(2012/05) May 2012

Hi all, thanks for the concern and I'm feeling better now. It was scary but luckily baby is fine. For those working moms, highly suggest that u walk slowly and lesser if u can, coz I walked too much during the week, end up wif sharp pain at the lower tummy.

Btw I just had a massage at home, she is a malay lady with many yrs of experience, her strength is good, nt too soft. She stays at bedok, however she will travel all around Singapore to do prenatal or postnatal massage. Her name is Idah, contact is 91514757. I chosed 90mins massage, in fact it last almost 2 hours, and it costs me 70 bucks. Not really cheap, however if u wan to have massage at ur own place, save the trouble of taking transport and etc, it still consider ok. For those moms who wanna give a try, can text her. (tell her recommended by Francesca den she will know oredi).... Enjoy everyone!

Just towel, she bring her own oil.
Micteo & Esther,

Have u got any quote for the agency fee these maid agent charges ?? Can share ? Ya the market rate is $400 for Filipino & $420 for indo. So funny now indo cost more?

I need to have the maid come in at least 1 month earlier as I prefer her to familiarize with environment and us. Also I want my gal to get used to her as she will have to take care of both kiddos. Furthermore , since I'm getting maid I will do without a CL. For confinement food , either will cater or ask my mum to cook bigger portion and can eat for lunch & dinner as my mum will have no time to cook as she will take care of #1 while maid is with me at my own house during confinement month .

Hope everything will fall into place la . So many happenings to cope.... We also intend to switch my gal to another childcare.... Hope she can adapt .
Esther, micteo, Kayla,

I checked out one of the more well-known agencies about half a year back to get another maid to take care of my dad who was not feeling well (he has recovered within a short time so we didn't get the maid over in the end), and the quote was $450 for both indonesian and Filipino maids, no experience some more. Moreover the upfront payment was $4k, really a large sum. Waiting time is about 2 months, provided the maid you chose passes the English test. Try not to get a transfer maid cos we really dunno what's the real reason the previous employer rejected them. My advice is to pay more for a maid with no off days, not that we are cruel but the stuffs they are capable of are out of our imagination when they mix with the wrong company. My maid of 8 years doesn't have off days since she came, it was only during the first few years when she asked for a few days off per year to meet her SIL who was working here as maid too. Now, when I ask her whether she wants off day, she rejected and said she rather stay at home. So she is well behaved and didn't give us much problems all these years.

From what I heard from friends and colleagues, Filipinos are generally smarter and easier to communicate with as they can speak English. But they also like to give attitude and black face, and dare to talk back. Very few of them are willing to do without off day and even if they agree at first, they are more likely to change their mind later on. For Indonesian maids, communication is a huge barrier and dun trust what the biostats stated, they really come with almost zero knowledge of English. My maid came 8 years back with zero understanding of English and hardly know how to use the electrical appliances. Luckily my dad can speak Malay so communication wasnt a big issue, but I had to communicate with her via hand gestures. Took a few months to get her accustomed to the routine and cooking style. Attitude wise, Indonesian maids are more submissive and do not dare to show attitude, but they are slower and not as smart. Given a choice, i will still choose an Indonesian maid over a Filipino one, as I cannot stand them talking back at me and showing me black face, I will just give them a big scolding!

Agree that it's better to get one earlier, as they need some time to get used to life here and the work routine. Moreover I feel that when they see the baby from birth, they are more likely to sayang the baby. That's the case for me and my maid is willing to continue to stay mainly cos of the bond with my girl, since she is the only caregiver when I work and I've since stopped the monitoring via the IP cams at home as my girl is much older now.

Relationship with in laws is really a fragile issue and glad your hubby is supportive. Hope there will be a best solution, and there will be an amicable way to reduce the tensions. Hugs and take care!

$360-$380 is yrs back liao. their increment is higher than our increment. My current maid is Phinoy. so far so good with her. she is with me for 3yrs plus. as long as the prob is not too serious i will try to keep 1 eye or sometimes 2 eyes close. the mutual understanding is there. she knows wat i wan and i m not very particular abt hsework as my prioty are my gals.

If can try to get maid wo day off(like wat Crystalline had brought up,i had the same concern), no hp(but allow to use hse phone to call hm), try to get those that the family are truely poor so they are really here to work rather than sightseeing(cos my 1st maid is fr a more well off family, imagine her family wanna send $ for her to spend as they worry that she might not have enough).

my approach to maid is try to treat them like ur family and also respect them. if they are happy working with u, they will wan to continue to work in ur hm rather than change to another place where they may meet employers which are not so good. when u r gd to them, they will also be good to u & ur kids too. of cos, there are some exceptions to it.

All the best to u.
Micteo & Esther,

Have u got any quote for the agency fee these maid agent charges ?? Can share ? Ya the market rate is $400 for Filipino & $420 for indo. So funny now indo cost more?

I need to have the maid come in at least 1 month earlier as I prefer her to familiarize with environment and us. Also I want my gal to get used to her as she will have to take care of both kiddos. Furthermore , since I'm getting maid I will do without a CL. For confinement food , either will cater or ask my mum to cook bigger portion and can eat for lunch & dinner as my mum will have no time to cook as she will take care of #1 while maid is with me at my own house during confinement month .

Hope everything will fall into place la . So many happenings to cope.... We also intend to switch my gal to another childcare.... Hope she can adapt .
Kayla, we just roughly ask around... Haven't really got into action yet.. Hehe! My plan is the same as urs... Actually I rather spend the money to get a helper den a CL... Since I'll hv my mum to help me cook and bath baby...

When I got more info will let u noe k..
Hello mommies!

Miu miu, thanks for ur words of encouragement.
its tough lah.. and really, u won't believe the amt of crap i have been through with her. from telling me straight in my face that my BM is not nourishing, to telling me that I dun take care of my son properly on wkends hence he fell ill, i all kena before. most of the time i cannot tahan her and i do retort back but always in a polite form like 'doc says its fine, don't worry' or 'research shows its beneficial'. sometimes i really buay tahan liao i will say 'he won't die so don't worry'... zzzzz and aft that i need to let it out to somebody. haha.. that said it is so easy to destroy the relationship with a few words but it will take close to impossible to mend it.

Re: maid
Esther, my maid's salary is $440 because she is experienced. when she starts her days off, then i need to pay her $420. the market rate is as what other mommies have advised u. it took me more than 5 mths before this maid came and we already booked 1 before my old one flew! a lot of problems i tell u.. so if u really want, start scouting around so that u have ample time in case unforeseen things happen.

Actually if ur inlaws are ur kids' main caregivers, then my advice to u is to give them what they want. because they can always come back to say that they help u take care but u can't even help make their lives easier by providing a maid. that's why i had a maid even i can cope with 1 kid. it was my MIL that insisted on having one (and when the maid came she decided she dun need one and told us to send her back aft 2 days!). in the end the maid was really indispensible to her as the maid did most of the cooking for my hyperallergenic #1.

As for Filipino or Indonesian, its really ur personal choice. for me, my inlaws can't speak Malay, even their Eng is really bad so no choice have to get a Filipino. I personally prefer Filipino as I dun have the patience to communicate numerous of times what i want done. i m too impatient for that! I agree with what the rest of the mommies said.. u have to be very strict with them from the onset, then slowly let go. if u are too relax with them, when u want to tighten things, they will show their black face. if u were to be strict and then relax slowly, then they will see it as their reward for doing a gd job.
my maid has no hp or off days (not until she finishes her loan and even then i can decide no off days). hope this helps!
Anyone experience not being able to control bladder when u sneeze? but it isnt pee its like a gush of water but its at the front not the middle of the panties.
Yes beebeemer, I have that but when my bladder is full, the urine comes along as well...

Tonight I was burping all the way, wondering if its related to the baby hiccups hahaha
beebeemer - i have that when i cough very intensely.. (cos still having the cold) ...

i think the 'pee in front' is cos the pee kinda spurts out a bit, not like when we usually pee, it flows naturally down, right? cos it happened to me too when i suddenly coughed..
Hi there!
I'm very new here, visiting the forums just today.
It's my first pregnancy & I'm due in May 2012 too! I hv a few concerns that I wld like to share...

1) I like to hv my nails done regularly & was wondering if I shld really stay away?

2) I usually hv a brazillian done every 2 months or so but since the pregnancy I've been afraid to go in case pain or watever-kinda-accident?? Anyone continued? Will they still do for a preggie?

3) I'm considering c-sect under full GA, any opinions?

4) Shld CL sleep in same room as me n baby? I want to sleep with hubby & let CL take care of bb at nite so tt i can rest fully for the 1st month. MIL says I shld sleep in same room as CL so she can help me get water etc, but I don't agree leh...The nite feeds can be formula or pumped breast milk rite?

5) MIL & FIL smokes in the hse & during 1st tri, I really really can't stand. That includes the incense smoke frm the alter jus outside my room. After a difficult time with hubby, he told them & they smoke outside the hse & reduce the incense length. Now 2nd tri, maybe they think my MS no more & they lazy so sometimes smoke in hse again & yest incense was burning for long time. Today make my hubby tell my MIL tt now I get serious migraines (which bothered me the whole day & nite yest).
Anyone had a similar prob can share w me ur thoughts & feelings? I feel so torn; sympathetic & angry towards them. I dun wanna make things difficult but they r apparently not very open type so I can't speak my mind freely with them even tho I wld hv put it across in a nice way. Hubby keeps telling me not to say anything. He is oso a smoker but has mostly been good ard me & avoid smoking.

6) I've been planning for this pregnancy & had a blighted ovum earlier this year which resulted in a evac. I've been dreaming abt being a mother for many years but... now I've been feeling abit weird sometimes (not always)... I feel like this bump is so "weird", I don't feel like myself, there's no turning back, I will not be the same person again & will miss my independent days. I had a dream/nitemare the other nite tt my hubby wanna divorce me so it was back to the days when I was single & searching, & it was a feeling I sorta-like & miss. But when I wake, I was glad it was just a dream & hubby still love me. Like negative & positive, mixed feelings. Can you girls share with me if u had similar concerns and thoughts?

7) I had always wanted more than 1 child; "4 if nothing was an issue" I wld tell pple. But now, mainly due to the terrible MS tt made me lose 5kg & the painful birthing part, I dun think I want a 2nd one... But I'm not young & I've trnsited to the hi-risk age group. Again, can you girls share with me if u had similar concerns and thoughts?

I have more but let's just start off with these... hehehe....
rosegal: exactly like a spurt, i felt so paiseh, luckily i was wearing pantyliners, not that it was of any help but at least i didnt feel too grossed out. i felt terrible not being able to control my bladder.

piggy: possibly, i havent been doing the kegel exercise recommended in whattoexpect. but i find it very uncomfortable to practice holding the muscle, like i can feel pressure building up below when i do that, or is this suppose to be normal? ha.

chocolateteddy: welcome to the forum! i use to do nails regularly too, esp gelish but i stopped because i realise my nails grow too quickly and i have to keep re-doing my nails over and over. We dont really smell the chemicals as we dont bend over our nails while they file or paint. I think occasional mani pedi shouldnt hurt :D its an indulgence! soon you wont be able to reach your toes so why not!

i am not so sure about CL part leh, hope other forum mummies can help. I should be engaging a maid to do the housework and my MIL will be helping me w the baby. Foodwise should be ordering tingkat like natal essentials by some mummies here, the menu looks too awesome!! i challenged my mum to the menu and she say too tough haha.

i think your hubby and parent in laws shouldnt be smoking indoors. incense i think its okie as long as you keep your door closed. my in laws place has incense in the morning too. i just keep my room door closed until like 11 plus then i step out since i work at 1pm every weekday. but mil is pretty auto, she stop lighting incense already. Think you should give your hubby a gentle reminder again that you shouldnt be taking in 2nd hand smoke its bad for the baby's growth. or u can choose to go down for a walk if they insist to continue doing so. afterall staying together its best to avoid friction over such things. :D
beebeemer, i also have it when i sneeze, cough or vomit out air. dun worry, it's just related to the pregnancy. i had it with my no 1 and it stopped after gave birth. now have it again.
hello ladies,

hope everyone's feeling good
. last nite, i woke up to pee and couldnt go back to sleep for an hour.. now feeling like crap in the office....

beebeemer, is it vaginal discharge?? if so, is normal...

hi chocolateteddy, welcome to the thread!

1) u can do ur nails, but just before you deliver, your nails cannot be painted as the gynae and nurses will also use the colour of ur nails to "monitor" you, esp since u sound like u wanna undergo the "operation" - c sect under full ga. i haf friends who paint their nails themselves becos they can do so in a "more ventilated" environment. if u go to the salon, smelling the polishes is not good, or alternatively, consider gg at a time is not crowded so the chances of breathing in polish is less?

2) u can go for a brazillian. in fact, just b4 u give birth, u will be asked to shave if u haf not done so. but u shld inform the salon pple so that they know..

3) c sect under full ga is the most "costly" delivery option and ur husband cannot be there with u and u will not be awake when ur bb first comes to this world.. will not advise (in my personal opinion) unless u have health reasons cos that first moment after birth when bb is put on ur chest (whether nat delivery, or half body c sect) is really priceless..

4) actually suggest u sleep with ur husb unless u wanna bf at nite also, u'll haf to wake up and latch bb unless u intend to express ur milk to let cl bottle feed at night? is a personal choice esp if ur husb sleeps with aircon and u r in conf and shldnt sleep in a cold room (remembering also, we don actually bathe during conf - depending on how strict is ur practice)

5) smoke is a big NONO. if they smoke, y not u go out for a walk or stand near ur bed room windows with ur windows open and door closed? perhaps this will help?

6) maybe becos of the happenings and hormones, u're feelin a bit emo. is normal. make sure u talk to ur husb to avoid any potential pre-natal/ post-natal blues...

7) humans are forgetful. i had horrible ms for my #1 - hosp on drip for 3 days. but here i am expecting #2, don think so much. "complete" this experience first then think?

take care
Hi rosegal and all...

congrats on knowing your gender..
yest I saw my report.. and my red blood cell is abit low by 0.3 as the normal range.. my gynae did not ask me to go for further checks.. but heard that the red cell counts can be more by eating iron pill. but my gynae only give me multivit..

any mummies experience lower blood cell count.. when the nurse told me is for 'di zhong hai pin xue" I sound worried.. then she went in and double check with my gynae then he said don have to go for further checks...
hi all! been a few days =)

Moment: Me! I am also abit low by 0.3 but my gynae is the kind gives me alot of med one.. so i have an iron pill that i dont take. =X I make sure i eat more iron-rich food - dark green leafy veg. I dont take red meat.


U also want to watch out on things that interferes iron absorption else if u eat alot of iron-rich food also pointless. Calcium they say, will interfere. but only for some type. So if u have the pills, just eat calcium and iron a couple of hours apart.

hehe not that i do eat all those.. but FYI la. i lazy to eat soo many pills.

Do u all still eat folic acid?
Hi & thanks beebeemer & MM6j!

For the birthing method, I thot of C under ga for m very afraid of the pain from the epi, the sniping & sewing up & recovery pain (can't imaging pain when shitting), the tugging & pulling if C w epi... For the years tt I've wanted to be a mother, these were the stuff I was most scared of. I guess I'll wait till the doc talks more abt this, tells me wats best for me & assures me. Rite now, C under ga superceeds the "joy" of seeing, hearing & carrying bb when born, I'll just meet her when I'm awake hahaha!

I don't intend to bf at nite during the 1st month cos I think resting, healing & getting my strength back more important so I can handle the subsequent months better. I thot I'll just express for CL to feed bb. The aircon part no one said anything yet but my MIL mite not say anything cos she's one who can't live without aircon & I believe she mentioned during hers she still sleep aircon.

Talking abt bf, I mite not wanna do it for too long due to engorgement problems.

For the smoke issue, bedrooms r upstairs so maybe they thot tt I can't smell but once my door is open, I can smell the smoke tt travelled up. If I go downstairs to eat or watever, the smell is strong. I'm not working so I'm home most of the time, esp the 1st tri, but now tt I'm better, I'm going out to the malls & taking it as exercise by roaming the malls so I can avoid staying home & avoid conflict of such matters. Hubby has been good & even if he does something wrong, I can tell him straight in the face, he apologizes & doesn't do it again, but can't with the in-laws.

For the emo part, yes I do talk to hubby tho he dunno wat to tell me la... but I understand tt I'm being emo so I try to distant myself for those thoughts. I just find it strange tt while most mothers to be seem to be embracing their pregnancy, I'm sometimes feeling weird abt it. I thought I'll be embracing it too... Last nite I dreamt tt I was bleeding alot & losing bb...
yip, after first tri no need take folic acid le. my gynae jus ask me to finish up whatever i haf..

moments, don worry, if ur gynae say u're fine u will be...

i also hate swallowing the BIG sized vits. and always do so in between meals as i have a problem with drinking water...

chocolateteddy, c sect under ga doesnt mean not pain lei! lol....wake up still pain de, lol. i did c sect under epi. wasnt pain la, but also depends on ur threshold for pain. i din take any painkillers throughout...

even if u don intend to bf at nite u still must wake up to express if not u will not have any supply. milk doesnt jus flow out "auto" hehehe we giving birth in may, will be hot months so confinement air con no aircon up to u....

hot air rises so maybe u can tell them the smoke will go to ur room? ur husb sounds sweet
don worry, all this is part and parcel of hormones. u'll be fine. cheers!
Thank you all mummies for your advice

Hmm, currently my MIL has 2 maids!
1st-do housework and take care of my kid
2nd-take care of the grand MIL and housework
so if i add in my own pinoy, there will be 3 in the freaking house!
you know last night i suggested that if i do get an experienced maid, i won't bring my kids round to her place everyday adey,so can clean up my own place. then my MIL n FIL diasagreed v quickly. must still bring their grandchildren EVERYDAY...that maybe maid can wait.
hmm that says a lot doesn't it?
After 1st tri no need to take folic acid? I'm still taking... But 1st tri due to the terrible MS I skipped it for abt a month but doc told me off... Hehe
After reading all you ladies posts, I'm glad I'm not the only one with in laws issues.

I applaud Piggy for being very considerate to your DH by thinking so much more, I have to agree I am more impulsive at times, and I get pretty much emo on my own, but now, I too have to close both eyes everyday, since ultimately any conflicts will land us in a situation where #1 would have nobody to look after, and alot of consequences to bear.


Ladies, let's Jiayou together to make our lives a better one!!! =PPPP

Welcome chocolateteddy!
You know I've also stopped folic since 2nd Trimester, but I keep wondering or not if I should still be continuing, but gynae has not mentioned, plus the multivits do have folic in them... =P And yes, you shouldn't be skipping folic in ur 1st tri, as it's very impt to take them, even before you conceive.
Hi Yip

Thanks for the info.. so you are also low by 0.3 so coincidence..

i will be seeing my gynae in Jan.. got to wait till Jan then ask him liao loh..
Re: maid salary,

I hired an Indon maid early this year in Feb and her salary without off days is 360 a month. I think the 400-rate was just increased recently.


welcome! i'll try to share my view as I have had 2 ovarian cyst operation before (similar cut as C-sect) and a natural w/epi as well.

For c-sect, like what some mummies mention, it is not without pain as of course some part of your tummy is being cut so there needs a recovery process. Post surgery you may have a harder time bf your baby coz you gotta do it while lying down as you cannot sit yet. I remember the thing I hate most after surgery is walking as you can feel your skin stretched (not in a good way). For natural, I understand your concerns and those were my concerns as well (I had same thought even i.e. c-sect with ga) but my doctor convince me otherwise. I guess I'm such a chicken that I took painkiller for first 2-3 days post delivery as I do not want to feel the pain. In terms of passing motion, the doctor will give you something to help you pass motion easily after delivery process and don't worry it would not break your stitches. If you are worried abou thte labour pain, can let the nurse know immediately you want epi. And because you have epi, typically you don't feel the pain from stitching. Ultimately the choice is yours but just letting you know, C-sect comes with its own set of concerns.

Re smoking, this is a big No for me - not only for preg women but just imagine later after you give birth. Having the smoke at home will be unhealthy for your baby. You should discuss with your hb and bring up the baby factor - maybe that would soften him a bit?

Re engorgement during bf, I think you might have heard some of the negative stories but for my case I did not have any engorgement during my #1 because when I pump, I make sure I massage my breast thoroughly and clear the brest as much as I can. So engorgement does not happen to everyone. And yes like what jane10 said, if you don't direct feed at night - to avoid engorgement you should express milk using a pump. For me - I was lazy, so I direct latch in a sleeping position. This way, I can rest a bit.
esther, grandparents are always the jewels in their grandparents' eyes. the grandchildren can do NO wrong. i remember when i was young, how my mom and dad will scold me in their ways to upbring me to be a "proper" person which i am thankful but they are SO QUICK TO SPOIL MY #1. giving him yakult and stuff before he even eats dinner and i get chided for shouting at my son lor... last time, they so quick to use cane on me can.. maybe it's true, pple mellow through the years :p

tute, what i hated about c sect was the first time trying to get up from the bed cos it feels like got "chopped" in the middle (at the tummy), lol, i also latched lying down at nite, sometimes jus sleep with bb cos "lazy" to put bb back in cot ;P u're lucky no engorgement. i had it once and took 2 -3 days and alot of massaging to clear the silly blocked duct!!! never again to delay pumping!!
Hi Toot

I have serious engorgement for my both boys where I also pump out my milk.. 1st boy i can't endure and have infection so I stop after 3 weeks of bf.. for my 2nd boy is due to my bra, I tot I just pumped out so wont be engorge so fast end up after 2 hrs suddenly I got fever.

Lucky GP got medicine for me and give me antibiotic so I continue to 1 year for my 2nd boy. but my first boy the GP that I visited don have medicine for me so I thought there is no medication end up I straight away took antibiotic to stop bf for my 1st boy..
I still take folic acid leh. Gynae says continue to take it, even though there's folic acid in the multivit he gave me.

Anyway I very guai de, he asks me to eat what I will take it.
I thought Folic acid only be taken during the 1st 12weeks? Hmmm... Am at Wk13 & i started my Fish Oil already. There's multi-vit too but no folic acid. :)
MM6J - Thanks for ur advice n encouragement! Curious tho, wat landed u in the hosp on drip? Vomited too much? Din eat? Lucky I wasn't working cos I had to be in bed almost all day & can't imagine hving to working while managing the MS. Kudos to u managing work & being pregnant.

nurik0o0o - Ya I know now I shldn't stop the folic. Was taking before pregnancy & only stopped cos of the vomiting & loss of appetite from MS. After doc describe to me wat can happen I got scared. I hope tt period tt i stopped din affect bb... Now I continue to take it religiously even tho it makes me feel alittle sick. But the multi-vit the doc gv me earlier really made me sick. My MS was better but the vit made me churn & puke. So now the doc changed the vit & its much better.

-tute - I agree w all of u on the C, altho its still wats on my mind now, I mite change my mind later. But u hv assured me alittle w ur experience. Thanks!
The smoking issue is a difficult one... Tho I was a social smoker before, I understand how difficult it is for them to quit after so many years of continuous smoking. Also, its their place so I feel tt its difficult to be forceful without ill feelings. I'm slowly trying to sound hubby out abt the smoking issue. When my SIL visits from msia w her son, they hv the aircon on, windows n doors closed & smoke outside the hse. But w my kid, cos ard all the time, I dunno wat they'll do... Rite now, I just know the smoke affects me very much.
Engorgement, ya hrd of ugly scary stories & crossing my fingers tt it doesn't happen to me.

Girls, I hv alot of fears but when the time comes, I'll prob brave thru it. Thanks for all the encouragement & advice! It helped heaps!
Actually I am more fear on the engorgment, right now i can feel abit swollen for my breast as baby grow bigger. I got the engorgement feeling which makes my breasts feel pain..
moments, gosh. mus be very painful. pity abt the first gp u saw! maybe shld haf gone to LC? nvmd #3 coming - Jiayou! the breasts feel full now, is in prep for delivery jus like how after giving birth, now my tummy expanded faster ... zzz...

chocolateteddy, yah i had very bad ms. and for #1, i had slight spotting so went on the duphaston n progestrone. so was emo and then became a bit dehyrdrated. lost some weight then gave up to ward myself in cos my gynae say will feel better. honestly, the first day on drip was great, cos don feel like throwing up and don really need to eat hahaahh.. yah, not easy to work and have ms, sumtimes now i tink what am i doing, work, ms plus #1, u're very lucky to be able to rest and not work so stay positive!
Angela, I think some gynaes will like their patient to continue the folic acid until give birth leh, like eg my cousin also...

I started my fish oil super early de.. like 8 weeks or something..
Actually I really hope that I do not need to go for csect, cos the idea of being sliced seems very scary.

My colleague, she had to go for csect, cos she is not dilating after a long time. So, everything is based on luck lor... hmmm ...
I am so worried on the engorgement and of cos the pain!! I take blood also squeeze my hubby hands tight tight. =( So scary!!

I shall ask gynae on 9 Dec on folic acid and let u all know. i started my DHA early too! My gynae loves giving me vitamins... =X

Anyone has any package price up yet?
I read that mine would be $700 from week 20 onwards but only covers consultation and scans.

my gynae told me to stop my folid acid after my first trimester. if I still have it then continue if not then don have to take le after first tri..

the engorgement is pain loh.. for my gynae package started from 14 weeks if i not wrong for $600
Yip your package starts so late ah?

Mine do not offer package.. its just $80 per visit including consultation & scan only.
I also stop my folic at 12 weeks when they start giving me multi-vit. Gynae says finish up the folic before taking the multi-vit. After that, can stop the folic and just multi-vit and fish oil.
moment: i agree with you, i suffered engorgement twice, went ot LC twice to massage it out.the pain no joke sia, very much like natural delivery with no epi!once it developed into mastitis had to ask hubby rush me off to doc for medical attention!
MM6J> that i agree, so sometimes i turn a blind eye BUT sometimes when they start feeding my son food that i don't think are suitable for his age, like chinese sausage?deep fried food?lala??WHAT the heck!i gotta strongly disagree!
moment, endure, maybe ur bra is too tight?? if can, do a simple massage when u r in the hot shower. i find it helps sumtimes..

esther, frankly, i am thankful i don haf inlaws issues (which was y i din comment - good luck to all mummies though), i visit my inlaws abt once every 2 weeks (my husb's "schedule") and everytime we go, they cook decent food for my boy and us, steam one fish, boil soup and other "healthy" stuff. my parents on the other hand - allow ice-cream, mango pudding, yakult most times which i cant tahan cos i feel he end up having a sweet tongue from too young.... they feed ur boy lala? gosh! my parents are mindful of allergies though so no seafood except prawns...
ayana, haha, u will not be sliced in c sect. u will be "lasered" and smell the smell of ur "burnt flesh". i witnessed my whole c sect through reflection of the operating light. hahahhahah
MM6J:Lucky you!!mango pudding?ice cream!hmmm maybe they balance out the other side of the family?hahaha
yeah the lala was!! a shocker, my FIL wanted to let him "Try" "lick"he said "won't die". i stopped him immediately and showed him horror outcomes from seafood allergies, had to use SCARE tatics.my parents are same as your inlaws.super healthy.GOSH... the perils of well meaning grandparents!

My opinion regarding your maid queries as follows:
1. Yes you should consider to get a maid earlier as the maid will need abit of time to settle in. You also need time to train her before you deliver. Confinement is not a good time to train a maid. But no need to be that early, about 1.5 mths before your EDD is enough - because you may deliver up to 3 weeks before your EDD so that leaves 3 safe weeks for training. Please note new Filipino maid need 6 weeks from selection to come out of Philippines - if no problems. So factor this in too.
2. Is #2 going to their house too? The maid should go where #2 is.
3. A new maid now with no experience is about $400-$450 with 1 off day a month. $350 pay no longer exist for new hires. This is many years ago.

Agency fees range from $200-$1000 depending on agent. Some agent quote low fees but you "pay" in other ways. Mine is $800 exclude insurance, unlimited replacement and I do not have to pre-pay maids loan. Filipino is now $400-$450 but still can find those who accept $400. Indo is about $420-$450 as a result of "price-fixing" by some agencies earlier on.

Welcome & here are my answers:
1. You can still have your mani and pedi but try to remove before delivery. Also go to a nicer saloon as too much polish/remover fumes is not good.
2. If you can avoid Brazilian, avoid till you reach 37 weeks. Reason being is sudden pain can trigger contractions. 37 weeks onwards is safe to deliver to contractions is not a problem.
3. Why C-Sect? Frankly, C-sect has more risks than natural delivery and also restrictions on future births. Natural is pain first, recover faster. C-sect is delivery faster, recover slower. If C-sect, next kid will usually be c-sect too unless the spacing is far enough and maximum is 3 c-sec. So forget about 4th kid.
4. Where CL sleeps is personal preference. Anyway, if you intend to fully rest through the night for 1st month - i.e. sleep through the night, it is unlikely for you to have sufficient breastmilk to BF for a long time ok. You may also suffer engorgment. If you want to sustain the milk supply, you will need to latch/pump every 3 hours.
5. I don't have this problem but if I were you, I would tell them off. 2nd hand smoke is terrible for you and your baby. I wouldn't put my baby at such risk.
6. Its common to have all sorts of feelings and dreams during pregnancy due to the hormornes. Do relax and enjoy the pregnancy.
7. I had a bad 2nd pregnacy too which includes pre-term contractions and 6 weeks of bedrest and medicine. Nevertheless, I am pregnant again with #3. Enjoy this pregnancy first then think about more children next time.

Re: Engorgement
Not everyone has bad engorgement but those who BF their kids for quite long tend to have more milk for the next kid (if age gap is close). Milk supply already built up ma. Anyway, best way to manage/prevent engorgement is to massage well and clear your breasts properly. And this is what I tell everyone who aims to BF - see an LC after delivery to learn properly latching, massage, etc and you will save yourself a lot of pain. :p
