(2012/07) Jul 2012

hi mummies!
i dont know why but im starting to have sleepy spells lately.. do you mummies experience that?
i was so sleepy that i went back to sleep after half a day yest... wonder when i'll feel energetic again!

Good morning. I will be going to Expo later too. Metro sales is at hall 4 so can drop by to buy baby stuffs too. It is Friday!
Good morning ladies. TGIF!

My PGP is realy getting on my nerves. Feels like all my pubic hair is stuck on my knickers and it's pulling away. Sheesh...
mummy lee, I'm also suffering from bouts of sleepiness. Everyday very tempted to take 1/2 day leave in the afternoon to go home and zzzz ... but dun want to waste my leave so I endure!!!
Hi Mummies=)
yeah finally friday..
wanted to take 1/2 day today n go expo to sign up the stemcord thingy..but m stuck at work..too many things to do liao..
sob sob..

Liligal: 30weeks n u havent buy anyhting??
u super woman ah??haha i always joke with my hubby n tell him wanna wait for me to be in delivery ward liao dan he go run the errand ah??
anyway i agreed with joanne go n get things done soon=) since this week n next week got fairs=)
anyway its GSS soon oso.. hehe.. so sth u can wait till behind n get if needed.. just get the neccesseties first=)

Joanne: ur welcome;p
personally i think its better for u to go check out stemcord oso if possible since gt twins..
n yes its better to keep.. i just think this is we as parents can do the minimum thing to protect our lil ones=)
is a way of protection to safeguard n not to regret in the future if anything happens.. (*touchwood*)but life is such a miracle n at times is oso fragile.. n i m those think far n wish i dun regret in the future..
of coz its best not to touch it lah=) meaning we got healthy babies!!!!

Bhoo & BB(alva): envy.. i wish to go down today too.. haha to avoid all the crowds during the weekends since gt harvy norman sales oso.. so i assume there will be lots of pple there!!!!
anyway remember to share what good deals u see there yeah=)
today weather i hear is good..overall cloudy only.. good day to SHOP!!!!!
mummy_lee: PGP - Pelvic Girdle Pain.
You wouldn't want to have this.

bhoo: Me too. Die die must "dong" until pang gang cos' AL is very very precious now. My MC also left 2 days niah. *sob*

And the worse part is I am already so very tired but at night still have wet dreams. Sheeshhhh...
hi ladies,

what is the differences between having a c-sec cmpared to natural besides reovery period is faster for natural huh? any tots? have to wear a supoort binder for c-sec straight away huh? two kinds of c-sec issit? full GA or half GA huh?
Laura: LOL!!! How many times you wake up in the nite to use the toilet? My MC also left a few days... I took 1 week MC during my first trimester cos of bleeding. Need to save as many MC cos last few weeks of pregnancy might suay suay kenna bedrest. AL also cannot waste cos in case ML not enuff can continue to use AL till end of the year!
bhoo: So far only wake up once to report to toilet (touch wood!). My ah lao now at Thailand (for work) then he shun bian went to look for his master (monk) and ask about me. Then master told him most likely I will end up c-section but everything will turn out fine and my baby is very healthy and active. My 1st trim was quite ok but with occational fever so MC was exhausted mostly for that and also recent bodyaches.
Hi gals
Usually how much will we hv in our cda account huh? Hope no need come out cash for stem cord storage..;)

Hi sunbelle
If can, go for natural.. Csect is usually no choice then do since every operation carry a risk..;)
Joanne: your twins will be child #2 & #3 right? So the cash gift shd be 4000 and 6000 each, i think. Not sure how they count for twins. Then there is also the govt matching contribution up to 6k and 12k for 2nd and 3rd child... But the money not given at one shot...they have certain timeline, like at birth, 6 mths, 12 mths, 18 mths... Something like that lar...
hi mummies,

hope u all haf ur lunch=)

btw i m quit confused between CDA n CDC..
which is the baby bonus of $4k?? which is d $1 for $1 n open the bank acct at standchard/ocbc..
baby bonus will be credited to the bank acct of the child oso or is to parents acct??
Expo like not much good deals Tom the advertisement.
Mummies do u feel backside pain when sitting eg on MRt. Not even a few stops I feel like backside v tired want to stand up.. Like the backside no cushion like that though got do much fats.
Tanny: even sitting on bed oso will feel pain too.. back will oso ache.. sometime i lie on my bed n uses my lappy..i wanna to sit up straight,i feel like i twisted my back.
expo not many good deals mah=( i tot of grabbing stuff lei..

if i recall correctly i saw a post saying end of may beginning june oso got another baby fair???
Joy: Baby bonus of $4K is credited to the parents bank account over a certain timeline – at birth, 6 mths, 12 mths, 18 mths. So parents can use the $4k on anything. CDA account is opened in the child’s name with either OCBC or Std Chartered. Parents can deposit money in it and govt will match dollar for dollar till a max of $6k for 1st child. There’s a timeline for parents to deposit money (I think before child is 6 yrs old) in order to get the matching contribution from govt. The amount in CDA account can be used for several purposes like infant care/child care fees, vaccination, etc.
There are many good deals at Expo!!! The Avent 3in1 steriliser that I've been eyeing is going for only $105. Original price is $159!
Thanks Mrs C for the details.. okie so now i have more knowledge of it=)
so at least can do some financial plannings for bb n bb education n using for the stemcord..=)

bhoo: u r making me feel like leaving my office now!!!! where do u see the details of the deals??
joy_javen, there was an advert in yesterday's papers! And my fren is also there now sending me regular updates! hahhaha .... Already very crowded at baby expo. I think many pple take leave to shop wor....
Mrs C: Really appreciate for providing us the info.

Expo crowded? Aiyo...Sunday still got things left to buy or not wor? Ah-lao will only touch down SG tomorrow evening. Aiyoyo..!
hi mummies..just bk from my 28 weeks check up..bb is abt 1.22kg..normal weight..my gynae confirmed i must deliver at TMC unless i want to change gynae..so no choice lo..

Rykiel, I wear fitflop since I pregnant..very comfortable so far..tis is the one shoe i can wear thruout d whole day..
Thk u so much bhoo n mrs C for the detail...;)
Btw bhoo, can asks ur friend is the exhibition big? As they hv bb expo beginning of this year.. Very small tt time n nothing to buy leh... Motherhood fair will be definitely big n gd but only happen on end of May.. Maybe too heavy to move by then..
Hello, just an update on the baby fair. Great disappointment. Nothing much to see. Baby clothing r not worth the prices. Didn't buy anything at all. My legs r very tired so I sit on the Stemcord booth chair. Cord life is not there. Since I sit on the chair, I just open my ears to listen to their selling technique. Well, they claim there store the cord blood into 2 separate bags in 2 different locations for safety reasons while Cordlife only store in one location. Once the cord blood is being accessed, the bag cannot be restored anymore. Ok, quite a selling point. I asked about stability studies: is it really forever? I hope the sales girl told me correctly, she said they hv done through 15 yrs evident confirm can keep for 15 yrs but the technology is able to keep the cord blood forever. Btw, take note only 15 yrs recorded evident. Hmmm... To bad Cordlife is not there, else I can walk there to rest my legs for another 15 mins. After I walked out, I think of another important question. Some countries ban private
banking, so if one day Singapore ban it, what should we do with the cord blood since Singapore Cord Blood Bank will never accept donation from private banks. Will our cord blood end up with 3rd party research company? Well, I still buy the idea of separate bags in different locations. So if the comparisons they made between their company n Cordlife is true, I will go for Stemcord.

I bought many baby clothing at Metro Expo sales. Very good price!
re: fitflops.

my hubby say i paranoid. jus buy time say v good v soft. i immediately change into it when i bought at causewaypoint, thn threw my mphosis slippers away. thn nw i keep niam-ing he say i paranoid. =( hahahahhaha.. i tink pscological leh. cos i went to read the wobble board, n google abt it. ppl say its toning ma... =\

i have this over sensitive, over spider over things problem now with my #2. anyone knw wad i mean?
BB, so you did not get anything at the baby expo? I want to get baby rocker, steriliser, bottles, the korean mat, etc etc ... The prices there are not worth it? Metro is better?
Joanne, I think it's only 1 hall ... but my fren bought quite a few things like steriliser, bottles, etc.

I think it really depends on whether you are first time mummy or not. For me, I have so many things I need to buy! Hehehe ... I'll check it out after work and provide more accurate updates tonight!
Dear Mummies..

Have been MIA for a bit.. but do need your input on this topic of Placenta Encapsulation.

Have anyone of you here thought about doing it?

I am really tempted to do it as I have read many benefits about consuming the placenta. Rather than letting it go to waste.... sounds morbid.. hahah.. but do let me know your 2 cents worth of thought.. =)
Hi mummies! So much to catch up on.

Just to add on re CDA account (the dollar for dollar matching savings acc with SC/OCBC), pls note it can only be used at approved institutions. Also, u cannot withdraw money from the acct to ur liking. Yes the dollar for dollar matching is till 6 yrs old, based on currency policy, amt cap is based on it's ur no what child

Sounds like there's so much going on at expo this wkend! But shd be v crowded too so mummies heading down pls be careful ok, not everyone is considerate to preggies
Yes, I think baby fair is more useful to first time mummy. Me 2nd timer, have not gone to any baby fairs yet coz a lot of things I have already. Only clothing need to buy some coz different gender this time round, some diapers and breastpump accessories which I will likely buy online. During #1 time, already gone to 1-2 baby fairs by this stage of pregnancy. Haha! Somemore after work, gotta rush home and take care of #1. ;p
seeking advice from second hand mummies, which detergent is recommended? thanks!

i bought from si ma lu shop jus on sunday, 6 for $12, unsure short and long sleeve got ptice diff
I just received a trunk call from hubby telling me that I don't have to fetch him from the airport tomorrow because master said that I have to be extra careful for these few days. Woo-hoo! Blessing in disguise! (but what does he meant by "be extra careful? hmm....)
Joanne, I m expecting big boys like Pigeon but they r not there. Those things sold there I already have it or I already bought it at People Park baby store.

Someone mentioned Korean mat. R u referring to the bumper mat? I bought it in the spree during my #1. Perhaps this baby fair is meant for first time baby but this is the lousiest one so far I hv been to.
wow liligal, you are cool. if i am u, i sure panic liao leh....cos i am the kan cheong type.

yeah J03, i definitely go for natural as first choice. but seemd like lots of frens try natural then later cannot ...bo pian c-sec...fees are double i tink so...yeah so wanted to see mums whom have went to c-sec and understand their pros and cons.....

Hi Laura, mi oso under dr loh like you heheeh ...yeah your hubby so cute leh.....really caring towards you.

quite disappointed with today baby fair..dun expect muchie. cos really not much tins unless u are buying clothes for your littie ones as well.
by reading u mummies saying how lousy the bb fair is..does make me feel better abit since i m stuck at work doing OT now=(

are there things like pampers n bottles over at the bb fair??bt i still need to head down to expo coz of the stemcord thingy..
Hello mommies,
Few days no chance to login as too too busy at work, got chased like mad at work n busy looking for maid.

I heard there are baby detergents at e fair. But like some mommies here, I'm going to give a miss as going to reuse my boy stuff for my #2 n my back aching is telling me to rest more. Maybe for 1st mommy, there are more things to look n buy.

Went for my checkup n bb is doing fine. She's now ard 1.2kg at wk 28. Almost double e weight fr last checkup. Paid deposit for ward booking n pocket has big hole now.
Hello all. I'm back. It's been one year since we last brought #1 to the pool and he's v fearful of it now. Sigh... But he grew to like the beaches. Good break. Now need to ganbatte and start prepping for bb girl.

From the sound of things I'll give expo a miss also. The stemcord offer also valid for those who doesn't visit fair?

Btw cherish why must put deposit for booking? Only tmc is it? Anybody did the same for Mt A?
Hi Joy
Lol.. After reading u gals feedback.. Decide to give this fair a miss as i been to the same bb expo fair hold by same co beginning Of this year.. Really nothing to see n buy.. Also base on my current condition, too tired to go shop n walk around.. Think i will asks hb to go buy everything at motherhood fair end of may ba since i always been to this fair n feel it is much better n bigger too.. ;) btw, can update whats the offer stemcorb provide if u apply at the show?

thks gals for ur update on the bb expo fair., now resting on my sofa..;)

I juz came back from babyfair. Bought avent sterliser and milk warmer. Wanna get duel pump but they nvr bring in.

I went there and sign up for stemcord. Quite a good deal. No need upfront payment, juz pay by CDA account as what joy mentioned. The photo package is actually after giving birth, within 6 mths, got a studio photo worth $180. They give a tube of stretchmark cream as freebies. The stretchmark cream called Olivella Mamma. I nvr see cordlife booth so unable to compare.
