(2012/07) Jul 2012

Joanne: As long as you can feel your baby movement that's good enough cos' we can't really compare with each other. Every baby's response are different so maybe that is your baby's pattern?

qing-er: sahm??? ENVIOUS OH!!

Wow! Thread so active lately…have been so busy with work these few days…

Yes, agree with bhoo…this year is dragon year, we have to be kiasu and secure places early in infant care and next time childcare/kindy/pri school! No choice esp if yours is first kid… thankfully I have #1 already, so #2 will just follow suit and go to #1’s nanny and next time the same childcare/pri school…somehow hubbies are very lax when come to things like that…typical man attitude lar…I am also the one doing all the research, booking all the appts to view kindy/childcare (#1’s case) - he just have to make sure he is available at those timing…only thing he is enthusiastic about was stroller - did research and test the strollers at the shops – man and wheels! Haha!

Buying things: I think the basic necessities needs to be prepared in advance and not wait till baby’s arrival…seriously for first time parents, the first few weeks after bb’s arrival can turn your lives upside down (ok, maybe not too bad for the first month if you have CL around to help)…so, for things that can be prepared now, do prepare early…

Baby movements: Yes, do enjoy the baby movements coz this is such an exclusive feeling only mothers can feel and experience…

Bhoo: Wow…even nanny also cannot guarantee but at least you have secured a place at the infant care already.

Joanne: Yeah, the kicks are different for me now – it is more like movements rather than definite kicks…I can see the “earthquake” movement like what some mummies describe here…have been trying to capture on video but not successful yet…hopefully at later weeks when more “earthquake” comes…

Lili gal: You must be enjoying your baby moon now!
qing-er, you are going to be a SAHM? You are so lucky! Where do you live? Can you be my nanny?! LOL... There are not many housewives in my block. They are either young working adults or foreign tenants =( slim chance of finding a nanny amongst my neighbours.

Mrs C, I called the agency that you told me about. He asks me to call back 1 to 2 mths before I need the nanny service... and he also commented that it's going to be tough to get a nanny in my area =(
Bhoo, Mine too. He will drop me, then sit somewhere play his game or wait at home. Hee

Btw, which is the best stocked branch of dept store / kiddy store / watsons to get the baby / maternity necessities? Coz I will only have time to shop at limited places & won't be able to go for any of the fairs including the motherhood fair in may/jun..

Also, any good book or online resource on how to look after baby to recommend? Coz i can't go for any of the pregnancy/childbirth/parenthood classes..
bhoo: I found my nanny through him only after my #1 turn one month old. But it was year 2010, low birth rate year. So have to keep fingers crossed and hope for the best! Good luck!

Yeah, medical hall is keeping up with the latest trend of online shopping. They used to take orders via emails, now they have this website where you can just click, add to shopping cart, then place order. After that just do a bank transfer to them. They usually reply within 1 working day. Yes, they deliver island wide. The delivery uncle will SMS or call you to confirm timing.
Threads are running so fast n active! No time to login, too busy at work n drowning with pending issues. Need time to catch up wif u all again.

Mrs c, my son also born in 2010 =)
Hi all,

Last week I just went to chong cheong to get the nb clothes. Its $2.30 ea for plain top. Brought a few long pants. My mum went to si ma lu one on Sunday and it was closed. So mummies, dont go on Sunday. Same goes for Chong Cheong.
Oh I also brought a belly support belt (mum2b)from mothercare, this its effective for me. I wear it when I go shopping, really managed to relieve my backache..

Rykiel, yes I just got my new maid. My agent told me they dont do tele-interview now, so we just employ herr based on her data info & photo =p so far ok lah, well baby is still not born so dunno how good she will be with baby. she is from indo so her eng not tat good. Need alot of patience though
Woww... Just one day out to buy more baby stuff n watch a movie n this thread runs so fast. Ok, try to recall from my speed read...

1. Diaper sizes.
I bought one packet of newborn pampers 24 pcs. Mt E will let u bring home a new pack of Pampers. Take note, the newborn n S sizes of different brands might hv the same sizes. Meaning, Pampers newborn might be same size as Small PetPet. That is why PetPet has no newborn. So the best is to buy the smallest pack to try first. My confinement lady likes Pampers (first choice) n Mamypoko (2nd choice). If you change diapers regularly, there will be minimum diaper rash. My girl only has diaper rash problem when she started school at 18 mth old. The best diaper cream with best aroma fragrance n effective cure of diaper rash for me is Aromababy, you can get it from Mums Essential. It is expensive but can last for more than a year so still very worth it. I tried all diaper brands. My #2, I will start with Pampers, then Mamypoko, then switch to PetPet (very cheap) n Drypers. I find Huggies too thick for the hot weather.

2. Wooden Cot or playpen?
Both r equally good. I hv one wooden cot to put at first floor (empty space between my dining area n living room) n one playpen in my bedroom. The playpen can use for a longer period. When baby starts to learn standing, I change my wooden cot to another playpen. For newborn playpen, please get a better quality firm one.

3. Shower gel for newborn.
I m using California Baby.

4. Formula Milk
If my breast milk is insufficient, I will be getting Enfalac Stage 1.

5. Detergent
I will be using Pigeon detergent n softener. After 2 yr old then switch to Essence which my girl #1 n myself r using now.

6. Baby Accessories shop
My favorite baby store to grab everything you need with good price n advices. Distributor Cheong Choon Store at Blk 34, #03-132, Upper Cross Street S050034. Contact no. 65323855. They open at 1pm or something so call them to check the time they open before u go. If you know where is the People's Park Ocean store, you r very near to the shop, ask around or find ur way to the shop. Trust me, you get everything there. I m going there very soon for my trip 2.

Good luck ladies.
Hi mummies,

Can't follow up with this thread at this fast rate. Thanks for sharing the thread for the pampers NB diapers. I had stocked up 10 packs of pampers NB size at 2 for $8.95 earlier this year at NTUC. Do look out for special deals ok?

As for the free samples of diapers, think can log on to Merries to request. For bb shampoo and essentials, do log in to Babysafe.com to request for the full range of bb samples to be sent to u.

As for buying bb clothes, if u r going to expo or suntec this or next weekend....can check out but I don't really find them v cheap. For those who are interested in online shopping in US, can check out babymallonline, gd deal esp when they have 30% discount code. You can find many brands there.
Hi sunbelle
How many pamper needed depends on whether ur bb big or not.. For my son, as he is big bb when born so i only use one pkt of New born pampers and got to change to small size very soon.. So i think 2pkt of new born is sufficient for me now.. Rather buy more small size pamper..

As for cloth diaper, i will use it for their day times.. If put the liner, actually not diffcult to remove the stain fr cloth diaper..
Just throw away the liner will do.. I dun like the moo moo thing with a piece of cloth in it as that one will be diffcult to wash since no liner on top and is very ex... Infact, wong boi boi oso say that one is no gd.. Feel cloth diaper is more cooling and economically friendly..just wear a wrap up outside (sell in taka n OG) to prevent urine leakage will do..my son wear the cloth diaper for a year plus n toilet trained le.. Intend to let my twins wear cloth diaper in day time too since got maid help to wash though i think will use alot of cloth diaper..;)

Yeh.. Can smell wkend coming..
Really confuse shd we use stemcord or cordlife?? Any advise on the cash upfront for both co? Or no need cash, just use bb bonus will do?? Which is better? Think we need decide now before delivery right?
BB: Roger that.

Tummy aching and girdle area pain like ^%$#@!

Baby must be really pressing hard downwards, but should be due to me walking too much yesterday and I guess I gotta tie up my legs to restrict my movement.
Cord blood.
I've written a message about this topic under another thread about cord blood. My #1, I donated my cord blood after talking to 2 gynaes. My #2, my hb n I thought we should keep the cord blood but after discussing with my gynae, the technology is still not good enough, n if really need we hv priority to the national cord blood bank, so again I m donating it out.
Waaah fast and furious!!!!

Thanks for the addresses of the shops. New to me even tho I'm having #2. I will hv to check them out over the weekends w GPS as my guide.

Diapers I also tried all brands including super value packed ones from Giant etc. In the end for newborns we liked pampers (active baby) (they hv cheaper versions also, same with Huggies but not so gd) and Mamypoko. Mamypoko still the most consistent performance for us. Btw it's at least 8-10 changes per day, not 4. I wanted to try Bumwear but the washing puts me off. I like to separate my stuff even in washer so it's more tedious for me.

Oooh thx for the wishes for my babymoon. Now at Bintan. I was really upset w hubby when the night b4 and this morning. Just want to vent abit. I packed everything except his cos he wants to do it himself. So in the end he just threw stuff into luggage last min and messed up my packing.

This morning he refused to wake up on time and still scolded me for choosing such a early ferry time. In the end we were very tight in our schedule and will only make it just in time for check in.

Even after many reminders the night before, halfway through the traffic jam I jokingly said it would be a joke if I said I forgot the boy's passport and he realized he forgot!!!! So U turned back and missed the ferry.

Thankfully later all worked well after paying extra cab fares, amendment fee for ferry etc. if not i think I'll simply give up and not go liao. Worse, he hasn't said sorry yet. Argh.

Btw lotsa preggies here. I think I'm the one in the most advanced stage. That said, they looked fab!!! Wonder how people do it.

Kicks wise, not sure who asked, nowadays it's more movements and occasional kicks. If she does kick its a series of them like firing machine gun. Getting more painful in 3rd tri as I think she is head down now and her legs are up near my rib cage. Any movement just doesn't feel comfy. And tummy is tight. Not forgetting my sagging assets and perpetual backaches with heartburn and bloating.

Btw do u all have slight leaking in urine whenever you sneeze hard? I'm beginning to hv that.

Kawaii get the What To Expect when you are expecting book. It's a very very good ref book. I still refer to it. Also I frequent babycenter.com quite often. U cn even download the app called my pregnancy which is by them (the orange one).
"slight leaking in urine whenever you sneeze hard?" Oh yes! I just experienced that on Monday and no more panty liners for me but sanitary pads to hold it just in case it happens again. :p
Yah I still use panty liners tho.

Btw recently when my baby move sOmetimes I can hear her bones crack! Seriously! Or some zek sound. U girls experience?
I was reading up an article on "Should I have a labour partner?" and it says "Study showed that women encountered an average of six or more unfamiliar professionals during labour, so a friendly face could make all the difference."

Well, as for me I have gone through big op, small op and not to mention IVF which an unfamiliar gynea (my gynea was overseas) had his face stuck so close to my you know where.

Therefore, "women encountered an average of six or more unfamiliar professionals during labour" is really no biggie for me anymore.
Liligal, I hv same problem, bit urine leak if sneeze or cough too hard. My gynae said it is normal after first pregnancy. I also asked if can do the pelvic muscle exercise now, he said now can't help much. After delivery then do 500 times each type per day. I also complained to him that the area above my urine area is bit painful. My gynae said after first pregnancy, the bone there is bent instead of straight so when pregnant second the baby presses onto the bent bone so will hv this problem. Enjoy ur holiday.
Hi liligal
Wah.. Steady.. No, didnt hear it.. How many wks r u now?

Ya, feel movement more than kicks.. Hope the cord stay far fr their neck.. But i dun know how to detect is it they hipcup or just normal movement..hmm...

Btw gals, I just see my tcm n he says i got big bbies n may give birth at wk32 to 34 since twins so worry no space for them.. Sigh.. Really worry.. Think i need to bedrest soon on June...
BB, me too..I also donated out and 2nd, will do the same..I just called sgp cord blood bank..will make the appt with them after my check up 2moro..
With my boy's current butt up head down position -
When I feel consistent burping feeling near my rectum, he is having hiccups.
When I feel movements (or kicks) along or above my belly button region, he is kicking or moving his toosh.

Dunno what's wrong with me today. Tummy near my belly button feels very tender and I guess I've been having this Braxton Hicks contractions since 2 mths ago. So painful and refuse to work. I want to take urgent half day leave and go home. *sob*
WTS: (New and never used before)Combi Travel System Multi 5 Ways [Beige color]

Hi, i just received this yesterday from Taka lucky draw. As i already bought mine, so i would like to sell this. It is new and unused, i only open the box to check the items.

Retail price is at $729
Me selling at $550
(self collection)

Email me if you are interested. [email protected]

For more info on the product:

Product Information:
Combi's Multi 5 Way is a five-in-one multifunction baby vehicle. It's a three-mode baby-stroller, a baby car seat and a rocking cradle. Carry your sleeping child from your car straight to the stroller without waking her up. Configuration also adjusts to growth of up to approximately 24 months.

• Detachable Car Seat/Carry Rack
Detach and use as a car seat by pulling the seatbelt through the handle. Also conveniently doubles as a rocking chair and carry rack.
• Soft suspension system
Wheels absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Extra soft, quick-dry cushions
Padded 3D cushions made of breethable, quick dry fabric keeps your baby comfortable and dry
• Protective shell structure with shades
Keeps your baby cool and protected from the elements
• Large diameter wheels and soft suspension system
Large wheels adds stability and absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Mesh window
Mesh fabric window located at the rear to keep your baby nicely ventilated
• Big sunshades
99% UV blocking shades keeps your baby safe from direct sunlight
• "Egg shock" seat attachment
A form-fitting, shock absorbent cushion attachment comes included with each stroller
• Two way positioning
Baby faces you in "shell mode" for better visibility and reassurance. Baby faces away in "upright mode"
• Zipped side basket
• 5 point seat belt
Secures and prevents your child from accidentally slipping off
• Extra durable
Strong frame makes this stroller much more stable and easy to use
• Shoulder Strap
• 170° Full reclining seat
Allows a near horizontal optimum sleeping posture
• Top window
Window opens above baby's head so you can see and talk to her any time
• Open Dimensions
W50 x D81 x H99.5cm (W19.7 x D31.9 x H39.2in)
• Folded Dimensions
W42 x D35 x H100.5cm (W16.5 x D13.8 x H39.6in)
• Weight (Heaviest "shell mode")
8.6kg (19lbs)
• Reclining Angle (in stroller mode)
• Approximate Age Range
1-24 Months
Thanks for sharing everyone! I'm having a bit of information overload here. hahaa ...

I am also undecided as to whether to store cord blood with the pte companies or just donate it. There's always this fear that you might one day require the use of your baby's cord blood. Storing with the pte companies is like a form of insurance. I've not checked out the prices yet. If not expensive, I think it's probably worth storing for ard 7 years with them?

BB, how long can a baby sleep in playpen for? Don't you need a cot for your baby to sleep in? I'm getting a cot bed instead of a playpen cos I tot baby will outgrow the playpen after 1 year and will not be able to sleep in it...

joanne, you mean Wong Boi Boi thinks the bumwear diapers are not good? Any reasons? If not advisable to use on babies then I think I'll keep them and use at later stage as pull-up pants already... sigh... I have 6 of them and I even bought extra inserts.

liligal, your trip started out so eventful! LOL. Anyway, now that you are finally at beautiful Bintan, enjoy yourself =)

liligal and laura, I do my kegels when I sneeze and it seems to work =)
hello mummies..
seems like i m missing quite abit of reading up over here..
1 more day to go n it will be friday..
jia you.

i m still deciding between stemcord n cordlife..
receive info abt the coming bb expo fair will haf some promotion..
wonder if FBI(thomson medical card) will entitle to anymore promotion or not..
headache.. *>.<*
diamondfericia, I've a baby bjorn carrier and a sarong sling. Not too sure if they absolutely necessary... but I think they are good to have if you are intending to run errants with your lil' one. I find strollers very cumbersome. So far, I've not found one that I can manage on my own.
Talking about wedding dinner I angry ah!
My own niece wedding my hubby said I cannot go. Now his cousin wedding I can go.
WHAT IS THIS? &amp;^%$#@!!!
So pantang or not I also no idea
Joy, i am same as u. Dunno what to choose. Going to bb fair to see of there is any promotion. If both the same, then i will choose whoever serve me well

Joanne, wedding can attend. I was told not to attend during first trimester only.
Qin: i called up both comp today..
for stemcord:
promo price during expo: $1280(deductable from CDA)+ free photo package
2nd year you got to pay $275 if you opt for yearly contract or $1250 for 5yr contract..(i need to check with them is payable 1 lump sum or i can pay $250/yr)

Cordlife: motherday promo till 30th April
$1080 for enrollment and 2nd yr onward pays $275/yr..
but if you got FBI card the package is:
$1400 for enrollment and 2nd yr onwards pays $250/yr..
Cordlife is bounded by 21 yrs contract while Stemcord is not tied to contract..
for instances if you want to take stemcord and wish to terminate any point of time..the unused months $$ will be refunded to you.. (but need to take into consideration that they will calculate until the amt is not promotion price.. meaning now u sign up is $1280 n their usual price is $1580..they will add another $300 lor dan refund u whatever left over)

After much discussion with my hubby he decided to take stemcord..
helloes! ive been MIA cos my colleague went holidays la, 2days been reading only. cant chat much. . nt enf hands at wrk. tdy is the first time bb was so active in the noon!

re: fitflops
anyone wearing? ive gt bad ankle pain cos i wear flats, changed to fitflops. ended up backpain gets worst esp i walk long with it. my hushpuppies pair no prob. is it due to the wobble duno wad technology that they hv that is causing my legs to 'exercise' n strain my back more?

re: maid
i gg get the yes mam, the first i chose, n the first i interview. the more u choose the more luan u get. worst u pay $600 to get a new replacement in (bo bao the new one u choose will be good) or pay $100+ for paper work fee to be done to get a transfer maid those x-stock ones. the more i delay the later the maid comes. her english as mentioned by agent is no good. can understand simple english n answer questions agent asked. tmr i might drop by the agency to call the maid n interview her once more b4 i confirm her. n i now worry aft i cfm they release the new portal n there comes a maid i like than 我就完蛋了. n now i cannot jump to another agency cos i paid $200 downpayment alr. stupid me. =( my friends keep telling me, doesnt mean u go another agency got more maid!!! hahahaha
Rykiel: dun think so much already yea=)
since u already with this maid agency already just stick to it.
everything happens for a reason..

Joanne: can attend as long as after 3mths liao n stable liao.. pantang to certain extends..
dun worry n think too much of it n everything will turn out fine..
old generations tend to tell us dun do this n dun do that.. but u ask the reason why, they cld nt give us an answer.. haha.. so sometimes i wonder if we want to keep the tradition n pass down to our kids,next time they ask us we oso dunoe how to answer them sia..

slblee: thanks for the intro of the websites.. =)
Hi liligal
Wah.. So envy..30th wk le.. Soon u will be seeing ur darling..;) better get ur stuff soon before u gets too heavy..;)

Hi joy
Thks so much!!! Ur list out of both cordbank charges make it so clear.. Actually our CDA account will hv how much? No need cash upfront??
As my family has lukiemia history so do u gals think i really shd keep my bbies cordblood? Cordlife says if got twins tgen hv to keep both, cannot keep one n share.. Touchwood..

Hi rykiel
Why change maid need to pay $600?? My agency say only need to pay the insurance fee of $270 again only.. And they say can change unlimited time.. But of course u hv to pay ur old maid tt mth salary too so is better to let her work for at least one mth full..;)

Thks so much gals for ur suggestion abt attend wedding.. For my #1, i oso got attend at 3rd trimester.. Think this time i will attend too to get some gd luck..;)

Anyone going to expo later, kindly update is it worth going..;) hope they hv baby safe product..;)

Yippy, Friday lo!!
morning ladies, its a nuanua friday =x hahahaha.

re: maid.
nation doesnt give FOC replacements. so have to pay $600 if u getting a brand new maid in. than if transfer than u pay just the documetations. =(

ketchup ltr. gg bring #1 wait sch bus n go buy breakfast than go office eats! =D
Good morning! I LOVE Fridays!

I should be going down to baby expo today to check it out. Will update everyone if there are good deals =)

Rykiel, I am wearing fitflops and I dun have any problems with my ankles or back. In fact I quite like my fitflops =)

bhoo: morning! wah previously i hv bad ankle pain, cos my flats too FLAT. so bought hushpuppies n fitflops. ended up walk too much w fitflops i get more severe pain in my back. which is alr jin jialat liao. tmr gg wear again. i alt days wear to monitor the 'pain' n distance i walk b4 i keep the pair up. hehehe
