will let go.

