(2012/07) Jul 2012

Laura: did u sign up for the childbirth education courses by TMC??

linggie: hehe i think dun bother abt ur weight now.just eat wat u want..coz its bb craving not ur craving=p lolx

Rykiel, you are like expert on taobao! Hhahha ... ok, I'll go check it out later to see if there are anything to buy. Problem is that it's all in Chinese and my hua yu is C6 standard.

Laura your gynae's charge is one of the cheapest I heard! ... and he must be good to be headhunted from KKH to TMC.
im back from my MOs lunch~ haha, drinking a big cup of iced milk tea nw. muahahahaa..

bhoo: tell u a secret ok, i learnt chinese in 2006 whn i was a SAHM. me never passed chn. AHHAHAHAHHAHAA =x need help can msg me. i can teach u all to surf. dunit buy nvm. i guide u all. hehehehehehe
as Rykiel taught me, browse 1 shop at a time hence not so confusing hah and eye-dazzling

the chinese does look intimdating at first beacuse alot disclaimer and different word fronts and color!

Hah i m trying to eat more whole grain foodstuff so i wont feel hungry all the time!
linggie: haha i really see until headache sia.. n rykiel already wanna faint when she heard tat i bought 5 bibs at $22.. haha..

mom of 3 monsters: wow tat is reali cheap..
joy_javen: have checked with TMC's patient service ctr. seems like the bed discount from FBI is not that much - about $80-$100 only. childbirth edu course - nope, I didn't join that. is it good?

bhoo: cheapest? really? ohhh...

anyway, I was quite sad from today's check-up cos my boy is growing too fast! since my last check-up 28 days ago he has grown 1kg! *faint* gynea commented that my body weight is well maintained but if my boy keep growing so fast then he will have to get him out from me much earlier. *worry*

I have also asked him whether can I do the epidural despite my disc implant, his response is "ohhh....that will be a huge challenge." sigh, I think I don't need to think about it anymore. big baby + cannot use epidural = I can't hear baby first cry cos I'll be on GA. *sad*
finally login the forum for today. tooo busy at work and kena chased by ppl like mad. hahah

i'm also going to deliver in TMC. cant remembered which mommy was asking earlier. i think i need to pay the deposit in my next visit. there are not many 4-bedded wards in tmc so the chances to upgrage to 2-bedded should be higher ;)
Laura Quah, big babies are easier to take care....mine is considered to be on the slightly bigger side though it's a bb gal but as long as healthy then I'm fine with it. By the way, me and hubby are also on the bigger side so doc said its natural :p

joy_javen, I was doing lotsa g-marketing at one time too. Bought accessories like bibs, socks and wash cloth cos they are so cheap and the delivery is like within a few days only. Now I'm into buying clothes direct from the official websites of Carter's, Oshkosh, Ralph Lauren, Gymboree, GAP and Old Navy. They have lotsa ongoing sales too

bhoo, I'm also suffering from swollen feet like u, I have gained abt 5kg since my pregnancy but I'm supposed to be more controlled as I'm on the bigger side in order to lose weight faster. Ur weight gain might be due to water retention like me, and it helps cos my bb gal is absorbing lotsa nutrients from me too.
Mom of 3 monsters, thanks for sharing the sale! I saw the feedback from a mummy in the FB and she said there was abt 20-30% off some brands....it's q a gd deal but then I'm too lazy to travel down :p
I have booked my delivery suit at kkh. I booked 4 bedded n pay a deposit of $1,278.

I failed my glucose test. My sugar lvl exceed by 0.1 and my gynae ask me to go attend nutrient workshop. The nutrientist said i have to go on strict diet. No sweet drinks, no fried food, no sweet food... And aso have to monitor blood sugar level. Got to bear wif it.
qin, is chocolate considers sweet food too? I've been eating m&m, Snickers during office hr. Don't know if my sugar level will be high or not. but I know my gynae does not hv glucose test as compulsory test Lor.
sblbee: I'm Queh, not Quah (hee hee hee)
Anyway, I'm more worried about the C section. Not bcos I'm afraid of going under the knife but I am sad that I won't get to hear his first cry and also after the op my movement will be even more restricted. I want to be a tough mom and take care of him.

cherish: if confirm I need to go under the knife then I will opt for 4-bedded

Qin: I am testing my blood sugar at least twice daily using Accu-Chek.

Doctor was very cute yesterday. While scanning for my baby's AC he caught a glimps of his didi and highlighted it to us again, "you see, confirm a boy. so protruding." (=.=;)
Dunno to laugh or to sweat.
Cherish, yes chocolate is sweet snack. I cannot even drink milo
Have to control. If not bb can born premature or bb too big, make waterbag burst.

Laura, i have to test twice every week.
Hi Laura
My gynea oso Doc Loh.. U choose him after u test bfp? He is a really dedicate n professional gynea.. I feel myself in gd hand under him..;) how big is ur bb at what week?

Hi monster
What is this audio montior for?

Btw gals, anyone using the theraline pregnancy pillow now? Good?
Hi Laura and J03,

can you share your diet with me huh? cos i really hope that baby grows better ....yeah so wondering issit the food that i ate are not correct .....

Hi Sblbee, i am a super addicted gmart fan now too.bought lots of baby tins from there..super worth it when u have the discount vouchers rite? hehee i login everyday now leh.....

Hi Qin, dun worry. i also have a fren like you, she also overcome it. just tat in terms of diet have to really control. no worries about, soon we will be holding our bundle of joy in our arms lor hehee
Hi Qin,

i bought baby towels, handkerchiefs, rompers, pampers, wall stickers, creams, thermometer etc. hehe others include iphone earpiece etc.. hehee

too many liao heheeh u leh?
Hi Sunbelle

Yest is my first purchase. I bought mittens n booties to see if the quality is good before i buy more, towel, socks, handkachief, diaper bag etc... Alot of ppl said for rompers or tops, buy those button one for easy wearing.
Laura, think cos I woke up in the middle of the night so my eyes not functioning v well....sorry. Same here, think the size of our bb will affect our chances of natural birth....I have a friend who went through c section and now the bb doesn't want to latch alrdy

Qin, do keep to ur strict diet for the sake of ur bb....hope ur glucose level will come down soon. Jiayou!

sunbelle, after buying from gmarket now I started buying from the US website....it's so cheap so I started stocking up lotsa clothes for my bb!
Hi sblee
Wish to try out US shopping too but which website u goto and which forwarder u use? Thk u..;)

Hi sunbelle n Qin
Why not buy bbies clothing at the shop opposite guan yin miao? Very cheap too..;) btw, u gals goto gmarket website or iphone application to shop huh? As too many things to see till i blur liao.. Just register n free delivery huh? Yes.. Lets count down to see our joy..;)

Hi Qin
Did u manage to see ur bb nasal bone fr ur recent scan? Last time my gynea say some bb born with a flatter nose so no worries..;)

Hi sunbelle
Will answer ur diet in another thread..;)
Hi sblbee, Yeah i try to eat as healthy as possible now. Normally i eat 3 meals but now the nutrientist ask me to eat 6 small meals so that blood sugar level can be easily controlled.

Joanne, opp guan yin miao got sell baby stuff ah? Hmmz will go take a look.

Joanne, since my amnio test ok, i didn't bother so much already. Anyway my gynae scan machine not very clear. Every visit she only scan and measure, den tell me the bb is growing well. My last visit at 26 weeks 6 days, my gynae said the bb weigh abt 1kg.
Joanne, i go gmarket to shop. If u r using iphone, can download the application. Registration is free and payment can be by credit card, axs machine, paypal etc... When payment is made, the seller will mail the item to u
depend on u wan registered mail or non registered mail.
hello mummies..finally haf time to log in
hehe.. seems like everyone still use to Gmarket..haha wait till Rykiel is free n think she will faint lolx..she is trying to teach me to go Taobao webbie n buy..she say so much cheaper..
I just bought a romper from katong n I'm trying hard to control what I buy coz alotof fairs is coming up soon..my gf pull me away else keep saying Control urself.lol I told her wat if d fair dun haf? her reply:this shop wun close after d bb fair right?come back n buy la:p
sometimes it's gd we haf our gf to watch our purse string too..haha..
a lazy Saturday today..hope u mummies enjoy ur weekends
HI! i jin free tdy leh nobody msg me ask me=x hahaha.. well i tink up to each preference bah! i now bz digging for stuffs in taobao. bought one maternity belt. looks gd to me. for my poor backache la.

thn all the mummy shoppers here chose so much clothes, i see alr i also kpokpo join in to buy. HAHAHA! my boy bought this incredibles swimsuit & cars bathrobe! hahaha!!!

oh & just nw i went to nation to chop one maid, mon gg conference all 'interview' her, what to ask her?!
G mkt not v reliable sometimes - the goods dont appear like what they show on picture. I bought a white I phone case but when it arrived it was yellowish! I lazy to exchange so used it lor... When my phone dropped, the case cracked! I bOught a screen protector and it was ok though... Depends on the integrity of the seller too..
Joanne: What is bfp ah? Anyway, I'm now in my 29th week, but baby size already belongs to 32nd week, AC at 273.32mm. I first went to see Dr Loh bcos I want to do IVF so my baby is an IVF baby and since then he has been my doctor since KKH.

sunbelle: Normal diet for me. No special tonic but simpler meals we eat daily.
Laura Queh: not much discount but still got saving better dan none=) i oso didnt sign up for the course.my colleague did though..i m still thinking if wanna go take up the course..

sblbee: what are the webbie u visited for direct purchase of the bb stuff??
wahhh i missed one day due to hectic full day work yesterday and now it's back to archive reading again...

joanne, your helper very young? u going for C-sect right? have you fixed your date for delivery? frankly, i think your weight gain is ok for twins.

cherish, how your colleague sabotage you? feeling better now. don't let this affect you. my friends keep telling me not to dong tai qi (affect the baby).

mrs c, yah.. the nesting instinct is earlier for me too. now i'm walking around wondering why this not done that not done but then lazy to move.

laura, on the spine and epidural, i think only the anaesthesiologists can advise but i dun foresee a problem as i had crooked spine but the anaesthesiologists checked and said ok so went ahead. even if u had c-sect, nowadays there's a regional block vs GA. and also i had c-sect and was up and moving on 3rd day. somemore had to go to visit my jaundice baby still stuck in nursery everyday to BF him abit. and latching on no probs after C-sect. i BF until 14mths. you still can be a tough mummy! and even if u r not, guess what, they won't know in the beginning! hahahha... btw, our EDD quite near. mine is 6 Jul. yeah yeah got folks in 3rd tri oredi.

bhoo, thanks thanks. looking forward to babymoon but now with the 1st tri symptoms back in 3rd tri, feeling not up to it. sigh... if only my son wasn't sick last week, last week would hv been a better time to go. i also gained 8kg+ already. wonder how joy did it at only 3kg! and i super can't tahan pain too. i thot i could but after last round i realized my limits. think i'm opting for epidural as well and becos i jerked last time when the needle went in, now practising w my hubby how to hold me so that the jerk impact will be reduced! me hoping to tahan as much as possible cos side effects of epidural not easy to bear too. i somemore had 2 shots of it vs jus one.

rykiel, i think i'll go for the real fitflops and try. abit too imitation looking i think in taobao. thanks for the link though.

laura, joy, wat is this fbi card? only applicable to TMC?

qin, don't eat grapes k? grapes will tend to aggravate also. my friend din even dare to eat bread or rice too much too. after deliver should be fine. my friend very jialat. hv to test every few hrs.

joy, you feeling better? take care yah? i plan to go for stemcord though slightly more expensive cos gynae says they store in 2 containers vs 1 in cordlife. that means u'll get to use twice.

btw, do you feel the baby pressing down so much that you'll have trouble walking properly? i usualy walk very fast but now have to realy slow down... like REALLY slow cos can't walk. all my sides are sore too not sure if it's due to bb kicking around when i'm sleeping. anybody w same symptoms?

8 more wks to full term!!! HURRY HURRY!!!
dear mummiess...

just a silly qns.. wonder if we slp on our side, will the bb be squeezed?

i have the morning sickeness symtoms coming back though i am now in my 26 wks =(
This forum is so active! I did not log on for only 1 day and there are so many contributions =) Looks like everyone is very excited about their impending birth like me!

sblbeeling & qin, to control sugar level, should avoid fruits like durians and mango. Also must limit food with high GI like white bread, white rice, noodles ... I'm trying super hard to control my diet too. Really a daily struggle when all my frens and colleagues ard me are food junkies!

Speaking of online shopping, are the baby pdts on gmarket and taobao safe for baby? I see sellers selling Fisher price toys, Carter clothes and Avent pdt at really low prices... I cannot tell whether they are imitations or not. I dun want to risk buying pdts that are unsafe for my baby. So far, I only buy clothes for myself on gmarket. Dun dare to buy bb stuff ... Can anyone recommend reputable sellers?
oh no. i hv been eating chocolates, drinking milo. my sugar level should be up, up, up!

u went nation to look for helper? me too leh! went to few agencies today to see and i dont know what to ask. i find the attitude of one, two agents were quite unfriendly lor. gave a cant be bothered look and tones. my hubby may want to confirm one indo helper by tmr which i found it too fast! we asked her if she's okay to look after children but when she heard abt looking after newborn, her face expression changed. cant blame her, she's only 23!

lili gal,
i hv cooled down, thanks. will hv to see what my boss's plan for me eventually. just dont understand why he so kpo to suggest ideas which is not concern abt him at all!! just dont like him. he can tells me he helps ppl is because they have 利用价值 for him so must be nice. for me, i dont hv 利用价值 so no need to be so nice to me! though i know it's reality in society, but first time encountered such person in my whole working life =.='''

i should be in 3rd trimester now. cant walk fast at all and starts to feel pain too. hopefully bb will stay well in tummy till i deliver in early jul ;)
wanted to buy the compression socks today but either didnt hv my size or sold out. i didnt know it is so popular. hahah
Tracy, sleeping on your side is actually the most recommended sleeping position for pregnant women. Best is to sleeping on your left side. This will improve blood flow to the placenta.

Sleeping on your back is the worst cos the weight of your uterus will press on your major blood vessels which will then reduce blood circulation to your baby.
just had a wonderful scrub with mandi lulur. =D nw i only popi the belt faster comes, back aching like shiates!

its better to slp on our sides. facing ceiling duno the blood duno wad der. i cant remember but i rmbr its advisable to slp on sides than front.
Any full-time working mummies out there without maid and also not relying on parents/parents-in-law?
I am going to place my bb in infant care when I return to work. I am not too sure if it is possible to cope without hiring a maid to help me out when I bring baby home from infant care at the end of everyday.

Can anyone share their experience with me?
cherish: which branch u go to ar? i go yishun der. nt bad leh. i went dwn first time nia n i chop one maid. i went online portal choose first der. the one i saw at first i thought wah power. 10mth in sg but wrk 2house. thn i thought hmm.. xp must b v gd! ended up i request for full bio whn i rch agency the lady told me she left b4 she complete her contract tt y is 10mths only.
Hi mummies, been quiet cos been feeling really sick, think I've nvr popped so many panadols in my life as I did in the past few days.. So many posts to catch up on!

Qin, I was borderline for the GTT for no 1, almost referred to specialist, was actually supposed to go back for 2nd round of test but I didn't go haha, but it was a wake up call for me so after that I didn't eat sweet things so freely anymore (I have a really sweet tooth). Just remember to take things in moderation and you shd be fine

Tracy, me too, MS seems to be coming back, although milder for now. Really hope it doesn't come back full blown
cookie, i was just thinking about you! no kidding. i was just wondering "eh, haven't seen cookie's posts for a long time" and then you appeared!

yeah, the MS seems irritating at 3rd tri. jus when u thot everything was over. for my #1, i din have any of these at all so i'm especially not happy this time round. went to gave my hubby a thrashing on how lax he is and not doing anything that I asked him to (yes, the nesting instinct turned into delegation instead) while i hv to suffer for 9 months with only 2-3 mths break in between for 2nd tri.

hmmm.. now that reminds me of the pig snorting again...aaahhhhh....
the agent u encountered not bad leh. the one i met was impatient and she just answered our questions w/o looking at us, staring at her monitor and doing her stuff. we then went to home keeper and that was where my hubby wanted to confirm liao.

for my #1, i did not hv mother or mil to help out. he was with nanny till we could put him in ccc and hubby or i have to rush back fr work to pick up our boy..till today. LOL. but one pro for putting with nanny is no penalty fees if late pick up. we decided to put him in ccc so that he can learn to interact with ppl. my personal thot, i find it was easier to cope when they are still small. when my boy was 4-7mths old, at least i could put him in the cot and got my things done. Now, it's more difficult as i scared he jumps on sofa, touch this and that and gets himself injured if he's not within my sight for too long.

must take care yourself. i also been popping panadols to reduce my leg pain. feel guilty to my bb but buay tahan the pain.
cookie hope you're feeling better now~=)

bhoo: actually i was in the same position as u. but was coaxed into getting a maid as i mentioned. tdy jus went dwn to chop one. shud b june she will b in if all approved la. i prefer infant care to maid cos infant care got all the facilities that bb will need whn learning hw to crawl n all. bumpers blahblah, companion, friends, lots of voices hugs. but i got a maid as bb too young to go into infant care. previously i was a SAHM till boy was 5YO i went to wrk than he went in CC. =\ so nw if 3mths put to infant care i tink will b too harsh on bb. my boy till nw k2, stil coughing so often thou he dun take cold drinks n biscuits!!

cherish: young or old? the one tending to me this noon was a young lady w specs. she speak v fast. but she v v detailed. serene. yishun branch de. so how u chop urs ler har? u getting ind or fli?
Joanne, I'll go to Amazon, the official websites of Carter's, Oshkosh, Ralph Lauren, GAP and Old Navy to shop....thinking of trying out diapers.com and babymall.com too....as for the shipping, I'm using both vpost as well as cgw. Vpost is having a 10% off shipping charges now.

Yup, I heard the newborn bb clothes wholesale place opp si ma lu guanyin temple is really cheap, abt $2 per piece but the pattern might be limited.

Qin, I always tend to crave for the unhealthy food, found that I tend to get more hungry more frequently now as compared to the past so have to snack a bit in between meals. Just hope that my weight won't balloon too much during my last trimester. :p

bhoo, I'm trying to cut down on my carbs intake and durian as well though the latter is my fav. Let's jiayou together and aim to have natural birth instead of c section. As for more ex items, I'll rather not go through gmarket unless I see really gd reviews abt the vendor, will only get bb clothes and accessories from there as I do not know if other things could be trusted.
cherish & rykiel, thanks for sharing =)... I have friends telling me that it's going to be VERY tough without a maid. But my place is small (only 2 bedrooms) so getting a maid will be a challenge. I hope the daily shuttle from infant care to home will not be so shiong that I go crazy =S Being a SAHM is the most ideal but that will mean less $$$. Sigh ... tough decision...

Seems like the shop at waterloo street very popular. I think I will make a trip down next week to check it out =) What's the name of the shop? I hope I can find it.
we asked to reserve the indo helper for a day first. tmr hubby will bring his mum go down and see see. she's a transfer maid, worked here for 5mths then the family said they dont need maid as managed to get family member to help out. hopefully the agent didnt bluff us lor.
u were SAHM for 5yrs and now back to workforce? u must be young leh! i had this initial thot when #2 comes out as having problem in children logistics planning. but when i count the yrs and age i will be, realise i cannot afford. too old liao and no one will hire me.
what your friends say is true. It's going to be tough and it's also more tiring if ur job requires a lot of ur energy. ur hubby will need to help out too so everything won't just rely on u one person. But, it will pass very fast. Endure. now when i looked back, i'm proud that i survived thru it. heheh.

waterloo street shop
i cant remembered the name but it's located at 1st flr of the hdb flat opp the temple. somewhere at the corner near to the public toilet. mommies, pls correct if i gave wrong info. ;p
Tanny, i agree wif u that the quality might not be so good but sometimes when see the design, they are so cute that cannot resist buying. Maybe can buy 1 juz to test the material whether suitable for baby or not

Liligal, Oic now then i know grapes contain sugar. Hmmz... I will stop buying grapes le. Thanks for yr sharing

Bhoo, i nvr eat durian n mango. As for rice n flour, still can eat but small portion. Juz hav to snack in between meals. This is what the doc told me.
As for hiring maid or infant care, i would prefer infant carr because i dare not put my bb to maid at home if i m working. Dunno what the maid will do. If u wanna put infant care, got to book a place now

Sbibee, oic is good that ur body can take the sweetness, can eat whatever u wanted ;)
Got a question mummies.. Do u knw of any place that sells just baby mittens cheaply? Cos I got some sets (with booties) already. Just want more mitts.. Anyone had any ideas? Thanks!
Hi liligal
My helper already 31yrs old with one daughter..ues, definitely going for csect since my boy oso c sect and i dun want to waste $ n time to try natural then change to emergency c sect again like last time.. Moreover twins got high risk too..;) i dun mind put on any weight as long as bbies r healthy n growing well..;)

Hi qin n slbee
Thks for ur advise on shopping.. Will try it out soon..;)

Hi gals
Regarding maid, just to check, can she helps to wash car?

And yes, the shop is opposite guanyin miao directly and hide one corner, just beside public toilet at level 1.. I try to find last wk n manage to got it..;) they r actually distributor.. I dun mind the patterns since is for home wear and most impt must be 100% cotton... But for nice suit for full mth, can only get at other shop n not there..one pc $2.. Cheap n gd..
hika, no need to buy so many mittens....ur bb just need to wear for a few months and that's it....I overbuy all these items. U can try to check out places like kiddy palace, major departmental stores etc.

lili_gal: Thanks. I guess I will let the anaesthesiologists to decide if I can do a partial anaesthetic cos I really want to hear his first cry. Gosh! After 13 years of waiting and i don't get to hear my baby's first cry? No way man! But my gynea said there might still be a chance for normal delivery so I am now communicating to my little one asking him not to grow so big until his full term. Epidural or not is not important for me cos I can image the contraction and labour pain will not be worse than my slipped discs pain.
