(2012/05) May 2012

Littledotty: thanks for your advice and I'm so sorry to hear that yr little one is sick. I hope he is feeling better now.

Hi Mummies, thanks for your concern.. He is better already but it is a virus that needs some time to clear up, esp the cough and the nose mucus..because he is only 3 mths, he cannot take cough medicine..went for a review on friday and doc said his lungs are clearing up..and the doc inserted this tube inside his nose and throat to help clear the mucus..aiyoh, cry till the roof going to come down..

but he is alot better, no more wheezing, just hope his nose mucus will clear up soon, everytime feed med also heart pain..

Ginger: he started with a cough and then came the runny nose..the problem is the blocked nose and I realised he cannot breathe properly, that's when I worry and brought him to the pd. luckily went, if not could get worse..you will be able to detect a wheezing sound when he breathes..you monitor closely k..baby too young they dunno how to manage the mucus, so it obstructs their airways..you must monitor the ribcage area, see if he takes a very tedious breath and the skin gets depressed..

I told myself, I will never ever bring him close to anyone who has a flu or cough again..already the 8th day, could take up to 2 weeks to totally heal..

he is also sleeping on a higher pillow so that he can breathe better..maybe becoz his nose is sensitive, that's why this virus hit him quite hard..no aircon for him also..
oh one more thing, he will refuse milk becoz he cannot suck and breathe at the same time..coz his nose is blocked..from 140ml every 3 hrs, he only drank 30ml, that's when I panicked..

take good care of your babies k!
little dotty
thanks for the info. I myself is down with flu :S

no choice still have to take care of my baby since there is no one else to help. for the time being his appetite is still good. guess have to be extra careful and monitoring to see if there is any tell-tale symptoms.
littledotty - I understand how u felt. My gal was down with the flu at 8 wks old. The pd had to clear the mucus from the nose with the tube. The crying WAH heart pain.

From then till now occasionally I still hear snorting noises from her nose in the morning. Plus her elder bro on/off flu also. So wat I do is try to sensitise as much as possible
Btw mummies who are using Freestyle pump. Do u sometimes hear a whistling sounds from the funnels? Is it becos I did connect all the parts properly
yup i hear e whistling sometimes.. think it cos the parts not connected properly.. sometimes the pump dont work too and once i reassemble its ok..

my left produce similar to right.. used to be left less than right.. but suddenly got one time after bb latch on the left (i dont do latching tt often).. ss suddenly increase on the left to match the right..

>> sardonyx
my bb raises his clenched fist too.. think its normal~
Mummies, my 2.5mths girl still a lot in the morning and wakes up at night... Tried to make her wake up in the daytime but she will just sleep... Then at night she will wake up almost every hr for feed as she will not finish her milk thus gets hungry easily. But during the day, she can sleep hrs straight without any feed. It's very tiring for me and my hubby as we have a toddler to look after too... Is this normal and soon it will be over?
zp- yr bb probably has still not differentiate day and night. Try to do more daytime activities or go out. Do the same bedtime routine everyday. Shd have improvements
faaa- that's what I think so too... But she sleeps even when we bring her out and she'll scream till the roof collapse if you dun let her sleep... I really duno what to do now... I've already started working andits takin a toll on me...
Do take care Ginger!
FAAA: Does your baby cries after the visit to the doc at home? My boy was crying quite badly today, sometimes after a nap, sometimes during the change of clothes.. The rest of the day he was ok then suddenly cried so badly.. I wonder if it is becoz he was tramautised by the experience at the doc..

N after he cries, he will cough.. Aiyo..

ZP: u want to try to wake your baby up for feeds in e day? More feeds in the day might help reduce the feeds at night. N make your surrounding noisy n bright in the day.. Play w your baby n keep them occupied..
Hi littledotty, nope she didnt cry at home unless we inset the nasal aspirator into her nose to suck out the mucus. I myself was down with the flu that time together with my 3yo. Somehow can't prevent her from getting it. It's been nearly 3 weeks tot she got better than see mucus from her nose again. It's been on/off.

It may be good to feed more frequently. So they can pass out toxins in the poo.
Hi mummies,

I tried changing the avent teat from 1 to 2 (he's 10 wks now) but my boy vomits out quite a lot of milk after he's done with feeding and burping so I switch back to 1. Tried a few times also same results. He sucks and swallows well but will regurgitate a few times, not sure if it's the shorter drinking time that causes this. May I know how do you introduce teat change?
Hi little dotty >

Can you please share your part time cleaner's contact with me? The aunty who came to my house spoilt my toilet sink stopper and in the end I need to spend unnecessary money to get the plumber to replace so decided not to continue with her.

How long have you been using her? How much does she charge? What's her nationally?
Our babies will be reaching 4-6mth weaning soon, any experienced mummies can share what are e recommended brands to buy for weaning stuff? Pigeon, munchkins etc?

Anyone can share good online resources to help first timers on what food to introduce and at which stage? Recipes etc etc? Totally clueless.
Zp,Mb can wipe her face with wet cotton pads to refresh her whenever she falls asp when feeding? During night feeds, be very quiet and feed with a low night light. The rest of the mummies advice are good too.

Phyllis, my boy also 10 wks today. He is using avent 3 and taking 80-100ml in 15-20mins. In the past, i also had prob changing teat but hung in there. A lot of spills but finally he learnt to control flow himself. You try a larger recline angle when feeding and let them lie in that position for 5-10mins before burping to allow milk to flow down the throat.

Rabbitz, I used a mix of pigeon and avent pdts for #1 for weaning. Pigeon is practical and affordable - bowls and spoons. Avent is useful but ex - steamer/blender and sippy cups. Haven tried nuk/munchkin/safety first brands before. The ones I used for #1 can still be used for her bro so they are pretty durable.
Rabbitz - Pigeon has a weaning set that is quite practical for preparation of food. It has grater, strainer etc. I started with pumpkin and sweet potato steamed.
I need advice on training son to sleep through the night

#1 was a good sleeper so no probs. #2 has a 100ml feed at 8pm then wakes up every 3hr for a 40ml feed. Urgh! I almost lost my temper with him last night. Refused to drink any thing more after 40ml.

What shd I do to gradually make him sleep thru? I will be returning to work in 6wks and want my mum to have proper zzz too when she helps take care of him.

I am also afraid to return to work. Still very fat now 70kg 166cm so cannot wear back work clothes. Tried to control diet but bf will be affected. Hard to find time/motivation to exercise too. I pump only so weight loss much less than those who latch on. Any advice?
Hi Mummies,

Have you heard of "No Rinse Waterless Shampoo"? First time hear it so want to ask if anyone has any comments on it to be used during confinement since we can't wash our hair?

Marilyn >

My boy has no problem sucking and drinking the milk but after that he regurgitates out more than the usual. Normally I'll let him settle down after feeding (tilted at 30 degrees, with pillow supporting), will pat downwards his chest for a while then after that I'll lift him up and burp him over my shoulders.

Wow you've already started your boy on avent 3 and that's for 3 mths. My boy finishes his 110ml in 10mins using avent 2, 15mins using avent 1. Not sure if I should just stick to 2 or revert back to 1. I'm a 1st time mum, he's on bm during day and fm during night.

What I did to extend his feeding hours is I'll feed him between 10.30 - 11pm then put him in yao lan to sleep. If he wakes up at 3+ I'll rock him to sleep then he wakes up around 5am for feeding. Normally he sleeps through and wakes up at 5am for feed.

Same here I'm not able to fit in my work dresses. I thought breast feeding helps to use weight regardless if you are latching or pumping? Most of my friend started losing weight after 4 months so guess we need to be more patient with our body.
Marilyn - are you feeding formula or BM for the 40ml feed? Such a waste if he doesn't finish the BM. Wat I do is latch on at night. Save the trouble to make milk. When they are done they go bk to sleep. My gal sometimes latch on every 2hrs which is tiring
FAAA: No equal amount from both breast but I'll try to balance it when I see that happen. Will latch my gal latch on the side which has less milk first. If she drink more, that breast will produce more milk. Cos my left leaks easily (cos inverted nipple?) so I usually dun dare to make it too full. But if my gal feed on left more, then right will have less milk. So got to adjust, like today, my right give more than left.

Like what yingzz said, freestyle pump will got funny sound and no suction power when not tightly closed
, need to check all the 3 points even though it appear tight.

CK: I usually pump at 930, and once again after 330, sure can tahan. But remember to massage while pumping. Can find some meeting room to pump instead of toilet?

Phyllis: For PISA, only need to replace the membrane (the small little white color piece) when suction no good

littledotty: hope your son is fine now. My gal kenna block nose at 1.5 months, and got a lot of phelgm, luckily not bronchitis yet, heart pain to see them so uncomfortable. It last for less than 2 weeks. Now my son still coughing a bit, so ask him not to touch mei mei so often, and only saya the legs. But sometimes, my 3 yo just can't follow instruction!

Marilyn: You are lighter then me liao, I'm still 73kg at 163cm only. Wearing back some of the pregnancy clothes, dun wan to buy cos should slim down further after many late night no sleep. I latch on most often but still can't loose much yet

ak: I do hope that I can loose weight, now more than 3 months!

My gal has not been taking much milk, especially bottles! Nanny said she can take like 100ml for a whole day. She can't even finish 40ml even when she's hungry. Went PD for checkup because of rashes, and ask PD about the low milk intake, PD said ok so long as she's gaining weight. My gal now 5.6 kg at 3 months, almost double her birth weight (2.9kg)
imbalance output/size

i didnt mind initially when my left breast produce less than the right. Usually about 30% less, but recently i realised my right side is visibly bigger than the left. it is always fuller and bigger. i am on exclusive pumping now. @4 hours interval the left side is usually less full and output is less. i had tried to pump a big longer on the left side but it doesnt seems to improve. any other ideas on how to balance the breast?
Phyllis: Sure! But you don't accept pm, maybe u leave me your email? I have been using her for abt three months, she comes once a week. I like her becoz she cleans my house really well n is very meticulous when it comes to baby stuff n his room. She also washes his clothes whenever she sees them in the pail. She also cleans my mum n my sis houses..

I'm returning to work in two weeks time! Can't believe it, I took out all the work clothes n had to iron everything.. I can still fit into them but think the pants a bit tight! Sigh, i also heard bf can lose weight but we shall be patient ok! Sure can lose the weight one..

A lot of people down w flu lately, mummies do take care too! I stop the medicine for my boy, think he Shd be well very soon!
Our meeting rooms are always occupied plus they can't be locked and full glass... Office Mostly open concept too. No choice next avail option is the toilet.. :/
I would like to pump twice at 10am and 3pm too (like what I did for my first child) but I am at a diff co now. Maybe have to do at 6am, 12pm (lunch time) etc (6hr intervals)... Shall have to c how things work out then...
My limbs have slimmed down already as I'm rather skinny to begin with but my tummy is still bloated and round. The bulge is visible in my prepreg clothes, I wonder if it'll ever go down with bfing or only exercise and diet helps. I'm lazy to exercise and definitely not gg on diet as I'm bony enough already! So not sure if I should get new clothes that are baggy at the waist to hide the tummy. For experienced mummies, when did you start to lose your tummy?

I'm having the mummy wrist thing where te wrist aches and hurts from carrying bb too much. Any mummies suffering from it too? How do you manage?
Thanks little dotty my email is [email protected]
What's her rates? You got her through your friend's referral?

Really envy that you lost the fats. Hopefully I can soon - 7kg to lose. My hips has widen so don't think it can ever to back. Sob sob ...

Esteelin my wrist hurts too. I'm using salonpas and it helps - need to put for a few days. The pain will be there so need to remember not to strain it when we carry bb.
Weight loss:
I've gained abt 10kg during pregnancy and very lucky that currently only left with me 3kg. I think somehow maybe the Jamu massage helps a bit.
Phyllis, looks like your boy drinks well. As long as he gains weight and is active, you can change the teat when suitable. As for the reflux, maybe u shd raise it up during PD check. Unless he is not gaining weight due to low intake, then bring him earlier. Does he cry often? Gas causing the reflux?

FAAA, I feed ebm only so hurry put back reminder into the fridge if boy can't finish. Liquid gold. Haha! I dont latch on as i have sensitive nipples. He drank 260ml from 7-10pm on and off zzz. Deep zzz from 10pm - 2am 40ml and 4am 40ml again. Mb I will coax him to zzz instead and he will drink all 120ml at 4am? Shall try tonight!

Mb need to go M&S to shop for work clothes. Hips expansion is traumatizing -_- tummy just got more flaps after #2.. decided to go those sports council gym to work out from Wed.
Anyone wants to join me? Me staying in Pasir Ris.
Ginger - to balance size, really have to return to the smaller breast whenever there is a let down. Trick that size to make more milk. Eventually smaller size will be full like the larger size when engorged.

Esteelin, Phyllis - wrist pain is due to supporting bb's neck when feeding? Tuck adult pillow under your supporting arm to relieve the load. I get wrist and finger aches from using avent manual pump and massaging my small assets.

ck - pump in toilet shd be fine so long as we are alert of hygiene. Wash hands, avoid parts touching cubicle surfaces and store ebm propely after expressing. I pumped in toilets if there are no nursing rooms. Or get those nursing covers to use and then can pump in any room w/o men around.
Phyllis, I have emailed you!
She was referred by her friend coz I need a cleaning lady and she is very busy so she recommended this other friend to do for me.. Ha..I think the only reason why I lose all the weight is becoz I am taking care of the baby myself and at the same time, have to do household chores, cook and see to work matters at home..

But the sad thing now is, my breastmilk supply is not much already..dun think will even get to pump in office when I go back to work..
I'm losing weight so fast I'm a bit scared. Don't like to be too skinny. I'm now even lighter n skinnier than before pregnant. Only tummy a bit flabby. Can fit into all my clothes, in fact can wear those clothes that I couldn't fit previously. Didn't do anything different or exercise. Juz express milk n take care of baby n do chores at home. Maybe coz I gained less than 10kg during pregnancy. Luckily my milk supply still quite a lot. More than my baby needs.
>> sherry
you mean powder shampoo? i used it during confinement.. felt it didnt really help much la..

>> CK
any shopping mall near your workplace? maybe can pump in the nursing room in malls? hmm i will also prob do 6am, 12nn, 6pm pumps.. dont think the office will allow me to pump at 10am and 3pm.. though there is a dedicated nursing rm..

>> Esteelin
me too.. my tummy is so flabby! have started to wear a binder and hope it can help make tummy smaller.. cant go on a diet cos bf and always feel so hungry! lazy to exercise too.. go get new clothes! haha good reason to go shopping! i need to go shopping to get new work clothes!

hmm maybe try to avoid carrying bb so much? for me i dont carry that much.. will put bb in rocker, yaolan, bed etc ..

>> Marilyn
eh can put back ebm in fridge after touch salivia meh? thought should discard? and wow 260ml is quite a lot! at one go?
My nanny dont want to take care of my little girl and I need to find a infant care urgently as I will back to work tomorrow
very rush and very sad and very worry....

I stay at Choa Chu Kang Cresent which near to Yew Tee MRT. Any recomend for infant care near by my house, if good one at far from my house also np hope my little can get the good one..... coz her mother cant take care of her....

Thank you very much!
My hip and tummy still big big
Actually I loose much weight but still far from my pre pregancy weight as I gain more weight during pregnant

I also doing the exclusive EBM. I tell myself be patient to wait for the weight down.
Still got 5 kg to lose but my figure regain back. I'm wearing corset everyday. Tummy become smaller but got the loose skin
noticed its hard to shed off the last few kg, diet can't control much cos need to bf. Any recommendations on firming gel?
Envy those babies who can sleep thru the night?
How u all do that? What the timing like? What time is your last feed?

I last feed my boy at 9-930pm, and he will sleep at 10pm. The best so far he sleep till 430am... Then after his feed at 430pm, he will wake up at 7am...
Sometimes, he wake up at 2am then 5am , then 7am ...
Still cannot get a routine...
Little dotty > thanks. I've just checked my emails but there is nothing. Perhaps the address has a typo error - it's [email protected] can I trouble you to resend? Thanks a lot.
Maybe you should continue taking lactating milk to maintain the supply?

Marilyn > yes he's drinking well and is gaining weight. He doesn't really cry after feeds. Pd says he's above average, haha he said woooo chubby chubby so funny. At last visit (2nd jab) he's 5.89kg and 62cm. At birth he's 3.24kg and 52cm.
I'm already using a pillow to support bb during feeding. Guess the wrist pain comes from carrying bb (the lifting up part) now I try not to carry bb so often and is more conscious of the posture. I'll also leverage on my arm to support instead of wrist so it's much better.
Don't think you can put the ebm back into fridge as it has been contaminated with bb's saliva. What you can do is to put the unfinished ebm into the warmer then let bb finish within 1hr - count from the time you take ebm out from fridge.

Hui Yuin > lucky you for losing all the weight and even additional ones and yet still can have such good supply of bm. If it's me I'd be so happy. I put on about 13kg now 7kg more to go.

Yingz > I diligently wore the binder after the 7 days jamu massage but it didn't help much so I stopped wearing it. After the massage the tummy seems to go back. My lower abdomen is still big, upper is flat, hips expanded. Sigh... What to do just need to be patient and get back to my exercise regime.

Chai > you must be feeling super anxious now as there is so little time to get infant care. My friends share that the waiting list is very long so I'm not sure if you can get one at such a short notice. Perhaps in the interim you can also consider looking for a part time helper to do house work and take care bb. I'm thinking of getting a domestic helper, and was looking at some reviews. You may find this useful http://www.netmaid.com.sg/search/parttime
Priscilla - my gal same like yours. Last feed at 10+, it's a bonus if she sleeps thru to 4:30 or else it will be 2:30, 4:30, 7am. Tiring!!

Mummies, advice please. Will milk supply drop drastically if i drop one pump. Sometimes I go out and cannot pump for 5-6 hrs. But if I'm at home whole day I do 4 pumps at 3hrs interval.

Dolly - my gal has been on/off with the flu since 4 weeks ago. Doesn't help that my 3yo is also on/off with the flu and keep kissing and touching meimei
Yingzz, No shopping mall nearby either.. :/
Chai, must be really stressful to manage this so last min now. Umm.. Shouldn't the nanny give some notice in advance?
>> ak
someone recommend nivea firming body lotion on fb.. she said her ML ask her to get this.. just apply.. no need further massage.. maybe u can try?

>> priscillia
usually i still try to dream feed my boy around 11pm-12mn..

>> phyllis
hahha i see.. my ml ask me to wear for a month but i didnt as it was so hot and cant bathe during confinement.. but now i buay tahan my tummy so hope wearing the binder will help a bit! for me i think 1 hr to finish ebm abit hard cos sometimes i warm the ebm earlier.. i will let bb finish before 2 hr..

i think once in a while drop pump is ok..but if u do so frequently it will affect ss..

>> CK
Ah no choice.. as long as toilet is clean should be ok..
Hi Littledotty,

do you mind sharing ur part time maid contact and rates as i will be going back to work soon and i doubt i will be able to handle household chores and baby together. Thanks my email [email protected]
CK, my nanny said she cant handle 2 gal (another one 4 years old) and asked me bring back my gal at the 1st 4 hours I sent her to nanny place, she claimed that my little gal cried badly at her house but I belive this is normal for 1st week as little gal also need time to make herself comfortable into new environment and ppl and also handling ... So I told her I can take few days leave to stay there until my gal settle down, she just said no need...
I asked for few weeks time frame in order to get another nanny or infant care. Now I feel that infant care will b more realiable as they r bonded by goverment law compare with nanny although they may take care more than 2 bb per nanny. hai.......
If no choice I will go for expensive infant care with this short notice... hai....

Wrist pain
My wrist and joint of the finger also pain since my confinement. My mother bought me AMMELTZ YOKO YOKO and I apply it at my wrist until my arm for bout a week and feel much much better almost no pain (still have every little pain). I feel it effective and cheap. ;)
Thanks Phyllis Setok.
I dont I can hire a part time/full time helper to take k my bb as nobody at house during office hours
I feel more dangerous compare to leave bb for unknow nanny. lol....
sheryl and phyllis: I have emailed you!
i will tell the aunty when she comes in tomorrow..

Phyllis: I wanted to get a maid too, coz cannot find anyone to take care of baby..luckily my mother wants to help me now, til end of the year..chai, you have to start calling and enquire now, might still be able to get one.. i'm thinking too from next year maybe hv to put infant care also but sigh, really can't bear to..so i think i will get a maid at the end of the year..

so you see...govt wants us to give birth but after-birth care is so difficult to arrange!

faaa: i think will affect if you drop feeds consistently for a period of time..then the body get the signal no need make milk for that round of bfeeding..i dropped my 3 hourly pump coz i hv no one to take care of baby when i pump..now, i hardly hv anymore milk..

regarding binder: i also wear it religously coz i had c-sect somemore..now dun care already coz it is so tight that sometimes it gets into the way of squatting!! no need worry, as long as u dun over indulge in food, shd lose the weight in a year..
It gets stressful if bb cries while pumping. So instead of 5 pumps from 9am - 11pm. I'm doing 4 pumps only. I latch on at night but bb doesn't empty the breasts cos she take 1 side at a time. I'm also afraid that my breasts will be loop-sided as my right output is significantly lesser than my left.
Btw mummies, what are your babies sleeping habits in the day like? Wat time do they wake up?

My gal wake up late like 10:30 - 11am. Sometimes she sleep 3hrs straight in the afternoon past feeding time. Normally I heat up the milk approaching feeding time and the milk will be left in warmer for more than an hr. do u think it's still ok to feed her the milk?
chai: U mean nanny only take care of her a total of 4 hours only? Guess no choice but to take annual and the 6 day childcare leave first. I also dun dare to get helper because we both work.

My first nanny for #1 quit on me after 2 months, but likely she give around 1 month notice. She was taking care of 3 then. U can try slipping paper into letter box? I did that to find my first nanny.

FAAA: Yeah, keep telling my #1 not to touch, but the more u say, the more he wanna touch!

Normally I pick my gal around 7:30pm and regardless of when is the last feed, she'll cry for feed around 8pm, then got to give her almost hourly till mid-night, and she will pass motion few times during latches. Next feed is around 5am, these 2 days I tried not to let her wake up till nanny come over so that she can take more EBM. Otherwise she might feed around 7 or 8 am if she wakes.

faaa: wow i think mine is a early bird, maybe coz I used to wake up very early for work..he wakes up ard 7 plus then by 9am he has to nap..then about every 2-2.5hrs he has to nap..usually for 30-35mins..then at night sleep about 7.30pm or 8pm..
