(2012/05) May 2012

sardonyx: Pricing wise need to compare case by case! I buy both from spree and BP. But spree got element of uncertainty on price and the actual goods. I ever encountered the site ship wrong stuff, the spreeist didn't help to change,so I got to take a size S blouse instead of XL, kinda waste money, so I seldom go spree.

FAAA: Thanks for the encouragement! My other colleague also watching if I can lose weight
Some of them never see me "slim" before! My diet not strict lah, but I eat the supplements. BM still the same, around 180ml to 200ml per pump in afternoon. Morning not consistent because it depends on when my gal last have her fill

Yeah, I overstock on size S, they grow fast huh! haha, anyway she uses very fast too. Now I've almost $200 worth of Huggies size M on standby liao.

My gal is 4mth+ still dunno how to flip.. haha I didn't bother much cos if she can flip earlier then I need to watch out more, cannot leave her on my bed

Sleeping pattern: My gal is very strange, she seldom sleep at nanny's place and wants to be "shake" at the yaolan for very long. On weekends when she's at home, she can sometimes sleep till 11am though. However, at night she won't sleep and keep latching till midnight.

Brought my baby to nanny 2 weeks before I started work so that all of us can get familiar. And the "relief" I have after sending the baby there is hard to explain! Suddenly u don't need to worry about the baby for a few hours!
Dolly I get what u mean with the 'relief'. Since I'm not working yet I will sometimes go for facial, run errands. Just to get out of the house for a few hours. But then I also constantly miss my baby wondering what she's doing, enough sleep anot.

My gal needs to tabs a nap abt 2hrs since she last awake but then she power nap for only 15-30 mins.
FAAA: haha, for me, I went back home, then suddenly feel something and the yaolan is empty... haha then remember baby is at nanny
Dolly how do u manage your time in the evenings when your son comes home. I haven't been spending time with my elder and feel really bad. Sometimes he cries for me but I'm tied u up with the baby. Totally at a loss!!
Recently my boy will scream and cry when put him in Yaolan. Need to use rattler and sing to him to settle him in and need to shake for longer time before he can go to sleep. Been wanting to try the pick up put down method to help him sleep on his own but no chance as my mil disapproves, say that baby cannot cry too long. Seems like quite a number of mummies using Yaolan here. Any mummies manage to get her bb to sleep on his own?
Esteelin, I personally do not encourage the crying out method at this age. They are still young and I feel your mil is right cos prolong crying can cause wind in tummy. Sometimes they just want an extra cuddle.

Now my gal needs to latch on to sleep or she will suck her thumb or fingers. Not the best method either. But I feel the best way is for them to learn to soothe themselves to/back to sleep on their own. My elder son suck his thumb when he was a baby but stop doing so at 6 months and I'm praying that my gal will be the same
FAAA: evening time is kinda chaos! Especially if my hubby worked late. Hehe, my son play on his own, try to cuddle him as much as I can when not carrying Mei Mei. And quite a lot of times got to scold him or tell him off cos he will try all sorts of things. Like stepping on me, on Mei Mei. I also dun let him touch or kiss Mei Mei other than the legs as advised by pd so as not to spread germs. Sometimes I'll carry baby n follow him to see him play pillows in the room
My boy can only sleep by himself at night. During th day, still need to rock him. hopefully, he can do that during the day too
Not using yaolan anymore,sometimes when my gal is really tired,she will fall also her own on the bed. But rarely happened,most of the time,I carried her to slp after her last Fed. My gal sleeps at 10 plus 11 plus, v late. Most of ur babies slp early right?

Btw, I dont have any space in the freezer to store my Ebm. Used my first package of storage bags. But how u all store them in a more place saving method? I noticed the way I store took up alot of space. Thought of stopping it until the 3 months is up and I can start to discard some of them before starting to freeze again.
Ruhee: Wow, so good! At least can sleep by himself at night. Mine nurse already still wanna nurse, now got to rock her to sleep almost everytime.

ak: My gal sleep around 11 or midnight nowadays. So far dun have those 2am kind anymore... I hope she doesn't remember those!

BTW, if you have extra milk, dun throw away! You can use them to soak your feet, it's VERY VERY good one! I dun have that luxury though, but my friend's family use that though, effective!
Dolly same here. Its chaotic and very noisy when my son comes home. He likes to disturb Mei Mei. Like kissing her then poking her. He's quite an attention seeker and often screams which in turn wakes baby up.

I put baby to bed at 8 after a bottle of milk then she will nurse and fall asleep. Usually between 12-1am we can hear her slurping her fingers. Which is really loud (can hear from the living room) then I will make a bottle of FM which she usually drink abit only. She prefers to nurse to sleep. Which I am afraid will develop into a bad habit. Sometimes she can sleep till 6-7am which is quite good. Gives me enough rest but I will be playing games, surfing the net or reading. Lol
FAAA: haha, that's why we are online right? I tried not to use iPhone beside her so often now. So when I nurse her to sleep, I sleep too, which I think is better for me as well.
Anyway, my boy also nursed to sleep one, and he did it until 21 months. I like the closeness between us, however, I was not able to sleep through till then! And now he kinda forgotten already!
Do u all wake up to pump? Now i do every night abt 3-4am. Set alarm some more. Last time I over slept never pump I got engorgememt. Now my ss more manageable after I regulate my over supply by slowly stretching the pump interval. I'm tempted to sleep thru but I think of possible engorgement episode again v scary. That time I kena blocked ducts pump and milk can't come out, breast super big n hard but can't clear. My baby drink only one side so e other is totally engorged till I need to see LC visit.
Hi Rabbitz, I m a silient reader. My son also feed on one side only. May I know how do u start to build up supply by pumping for preparation to work? Tks!
Dolly I also concerned abt using iPhone beside baby so I search online but apparently many people do so when they r nursing. Haha. Time passes faster when I'm occupied. :p

Btw my son doesn't nurse often when he was a baby. He was lazy and very impatient. However my gal is the opposite.

Rabbitz after a few days u won't feel the engorgement anymore. My gal normally don't empty my breasts but I can pump 6-7 hrs later. Breasts feel full but no engorgement. The body conditions itself
Btw rabbitz I read online that your body actually will be able to pump out more milk if u wake by yourself instead of setting alarm.

I was very conscious of my pumping times with my elder son cos he doesn't latch at all. Now I take it easy. Got milk give if not supplement. No need to stress.
Rabbitz: yeah, take it easy and ur body will adjust slowly. Now I dun even pump at home

My gal nurse almost non stop from 11pm till now! Was trying to pet her to sleep then she hiccup! So no choice nurse again

FAAA: yeah time flies faster w iphone, but I din hv it till #1 was 6 mth so was not using close to him. So to be fair I kinda avoid using it when I nurse my gal loh
My breast will get painful if I don't pump out in e end it cause my interrupted sleep too. Unless I am dead tired I will continue sleep. Like everyday I pump finish say abt 330 then next session supposed to be about 7-8am if my baby wakes up later then I will sleep till then. He's my alarm for morning as I pump after he latch.

When return to work I will pump every 4hourly. I roughly worked out a schedule :

Morning wake up latch say 6-7am
Pump at office 10-11am, 2-3pm
Latch at home 7pm and on demand till sleeping
pump at home once before bedtime

LC says hv to pump at specific time so body will learn to produce at those timings. I hope to drop the night pump by then. I need to pump enough for abt 4 feedings for baby feeding at infant care, say abt 4-500ml daily. If by then EBM not enough then hv to add night pumping maybe. My baby is small drinker, abt 70ml every 2hrs. Now he bad habit always 'snack' little bit frequently and once I use bottle then realise he takes so little. Hv to start at least one bottle feeding a day to get baby used to bottle before I start work.
My gal slp just before 1am, then she stirs in her cot ard 2+, thot she wan to nurse again so I brought her to my bed. But there she sleeps till 7am! Wow! But now how leh? Let the two little ones both sleep on my bed? She's more n more like Gor Gor, next time will refuse cot liao!

Rabbitz: maybe during middle of night pump so pump fully? Then progressively pump lesser and lesser? I was told our body needs at least one day to adjust supply, so I baby hungry n suck more the next day more supply will come.
My gal takes a while to get used to bottle teat, these few days she's drinking more, like 400 ml a day. N in the afternoon can finish a bottle of 90ml at one go! She was like yours too, need to separate into 50ml per feed earlier
I also realise my ss drop if I don't drink a lot of water. Then when I start to drink lots, my breasts gets full faster. My night pump usually yield abt 120-150ml. Not a lot but enough to cause my breast pain. LC says my breast v sensitive to fullness. Last time I used to exp 24/7 breast pain, makes me feel BF is so diff to manage.

I wonder when Ple say they bf their bb say till 1-2yrs, do they really mean TBF or actually got supplement FM. Cos bF is really challenging and really got Ple total bf for so long? Like a fren says she BF for 12mth but actually she only latch when at home, her ss low so hv to use FM and she doesn't pump at all since no excess. But when I first hear I felt impressive. I thought when Ple say they BF for like x-mths means they latch, pump and total BF.
Rabbitz: for me when I said breastfeed for 21 mth I really on TBF, meaning no formula. However I dun pump much at later time also. However, I dun think it matters whether it's tbf or mixed w fm, so long as we give bm, just once a day also good. Anyway, for long term endurance, I think better latch then pump. It's very hassle free plus we can pass our immunity to baby better. Cos our breast suppose to sense what baby needs through the direct skin contact and therefore supply what baby needs
Rabbitz, since your baby latch on one side, do u pump the other side after nursing? I m now trying to build up my supply since brain already capture bb supply just enuff for his feeds....
Just wondering, for experienced mummies who exclusively pump and bf for more than 6 months, how often do you pump after your bb starts to wean? If drop to two or one pump per day, wouldn't you get blocked ducts or drop in ss? Just do not wish to be stuck to the breast pump for so long, but do wish to bf as long as possible.
Im still pumping both sides every 4-5 hourly when my ready is abt 80% full with latch in between. Cos to maintain ss is to empty breast. Today I went out and latch twice between 7hrs and got 150ml only. If this were a month ago I would had to pump outside twice but now I never pump and can tahan. So ss really dropped but still manageable ie enough for my bb feed since I still get I free abt 2-3 packs a day. Last time was crazy abt 5-6 a day. I freeze if >100ml.

I've same query as Esteelin too!
Sorry lah, I forgot how many times I pump liao. But it's kinda natural cos one day, u find that u no longer need to pump so much because baby starts to have more solid like porridge, and your body kinda naturally slow down the supply? Then slowly I only pump once a day in office instead of twice a day. Slowly dun need to pump anymore, can last whole day without pumping, but night time still have. And miraculously weekend got supply during day time... hahaha
After that it's very easy, at night when I bring back my baby, just latch him to sleep, no need to pump anymore! It's just naturally done!

I was planning to bf until he dun wan. Now let me tell u how my son wean off bf:

When he's 21 mth, I went on holiday w my hubby without him. I brought my pump while overseas. First day still managed to pump 100ml, next day drop to 10ml and ss never increase. But I was not worried cos once he latch, ss will come again. I didn't suffer engorgement, ss just reduce naturally. Anyway, on the day we back from the 2 weeks holiday, my son was very eager to latch on. However, he just latch on for a few seconds and refused to latch ANYMORE. That's how he wean off my breasts! It came so suddenly, was surprised and a bit "sad"? hahaha
I tried to skip night pump but automatically woke up before alarm went off, I think my bio clock ticks now. So I latched my baby and carried him from sleeping and he suckled for abt 10min doze off in btw. After that breast still full so I went to pump out 200ml (last pump at 1130).

I duno how to get my baby to drink more, he's done within 10min one side and refuse to drink. Only 25 percentile while mummy hv 2 freezers of excess milk he can't finish. Quite demoralising but I tell myself I persevere as one day when his intake increase my ss will be able to cater to his needs. But at 4mths now seem his intake like never increase much.

Weight gained 0.4kg each mth and 2.7kg since birth. -- hows the weight gain like (ave per month and since birth) of yr baby?
rabbitz: Dun be disheartened! You've a mismatch case where baby drink little but supply a lot. So in comparison, you feel baby drink even less.
I was having one bottle more every day for past weeks too. Cos baby drinks like 250ml a day and I pump around 350ml/day. And my freezer, company nursing room's freezer, nanny's freezer all started to fill up. Now at 4 mth+ she drinks a bit more and the number of bottles starts to decrease.
My boy is about 7.3 kg and he turns exactly 4 m today.
He has doubled his birth weight.
While most mummies here has a large stock of bm, I have non. My boy finishes whatever i pump and have to supplement abt 2 feeds with formula.
rabbitz: I think they know when they are full so is it becuase he is full that's why he is done within 10mins? and after how long he will need to feed again?

My boy is eating cereal and porridge now already, which I replace two of his meals with, but he will still drink some milk at the end of the cereal..

he weighs 2.4kg at birth and now at 4 mths 1 week old, he is 7.2kg..he has tripled his birth weight but that's becoz he is small to begin with..

any of your babies can recognize you now and only want you? my boy is very sticky to me now, think he can recognise faces now and when strangers smile at him, he will cry..yesterday my maid came, see her already cry..luckily today, he let her carry him when we went out..
My baby is super sticky to me n hubby. Started about 3 weeks ago. Before that she can be carried by anybody. Now only want mummy & daddy. Other people play with her or carry her she will cry n cry.

Two weeks ago we left bb with my mum for the weekend (3 days). She cried almost the entire day on the first day. But 2nd day after a nite's sleep she stopped crying. Same thing happened when we left with my MIL for one night. Cried the first nite then after wake up next morning ok already. She needs to sleep the night to "forget" mummy & daddy.

Gonna start work on Monday. Fortunately my husband and I work shift (on same job) so most of the time either one of us will be with baby as we are on different shifts. Only the 1-2 hours in between shifts she will looked after by either my mum or MIL. Hope she gets used to this quickly n doesn't cry too much.
Gee, going to return to work in 1 wk so trying to stock up on ebm. Got down to some home projects too..

Bb can sleep for longer hrs at night. 8pm--2am feed--6am feed--9am feed/bath. He has learnt to soothe himself with his fingers. I swaddle him so can hear the sucking sounds. Is it ok to still swaddle bb now at 3m3wks?

Bm pumping every 6hrs to get 180ml in 30mins. Bb drinking 100-120ml every 3 hrs in daytime shd be ok? Weight only 6kg for boy with birth weight at 2.8kg. Got fm just in case bm drop once work starts.

Now all the bb are very cute and a joy to play with right? Smiling alot and giggles too. My bb boy still can't flip only can lift his head for super short time.
Rabbitz, 10mins of latching seems low intake and with a sleepy bb the intake might be even lower, could he be frustrated with the slow milk flow? Maybe you can try to bottle feed your bb so that you can monitor the intake then gradually increase his intake.

Little dotty, yes my boy recognizes faces now and he will not smile or cry when strangers amuses him but he will just stare at the stranger. I guess you can try to bring bb out more to expose to a different environment else will keep crying.

Huiyuin, once your gal gets use to the new environment and yr mum/mil's face she'll be fine.

Marilyn, same here I'm returning to work next week and I dread missing the baby. I still swaddle my boy at night as he can sleep longer through the night and wakes up at 6am for feed. He's taking 110ml every 3-4 hrs, 6 meals a day and I supplement with 2 fm at night. He's 6.8kg at the last pd visit (average weight is 6kg, he's above) should be 7+ kg now. Yes he's super cute and very fun to play with. Feels good to wake up seeing him greeting you with a good morning smile and chuckles upon seeing me. He talks a lot and wants to play a lot. He's trying to flip now and can do a half flip, his neck is pretty strong already, can lift up hold and turn side to side for quite a while during tummy time. Maybe you can try to encourage bb to lift up his head by resting him on your shoulders. I do this everyday during burping session and can see the progression in his neck strengthening.

Ground pepper, same as you I don't have any bm to freeze. My SS is only enough for 4 feeds 110ml and I need to supplement with 2 fm at night. I'm concern about the SS when I return to work. Are you taking fenugreek? I'm on mortilium and it's finishing soon thinking of buying gnc fenugreek to try and see if the SS will be more.
Little dotty which cereal (brand) did u buy? I'm thinking of starting my boy (3 months plus) on purée, the other day put a little porridge on this lips he ate it and he's curious with our food.
Any mummies feeding purees or cereals already? My baby is 4 months now and pd had given the go ahead to start solid food. But I am still deciding if to start or wait till 6 months.
phyllis & ms freedom: I have given my boy Healthy Times Brown Rice cereal (NTUC can find). Mix about 2 tbsp with his formula milk or breastmilk. He likes it and have been eating it once a day. I also bought Heinz pureed jars for him, only those stating 4-6mths. He likes them too. Now I cook porridge for him everyday with pork, dried scallops and carrot, he will eat once to twice a day..cannot add salt or anything flavouring..

Personally I like porridge the best and will get my helper to cook from mon to fri..my boy is growing two teeth now,so he likes to do the biting action when we give him food..I think they like coz they can taste something different..
Mummies, durians really boost the supply. Ive alr got quite a supply. But yesterday noon I went for buffet n took durians. Then my midnight pump yields 280ml for just one side. Usually that side yields 180ml. So go try!! (But fattening though :p)
ak: ya, two teeths! my mummy says because when I was pregnant I didnt eat enough meat so baby come out hungry and greedy, so can't wait to grow teeth and eat meat!
I also quite surprised to see his tooth when he was 3 mths 3 weeks..now 4 mths 10 days, 2 teeth sprouting..
Wow Little dotty that's really fast. 4mth grow 2 teeth! Think I'll try the cereal next or the week after when he's 4 mths. I bought one bottle of Gerber banana flavor for my boy to try. It's the smallest bottle but I doubt he can finish.

Oh my really envy your SS AK. Your one side is so much more than my combine SS. What do you normally eat for your main meals? Taking any supplement?
Thanks littledotty. I will Chek out healthy times tonight. Btw, how is ur baby'feeding schedule like for the day? I am still thinking how to squeeze in the slot for cereals. Does your bb drink less milk once u introduce cereals?

Ur baby is growing fast! Got two teeth already!
Little dotty, 2 teeth! My gal 4.5 mth and yet to see anything
not complaining though cos it's painful when they bite! All these sharp little teeth!

My gal drools a lot! Will wet the shoulder of whoever carrying her! Got to put bib on her else must change clothes many times!

FAAA: your son learning to write? Got this bp selling rewritable reusable writing pad that can customize to our child's name. I order for my son n for my baby too. Super kiasu! It's closing today though
The problem with the bottled pureed is that they have to be consumed in 48hrs once open. My boy cannot finish half a jar in a day too, so I actually brought the jars to work to share with my other colleague who also has a 4mth old daughter, then don't waste..

ms freedom: he still feeds every 3 hrs, but I will replace one feed near to lunchtime for his cereal and one feed near dinnertime for porridge. I still have to give him milk after his cereal or porridge, usually about 1-2oz only..if he has cereal and milk, he will still feed in another 2.5-3hrs..I think when he eats more porrdige in future, I will replace the feed entirely just with porridge, now still beginning so he will want his milk..

dolly: I was surprised with his teeth also, didnt expect to see them so soon..after I saw his first tooth then I realised why he was fussy in the night, coz it is uncomfortable I guess.. i give him the teething ring nowadays and he bites at everything he gets.. he is drooling alot too! I always get the wet shoulders lor..and sometimes drool to the floor, his bed, his toys..luckily now got a helper, if not clean up is a headache! I bought my boy a walker from Baby kingdom last sat and he is having fun with this new Mercedes!

So happy to watch him grow.. now i forget how tough it was in the first few months..
My whole family is down with stomach flu and my girl caught the flu... Brought her to KKH but they couldn't do much for her as she's only 3.5mths. Only given nasal spray... Heartache to see her having blocked nose and cough yet there's nothing we can do...

I can understand how u feel cos my son caught the flu at 4 mth and was sick for 2 wks. Got block nose n cannot drink milk. If u are breastfeeding, u take more vit c, hopefully can help him when u breastfeed

I use the thing to suck out the mucus to clear those at the nostrils. Those mucus deep in the throat, nothing much we can do. Carry the baby upright will help with the breathing.

Hope ur baby recover soon
