(2012/07) Jul 2012

I am new here.
My friend told me a trick to see the baby gender. When gynea scan, suddenly cough then the baby most of the time will raise up the hand then is a good time to see the important part. Hahaha. Not sure will work or not but will try at the next visit.

Hope all of you guys can get the gender you want

I am new here.
My friend told me a trick to see the baby gender. When gynea scan, suddenly cough then the baby most of the time will raise up the hand then is a good time to see the important part. Hahaha. Not sure will work or not but will try at the next visit.

Hope all of you guys can get the gender you want
U did blood test do ur hubby do too?
My upcoming Oscar test will be doing blood test too for me & hubby to test for err...I don't know how to spell in English .

Wats thalassemia is ?
Don't worry as long nt affecting bb is fine listen to gynae advice on it too.
Cheer up !!! Happyjul
U did blood test do ur hubby do too?
My upcoming Oscar test will be doing blood test too for me & hubby to test for err...I don't know how to spell in English .

Wats thalassemia is ?
Don't worry as long nt affecting bb is fine listen to gynae advice on it too.
Cheer up !!! Happyjul
I don't drink milk too except chocolate fav milk.

I'm drink goats chocolate milk bought from hay dairies haven start on milk powder think of the smell I wanna puke already.
I don't drink milk too except chocolate fav milk.

I'm drink goats chocolate milk bought from hay dairies haven start on milk powder think of the smell I wanna puke already.
Joanne : ok to drink ba; I eat almost everything except cold , herbal n sushi/ sashimi. U mean soup spoon that kind?

Rer-rer : yes will eat into the cny. My HL ate into weekends too. Like when give u 7 days HL it in includes sat n sun and my Hr counted them this way too.
Joanne : ok to drink ba; I eat almost everything except cold , herbal n sushi/ sashimi. U mean soup spoon that kind?

Rer-rer : yes will eat into the cny. My HL ate into weekends too. Like when give u 7 days HL it in includes sat n sun and my Hr counted them this way too.
mom of 2 and happyjul- thanks! quite happy with the ratio too! nope did all my test at kkh. they are one stop shop mah, so everything is done there.

qin - you mean maternity milk? i think so. i went for a talk at kkh (i think it's free) last year for my #1 and ended up with samples of all sorts, including baby diapers, milk satchets, wet wipes, etc. but just a couple of satchets/ pieces for trial. u gotta give them your particulars with the individual diaper/ milk companies so they can mail you the different stages as you and your baby grows. (from maternity milk to baby stage 2, etc). nestle has a goodie bag which comes with their food jars and biscuits!

Thanks Ym! hoping it's really a boy this time then really really close shop hor!

Winingstar - it depends on baby position. sometimes it could really be the positioning of baby not suitable to see gender. my nurse happened to catch a inbetween tigh shot of the baby, that's why can see but not always so lucky. sometimes got cheeky playful baby who wants to remain a surprise for mummy and daddy!

mom of 2 and happyjul- thanks! quite happy with the ratio too! nope did all my test at kkh. they are one stop shop mah, so everything is done there.

qin - you mean maternity milk? i think so. i went for a talk at kkh (i think it's free) last year for my #1 and ended up with samples of all sorts, including baby diapers, milk satchets, wet wipes, etc. but just a couple of satchets/ pieces for trial. u gotta give them your particulars with the individual diaper/ milk companies so they can mail you the different stages as you and your baby grows. (from maternity milk to baby stage 2, etc). nestle has a goodie bag which comes with their food jars and biscuits!

Thanks Ym! hoping it's really a boy this time then really really close shop hor!

Winingstar - it depends on baby position. sometimes it could really be the positioning of baby not suitable to see gender. my nurse happened to catch a inbetween tigh shot of the baby, that's why can see but not always so lucky. sometimes got cheeky playful baby who wants to remain a surprise for mummy and daddy!

Mushroom soup and tomato soup sounds like healthy stuff to me. As long no herbs, should be fine. I eat almost anything mow except raw stuff. Sometimes I take even cooling stuff like cold ice teA, etc.. As long As it's in moderation. Don't take too much it's fine.

That day we mummies went swensens and we all had a great time with sticky chewy chocolate ice cream!
Mushroom soup and tomato soup sounds like healthy stuff to me. As long no herbs, should be fine. I eat almost anything mow except raw stuff. Sometimes I take even cooling stuff like cold ice teA, etc.. As long As it's in moderation. Don't take too much it's fine.

That day we mummies went swensens and we all had a great time with sticky chewy chocolate ice cream!
My hubby also tested for that during no1. I asked ard, it seems that only those under our gynae will b advised to do that blood test. Dr chan super ks
My hubby also tested for that during no1. I asked ard, it seems that only those under our gynae will b advised to do that blood test. Dr chan super ks
happy new year to all mummies!
Have a sticky and healthy baby!

what's the hot topic in fb? It seems like i am missing out a lot!

I went for my oscar test but no result yet... i am waiting for the ms to be over.. i am eating a lot that i only see my tummy and nothing else! hahahaha....
happy new year to all mummies!
Have a sticky and healthy baby!

what's the hot topic in fb? It seems like i am missing out a lot!

I went for my oscar test but no result yet... i am waiting for the ms to be over.. i am eating a lot that i only see my tummy and nothing else! hahahaha....
I am going to be naughty next gynae visit and try coughing abit to see if my bb becomes more active. Lol Notti mummy...

anyone knows anything about kkh aqua aerobic class? Went to the website but found no info.
Mai Ne: heard from fluffy you have some info... Share share? Hehe.. I am so bored at home I think it's good for me a exercise alittle... I'm becoming more n more lazy Liao..

Thng: you also not working Liao rite? Maybe you wanna consider aqua aerobics too.. :p
I am going to be naughty next gynae visit and try coughing abit to see if my bb becomes more active. Lol Notti mummy...

anyone knows anything about kkh aqua aerobic class? Went to the website but found no info.
Mai Ne: heard from fluffy you have some info... Share share? Hehe.. I am so bored at home I think it's good for me a exercise alittle... I'm becoming more n more lazy Liao..

Thng: you also not working Liao rite? Maybe you wanna consider aqua aerobics too.. :p
Hi all, im a Jan 2012 mtb and Ive a Preg Prego Pliko P3 2010 Java to let go at $380. Info on stroller is as in the following link: http://us.pegperego.com/babyproducts-catalog/2010/Pliko+P3+2010

Bought it back in early 2010 for $700+ but it was rarely used as we have another stroller. and now ive a twin stroller as this is my 2nd child. In good almost brand new condition except for slight scratch on the front bar due to putting of tight fitting toy once, which has since been taken out. Do pm me for details and pics.
Hi all, im a Jan 2012 mtb and Ive a Preg Prego Pliko P3 2010 Java to let go at $380. Info on stroller is as in the following link: http://us.pegperego.com/babyproducts-catalog/2010/Pliko+P3+2010

Bought it back in early 2010 for $700+ but it was rarely used as we have another stroller. and now ive a twin stroller as this is my 2nd child. In good almost brand new condition except for slight scratch on the front bar due to putting of tight fitting toy once, which has since been taken out. Do pm me for details and pics.
Who can add me to Facebook? Let me pm her?

Yin : sounds like a good idea. What kind of exercise can I do? Feel like I'm getting lazier with no exercise done.
Who can add me to Facebook? Let me pm her?

Yin : sounds like a good idea. What kind of exercise can I do? Feel like I'm getting lazier with no exercise done.
Hi all, I'm also a jul 12 mtb and am new to this thread. Been a silent reader all along and would like to join u all.

Can just check if u ladies continue using ur original skincare products and masks? Coz I read somewhere that we can't go for hair chemical treatments and facials anymore coz some chemicals might be harmful. How about skincare? Thanks in advance and happy new year!
Hi all, I'm also a jul 12 mtb and am new to this thread. Been a silent reader all along and would like to join u all.

Can just check if u ladies continue using ur original skincare products and masks? Coz I read somewhere that we can't go for hair chemical treatments and facials anymore coz some chemicals might be harmful. How about skincare? Thanks in advance and happy new year!
I'm keen to in aqua aerobic , only kkh offer aqua aerobics ?
Update me on any activities as I'm not working soon.
I'm sick for almost a week seems getting worse from flu,sore throat now is cough.
I'm keen to in aqua aerobic , only kkh offer aqua aerobics ?
Update me on any activities as I'm not working soon.
I'm sick for almost a week seems getting worse from flu,sore throat now is cough.
Yoohoo mommies, am back. Hope all had a good break n restful new yr. It was not for mi n hb.. Fell sick during last 2 days of trip ESP hb poor thing.coz he had to do all physical work, chauffeur n maid in one since the grp consisted of my aged parents, my Todd n preg mi... Can imagine hw shag we r rite??!!!! Sigh we keep saying first n last time le! Lolz

Congrats to all mommies who had good OSCAR results too!
Yoohoo mommies, am back. Hope all had a good break n restful new yr. It was not for mi n hb.. Fell sick during last 2 days of trip ESP hb poor thing.coz he had to do all physical work, chauffeur n maid in one since the grp consisted of my aged parents, my Todd n preg mi... Can imagine hw shag we r rite??!!!! Sigh we keep saying first n last time le! Lolz

Congrats to all mommies who had good OSCAR results too!
Thng- for cough last time my gynae recommended Prospan. It's made of leaf extracts. V v safe for bb n preg women. Can buy frm pharmacy too. Take care!! Lotsa water n rest!
Thng- for cough last time my gynae recommended Prospan. It's made of leaf extracts. V v safe for bb n preg women. Can buy frm pharmacy too. Take care!! Lotsa water n rest!
SG Sc, my GP prescribe me another type of cough syrup, Metophan. He say is safe to consume . But I still worried. Should be ok right ? So sianz, need to consume other medicine during 1st trimester.
SG Sc, my GP prescribe me another type of cough syrup, Metophan. He say is safe to consume . But I still worried. Should be ok right ? So sianz, need to consume other medicine during 1st trimester.
Winning star- so long as u ask him for preg safe cough mixture. They shld noe else they will flip their book on the spot! Ya I met One during #1 time. So funny lor. But I will jus take initially to gget better then I try self heal I.e rest n drink water n no oily Heaty foods to recover by myself WO medications. Agree lor, preg oredi need take lotsa supplements so if can reduce med intake all the better..
Winning star- so long as u ask him for preg safe cough mixture. They shld noe else they will flip their book on the spot! Ya I met One during #1 time. So funny lor. But I will jus take initially to gget better then I try self heal I.e rest n drink water n no oily Heaty foods to recover by myself WO medications. Agree lor, preg oredi need take lotsa supplements so if can reduce med intake all the better..
I dun wanna jinx myself but my ms like much better le. No signs of gagging jus headache as usual but my gynae said dunno y I get headache instead of nausea coz preg moms fun normally get headaches. Wat is tat supposed to mean??!!! Then she quickly added every women is different =_="
I dun wanna jinx myself but my ms like much better le. No signs of gagging jus headache as usual but my gynae said dunno y I get headache instead of nausea coz preg moms fun normally get headaches. Wat is tat supposed to mean??!!! Then she quickly added every women is different =_="
