(2012/05) May 2012

aiyah... too tired, a 5 min nap while waiting for the sterilizer become 1 hour sleep!

Kelly: you are amazing! I didn't think of so much activity. like wu py, only talk and sing
Thanks we py and dolly, at this age keeping bb awake is really challenging.

Remember someone here give EBM exclusively right? I am giving EBM and FM since yesterday, still got a bit phobia with latch on due to the cracked nipple. And I only know now at week 3, my girl is eating at least 90 ml per feed. No wonder she can suckle for 2 hours sometimes, my milk supply is not enough. Wondering if I only pump and don't let her latch on, will my supply drop soon?
I'm pumping exclusively. Hmm.. My Supply mostly at 160-200 plus. There are times the supply may dip or increase.

Btw, ladies. My gal is 1 month old today. And she's still drinking 80-90ml with some Leftover. Is it considered too little? she wakes up every 2 hours fr her feed, I'm intending to drag her feed to every 3 hrs so that can feed more, but she always wake up 2 hours or at most 3 hours, can drink max of 90ml.
My cl says duck is poisonous. Can cause wound/below to be itchy.. Well I also not sure how true.
And she say after 40days can eat ice cream.. Wow wow

I am the same. After my nipple bleed, I pump mostly. Phobia.
I dont think pumping will cause supply to drop la..
My supply increase these days. If I don't pump for long time, like overnight. I can pump150ml. Last wk I only pump100ml.
are you Aug 09 mummy? your nick looks so familiar, haha.. cuz my #1 is Aug 09 baby so feel that i've met you in that thread before somehow...

wu py
cannot eat sashimi? haha i never stop eating since i was pregnant, guess can eat after confinement right? LOL, i got a box of icecream in fridge also, almost open up last night, LOL..

Priscilla, ak
my boy is about the same, they have the wrong sleep association in this case. meaning they associate patting/rocking/cuddling with sleeping and if we dun do that, they can't sleep on their own..

a bit no choice, that's why pple say carry too much le end up like this lor.. not easy to change their pattern. for #1 somehow we managed to get him sleep on his own when he was about 4 months, so i am still trying for #2, as in just put him in cot when he's sleepy, but most of the time he will fidget a lot and end up crying, so have to carry him up.

the right method is to check and make sure they are not hungry, no wet nappy, burped well, then let them settle in bed for 5-10 mins, if they can sleep, carry up and check and make sure all their needs are satisfied, then put down again let them settle in 5-10 minutes, usually they should be able to sleep after 20 minutes of trying..

but that's just the theory, so far i have not managed to get it work for #2 every time, it works when he's super sleepy..

i am still trying, but my back up plan is to do what we did for #1, till he turns 4 months, can support his neck well and burp on his own, we just leave him in bed, off the light, keep quiet and let him play on his own till he fall asleep.. cuz now it's hard to tell if we burp baby well, sometimes burp already, put down, cry, pick up and immediately big and loud burp..
My boy drinking 125ml now with 3 hours interval.
But if he didn't slp after feed, it can only last him abt 2 or 2 1/2 hours..
Now it seem this amount not enough le, cos after drinking, he like not satisfied...
He will reach full month this sun.
Any other bb also drinking this much or is this normal?
Felicia, yes! I'm in that thread still...
Both our children in the same month.
But actually my gal born earlier, end Jul instead but as edd was in Aug, I still continue in Aug thread
thanks a lot for the reply on expressing milk for feeding, at least i am not alone.i really enjoyed bottle feeding now, no nipple pain and no more suckling for 2 hours, 15min bb finished 90ml and fall asleep liao.
yeah, haha think 3 more Aug 09 mummies gave birth in May/June this year also.

well boys definitely drink more than girls, based on experience, LOL.. 125ml is right, cuz my boy is about 21 days, drinking 90-100ml per feed and can only last for 2 hours, unless he sleeps after feed then can last for 3 hours... sometimes can finish 120ml but wont last longer either.. so think your boy is drinking about the right amount, i also wish to drag the feeding interval to 3-4 hours but guess got to wait till he could take 150ml at one go...
Kelly: yup, IMO, I'm so used to pump exclusively. It's easier cos anyone can help. Although may not be able to bond as much as direct latching but I believe such bonding can develop at later stage. I used to think that every mum ought to latch and thus pressurised myself alot on this When I couldn't latch successfully. But now, I felt happier with pumpin exclusively. Motherhood already ain't easy, no need to make ourselves unhappy with those pressure. Jia you!

My gal just woke up 3 hours after her last fed and she managed to finish 100ml! Haha, think is the duration of their nap that determines their hunger.
I am also pumping exclusively. Will latch on when bb is crying very badly ( latching does sooth him down though I think it's a bad habit..so far it only happen twice ) or when I need some blocked ducts or hard lump to clear.
This allows me to monitor how much he is drinking and also feeding time is much shorter. Downside is to pump n wash n sterilize...
My #1 is a gal n definitely not drinking as much.
Checked with Pd b4 n she say as long as he is not vomiting after the feed n taking it well, then it's ok but just scary that he need to up his intake again..so many times within the mth....now even need to upgrade his bottle le, cos the small Avent bottle max marking till 125ml.

Yeah a few of Aug 09 mummies had jus given birth or abt to give birth soon..all within this year...
My boy drinking 100-120ml every 2-3hrly now.. He is getting fatter... Haha.

Agreed with ak, motherhood really not easy. With all the sore/cracked nipples which I never thgt of. Like my cl said, don't everything give baby. Leave some for yourself.
Can I join this thread too? I am a June Mummy as my bb was overdue for 4 days as my EDD was 31 May. As most mummies are still waiting to pop in June thread.

My baby is also about 3 weeks old. She is drinking about 80ml or less only. For your crack nipple, you may try to squeeze some milk and apply it on your nipples. They said that it has anti bacterial properties and will aid your nipples to heal better. If possible air your nipples also. I visited the LC yesterday and these were the things that was taught by the LC.
yup i think PD is right, as long as he's taking it well it;s fine, my #1 got pretty serious vomiting even through the nose, only after he outgrow that around 1 month plus, we realized we've been overfeeding him... so now for #2 since no vomiting, i am not that concern although his daily total intake is on the high side since he has about 11-12 feeds a day..

i never get the small bottle, with #1 experience, i know for sure wont last for 2 months de. LOL
i am also pumping exclusively...

my boy is already 6 weeks old but only drinking 130ml/4 hourly and he takes 45 mins (include burping time) to finish the feeding session.

any way to increase the volume he takes and reduce the time taken to complete?
Tlisa, thanks for the tips, haha, I am June mummy too, but this thread is more fun! Hehe, welcome! Your girl born on 4th June? My girl was born on 5th June, and she can drink 120 once in a day, still 3.6kg only, put on about 0.3kg only after back from hospital.

Glad to know so many mummies give EBM, my mother in law question me everyday why I don't let baby latch on, she felt the EBM is not fresh, but I already pump 15 mins before every feeding time to ensure it is not coming out from the fridge. Anyway, I ignore her, so far this is the best solution for me. And my milk supply increased from 60 to 100ml now.
Priscilla, I already took duck. But luckily nothing happens..
Hurray can eat ice cream..I already eaten a bit last weekend..now can eat more..got craving..but I giving bm, will affect bb?

Mermaider, my gal also about 6weeks old..drink little..about 70ml at times & upto 130ml. In between feeding I will latch on at times..
So far my pumping only yield max 65ml
Wow, great to know that there are quite a number of fellow exclusive pumpers! Do you get clogged ducts frequently like i do? Since baby dun latch, it's difficult to clear it even with massage and hot compress, so I wonder how do you usually deal with it before it becomes mastitis. Anyone taking lecihin to prevent clogging?

For mummies using Yaolan, how long do you have to bounce your bb before he goes to sleep? My mil need to bounce for 15-30mins, wonder if it's too much and bad for bb. As long as my bb is awake, my mil will put in Yaolan and bounce cos she says bb shld get enough sleep to grow.
For those mummies who gave their baby FM, do you feel a sense of guilt? I am giving EBM to my daughter and she is 1 month plus now, but i am thinking of stopping... Reason being i'm very tired... She wakes up at night & i've gotta take care of her during night time as my hubby works during the day so he will have not enough sleep if he takes care of her during the night. I do try to catch some sleep when she sleeps but whenever she sleeps, its time for me to pump. Then when i finished pumping, she wakes up...

And day time, I've got a 4 yr old to take care too... I'll try to get him to nap when his sister is sleeping but he will refuse... And by the time he sleeps, sister wakes up...

So i was thinking of giving her FM so that i dun have to spend time pumping but i think its very selfish of me right?? I feel so guilty... But at the same time, my temper burst when i do not have enough sleep...

i would just do whatever i deem works best for everyone.. both my sons are on FM, and for #1 i do feel super guilty to stop giving him BM, but due to his high jaundice i have to switch to FM for 2 days per PD's advice, i feel super upset at that time, but end up when i see his jaundice get worse with my BM, i talked to hubby and switched to FM around 1 month for him..

so for #2 from the start i didnt insist on total breastfeeding, hubby said, the whole world knows how precious BM is for baby, but in the event that i just don't have enough milk, it's better to feed him FM(true not as good as BM) than starve him right..

i know for your case will be tougher cuz for me the main reason is severe jaundice and dehydration caused by my insufficient milk supply, but when you have the supply and can't continue giving, that for sure make you more sad..

but anyway mummy's health is more impt, if you are not doing well physically or mentally, who will take care of your baby..

don't feel bad, just do whatever you want and don't think too much.. many babies are on FM and they are just as happy and healthy
I agree with Felicia, other than physical well being, mental development is important for bb too. Although I'm lucky to have my mil to help out (she does most of the feeding), I feel sad that I miss the bonding time with bb when I'm pumping. Therefore I'm also wondering how long should I continue to bf.
Thanks for the advice, I feel much better now. I just hope that my in laws will not compare me with my hubby's cousin who as been breastfeeding her child till 6 mths...
Zp: jia you! Don't feel so! They were right, mental well being is impt too! I agree with u that pumping took up alot of time ;(
Ahh Im so glad I come and kaypo on May thread..
I'm a June mummy .. Baby boy born on 6june..
I also a exclusively pumper! Coz of crack nipple etc etc I even got a private LC to help , in the end baby has tongue tie so whenever latch will super painful.

I also trying to tahan pumping till his 1month.
The past few days I didn't bond or take care my son at all due to pump n pump n pump n pumppp.. So tired and make me so
Cranky! I become so crazily focus in pumping for my son only..

My pumping session need 1hour coz I hand express
Den pump Den massage every 5mins! Still not include time of wash sterilise etccc

Glad to know I'm not alone T_T
Hi mihoger,

Haha...I can understand.. I also pump out.
I feel very bad.. I think I very lazy. I so tired, I only pump every 4hrly once. And at night, 12am then 6am, then every 4hrs once.. And each time avg 110ml. Not engh for my boy. He is taking fm at night.
Now he is drinking 100ml-120ml every 3hrs.
If he awake, he will drink every 2hrly.. I am pumping behind time... Feeling so guilty for my laziness...sigh
For me, I pump for 15mins to max 20mins each session.. Too lazy to massage again and pump again..
The private lc I met told me to pump max 15min. If wanna continue to pump, then hand express or massage for another 15min before continue...
But I tired and lazy...guilt
Pris : ur not alone~ me too! Same like you! Lol

My last pump usually is at midnight den wake up at 7am or 8am to pump.. My boy also not enough.. My supply only 50ml max.. So we sup wIth FM.. Night totally FM too..

Jus take it easy.. I come to the terms got BM better than no BM.. Even my inlaw(pro BM) and family looking at me pump n pump so tiring they agree with me jus do what we feel right and happy..

Btw my pD also dr loke in tamp
Don't have to feel guilty..my #1 mostly was on fm..i don't even thought of guilt. I really had very little milk then.
Now I have very little milk too, only max 60ml after 1hr pumping. I don't have time to express in the day, only at midnight then I can do it & I am very very sleepy..always doze off nowadays. During the day I just latch on bb (so that my breast won't feel pain) & top up with fm.
Maybe you can try latching again. Initially I have problem latching my bb..she struggle..even now at times she still do. But after sometime she will settle down. I restrict each side 15mins-25mins. And I will doze off when feeding her too.
In the morning I will be really busy, my bb drink milk really slow..at least 20mins to 1hr. Only today she manage to drink within 10mins then still got to burp her. Usually take an hr to two for whole process. Then got to wash bottles, get ready shower for her, cook lunch, do laundry..
My hubby do help me at night when he reaches home at 740pm. Sometimes when they having dinner, I feeding my bb.. Many a times I took dinner at 9-10pm.

I do understand how you feel.. Really tire & exhausting..
But I think you should take care of yourself now, this is more important. Don't be tie down by wanting to give bm & make yourself so tire.

On weekends if my hubby is working, I will send my #1 to my mum place, cos I cannot handle him & bb together.
Btw are you full time housewife?
I always tell myself I will endure another 2-3months..when bb goes to infant care, I can rest a bit.

My baby born on 25 may, so abt 10 days diff.
I first 2wks also only pump abt 50ml, then slowly increase. My nipples bleed and crack on the 2nd/3rd day.. Then I didn't latch him after he come home. Only now, yon and off I latch..

I think dr loke not bad, if baby sick next time, will bring him there.. But for injection will go other place
I also try to punp on time even during midnight, will set alarm to wake up but Sometimes cannot be too lazy! Cos I Overslept last night and forgot to pump. And my milk leak n soak the breast pad, bra and even my top! In the end, supply is 250ml in total!
hi all,

im a new mommie too.. my baby was 5 days overdue and born on 5 june
currently also pumping exclusively cos still having problems latching on.. after reading some of the posts here, i realised that im not alone.. it is really very exhausting! hardly have time to rest.. Will be going to see LC for 2nd time tomorrow and hope things will improve! Btw, how much BM does a 20 days old baby need? Currently feeding her 90ml but she seems to be still hungry after feeding. When is the time to increase her intake?
I am not sure when is the right time to increase the feed. However maybe you can try giving her a little more? (Eg: 110mL) See if she can finish the entire feed and ask for more. There are times whereby they will want to suckle onto something as that makes them comfortable. Not that they are hungry. Maybe when you visit the LC later, weigh your baby first before you feed, then weigh her again after you feed? This will tell you how much she has taken when she latch on and give you a brief idea on how much she drinks. This was what my LC wanted to do but we did not as bb was fussing a lot already. So we did not do it.
Pris : oic.. My bb is going back 2weeks for his injection..

Yea is been 2weeks but my supply slowly increasing even is still very little for him.. Initially only 20ml. Super depress..
Hi Felicia Y, our girls were born on the same day! My girl is drinking an average of 90ml per feed. Think she just gone thru the growth spurt. Last 2 days she can drink 120-150ml for night feed.

I always put her on cot after feeding and burping, if she can't settle down to sleep on her own, and not becuz of wind, I will top up 30ml to make sure she is full.
Hi I see there are quite a few early June mummies here.

Mihoger, my boy born on 6th June too.

It seems like there are many mummies pumping exclusively. Any mummies latching fully? I was latching in the day and pumping at night in the first week but my boy showed some signs of nipple confusion so I stopped his night bottle feeds and latch fully. Now he is about 3 weeks old and seems to want to latch all the time. After latching for about 15min which used to satisfy him, he would start making noise less than half an hour later and wants to suckle again. It's either he is having a growth spurt or he just wants to suckle. I suspect may be the latter reason cos sometime milk is spilling from his mouth that means he suckle but do not intend to drink the milk. Any mummies experienced or experiencing this? What do u do?
Ktmum, I had been latching exclusively for the first 2 weeks, and started to pump when I suffer from cracked nipple. Then I realized when I tried to latch on again yesterday, my girl can't suckle as good as before. And after 5 mins on one breast, she will reject and push me away, I pressed my breast and still got milk shooting out, but I am very sure her growth spurt is over and she is just not satisfied with the slow flow of breast milk.

So I am back to exclusive pumping again, think about it, when I pump I can see the milk flow fast only during let down, and in between the let downs, no much milk coming out in fact. That is why my girl can suckle for 2 hours to be full, but when bottle feed her, she complete the feeding in 15 mins. So I rather make her life simple, it is just diff way of getting her food, I chose to give her in a easier way.
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)

Hi mummies,

Care if i join this thread? I'm Jun mummy...my bb girl is born on 16 Jun 2012.

Seem like a few of the mummies here r pumping exclusively and it really encourages me...at least i'm not alone. My girl dun latch on well due to my big nipples and my flow is slow dat makes her reject even more...sighzz

Mmm...nw my supply is really low, abt 50ml/3.5hrs interval, when i tried to pump more often abt 2hr interval, the milk dun come out much only like 10ml...hw u ladies keep up the supply huh? any supplement to take to increase milk supply???

Please advise, thanks alot :p
Racia, I delivered at TMC. Stayed in ward 513, cuz no more single room so I took premium single.

And think TMC was super crowed on that day, I was sent to observation room whereby I saw more than 6 mummies there waiting for labor room. Luckily my gynae went to burst my water bag, they give me a VIP labor room which is 2 times bigger than my premium single room and I guess the TV is 40 inches, so watched Xman and the mummy 2 while suffering labor pain, lol.
Kelly, I delivered at TMC too! Baby girl was born around 2pm... Yah, i think so too, my baby was the 3rd one delivered by my gynae on that day. Mine was induced labour, admitted to hospital on 5th june past midnight, gynae burst my waterbag ard 6am and luckily they sent me in the delivery suite around 9am which was much more comfortable.. what time did u give birth to your baby?
hi bearycue..

yep, it helps to know that we are not alone cos pumping exclusively is really tiring me out and sometimes i think if im doing it the right way. It's like, how come no matter how I plan my schedule or manage my time, I still dont get enough rest or catch up with my baby's demand. I was pumping around 50ml - 60ml when my baby was 10 days old too.. and even now when my baby is 3 weeks old.. i get 20ml at times (esp at night / midnight when im really sleepy). During growth spurts, i actually supplemented with FM cos no choice, i really didnt have enough milk.

In fact my poor gal was slightly dehydrated when she's 5-6 days old as I was still insistent on latching her on... she lost more than 10% of her weight. It was after the PD review that I felt so bad and guilty that I decided to give what's best for her, instead of doing my way. Since I had to increase her weight and make sure she has enough milk, I started bottle feeding her with my EBM + occasional FM. Now Im still having problem latching her on..
pretty disheartening I must say.

My gynae did prescribe some Motilum (to increase supply) and the fish papaya soup helps too! Dont worry, relax and with a balanced diet, Im sure your supply will come in soon
Jia you.
Hi All

I'm a new mum also..Glad to know that i'm not alone.
my baby was born on 12May and somehow he couldn't latch properly. My nipple bleed and crack so my LC advice me to pump. At first i was so sad as i couldn't bf my baby directly and it stressed me out. I'm pumping exclusively until now. i used to have enough milk but now my little boy drinks more than my supply.
Nowadays my supply is also dropping..

Zp, i have the same feeling with you..so guilty and very sad to stop giving bm. I have to stop pumping as starting next month I will be taking care my baby alone and my hubby is super busy..2 weeks ago i didn't pump for 6hours and next day i got fever 39degree C. I just don't want it happen again coz i have to take care of my baby and i don't want to get sick.
My mom in law also pro bm and kept comparing with my sis in law who fully bf till 1 year
