(2012/05) May 2012

Dolce: which brand of carseat you looking at? I havent done research and based on the info fm Maxi Cosi, i thot all car seats are categorized as 'infant' or 'toddler'.

Any recommendation for a good carseat which i can use from NB till say 3yrs?
anybody here feels very very tired at work?
i realised dat i can't work continuously for too many days.. as in by wednesday, my energy is totally drained out.

i'm in week 34.5 now and it's my 3rd bb.. my pelvic bones hurts badly..

another thing is, do anybody here have very watery discharge? and also after pee, i cleaned but once i got dressed up, i feel wet again, and it's very very watery. isit urine leak???
I actually very kiasu, I bring Bjorn Carrier and pram both out when I am alone. I think Bjorn more suitable for babies when they are younger as can face both inside and outside. Then after my gal got bigger, I bought the Ergo which got better support and can holds bigger babies.

Then the pram(Combi Miracle Turn very easily to manovoure) can put my diaper bag and shopping stuffs.... My house can wheel the pram all the way to the MRT station.... so no need to fold the pram.
mummy_baby2008: i also feel very tired, so today took urgent leave to rest. haha. my pelvic bones also hurting like mad. i have prob standing up from sitting position. for discharge, i having more now too. for mine, i dun think it's urine leak.

pram: my boy rejected the pram when he's 1 yr old. this round, i did not buy new pram, will be borrowing 1 from hb's colleague. very tempted to get the Bjorn Carrier. is it gd?

carseat: it's safer to use carseat from birth. i had the infant and toddler one from Maxi Cosi. will be rei-using them.
mummybaby, please go smell it, if odourless, it may be water from waterbag.. then you need to go find your gynae.. may be waterbag leaking. Faster call your gynae ok..

But if got smell, it might be urine or normal discharge...
I'm considering between Ergo and Beco actually. Beco's designs are much more appealing than Ergo and seems like it's been getting better feedback than Ergo. Still thinking, if possible, will try to get a 2nd hand one rather than new bcoz I'll close shop after #2 :p

There are quite a few car seats that is convertible but usually each brand will only have 1 model and typically more expensive. I was specifically looking for convertible car seats from infant till about 4 yrs old when I went to the Taka fair. Combi, britax, maxi cosi, evenflo and inglesina are some brands I saw and tried. Britax one has offer in taka fair (around 300+), combi is the cheapest and most expensive one is maxi cosi at 600/700+ (can't remember exactly). One thing i feel is that the convertible ones that can fit from birth are typically smaller than those catering from 6mth onwards. So not sure if it would really last until 4 yrs. The one my #1 was using was put down until 4 yrs old but actually we change when he was 3+ and he is quite a small size boy for his age.

Haha.. me too ! Last time lagi worse for me, I will bring bjorn, sling and pram... Realise never use the bjorn then i'll just bring sling. Must admit, I am more of a sling person than a carrier person and I think my son also enjoys being in a sling more than a carrier. Which Ergo do you have? is it very bulky? I scared that my torso is short so the ergo would not fit nicely on me.
Kayla: added u in fb. ;)

Carseat: I got the combi for #1. She's still using it at 3yo. Think it's more worth getting those which can be used fr newborn to 4yo. But when she's a nb, I must admit I nv put her in the Carseat as felt that her neck not strong etc...but now with strict traffic rules, better get one suitable and comfortable for the nb..I will pass on he old Carseat for the younger one and buy a new booster Carseat for #1

Nb carrier: I used to use te combi for #1. It can be used
In the cradle position whch I like for younger bb. But I also recently bought the bb bjorn one. It's quite exp at $329. Can't rem the name...but of coz it's bec hubby paying for it. Lol

Yes I agree with you that we should start up another FB group.
Choice of pram or carrier depend on where u will be going, who you would be going with and duration. We usually bring pram if going for longer period so bb can sleep in it.

Oooh do we share the same EDD ? So we are both in week 31 now. =)

The car seat for my #1 was a hamper gift from my company but I choose it myself. Im not particular abt brand, as long as its certified and can support from NB to abt 4yrs old, im ok.
The one I receive is from Safety 1st I think. So far so good and Im still using it now.

Those that can use from NB onwards has got the 2/3 reclining position so that bb can be in lying position and switch to the sitting position when their neck is more stable.

Also NB need to be rear facing and can only switch to front facing when their neck is firm or after certain mths I think.

I will be requesting another car seat from company gift for #2 as well..hahaha...save $$...cos #1 still need her car seat for at least a year or more.
Baby sean : i have problems getting up from the bed as well. mine is a platform bed & worst still, everynight gotta wake up so many times to pee!! when i'm getting up, i have to put my palms and press on my pelvic bones.. terrible!!!

ayana : gosh!! hope its not waterbag leaking.. the waterbag fluid got smell anot?? any color? mine is totally transparent when i wipe with tissue.
My ligament at right side of bikini line near to groin hurts badly after i get up from bed or seat. The first few steps i had to limp.

I also find that since 2nd tri, i get more discharge too. Sometimes i get a small patch of watery discharge which i also think its urine leak?

Btw anyone have a good PD to recommend? Prefer not to be at TMC, its such a hassel to park there.
rabbitz : my #2 used to see Dr Phuah Huan Kee SBCC at mt E den now i'm working in the west and what more dr phuah always not around during noon time. morning ERP will kill me if i bring my girl there.. lol, so decided to switch to AMK SBCC instead. quite a convenient place and nice food to eat at the hawker behind the clinic.
tute, I have a MIM sling which I will be using first... I was thinking to bring baby to try on the carrier? Cos some people says not all babies like to be in carrier? So I thought at least try it on then see if its good? =)
hi mummies.. let me try to set up the secret FB group.. btw i cant add some of you using the email address.. can add me at [email protected] and identify yourself?

>> DolceVita: yup yupz 31 week! Pram may be a bit hard for me.. because from my place to MRT still need bus.. if traveling alone have to use carrier ba.. so for now i think i will just use carrier until he gets too heavy for me to carry :p
Kayla: previously Dr Tham tells me anytime I don't feel well, just give him a call and he will give me MC to rest... Last ties I called him, he ask me to go to the GP... -.- I don't know what's wrong with him... So I'm not sure if he will give or not but I'm also planning to ask him coz I've submitted my annual cum maternity leave dates to HR but am worried I'll deliver early and would like to get 10 days MC from him to rest 2 weeks earlier... When's your next checkup?

Maternity pad: I'll be putting on the normal ones with wings coz maternity's has no wings... But coz its cheaper, and I think if I see it dirty I'll just want to change, maternity ones are more affordable...

FB: add me too! [email protected]
anyone been feeling nauseous? i've been feeling nauseous the last few days , no appetite as well... dunno if its cos of the heartburn, the food i eat, too hungry or the supplements.... just feel sick...
Jazzlyne (jazznpop) : regarding pram, depends on you, my son start to resist it when he's around 1 yo. But both my hubby and I forced him into it. At first still struggle and cry, but we bochap him, so stage by stage, he cry and straighten himself when we force him, but after a while, he resign to his fate and no longer had problem. In fact, nowadays he'll just climb in when he's tired, and I also like to use it as a trolley for my bags and stuff, dun need to carry.
Like M_iNt, I've 2 stroller, one heavier and good for baby because can almost completely lay down, Maclaren XLR. But it was too heavy (10.5kg) when we go overseas (not every place got escalator/lift like SGP). So we bought a lighter Maclaren Volo (5kg). Both still in use, depends on where we go.

Keiko Woo: Yeah, I cried when doctor predict that I can't do natural, but comes to terms with it after that. So between (1) try a short 8 hrs then c-sec (2) c-sec straight away, I choose (2). O
on the day itself, ask gynae check one last time if got dilation

For breast pump, read instruction carefully! haha, I couldn't pump at first because I didn't read! Was using Medela PISA but just try on one breast, didn't know that got to attach the other tube back to the machine! haha, so ended up only 1 spoon after long pumping, stress myself and my CL unnecessarily

Partly because of that, got to direct latch all the way

Rabbitz: car seat, it's the law to have car seat leh. For my first one, I use a hand me down meant for older toddler, but just buy those padding and addon loh. But now that car seat too old, so going to buy new one. Eyeing on the Peg perego (selling at $299 at taka fair) one which can be put on my Maclaren XLR with a converter. Then for my son will upgrade him to a booster seat with backing (bought at taka fair, $99 only)

baby carriers: I've one pupsik one and one MIM kind with the ring ...like what M_iNt said,it's VERY heavy! And I cannot figure out how to use the ring kind. But the pupsik one is quite useful sometimes, like when I travel w baby, I can stroller him till the boarding gate (or at the bottom of staircase), then put him in the sling and fold the stroller, sometimes good people might offer help, cos a bit tough to carry baby and fold stroller at the same time. Without the sling, we can't be carrying baby and yet have 2 (or 1.5) hands to fold stroller. And remember our baby cannot stand nor we can't leave baby on the floor.

Bjorn carrier: Borrowed one too for my boy, but I dun like it, my hubby like it better though

nursing cover: I use nursing cover with nursing wear... mine is the poncho type, which is good! Cos my boy will "struggle" stretch his hands around till he latch on and start milking...

chocolateteddy: I got reflux quite often, but apettite still good leh..

My next appt is 3rd Apr (Tues) @ 1030am. Seeing him every 2 weeks now at 34 weeks. My EDD is 3rd May and I think I will pop 2 weeks earlier based on reference from #1.

I planned to start ML from 18 Apr but now everyday i walk also feel uncomfortable. Also colleagues in office also not understanding like keep dumping work to me. Plus need to take care of #1 and the mad rush every morning to drop her in school .... really very shack.

I hope he will allow to give me 2 weeks MC so that I can rest earlier and prepare myself for the "BIG" day.

When is your next check up ? ANy chance of us meeting there?
Hi ladies, I'm in my 30 weeks today, hit a menses like cramps at the abdomen area, I reckon it's Braxton hicks? Kinda freak me out as its my first time experiencing this. Would the braxton hicks kicks in more n more often?
Ok i have received keiko and janice's request. Shall we do a quick table with ur email and (name on FB) and (nick on SMH) so that we dont have to 2nd guess when we receive FB requests? Let me start the ball rolling

[email protected] (Huiwen) (momo_baby)


jamu cannot book now right? I only told my massage lady my EDD. She say if natural can massage 2 or 3 days later. If c sec then 3 to 4 weeks.
Dolly : I'm birthing at Mt A too! My heartburn/reflux is a prob all the time, some days r not so bad, some days r terrible. Almost every night hv trouble sleeping due to it. Already avoiding food which stirs it. Was feeling best at 2nd tri but now cos bb bigger, she is kicking n squeezing my stomach acids up my throat, really can feel it... Yest feeling nauseous but not sure due to wat. Appetite not too good these few days maybe cos of nausea but still will eat la. Had teppenyaki last nite but so scared of the garlic.
Ak : Was ur pain ard bikini line? Few days ago I had tt sharp pains on off like contractions but was reminded by mummy here tt it's prob round ligament pain. Lucky it only lasted for abt 30mins to 1 hr so was not tt worried.
Hi hi, I'm also with KKH TPS. My gynae is Dr Wee HY. Will need to book the delivery package early Apr cos hubby travelling now.

As for Jamu, I booked mine quite early. Only need to inform them after delivery.
Hi yingzzz, ur doc oxo JT ah? I asked ard (cos I am in healthcare industry), apparently he is v popular cos he is v experienced. But hor his consult always chop chop no more than 5 mins.. Ur experience with him so far ok?

I saw him this mrng. Quite a long wait (longer than usual), bat 40 mins.. Duno y try so crowded. My bb is 2.8kg today at 34 weeks.. Put on 1 kg in 3 weeks!!!

yup tot u already know my gynae same as urs? yup his consult always chop chop.. usually sat more crowded mah.. weekday i barely have to wait :p


that's me
Haha. I have become more forgetful recently. Heh heh. How come u chose him? Delivered by him before? How isit?

Mummies, tml is the last day of the Taka Baby Fair.
Hello mummies, wow so fast 34 weeks..doesn't that mean u could be due anytime in 2 weeks? I.e 36 weeks..that would mean apr delivery hor?

Re: baby carrier and stroller
Bought a heavy duty big wheel stroller! Sister in law says heavy duty better..can withstand the bumps n knocks b with gd suspension haha..for me I hiao, bought a high stroller..but yup probably need an umbrella stroller at some point in time..

As for slings, am getting hand downs..am probably getting manduca baby carrier..it's rather ex so have requested sponsorship hehehe..saw many babies looking super comfy in it..

Anyway was playing with my new "toys" ie breastpump n steriliser at home while on hospital leave..and got a qn: u know avert sterilizer can keep sterilize for 24hours right? But let's say u sterilize 6 bottles etc and u open the lid to get 1 bottle..does that mean the other 5 are no longer "sterile"?
>> momobaby.. haha i was looking at gynae from kkh and saw good reviews about him and dr wee.. so i put both of them down as choice of doc.. my first gynae checkup was very near week 13 (i am a procrastinator :x) and dr tee happened to be available first so i chose him.. my colleague was delivered by him.. and she say he is very good
Chocolateteddy: yes, Ard that area. Super uncomfory
and I had the most serious leg cramps in the middle of night, and it was like 4 leg cramps coming together consecutively. The leg cramps plus abodmen cramps made me cried in the middle of my slp, haiz.. This kinda pain also cried, can't imagine labour pain
ak : yes vry pain but it was on off so still bearable for me tt time. I got the bad leg cramps on 2 nites a few days ago. It was so sudden n woke me up. Try to keep ur feet n calves covered during the nite as the cold can trigger the cramps. Mine were sticking out of my blanket tt's y kena. Funny is tt the pain on the cramp spot actually remains for the whole day but as a blunt pain. Dun worry, just remember u r not alone in ur pain n fears...
Kayla: My next appt is 5th April 11.45am…. (don’t see him near to lunch hour, he will give attitude… a hungry man is a angry man.. LOL) I applied leave from 30th April and EDD is May 6. I also plan to ask him for MC from 16th April actually… I hope he will be nice to grant us that… :/

Candymix: in my mind I was also thinking, usually ppl say 9 months in chinese mah, so doesn’t it means giving birth at 36 months instead of 40 months?

Ak: try to wake your hubby up if possible… ask him to massage for you, it will feel slightly better… JIA YOU!! You can do it through labour pain.. we’re all brave mummies!!

Chocolateteddy: yes, me too! After my leg cramp, the pain stays there the whole day…! -_-“
Sardonyx: I had epidural when i induced my #1. Don't really feel any pain or discomfort. Even when in labour, the midwife had to tell me to push as I couldn't feel the contractions. But my sure if that's the case for all others..??
>> candymix
my sis uses manduca baby carrier and its really quite exp! it's good but she say if outside baby will feel very hot cos of the thick material.. but in aircon places it will be just nice..

>> keiko
my hubby says the Chinese month is usually shorter than Western month.. i.e less days.. that's why its 10 mths if you follow Chinese calendar and 9 mths (40 weeks - cos one month usually more than 28 days :p) if you follow Western calendar..

>> ak and chocolateteddy
my mum says to prevent cramps.. keep your legs propped up with another pillow during sleep.. i also suffer from cramps sometimes.. sometimes even after my hubby massage for me.. the cramps still come back
.. but somehow i now found a solution for myself.. that is to pull myself up from bed and sit on the edge of the bed with my feet touching the floor.. and the cramp usually go off! i dunno why and if it will work for you all.. but it does wonders for me.. when i have bad terrible leg cramps the pain stays there too.. for more than a day.. but now my leg cramps are not so jialat already.. thankfully!

Nursing Bras
Anyone bgt nursing bras from youhaveababy.com.sg before? Good?
Where did u girls buy ur nursing bras from?

Any mummies tried using this cloth diaper before? Good? Need to put the paper diaper liner?
