(2012/07) Jul 2012

Sblbee: I see, thanks for the advice! But right now I only have 4pairs..heard from my friend bb will always end up "eating" and so with all the saliva etc will need to keep changing? How many is enough?? I was thinking no reason to have that many booties so maybe just get more mittens (one set mitt+boots=$3.30 ish) so a pair abt $2 or less will b more worth..
Me too. Going to opt for c-sect as my boy was also.
Maids can help to wash car based on my understanding. Ur maid age seems ok. The one who we may be hiring is too young leh, 23 only! I'm hving 2nd thot now.
bhoo: ur #1? have u found an ideal infant carE? seems if wana put infant care better to register interest first so that u have a place in the sch. heard many places all fully booked. go dwn to the center looklook see see.

cherish: ya the agents have their own way of saying their things one la. ytd i was at the agency one aunty 'return' the maid hor got kimmo one. hurhurhur. i started wrkin in 2011 lor. hmm. nt young ba '86 de. 黄脸婆. wrk liao than #2 came. SAHM #2 din come. zZz.. logistics planning also a headache for me u knw. i gg enroll #1 in a psch near my inlaws place, bt tentatively nt gg to send him there aft sch. is back home. iya. alot of reasons one lor. haha.

qin: grapes sweet. i tink kids duno one day 10 or 20 grapes can eat. for 5-6YO. than younger kids only 5. i forgot where i read it b4.

joanne: hv u employed the maid? u can get her to wash car if u need. u read her bio. some will state willing to wash car. when she comes jus let her know.

FYI for those who gg to bring maid n bb to inlaws or parents place thn night bring hm. please do rmbr to inform the maid in advance n don let her hv the thinking of 'oh i do two house housewrk'. my agent told me that dae one maid called up agency direct and ask what to do. lucky she din call mom. haha.
Hi hika
Try the distributor shop opposite si ma lu guan yin miao.. They sell in 4sets...

Hi cherish n rykiel
Yes, my maid is already here since last week.. So far she ok, just abit slow.. Hope will improve as time pass.. As my friends say maid only clean household stuff n car not consider household n if need her clean car, must give her few dollar more to compensate.. But my agency say ok to asks her clean car so i think i shd listen to agency right?
Cherish, they say is gd to hv maid with kid already as they hv more committment and wun anyhow.. Hee.. Hope so..
Ladies, does anybody knows a place for waxing off the extra hair on my body and charges at a resonable rate? Preferbly at the west side. My body hair is really growing wild.
cherish: i put $200 to reserve her first. so shud b counted confirmed eh?

joanne: filipino or indo? hw much is her salary? chk with u some stuffs ar, whn u apply de? tk hw long to come in? new or transfer? thn hw much u pay for agent fees sip insurance all blahblah, loan take up hw much loan 6or 8mths ar? ps ah.. alot questions. i now i part1 only, reserve maid wait monday interview her over the phone. thn ok thn will send application to mom for approvals. so i guess still a long way for me to go! 6-8weeks?
cherish, I sure hope I can survive like you did! I already told my HB all my concerns but he thinks I think too much. He says sure can cope cos only 1 kid =S

rykiel, I am expecting my #1. I've already checked out infant cares and have settled for one near my HB's work place. We chose it not becos it's 'ideal' but becos the others are worse. Will most likely place deposit to chope place by end of this mth. I also scared no vacancy considering this year so many babies. You are born in '86 and already expecting your #2? You are a young mummy wor... I'm in my 30s and only expecting my #1.

Joanne, I am pretty sure it's ok for maids to wash car. I see many maids washing cars in my estate. It's a norm =)
Qin & Joanne: thanks both for info.. Will chk si ma lu before gmarket.. I guess since this is something bb will put into his mouth I'll prefer to see the item before getting heh..
bhoo: better to place early. some alr fully booked i heard. i was having infant care plans until the maid plan came in to intercept. lol~ well near hubby place hub can pick also no worries. my initial plan was put bb in at 3rd mth, cos 4th mth finish ML so at least i hv 1mth to monitor bb when he's in IFC. now no need for that. but have to monitor the maid n so many thing to think of. seh. well.. young nt young. angelia younger than me ok! muaaha, angelia having #2 alr n she's 3YO younger than me! *UPS*

so what u mummies doing? i cooked lunch tdy, now just made a 3-in-1 kopi. =x 2weeks one time ok la hor. but ltr must drink lotsa water else the shhshh got v strong caffine smell. gg shower n maybe a nap? no plans for gg out tdy. lazy sunday!
hi ladies. i am so so so hot!!! sleep also hot. sit also not comfy. literally need to have fan blowing directly at me to stay sane.

bb like not enuf place to move, keep jabbing me here and there. heartburn irritating me. my reflection in the mirror irritating me. ahhh.... i so want this to be over and done with quickly.

and i'm doing nothing at all this weekend. what did you mummies do?

rykiel, i drink coffee everyday at work to get me going. so urs should be ok lah.

laura, i also went thru the emergency C-sect. frankly i dun remember hearing the bb's first cry. i was so groggy then due to all the drugs even tho i was awake. i knocked out when i was pushed out of the operating theater after holding the baby for a while and took some pics. best to get your Hubby record everything down with a camera.

btw, kudos on waiting 13 years!!! this bb is so so precious yah?
lili_gal: Oh yes! He is my precious gem.

I do houswork and cooking. A little bit here and there as and when I feel like it. Otherwise, I'll either knockout in bed or be a couch potato. :p
liligal: wah i drink liao i feel v bad one leh. the shh shh gt caffine smell. i bth. previously i one day 3cups =x now 2wks once only. i feel so sleepy. . keep wanting go bathe till nw stuck here reading up on maids n all. muahahahha.
hika, maybe abt 4 more sets for u is enough alrdy....not more than 10 sets cos some ppl told me that it's better to get similar ones in case one is missing....u can easily replace. Yah like what Joanne and Qin said, u can get from gmarket or si ma lu cos its really cheap there. U won't feel the heart pain even if u just use a few times
bhoo: Like Cherish, I also work full time with no help from parents/in-laws. I send #1 to the nanny from 8am to 8pm. Yes, good thing abt nanny is the pick up time is more flexible compared to infant/child care. It's tough at the beginning - readjusting our daily routine, managing boss' expectation that I cannot work late - if got urgent work, can only continue from home at night after bb sleeps and of course attending to bb's demand every night. I am fortunate my #1 started to sleep thru the night when I returned to work, so on week nights, we actually needed to care for him for about 1.5 - 2 hrs before he sleeps and still have some time for ourselves from abt 10pm to midnight before we sleep. Don't worry, we are all tough mummies, after a while we will get the hang of taking care of bb all by ourselves without help.

Cherish: Looks like we have the same arrangement for our #1 and survived it! He will be starting child care soon and his current nanny will look after #2 when she arrives...Hope Hubby and i can handle 2 at night and weekends without help... ;)
I just left maid agency. E maid we want has another family interested too so now e ball is at maid hands. Will hv to see who she will choose. LOL.
Mrs C,
ya. when came to think back, i sometimes dont know how we survived thru. my #1 started to sleep thru when he was 8-9mths old. and i was like a panda when i went to work the next day. hahah
you definitely can handle two kids when the time comes. jia you!

rykiel, liligal,
i drink latte every day else cannot stay awake after lunch hrs lor.
just got 'rejected' by our potential maid. she prefers to look after elderly than children. sianz, hv to start the hunting all over again. zzz
cherish: u chose the maid liao or got reserve or anything? transfer maid lai de huh? re-hunt again, im sure u will find someone suitable for u=)
went down 2nd time today to confirm but agent said there was another family who came to interview this morning, also interested in this maid. so choice lies on the maid and she prefers to look after elderly. yes, it is transfer maid. very sianz mood now. if i want those not in sgp, may need to wait for 2-3mths but time is not at my side lor. prefer to get one by mid jun.
i notice the current market rate for salary is min $450. the agency fees depends, it is ard 400-600 range and this does not include insurance and dont know what other charges. frankly speaking, i'm confused with all the $$ and charges. i let my hubby to digest the info.
Hi mummies,thanks for the all the concern,really hope to get well soon.. Sigh,seriously pray hard all the panadols I've been taking is not going to affect the lil one. Being sick really sucks, as its only me, hubby n my son, passed the virus to hubby as well but he's doing abit better than me, luckily can still bring my boy out to play.

Hear you ladies talk abt buying mittens n clothes, cleaning up rooms, hiring maids is also firing up my nesting instincts but too weak to do anything now. Hope can quickly recover n start by May. Gosh, can't believe it's already 20ish apr already!

Joanne, just a thought, better to enforce all your expectations on your maid now that she's still new, don't be too relaxed with her otherwise she will come to expect to do less n will feel unhappy when u ask her to do more next time. I hired a helper previously to take care of my boy n cook, but over time she just cook then go to the room n rest (maybe I was too nice to her), and finally I had to let her go cos felt that it wasn't working out. With my current part time nanny I am more strict haha, learnt from my past mistake. Btw, think its ok for maids to wash car, see a lot of maids doing it!

Cherish, wah maid so good life now? Get to choose which family they want to work for some more. Good luck, I really hope u get a good maid soon

Rykiel, paiseh, actually I wanted to order nursing bras from ur bp, but been sick for > 1 wk, plus I cannot navigate thru the Chinese website, maybe ur next bp can just recommend me some good nursing bras to get, thanks thanks
Laura, very happy for you n hubby, indeed a long wait but makes the little one all the more special right
very soon he'll be in your arms! And if u can do w/o epidural, all the better, why not right?
Liligal, how's ur boy? Better? So one more week to babymoon!

Hubby asked if I want to go for some beach getaway next weekend but I doubt I can recover in time sigh.. Mummies u all notice our immunity system is really weaker n take longer time to recover when we r preggie? The last time I was sick ard CNY period took almost 1 mth + to fully recover, now sick again.

Good health to all mummies n little ones!!!
Weekends always end so quickly =( Tomorrow another start of a long week at work. sigh...

Went to Chinatown just now to stock up on toiletries and household pdts. I think I bought enuff to last me for many mths. Heh. Anyway, Swanston carries Scholl compression socks. $40 for the night wear version (which is cheaper than Guardian even after discount). They also carry compression stockings that you can wear to work. They are sheer enuff to look like ordinary stockings =) but still might not be advisable due to our hot weather.

Mrs C, cherish and mummies with nannies, how did you find your nannies? Is it thru an agency? Any recommendations? If can get a nanny near my home, that would be an even better arrangement for me

rykiel, abit of caffeine should be ok for bb. I believe the limit is 200mg of caffeine per day. Which is a cup of tall latte. If drink instant coffee, the caffeine level even lower. Like ard 80mg or something like that. So can drink 2 cups of instant cup and still be within safe limit =)
Hi ladies, How is everyone doing? Went to get Medela pump spare parts, a 5 layers cabinet for my baby to put side by side with my #1 cabinet in the maid's room, tested my old sterilizer still in working condition, bought some better quality cloth to make new bedsheets n pillow cases for the little one, went to paragon to confirm my post natal massages. The spa shop still there but change boss Liao. Hope the standard is as good as before. I still need to find time to get my favorite diaper rash cream, newborn shower gel, ... ... Went to see gynae few days ago, baby is in transverse position. I need to be prepared for c sect if he didn't turn. Good luck everyone.
cookie, thanks! boy is slowly recovering. now left phlegm & some runny nose. shud be ok. we sending him bk to his pre-nursery group tmr for 2 days after missing 1 wk. by hook or crook, hv to go for the getaway liao since we paid up!

ur hubby so nice to offer!!! if u r still up to it, maybe shud take it up or else it will be another 1yr before u cn get a decent getaway again.

bhoo, i think of work tmr also sianz. really did nothing this weekend. slept like pig.

8 more weeks 8 more weeks...
Hi Qin
4 pair of mittens n booties..;)

Hi rykiel
If u take transfer maid will be faster (within one mth) to get it..
Mine is myrammar maid.. She is transfer maid so come in after 1wk.. My agency fee is $480 (not cheap) and insurance fee is $270.. Understand that some fees r waive off if take transfer maid n not sure wht is it.. Maybe training fee? Else got to pay hundred plus... Transfer maid loan will be lower too.. If new maid will hv to pay $2000 plus upfront and transfer maid will depend on how many mths is she here already...

Hi gals
Thks for ur advise on maid whether can asks her wash car..;)

Hi cookie
Hope u will recover soon..;)
Thks, am busy asks her do spring cleaning now.. Will not let her relax much as i believe wht u gals say too.. Dun pamper her too much now...hee...
Hi liligal
U mean u r at wk 32 now?? So fast... Envy..;) i hope to reach wk 30 soon too then time will passby even faster..;) i think will start rest on June at around 32th wk as twins so worry walk too much will result in preterm..;) u? Enjoy ur short getaway..;)
jo, i only counting down to full term i.e. 37wks! hahahha... i'm in 30wks now. was thinking of starting to work from home at around 37wk and only start ML when she's out. not sure leh...
cherish: my fren say i tio dok by nation. but i hear my other frens gg to sm agencies n ended up paying n paying more n more stuffs cos earlier on wasnt told or wasnt informed. so i nw is suck thumb. i had to pay about close to 1200 for all the documentations to be done, deposit, agency fee, insurance, sip n some chamcham chuichui idk wad that called la. than aft which maid come in will be the 6 or 8mths loan she getting. =O .. its alot of $ involved. darn. not adding in the cam i bought. i bought 1 so far. waiting for it to come, DIY setup myself if ok thn i get another for the my bedroom.

cookie: rest more impt no worries. u wan slot in also can, but u nita go slowly search alot of time. rest first, nxt bp thn i let u know? heehhe.

bhoo: ok noted! thanks!tmr at office noon time i gg drink from machine or my old town 3-in-1 liaosh!!! HAHA

liligal: i tink until 3rd trimester than able to cfm if the edd is fixed right? if ddoc gg to induce he will inform earlier hor. if induce than will take one day b4, else i tink ill take 1wk before EDD. hahahaa.

joanne: i paying about 1.2 upfront, nw 200 deducted now left 900+. approved liao must go dwn pay than the maid will 'come' than aft that will be the loan. i din wan take transfer cos they alr wrk here liao, sm thou xperienced and diff ppl diff xpectations but i still prefer start new maid. hais. hope i wun get a big headache.

u all v fast. im only in my 25wk4d. =)
tmr monday liaossss. shiats. i dread monday. =\
thanks! i hope that i can get a good one soon. i also didnt know i will get choose by maid too till today! HAHA. it's so tiring to go agencies to look for maid. my weekend is 'burnt' like that. somemore, not many weekends left so i getting gan cheong. weekdays definitely out of question as working and evening time is rushing to pick up my boy.
ur hubby is so nice to offer u getaway. i think mine cant wait to 'getaway' by himself (travel for work) next mth.

my nanny was recommended by ppl. she's very responsible and caring to babies. had wanted to let her continue looking after my boy but due to family commitment, she stopped looking after kids lor. i heard there is agency who recommend. you may want to check. oh, u may want to check the forums here. sometimes i see there are threads asking for babysitters recommedation.

lili gal,
since i'm opting for c-sect, it's easier for me to plan my ML. is thinking to apply 3 or 2 days before the op and most probably will take 12wks first. how abt u?
Laura, don't worry, hopefully everything will be ok, I'm sure u r in good hands with ur gynae

Bhoo: my current nanny is thru recommendation

Bb alva, dont worry, still have time for bb to turn, talk to bb n hopefully bb will turn when the time comes
sounds like u've been productive getting so many things done!

Liligal, very glad to hear he's recovering well, shd be 100% v soon then the 3 of u can fully enjoy the trip! Hey, ur 'sleeping' weekend is a luxury! Even me as a sahm don't get such weekends so I don't think it's ever wasted sleeping! When ur gal is here it'll be a long time before u get such a good rest again. Getaway wise, I'm more thankful my hubby helped me take care of my boy this wkend than anything. He's busy with work too, so if we miss next wkend, try to squeeze something end may perhaps? Btw, my boy loves mickey mouse now, so thought of bringing him to Disneyland for his bday this yr, no 2 shd be ard 4 mths then
Rykiel, thanks, yup I'll wait for ur next bp but ah I can't read Chinese so really need ur help to recommend the good nursing bras ok, prob I wanna get 3-4 sets maybe cos I still have some from no 1 time

Cherish, seems like getting a maid now involves alot more effort, maybe demand for maids has gone up alot these days, it's gd that u share ur experience, so other mummies who r planning to find one know its not an immediate thing. Luckily u started ur hunt already!
hey btw, if ur hubby is going to nice place for work trip then maybe u can consider joining him after his work for a short babymoon!
bhoo: I got my nanny through an agency but I can't type the name here coz this forum does not allow certain website name to be typed here... If u google for nanny Singapore, shd be able to find it... Else, u can PM me for the name...

Sianz... Monday tomorrow...
Cookie, I've only weekends to run the errands with my hb n seems like not many weekends left. Need to see my TCM doctor for 3 trimester tonic, heard she mentioned in the last visit need to change the tonic in 3rd trimester. She will be briefing me the confinement tonics. Guess my last thing in my preparation list is to get all the confinement herbs/tonics ready before I deliver.

Thanks Cookie, I also hope he turns with his head down very soon. Hoping a smooth delivery like my #1 but still need to be mentally prepared for the c-sect.
cookie: can np, whn u wan to start surfing msg me in fb i can guide u on=)

i hving cramps or pains leh. er. i woke at 5+, stomach keep pain till i woke der, than i went to sit in toilet v long nth came out. broke out in cold sweat. had warm water went back slp. thn the pain came back again. i toss n turn toss n turn all the way till 7 thn i woke.the pain is shit. walk to office blow until wind get goosebumps. nw jus had breakfast, sitting dwn n rubbing my tummy. duhs. could tis be the braxton hicks that was mentioned b4?
Good morning everyone!

Mrs C, I just PM-ed you =)

Rykiel, I think you should call your gynae to check just for an ease of mind. It's most likely nothing ... but no harm getting professional advice =)

lili_gal, I think I will try to work till the day I pop. Hope that's not too ambitious. I want to have more ML to spend time with my BB. If start ML too soon, that will mean sending my BB to infant care at an age even younger than 16 weeks =(
Morning Mummies,
i think i need a whole day to catch up what i haf missed out esp its already in archive already for the earlier threads on saturday n sunday..

Rykiel: what is braxton hicks?? since last sunday(15/04)i had been on off lao sai
n its really loose stools where its green/black in color=( went to see comp doc n they say its nth.. coz on the day i went to see d comp doc i got no lao sai liao..

3 days of mc last week n today i m back in office flooded with emails.. haix.. d bad thing abt my comp is there is no backup when i m on mc or on leave..its a dread=(
bhoo: how cm u all can get to call gynae ar? i do not hv my gynae number u know. if i in need ill call the kkh ask a nurse hotline only. so far nth happening. bb tis hour always slpin der. no pain no cramps for nw so shud b fine.

joy_javen: u go google! i read it up de. u must remmeber drink alot water whn u laosai kk dun get dehydrated.

oh ya, if my gynae is at kkh. can i walk in any gynae clinic to see doc if in need? sunplaza shoppping there upstairs got one doc from tmc right?
cherish, why you opt for C-sect ah? not planning to try natural?

cookie, yah that's true ah... i should sleep more while i can. May have lotsa hols in the first few weeks i.e. labour day 1 May, vesak day replacement 7 May so squeeze something in will be nice. altho my hubby says it's more work for him rather than enjoyment since i'm preggy and he'll hv to do all the hard work.

btw, careful w disneyland k? just be prepared cos higher rate of kidnapping in HK esp in HK disneyland unless u r planning elsewhere.

BB, my gynae says can still turn until 34wks when it's more or less settled. so still got time.

rykiel, is it regular cramping or irregular? i think maybe braxton hicks. yah, should be fine now that u r ok. no worries. usually i'll stick to my original gynae if anything but if u r really in emergency, i think u can just pop into any clinic.

bhoo, i think i'll try to be like you and work till the day i pop. before that try to negotiate for working from home.

now super heaty and feeling slightly sick. trying to ward it off w coconut, barley and vit C. just 2 more days to holiday!!! hubby is away on biz travel. hopefully he doesn't catch anything as well since he's on midnight flights most of the time. I want my holiday!!!!

oh, btw, i like the maid posts. keep them coming. teach me alot of things and at least i'll know what to expect if i plan to get maid in near future.

my mum doesn't feel like taking care of kids liao but yet she doesn't want maid or even part time helper in the house. so now hv to really get our own place soon in spite of the exorbitant prices.
