(2012/05) May 2012

seems like most of us are down with flu, pls take care babes! i also scare after my last flu, cos i have been drinking heaty stuff since we cant take cooling drinks.

Thks Raine! will keep you all posted
so anxious, its finally coming

(haha,nth to do in the morning, keep lingering at this page).

reL flu and sore throat, i felt it coming on sunday. quickly popped vitamin c and my dad cut me a kiwi. mus take care ladies.

re: ms: now so early we all feeling ms. i can wait for 2nd tri to come!!!!
hey thanks vanilla, yup considering him..

hey raine, i am considering dr yvonne chan also..can u let me know roughly how the package with her works out if its convenient with you?

thanks all for your help.
Morning morning I also have not much symptoms so far, just very bloated n cramps sometimes..ESP when I climb stairs now I feel abit breathless n cramps accompanying after which I just stop n rest..

Feeling a little nauseous today but it's still ok, always rub my tummy n compliment my bb for being guai lol..

Definitely feels unreal, not sure it's fat tummy or the bulge..hope it's stays gd this way, no ms! Just sore boobs n big tummy..gd appetite bleh~ don't dare to weigh myself now
dora: nope.. mine is dr chan kong hon.. i prefer male gynae.. my frens always tell me female gynae, not so gentle with ladies.. cos they also given birth before... but men will never know... haha.. this dr chan is very good, but after tml, i will consider if i wan to stay on with him becos his charges are a bit steep... much as i hope to stay with him, cos he's got the 4d machine which can see little beanie move in my tum tum later on!!!

ak: nope, this is my #1! hee.. according to my last visit.. i should be 6wks + nw... tmrw i will be seeing my gynae for him to confirm which wk and my edd date.. when i saw him, based on the size of the yolk sac, it was only 4wks+... bloatedness is for sure.. cos of the forever expanding uterus.. ekkeke...

re sneezing: i read somewhere that we fall sick easily esp flu because our bodies are reducing our immune system so that our body dun reject the baby.. sometimes i drink YouC1000 (small bottle with 1000mg of vitamin c.. ) it's abit expensive, but dun have to put in water. just buy off the shelves and drink... its yummy too.. comes in lemon/ orange flavour...
AK, i also take alot of milo. gg to change my apptmt to 7th oct instead....

zara, when i sneeze, i always shudder. imagine the turbulence to beanie!
Morning ladies~

Vanilla: ur spotting ok already??? btw.. i think our EDD gonna be around the same lehz.. LMP and O date same!! haha....

Chloie: what blood test are you referring to? is it the one at wk 12 to test for DS and stuff??

Re: Rebonding
Anybody had asked their gynae if it's ok to do?? i was actually planning to get it done tmr lehz.. took 3 days leave to rest and relak coz its my bdae.. and DH been nagging at me to do smtg to my hair.. lol..
Was very obedient for #1 and did not rebond/colour/perm except to trim alittle when i was abt to due.. so i also not sure if all these can be done anot?
MM6J: YAHHHH!!! i also.. i keep sneezing these few days too.. and i'm so worried hw beanie will feel.. like u said, turbulence lor.. but cant help it wor..

iCez: maybe u can consider those herbal hair colour? as for rebonding/ perm.. i nt sure also.. but hubby ask me not to do anything at all, which is why i look 70 years old now.. white hair sprouting out a lot....
Btw just to share..I just booked my facial..facial therapist ever said if really preggy cannot do ipl n if the place puts aromatherapy oils, u are advised not to smell so..better tell yr facial person that u might be preggy..just in case..no need to confirm lar
Re Soft boil eggs :
Read somewhere its better not to eat as it contain this one bacteria thats not good.
I just finish 2 soft boil eggs b4 i read that article. So gotta endure not eating that.

Re Rebond :
Most hair salon advise against rebonding during the whole preg period cos of the strong chemical.
Seems like organic colouring is ok cos they dont use the normal checmical for colouring.

My gynae check up cost $70 for scan n folic acid.
Next visit is at 9 weeks.
Same here I m down with headache n flu!!! Went to doc was given antibiotic... Dun know if I should take or to live with it...and rest rest .... Now on mc at home...
soft boiled eggs: correct, we can't eat those, v risky, in addition to things like tiramisu, made from raw eggs, soft cheeses like feta, Brie, Camembert

this website even says some subway sandwiches are risky:
e cautious when eating hot dogs, luncheon meats, or deli meats unless they are properly reheated to steaming( or 160 degrees F.): Eating out at certain restaurants that provide deli meat sandwiches is not recommended for pregnant women since they do not reheat their deli meats. Restaurants such as Subway recommends that pregnant women eat the following non-luncheon meat items such as meatball, steak and cheese, roasted chicken, and tuna (limit 2 servings a week).
zara, but it's ok de.. hehe, i also sneezed alot first tri for #1 if i remb correctly, cos nose is more sensitive now.

for #1, i didnt colour or dye or do any treatment or go for facial, massage or manicure hahahah....jus to share lah..i wont do any now also, jus in case lor...

icez, how about u layer cut ur hair since it's thick?
Zara, the vitamin c drink you're talking about is yummy. Haha. I used to drink that too. But now seems like it's too sour for my taste buds.

Jane10, you are so cute. Haha. But these few days I also sneeze till I can feel the muscles stretched on my tummy. Wahaha.

Candymix, me too. Can't imagine my own weight now, been eating and eating even though I'm down with flu,

Dora, I can't advise you on the package, as I haven't discussed it with her yet. But since I am with her since I started TTC, so I stick to her. If I am not wrong, her package startes in week 12 or smt onwards, and the price is $800? Not too sure, happen to eavesdrop abit on other patients when I was there. Haha. But right now, my visits will cost me about $200. It will be around $300-$400 or more if there is blood test. Just a guideline, her consultation is about $80-$90. Scan is $60-$90. I went to her partly due to my preference for a female gynae, plus one of my aunt used to work for her and mentioned that her stitching is good. Oh, just a word of caution though, if you're looking for a doctor who will show lots of sympathy or emotions for you... She might not be suitable. She may come across as quite blunt to some patients la. As in really direct when she speaks. But I prefer doctors like that. Haha. So I'm happy with her.
zara, raine, i know which drink! i like the lemon one. think they used to manufacture a lemon sweet too which when u suck in the middle, there's sale

raine, yah lor, really machiam like take aeroplane turbulence, i know what u mean about the stretched muscles.

i feel damn moody and whiny... 2nd tri come sooner please!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: i literally made the vomitting sound from my office room lor. hope nobody heard me :x
woke up today feeling MS hitting badly, so took MC and resting at home now..
I already cut my hair short, from below bra strap to shoulder length. Cannot take it anymore, bcos my hair too thick, it takes too long to blow dry and will feel giddy bcos I wld have to bent over to blow my other end of the hair. Don't dare to colour though. Have to stick with white hairs for the next 8-9months! Esp CNY, now hubby calling me 白发魔女
Lauren, did dr give u anything for ms? aiyo, jus ignore ur hubby. after u give birth, straightaway go colour then will be mei mei for the full month party.
u remind me about the blowing dry part. i think i mus go snip my nice curls away liaos... :S
esther, no lei, only way is to self-denial lor, pretend it doesnt exist! but honestly my ms for #1 was so much worst. literally wanna cry lor everyday! wah i know the cold sweat feeling.. if only we can have ms leave from office
Pregnant ladies are biggest! Can do whatever we want, MM6J just complain la.. need to get out of the system ;p

Talking about doctors, I am now staying in Beijing, don't really like the docs here. Looking forward to going back to Singapore to see the doc at TMC.
lauren, hahaah so sweet
is healthcare in beijing expensive? when will u be back in sg?

esther, yah i know! actually it's quite silly. u know i conceived #1 in taiwan, and my ms was really really bad. since i was preg with #1, i could not wear or look at the clothes i wore in taiwan (including photos) as it will only aggravate my ms. talk about the mind playing tricks but scary la. i hate the feeling of ms.

i think by taking small bites regularly help put off the ms which jsu miraculously disappeared around month 5 - 6. so that's why second tri come quick please~~~~~

i did hear that ms is hereditary so maybe u may wanna ask ur mom if she had ms. my mom had ms for both me and my sis. good luck to me!
MM6J, I join you to complain! now I really don't look forward to evenings..past 5pm, the nauseous starts... so I eat everything that I can during breakfast and lunch..I think unless we are puking everything we eat out and no nutritions for bb, then doc will give med..I also hope 2nd tri comes soon too! about 5 more wks only, endure! really envy the ladies who have a great appetite..

I was tellin hb, I thought pregnant finally no need watch diet and can eat everything..now, ironically, dun feel like eating at all!

re:half-boiled eggs
I don't dare eat half-cooked eggs anymore, or ham or anything not warm and hot..though I really like these eggs
MMJ6/ Raine: they have orange flavour.. not sour at all! i prefer the orange one too, not too sour.. and the fizziness is quite shiok! hehehe.... but the sweet not from the same manufacturer... its a happy drink, drink liao very happy.. hahahaa....

ms is hereditary? my mom say she experience NOTHING at all lei... only for my brother, her face abit oily and her nose like expanded.. for us 3 sisters.. its so normal for her.. not even sore boobies.. mine is like sore from week 1... and i tot my mense was coming..
i also want first trimester to get away! so miserable yday that i just cried twice! so xin ku ah...

I also want to rebond! but hubby say better dont.. my hair looks hideous already. cant imagine by next May.
YEAH for my #1 i had no MS at all!!!and now.. i feel so sick everyday
no appetite to eat, only eat porrdige, bee hoon soup...lost weight
n no chance to rest cos my boy clamours for me the moment reach home....

MM6J>see...u r not the only one complaining
we are all in it together
littledotty, please feel free to join. ms support group lol. if urs starts from 5 pm, in a way it's good mah, then u don need to deal with it in the office. if i were u , jus quickly knock off and go and sleep! ironically, i think ms better than no ms lah. no offence jus my personal observation that with more ms, kids more "street smart" maybe, the ms will end from second tri! let's all count down. i remb when ms lifted in second tri i was ULTRA HAPPY can! finally could look forward to going shopping prepping for bb's arrival la not that i have anything much to buy now...

zara, lol. i remb the drink is from isetan? not sure cold storage haf anot later i go drink. i actually love the presha fruit juice drink from cold storage. first drank it in aussie. maybe u can try? it's kept near the yakult...

i heard ms is hereditary lah.. not sure how true. lunch time coming and i haf no appetite... siannnnnnnnnnn monday blues!
staying all the way till CNY... bos hubby and I working here. I don't know if MS is herditary but hope that figure does! my mum and sisters all lost weight after pregnancy! don't know if it is bcos of the breastfeeding.
esther, *HUGZ HUGZ. don worry, second tri will put on weight ok! haha, i make everyone complain with me
how u gg to deal with clingy #1? super driving me nutz, even when i am already patting him, he is whining for me to pat him!!! do u still carry him now?

Lauren, wow, up to cny! pei fu u, nvmd we try spend time (from work) together, sounds like ur family has good genes
Omg! One morning and so much posts! Give me some time to read thru....

ICez> Blood test. I dunno what is the exact name of the rest but it is the one which test for DS & other trisomy stuff.

Elffie> Your nick very familiar lei. Saw you somewhere before????
really looking forward to 2nd tri, that is when everything would be more stable and no MS! feeling sick again.. think I better go and try to sleep it through..
I know we are not supposed to go to the dentist during preg but I have been dragging for too long to visit one. Scared of dentist!!!! Now my teeth are finding trouble with me. Ever since I start eating sour plum last Saturday, my teeth have been so sensitive. Like suan suan de feeling. Even when I brush my teeth, it will suan till my goosebumps will stand. Cham ah....
Last friday, my colleagues told me they went to sign up for yoga, then ask me if I want to join. Then I just say, not now ba. Then she [this auntie] say very loudly "YOU PREGNANT AR!" I dunno where to hide my face lor. Then I just ans her saying "I never say anythg." Think she know liao. Then now want to eat sour plum in office also pai seh.
MM6J: isetan have.. ntuc, cold storage, 7 eleven, cheers all shd have.. now got lucky draw somemore.. hahaha.. i just bought from ntuc... 1pack of 6 at $7.80.. got 2 lucky draw chance... just need to send in the caps with the entry form.. hehehe... hopefully i get to win iPad or something... hhehehe...

Chloie: all aunties got 6th sense la.. my hubby cancelled his month long leave (for our Europe trip) and his HR, the auntie, said also.. "ur wife pregnant ar?" and my hubby kept quiet and she went on "why? cannot say first isit?"... my god... my hubby jus choose to remain silent.. hahahah....

zz monster coming for me again.. just ate a small apple.. =p
btw, can we by any chance go for a shoulder massage? my shoulders are really aching like mad.. and i badly need a shoulder massage...
Chloie: Flowerpod?

Re: Dentist
I din know we cant go! wanna schedule one soon leh.. looks like i can skip my dental appt! Yay ^^

Re: Massage:
Foot massage can?

Aaaahhh my MS is so bad i cant move my head too much..
kulogy: thanks.. seems like i have to bear with it.. or ask my hubby to help me to rub abit.. =( it's the sitting at the computer all day that causes this..
Zara> This auntie sickening lah... Just tio with her early this month then she has been trying to be funny with me since then. Massage, unless you go to those who does pre-natal massage but not advisable now. Im also dying to go for one. My left shoulder is killing me. Cannot even use salon pas lor.

Yip (elffie)> I dun go flowerpod lei. Maybe same bridal shop. I think I saw a similar nick in the bridal thread I used to go. Cos this nick very unique so agar can remember. LOL! Your dentist appt. Better call up to ask first.
yip: foot massage cannot..think i read in one of the thread, our feet has a lot of connection with our nerves/ veins and it is not advisable at all..

chloie: give the auntie the "stare" when u pass her next time.. and mine is the right shoulder.. actually preg or not, the problem is always there.. just that last time i can still go massage to relieve it.. now only hubby lor.. jus rub rub gently.. no choice.. he also dun dare to anyhow massage for me.. =(
I dont need to walk pass her. She sits diagonally opposite me [about my 2pm]. Dont want to look at her too much otherwise later bb look like her. Nowadays, I just hate to come to work. I like become outcast. I tio with her then I also say her attitude towards our new colleague wasnt good as well. Now they best friends. Go yoga together, talk only when I'm not at my table, dont talk when I'm back, never offer to tabao lunch for me, and when she communicate with new colleague, anythg that need to ask me, she will say "you go ask her [which is me]". I no name meh! And there was once, my hb told her to send an email to confirm schedule of work with client then she point her finger at me and say "she she she sent liao mah!" Really wanted to bite off that finger ah!
I think facial is ok? as long as let the person know? They will be extra careful. They won't massage ur neck.... I continued with facial =X
chloe: actually we should go dentist when preggie leh cos the likelihood of u going after delivering is near....zERO.
just make sure the dentist doesn't use fluoride. i did it when i was 3mths with no.1

MM6J: yeah!!!!#1 ultra clingy, then wanna sleep beside me at nite, sometimes i have to hug my tummy to ward off his kicks!how how?

just came back from light lunch time exercise,feel much better..woohoo

I thought facial was ok, just need to inform them can liao.
But then our skin are more sensitive now, so it might feel more painful...
For my #1, i went for facial but i felt dizzy lying for one hour, cannot change position...So i think i oni went twice throughout...
